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#Examples for working with HP Cloud Networking Service
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The HP Cloud provides networking support using two abstractions: a model layer and a request layer. Both layers are detailed below.
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**Note:** The networking functionality works with HP Cloud version 13.5 but is not available in version 12.12.
The code samples on this page can be executed from within a Ruby console (IRB):
This page discusses the following topics:
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* [Connecting to the Service ](#connecting-to-the-service )
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**Model Layer Examples**
* [Model Network Operations ](#model-network-operations )
* [Model Subnet Operations ](#model-subnet-operations )
* [Model Port Operations ](#model-port-operations )
* [Model Router Operations ](#model-router-operations )
* [Model Security Group Operations ](#model-security-group-operations )
* [Model Security Group Rules ](#model-security-group-rules-operations )
* [Model Floating IPs ](#model-floating-ips-operations )
**Request Layer Examples**
* [Request Network Operations ](#request-network-operations )
* [Request Subnet Operations ](#request-subnet-operations )
* [Request Port Operations ](#request-port-operations )
* [Request Router Operations ](#request-router-operations )
* [Request Security Group Operations ](#request-security-group-operations )
* [Request Security Group Rules Operations ](#request-security-group-rules-operations )
* [Request Floating IPs Operations ](#request-floating-ips-operations )
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## Connecting to the Service
To connect to the HP Cloud Networking Service, follow these steps:
1. Enter IRB
2. Require the Fog library
require 'fog'
3. Establish a connection to the HP Cloud Networking service
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conn = Fog::HP::Network.new(
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:hp_access_key => "< your_ACCESS_KEY > ",
:hp_secret_key => "< your_SECRET_KEY > ",
:hp_auth_uri => "< IDENTITY_ENDPOINT_URL > ",
:hp_tenant_id => "< your_TENANT_ID > ",
:hp_avl_zone => "< your_AVAILABILITY_ZONE > ",
< other optional parameters >
**Note**: You must use the `:hp_access_key` parameter rather than the now-deprecated `:hp_account_id` parameter you might have used in previous Ruby Fog versions.
You can find the values the access key, secret key, and other values by clicking the [`API Keys` ](https://console.hpcloud.com/account/api_keys ) button in the [Console Dashboard ](https://console.hpcloud.com/dashboard ).
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## Model Network Operations
1. List networks:
2. List network using a filter:
3. Obtain a network by ID:
conn.networks.get("< network_id > ")
4. Create a network:
conn.networks.create(:name => "My Slick Network")
5. Delete a network:
conn.networks.get("< network_id > ").destroy
## Model Subnet Operations
1. List subnets:
2. List subnets using a filter:
conn.subnets.all({:gateway_ip => ""})
3. Create a subnet:
:network_id => "< network_id > ",
:cidr => "",
:ip_version => 4,
:name => "My Subnet Model 1"
4. Obtain a subnet by ID:
conn.subnets.get("< subnet_id > ")
5. Assign a DNS server to a subnet:
subnet = conn.subnets.get("< subnet_id > ")
subnet.dns_nameservers = ["dns_ip"]
6. Delete a subnet:
conn.subnets.get("< subnet_id > ").destroy
## Model Port Operations
1. List ports:
2. List ports using a filter:
conn.ports.all({:mac_address => "< mac_address > "})
3. Obtain a port by ID:
conn.ports.get("< port_id > ")
4. Create a port:
:name => "Port Model 1",
:network_id => "< network_id > "
5. Delete a port:
conn.ports.get("< port_id > ").destroy
## Model Router Operations
1. List routers:
2. List routers using a filter:
conn.routers.all({:name => "Router 1"})
3. Obtain a router by ID:
router = conn.routers.get("< router_id > ")
4. Create a router:
router = conn.routers.create(
:name => "Router Model 1",
:admin_state_up => true
5. Add a router interface using a subnet:
router.add_interface("< subnet_id > ", nil)
conn.ports # If you look at the ports, note that a new port is auto. created, the device_id is assigned to the router id, and the device_owner is updated
6. Remove a router interface using a subnet:
router.remove_interface("< subnet_id > ", nil)
# Removing the interface also deletes the auto-created port
7. Add a router interface using a port:
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# Add a router interface using the port you created
network = router.add_interface(nil, "< port_id > ")
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# Port is updated with device_id and device_owner
conn.ports.get("< port_id > ")
8. Remove a router interface using a port:
router.remove_interface(nil, "< port_id > ")
# after removing the interface, the associated port is deleted
9. Delete a router:
conn.routers.get("< router_id > ").destroy
## Model Security Group Operations
1. List security groups:
2. List security groups using a filter:
conn.security_groups.all({:name => "My Security Group"})
3. Obtain a security group by ID:
conn.security_groups.get("< SecurityGroup_id > ")
4. Create a security group:
:name => 'MySecurityGroup',
:description => 'my security group description'
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**Note:** Two security group rules are created by default for every new security group that is created: one 'ingress' and one 'egress' rule.
5. Delete a security group:
conn.security_groups.get("< SecurityGroup_id > ").destroy
## Model Security Group Rules Operations
1. List security group rules:
2. List security group rules using a filter:
conn.security_group_rules.all({:direction => "ingress"})
3. Obtain a security group by ID:
conn.security_group_rules.get("< SecurityGroupRule_id > ")
4. Create a security group rule:
:security_group_id => "< SecurityGroup_id > ",
:direction => 'ingress',
:protocol => 'tcp',
:port_range_min => 22,
:port_range_max => 22,
:remote_ip_prefix => ''
5. Delete a security group rule:
conn.security_group_rules.get("< SecurityGroupRule_id > ").destroy
## Model Floating IPs Operations
1. List floating IPs:
2. List floating IPs using a filter:
conn.floating_ips.all("fixed_ip_address" => "< ip address > ")
3. Obtain a floating IP by ID:
conn.floating_ips.get("< FloatingIp_id > ")
4. Create a floating IP:
:floating_network_id => "< network_id > "
5. Delete a floating IP:
conn.floating_ips.get("< FloatingIp_id > ").destroy
## Request Network Operations
1. List networks:
2. List networks using a filter:
conn.list_networks({"router:external" => true})
3. Obtain a network by ID:
conn.get_network("< network_id > ")
4. Create a network:
conn.create_network({:name => "Network 1"})
5. Update a network:
conn.update_network("< network_id > ", {:name => "Network 1"})
6. Delete a network:
conn.delete_network("< network_id > ")
## Request Subnet Operations
1. List subnets:
2. List subnets using a filter:
conn.list_subnets({"name"=>"My Subnet"})
3. Create a subnet:
conn.create_subnet("< network_id > ", "", 4, {:name => "My Subnet"})
4. Obtain a subnet by ID:
conn.get_subnet("< subnet_id > ")
5. Update a subnet:
conn.update_subnet("< subnet_id > ", {:name => My Subnet Upd"})
6. Assign a DNS server to a subnet:
conn.update_subnet("< subnet_id > ", {:dns_nameservers => [""]})
7. Delete a subnet:
conn.delete_subnet("< subnet_id > ")
## Request Port Operations
1. List ports:
2. List ports using a filter:
conn.list_ports({"router_id" => "< router_id > "})
3. Obtain a port by ID:
conn.get_port("< port_id > ")
4. Create a port:
conn.create_port("< network_id > ", {:name => "myport"})
5. Update a port:
conn.update_port("< port_id > ", {:name => "My Port Upd"})
6. Delete a port:
conn.delete_port("< port_id > ")
## Request Router Operations
1. List routers:
2. List routers using a filter:
conn.list_routers({"name"=>"My Router"})
3. Obtain a router:
conn.get_router("< router_id > ")
4. Create a router:
conn.create_router({:name => 'My Router'})
5. Update a router:
conn.update_router("< router_id > " {:name => 'My Router Updates'})
6. Add a router interface using a subnet:
conn.add_router_interface("< router_id > ", "< subnet_id > ")
7. Remove a router interface using a subnet:
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conn.remove_router_interface("< router_id > ", "< subnet_id > ")
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# Removes a port with no name using the subnet_id
8. Add a router interface using a port:
conn.add_router_interface("< router_id > ", nil, "< port_id > ")
**Note:** Updates the router_id and device_owner for this port.
9. Remove a router interface using a port:
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conn.remove_router_interface("router_id", nil, "port_id")
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10. Delete a router:
conn.delete_router("< router_id > ")
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2013-11-19 16:13:38 -05:00
## Request Security Group Operations
1. List security groups:
2. List security groups using a filter:
conn.list_security_groups({:name => "My Security Group"})
3. Obtain a security group by ID:
conn.get_security_group("< security_group_id > ")
4. Create a security group:
:name => "My Security Group",
:description => "What my security group does."
5. Delete a security group:
conn.delete_security_group("< security_group_id > ")
## Request Security Group Rules Operations
1. List security group rules:
2. List security group rules using a filter:
conn.list_security_group_rules({:direction => 'egress'})
3. Obtain a security group rule by ID:
conn.get_security_group_rule("< rule_id > ")
4. Create a security group rule:
conn.create_security_group_rule("< security_group_id > ", 'ingress',{
:remote_ip_prefix => """,
:protocol => "tcp",
:port_range_min => 22,
:port_range_max => 22
5. Delete a security group rule:
conn.delete_security_group_rule("< rule_id > ")
## Request Floating IPs Operations
1. List floating IPs:
2. List floating IPs using a filter:
conn.list_floating_ips("fixed_ip_address" => "")
3. Obtain a floating IP by ID:
conn.get_floating_ip("< FloatingIp_id > ")
4. Create a floating IP:
conn.create_floating_ip("< FloatingIp_id > ")
5. Delete a floating IP:
conn.delete_floating_IP("< FloatingIp_id > ")
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[Documentation Home ](https://github.com/fog/fog/blob/master/lib/fog/hp/README.md ) | [Examples ](https://github.com/fog/fog/blob/master/lib/fog/hp/examples/getting_started_examples.md )