2011-12-19 15:43:45 -08:00
module Fog
module AWS
class ELB
class Real
require 'fog/aws/parsers/elb/empty'
# Create Elastic Load Balancer Policy
# ==== Parameters
# * lb_name<~String> - The name associated with the LoadBalancer for which the policy is being created. This name must be unique within the client AWS account.
# * attributes<~Hash> - A list of attributes associated with the policy being created.
# * 'AttributeName'<~String> - The name of the attribute associated with the policy.
# * 'AttributeValue'<~String> - The value of the attribute associated with the policy.
# * name<~String> - The name of the LoadBalancer policy being created. The name must be unique within the set of policies for this LoadBalancer.
# * type_name<~String> - The name of the base policy type being used to create this policy. To get the list of policy types, use the DescribeLoadBalancerPolicyTypes action.
# ==== Returns
# * response<~Excon::Response>:
# * body<~Hash>:
# * 'ResponseMetadata'<~Hash>:
# * 'RequestId'<~String> - Id of request
def create_load_balancer_policy ( lb_name , name , type_name , attributes = { } )
params = { }
attribute_name = [ ]
attribute_value = [ ]
attributes . each do | name , value |
attribute_name . push ( name )
attribute_value . push ( value )
params . merge! ( Fog :: AWS . indexed_param ( 'PolicyAttributes.member.%d.AttributeName' , attribute_name ) )
params . merge! ( Fog :: AWS . indexed_param ( 'PolicyAttributes.member.%d.AttributeValue' , attribute_value ) )
request ( {
2013-07-31 23:34:03 -04:00
'Action' = > 'CreateLoadBalancerPolicy' ,
'LoadBalancerName' = > lb_name ,
'PolicyName' = > name ,
'PolicyTypeName' = > type_name ,
:parser = > Fog :: Parsers :: AWS :: ELB :: Empty . new
} . merge! ( params ) )
2011-12-19 15:43:45 -08:00
class Mock
def create_load_balancer_policy ( lb_name , name , type_name , attributes = { } )
if load_balancer = self . data [ :load_balancers ] [ lb_name ]
2013-07-31 23:34:03 -04:00
raise Fog :: AWS :: ELB :: DuplicatePolicyName , name if policy = load_balancer [ 'Policies' ] [ 'Proper' ] . find { | p | p [ 'PolicyName' ] == name }
2013-08-01 16:34:32 -04:00
raise Fog :: AWS :: ELB :: PolicyTypeNotFound , type_name unless policy_type = self . data [ :policy_types ] . find { | pt | pt [ 'PolicyTypeName' ] == type_name }
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response = Excon :: Response . new
2011-12-19 16:14:27 -08:00
attributes = attributes . map do | key , value |
{ " AttributeName " = > key , " AttributeValue " = > value . to_s }
2011-12-19 15:43:45 -08:00
2013-07-31 23:34:03 -04:00
# Update other policies
if %w[ PublicKeyPolicyType ProxyProtocolPolicyType ] . include? ( type_name )
unless load_balancer [ 'Policies' ] [ 'OtherPolicies' ] . include? ( name )
load_balancer [ 'Policies' ] [ 'OtherPolicies' ] << name
2011-12-19 16:14:27 -08:00
load_balancer [ 'Policies' ] [ 'Proper' ] << {
2011-12-19 15:43:45 -08:00
'PolicyAttributeDescriptions' = > attributes ,
'PolicyName' = > name ,
'PolicyTypeName' = > type_name
response . status = 200
response . body = {
'ResponseMetadata' = > {
'RequestId' = > Fog :: AWS :: Mock . request_id
raise Fog :: AWS :: ELB :: NotFound