2010-11-01 20:44:14 -04:00
module Fog
2011-06-15 20:32:15 -04:00
module CDN
class AWS
2010-11-01 20:44:14 -04:00
class Real
2011-08-24 15:20:21 -04:00
require 'fog/aws/parsers/cdn/distribution'
2010-11-01 20:44:14 -04:00
2013-03-10 18:14:57 -04:00
# Create a new distribution in CloudFront.
2010-11-01 20:44:14 -04:00
2013-03-10 18:14:57 -04:00
# @param options [Hash] Config for distribution.
2010-11-09 18:49:38 -05:00
2013-03-10 18:14:57 -04:00
# * S3Origin [Hash]:
# * DNSName [String] Origin to associate with distribution, ie 'mybucket.s3.amazonaws.com'.
# * OriginAccessIdentity [String] Optional: used when serving private content.
2010-11-09 18:49:38 -05:00
# or
2013-03-10 18:14:57 -04:00
# * CustomOrigin [Hash]:
# * DNSName [String] Origin to associate with distribution, ie 'www.example.com'.
# * HTTPPort [Integer] Optional HTTP port of origin, in [80, 443] or (1024...65535), defaults to 80.
# * HTTPSPort [Integer] Optional HTTPS port of origin, in [80, 443] or (1024...65535), defaults to 443.
# * OriginProtocolPolicy [String] Policy on using http vs https, in ['http-only', 'match-viewer'].
2010-11-09 18:49:38 -05:00
2013-03-10 18:14:57 -04:00
# * CallerReference [String] Used to prevent replay, defaults to Time.now.to_i.to_s.
# * Comment [String] Optional comment about distribution.
# * CNAME [Array] Optional array of strings to set as CNAMEs.
# * DefaultRootObject [String] Optional default object to return for '/'.
# * Enabled [Boolean] Whether or not distribution should accept requests, defaults to true.
# * Logging [Hash]: Optional logging config.
# * Bucket [String] Bucket to store logs in, ie 'mylogs.s3.amazonaws.com'.
# * Prefix [String] Optional prefix for log filenames, ie 'myprefix/'.
# * OriginAccessIdentity [String] Used for serving private content, in format 'origin-access-identity/cloudfront/ID'.
# * RequiredProtocols [String] Optional, set to 'https' to force https connections.
# * TrustedSigners [Array] Optional grant of rights to up to 5 aws accounts to generate signed URLs for private content, elements are either 'Self' for your own account or an AWS Account Number.
2010-11-01 20:44:14 -04:00
2013-03-10 18:14:57 -04:00
# @return [Excon::Response]
# * body [Hash]:
# * DomainName [String] - Domain name of distribution.
# * Id [String] - Id of distribution.
# * LastModifiedTime [String] - Timestamp of last modification of distribution.
# * Status [String] - Status of distribution.
# * DistributionConfig [Array]:
# * CallerReference [String] - Used to prevent replay, defaults to Time.now.to_i.to_s.
# * CNAME [Array] - Array of associated cnames.
# * Comment [String] - Comment associated with distribution.
# * Enabled [Boolean] - Whether or not distribution is enabled.
# * Logging [Hash]:
# * Bucket [String] - Bucket logs are stored in.
# * Prefix [String] - Prefix logs are stored with.
# * Origin [String] - S3 origin bucket.
# * TrustedSigners [Array] - Trusted signers.
2010-11-01 20:44:14 -04:00
2013-03-10 18:14:57 -04:00
# @see http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/APIReference/CreateDistribution.html
2010-11-09 18:49:38 -05:00
def post_distribution ( options = { } )
options [ 'CallerReference' ] = Time . now . to_i . to_s
2010-11-01 20:44:14 -04:00
data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
data << " <DistributionConfig xmlns= \" http://cloudfront.amazonaws.com/doc/ #{ @version } / \" > "
for key , value in options
case value
when Array
2010-11-30 10:39:02 -05:00
for item in value
2010-11-01 20:44:14 -04:00
data << " < #{ key } > #{ item } </ #{ key } > "
when Hash
data << " < #{ key } > "
for inner_key , inner_value in value
data << " < #{ inner_key } > #{ inner_value } </ #{ inner_key } > "
data << " </ #{ key } > "
data << " < #{ key } > #{ value } </ #{ key } > "
data << " </DistributionConfig> "
request ( {
:body = > data ,
:expects = > 201 ,
:headers = > { 'Content-Type' = > 'text/xml' } ,
:idempotent = > true ,
:method = > 'POST' ,
2011-06-15 20:32:15 -04:00
:parser = > Fog :: Parsers :: CDN :: AWS :: Distribution . new ,
2010-11-01 20:44:14 -04:00
:path = > " /distribution "
} )
2012-09-27 18:00:16 -04:00
class Mock
require 'time'
def post_distribution ( options = { } )
if self . data [ :distributions ] . values . any? { | d | ( d [ 'CNAME' ] & ( options [ 'CNAME' ] || [ ] ) ) . empty? }
Fog :: CDN :: AWS :: Mock . error ( :invalid_argument , 'CNAME is already in use' )
response = Excon :: Response . new
response . status = 201
options [ 'CallerReference' ] = Time . now . to_i . to_s
dist_id = Fog :: CDN :: AWS :: Mock . distribution_id
distribution = {
'DomainName' = > Fog :: CDN :: AWS :: Mock . domain_name ,
'Id' = > dist_id ,
'Status' = > 'InProgress' ,
'LastModifiedTime' = > Time . now . utc . iso8601 ,
'InProgressInvalidationBatches' = > 0 ,
'DistributionConfig' = > {
'CallerReference' = > options [ 'CallerReference' ] ,
'CNAME' = > options [ 'CNAME' ] || [ ] ,
'Comment' = > options [ 'Comment' ] ,
'Enabled' = > options [ 'Enabled' ] ,
'Logging' = > {
'Bucket' = > options [ 'Bucket' ] ,
'Prefix' = > options [ 'Prefix' ]
} ,
'S3Origin' = > options [ 'S3Origin' ] ,
'CustomOrigin' = > options [ 'CustomOrigin' ] ,
'TrustedSigners' = > options [ 'TrustedSigners' ] || [ ]
self . data [ :distributions ] [ dist_id ] = distribution
response . body = distribution
2010-11-01 20:44:14 -04:00
2010-11-09 18:49:38 -05:00