refactors create_temp_url method to use the options hash for schemes instead of a parameter. thanks Julian Weber
adds object tests for get_http_url, get_https_url. thanks Julian Weber
Hp provider: ensures that hp_auth_version is loaded as symbol. thanks Julian Weber
changes sym conversion as discussed with rupakg. thanks Julian Weber
implements the get_http_url, get_https_url and url functions according to the openstack and aws providers. thanks Julian Weber
refactor: duplicate parsing of the storage_uri, file#url uses service.create_temp_url to be able to pass options now. thanks Julian Weber
adds :os_account_meta_temp_url_key to test mock helper. thanks Julian Weber
corrects object_tests, also working in mock mode now. thanks Julian Weber
Don’t escape '/' characters in keys. thanks Keith Duncan
Add support for canonicalising AWS keys. thanks Keith Duncan
Fix the Unicode strings for Ruby 1.8.7. thanks Keith Duncan
Pack takes Unicode characters, not UTF-8 encodings. thanks Keith Duncan
Added correct description comment to describe_route_tables, disassociate_route_table, delete_route, delete_route_table, create_route, and route_table(s) model. thanks Kyla Kolb
Created more tests for create_route and cleaned up code. thanks Kyla Kolb
Allowed vpc to be pending when in mock mode, fixed Boolean value for disassociate route table, excluded less specific cidr block for mock mode. thanks Kyla Kolb
removing unnecessary :hosts parameters from dynect and openstack requests. thanks Kyle Rames
Revert "[rackspace] updated shindo helper to add :rackspace_queues_client_id to credentials if it does not already exist. Hopefully this will make it easier to run Rackspace tests". thanks Kyle Rames
added uuidtools gem to dependencies. thanks Kyle Rames
support "name" on cloudstack deploy. thanks Mark Phillips
AWS Data Pipeline delete endpoint does not return a JSON body string. thanks Matt Gillooly
add support for AWS Data Pipeline's GetPipelineDefinition endpoint. thanks Matt Gillooly
add support for AWS Data Pipeline's QueryObjects endpoint. thanks Matt Gillooly
add support for AWS Data Pipeline's DescribeObjects endpoint. thanks Matt Gillooly
Add support for multiple sshkeys and downed zones. thanks Nat Welch
Added coverage badge to thanks Nick Merwin
Revert "[vcloud_director] More mocking.". thanks Nick Osborn
Remove webmock. thanks Nick Osborn
Fix mocking for create server request. thanks Reinaldo Junior
added in mock for create_route_table. thanks Robert Clark
Added mocks for create_route_table and updated description comment. thanks Robert Clark
Added subnetId to describe_route_tables parser. thanks Robert Clark
Change routeTableSet to routeTable for createRouteTable, since it only returns one on creation, yet our mocks were not showing that same functionality. thanks Robert Clark
Updated description and added mock for associateRouteTable. thanks Robert Clark
Corrected description for createRoute to be more accurate. thanks Robert Clark
Setup VPC mocks to create a default route table. thanks Robert Clark
Added describe_route_tables mock. thanks Robert Clark
Removed state from route_table model because route_tables don't seem to have a state, routes do. Also fixes create_route_tables mock. thanks Robert Clark
Added network_interface_id and did a cleanup of create route. thanks Robert Clark
Fixed bug in parser where object memory reference was not being cleared. thanks Robert Clark
Updated routeSet to include all possible parameters, as some were being ignored by the parser. thanks Robert Clark
Added mock for create_route. thanks Robert Clark
Typo in default route. thanks Robert Clark
Do not wrap default route in item. thanks Robert Clark
Updated association to always contain optional fields. thanks Robert Clark
Added delete_route mock. thanks Robert Clark
Updated associate_route_table mock to return the correct association id and with additional fields that were previously missing. thanks Robert Clark
Added mock for disassociate_route_table. thanks Robert Clark
Added delete_route_table mock. thanks Robert Clark
Fixed error happening when the route_table was nil. thanks Robert Clark
Added spots to ignore for mocks in tests. thanks Robert Clark
Updated create route to make additional checks so it passed our tests. thanks Robert Clark
Cleaned up unnecessary parsers. thanks Robert Clark
Authentication + get_organizations working, need to be cleaned up. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
element type is not required , when href is provided. thanks Sneha Somwanshi
renamed service post method according to documentation. thanks Sneha Somwanshi
broke generator code into smaller methods. thanks Sneha Somwanshi
moved method up in alphabetical order. thanks Sneha Somwanshi
using Camel case for edgegateway configuration. thanks Sneha Somwanshi
removed print statements added for debugging. thanks Sneha Somwanshi
generalize server and floating ip create. thanks Terry Howe
formatting clean up. thanks Thomas Cate
added create_agent test. thanks Thomas Cate
added delete_agent_token tests. thanks Thomas Cate
fixed failure test for create_agent_token. thanks Thomas Cate
fixed failure test for delete_agent_token. thanks Thomas Cate
finished all token tests. thanks Thomas Cate
added mock data for check tests. thanks Thomas Cate
added list_checks and list_check_types mocks. thanks Thomas Cate
added list_metrics. thanks Thomas Cate
added list_overview mock. thanks Thomas Cate
use mock for ip info. thanks Thomas Cate
use fog mock data for uuid and entity_id. thanks Thomas Cate
added list_notification_plans mock data. thanks Thomas Cate
Support filters in images collection. thanks Thomas Kadauke
Fix test. thanks Thomas Kadauke
Pass on filters to volume endpoint, mainly to allow admin to get volumes from all tenants. thanks Thomas Kadauke
CRUD for OpenStack heat's Stack model. thanks Thomas Kadauke
Tests for previous commit. thanks Thomas Kadauke
Store mock stacks in memory to make tests more realistic. thanks Thomas Kadauke
Grab parse flag before it hits the connection. thanks Toby Hede
Delete invalid connection keys before request is made. thanks Toby Hede
Add Atmos meta_data request and file_size. thanks Toby Hede
Allow passing Content-Disposition header when saving file into Openstack cloud. thanks Yauheni Kryudziuk
Create list_snapshot_images.rb. thanks dJason
Update list_images.rb. thanks dJason
Update images.rb. thanks dJason
Update images.rb. thanks dJason
Delete list_snapshot_images.rb. thanks dJason
Update list_images.rb. thanks dJason
add mock. thanks fred-secludit
adding new models. thanks fred-secludit
fix / escaping in AWS param signing. thanks geemus
fix S3 vs EC2 escaping differences. thanks geemus
tighten mime-types dependency for 1.8.7. thanks geemus
Strip new lines from PackedPolicySize response from GetFederationToken. thanks gregburek
Add minimal documentation in GetFederationToken request. thanks gregburek
Add mocks for GetFederationToken and enable use. thanks gregburek
Adding models, collections and making a start on request classes. thanks jamiehannaford
Initial commit for Rackspace's new Autoscale features. Most functionality is incorporated, including: - Scaling groups - Configuration (group configuration and launch configuration) - Scaling policies - Webhooks. thanks jamiehannaford
Removing two superfluous files. thanks jamiehannaford
Shindo tests are completed; finished adding Mock data. thanks jamiehannaford
fix for linode using public ip blocks in 192.*. thanks jblancett
Add ability to specify availability zone for subnet during creation. thanks jschneiderhan
remove :host from Excon request params. thanks Brian D. Burns
make a couple storage tests pending if mocking. thanks Kyle Rames
Add support for config_drive. thanks Ferran Rodenas
remove deprecated response block from request. thanks Brian D. Burns
add default Accept header. thanks Brian D. Burns
add #delete_multiple_objects. thanks Brian D. Burns
patch #delete_multiple_objects for Swift v1.8. thanks Brian D. Burns
add methods for SLO support. thanks Brian D. Burns
add #put_dynamic_obj_manifest. thanks Brian D. Burns
patch #delete_static_large_object for Swift v1.8. thanks Brian D. Burns
adding missing require for group builder in tests. thanks Kyle Rames
remove deprecated response block from request. thanks Brian D. Burns
Don't parse JSON in delete_server. thanks David Wittman
A test to reveal a bug in server.create. thanks Joonas Reynders
making server tests more robust. thanks Kyle Rames
removing debug puts. thanks Kyle Rames
updating to only parse json if the body of the response has data. thanks Kyle Rames
hardcoding flavor_id used by mock data. thanks Kyle Rames
removing :host from list of request parameters. See PR #2223 for details. thanks Kyle Rames
moved LINKS_FORMAT to top level helper as it is used by multiple specs. thanks Kyle Rames
updated shindo helper to add :rackspace_queues_client_id to credentials if it does not already exist. Hopefully this will make it easier to run Rackspace tests. thanks Kyle Rames
removing :host key from authentication_v1 requests. thanks Kyle Rames
fix excluding extra characters in Rackspace.escape. thanks Sami Samhuri
fix non-SSL public CDN URLs. thanks Sami Samhuri
[rackspace|auto scale]
fixed update method on launch config; added save and reload method. thanks Kyle Rames
renamed the model tests to follow fog conventions. thanks Kyle Rames
fixed a bug retrieving sub-objects of group. thanks Kyle Rames
fixed bug with group_config.update; added save and reload method. thanks Kyle Rames
added transaction ids to exceptions. thanks Kyle Rames
added implementation for resume. thanks Kyle Rames
updating policy to have a reference to the group rather than the group_id. thanks Kyle Rames
fixing formatting. thanks Kyle Rames
added a save method to policy. thanks Kyle Rames
added save method to webhook. thanks Kyle Rames
adding autoscale examples. thanks Kyle Rames
fixing formatting and documentation; updated collections to pass along dependent parent models. thanks Kyle Rames
adding examples. thanks Kyle Rames
adding tests. thanks Kyle Rames
fixing tests. thanks Kyle Rames
fixing example formatting. thanks Kyle Rames
updated to throw an exception if you try to save a persisted group. thanks Kyle Rames
marking group tests as pending if mocking. thanks Kyle Rames
tweaking syntax for ruby 1.8.7. thanks Kyle Rames
update create scaling group to use GroupBuilder. thanks Kyle Rames
adding auto scale getting started doc. thanks Kyle Rames
updating getting started docs. thanks Kyle Rames
fixing 1.8.7 incompatibility. thanks Kyle Rames
making policy and web hook model tests pending if mocking. thanks Kyle Rames
starting on rackspace auto scale implementation. thanks Kyle Rames
updating tests to reflect formatting changes. thanks Kyle Rames
updated Volume#create to honor snapshot_id attribute. thanks Kyle Rames
fixed mock error. thanks Eugene Howe
fixing broken tests. thanks Kyle Rames
switching default compute provider to Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2. thanks Kyle Rames
filter mocked results for describe_auto_scaling_groups. thanks Blake Gentry
filter mocked results for describe_auto_scaling_policies. thanks Blake Gentry
add ProxyProtocolPolicyType (and formatting). thanks Michael Hale
add set_load_balancer_policies_for_backend_server request. thanks Michael Hale
add support for seeing backend server descriptions. thanks Michael Hale
add support for OtherPolicies. thanks Michael Hale
fix InstancePort parsing in describe_load_balancers. thanks Michael Hale
load_balancer_tests cleanup cert from potentially failed previous test run. thanks Michael Hale
test describe_load_balancers parser directly. thanks Michael Hale
emulate AWS behavior: no BackendServerDescriptions by default. thanks Michael Hale
fix set_load_balancer_polices_for_backend mock to track set BackgroundServerDescriptions. thanks Michael Hale
update helper to include BackendServerDescriptions and OtherPolicies. thanks Michael Hale
fix backend server descriptions model test. Reload the elb to pickup the latest descriptions. thanks Michael Hale
mocks emulate AWS behavior when setting a policy for the backend server a subsequent describe is required to update the local state with the current BackendServerDescriptions. thanks Michael Hale
fix PolicyTypeNotFound error in create_load_balancer_policy mock. thanks Michael Hale
policy model and collection support creating and showing OtherPolicies. thanks Michael Hale
fetch policy descriptions for elb.policies model call. thanks Michael Hale
actually check PublicKey. thanks Michael Hale
use ['Policies']['Proper'] as the canonical mock policy store. thanks Michael Hale
remove unused bits. thanks Michael Hale
check the result of describe_load_balancer_polices for each policy by name. thanks Michael Hale
test that describe_load_balancers mocks properly formats policy results. thanks Michael Hale
restore policy.cookie and policy.expiration methods. thanks Michael Hale
Fixes service deprecations. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Updates to collaboration models. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Add support for keypair and userdata when creating cloudstack vms. thanks Christophe Roux
Adding case insensitivity for set-cookie header. thanks Garima Singh
add new style default security group. thanks Eugene Howe
Make mock EntityAlreadyExists message match reality. thanks Dan Peterson
excluded :headers hash from symbolize_credentials in order to properly pass headers onto Excon. thanks Kyle Rames
exclude :headers from symbolization for real this time; added better tests; Thanks @burns!. thanks Kyle Rames
added options to resuse ip and/or ipv6 and description. thanks Andreas Josephson
Add support for network and external_ip. thanks Romain Vrignaud
client.images doesn't list google public images. thanks Romain Vrignaud
Add support for network and external_ip. thanks Romain Vrignaud
Add private_ip_address method for server. thanks Romain Vrignaud
Fix insert disk to deal with changes to insert image. thanks Nat Welch
updated exceptions to include the service transaction id if available. thanks Kyle Rames
added transaction id to monitoring exceptions; passing service into slurp for compute, databases, dns and load balancers. thanks Kyle Rames
fixing broken tests. thanks Kyle Rames
renaming keypairs to key_pairs to match other compute implementations. thanks Kyle Rames
added error handling to make service catalog more robust. thanks Kyle Rames
fixing broken service catalog test. thanks Kyle Rames
WIP initial commit of alarm example tests. thanks Daniel Reichert
Adding alarm examples tests. thanks Daniel Reichert
Adding alarm example tests. thanks Daniel Reichert
WIP Initial commit of alarm tests. thanks Daniel Reichert
Adding alarm example(s) tests. thanks Daniel Reichert
Adding working alarm tests. thanks Daniel Reichert
Adding support required for tests to pass. thanks Daniel Reichert
Correcting entity destroy logic. thanks Daniel Reichert
Fixing entity destroy logic. thanks Daniel Reichert
Addding Alarms and Check-Types tests. thanks Daniel Reichert
Adding mocks pending indication. thanks Daniel Reichert
Update Alarm bug fixed, uncommenting test. thanks Daniel Reichert
updating to re-authenticate token on expiration; adding monitoring authentication tests. thanks Kyle Rames
updating to use fog conventions. thanks Kyle Rames
adding model tests for agent_token, check, and entity; added destroy method to agent_token and check models; updated models to retrieve identity from header value 'X-Object-ID'; updated check model to take an entity object or id. thanks Kyle Rames
removing bad test per @irdan. thanks Kyle Rames
adding model tests for metrics and data points. thanks Kyle Rames
updated monitoring tests to skip sleeping if we are running in mocked mode. thanks Kyle Rames
fixing broken monitoring test. thanks Kyle Rames
replaced entity_id and check_id attributes with entity and check attributes; removed entity_id from base module. thanks Kyle Rames
put_object with request_block can not be idempotent. thanks Brian D. Burns
Raise NotFound exception when Datacenter or Template is not found. thanks Carlos Sanchez
Make mock data consistent across operations. thanks Carlos Sanchez
searchIndex.FindByUuid datacenter parameter must be a RbVmomi::VIM::Datacenter. thanks Carlos Sanchez
Need to turn off vm and wait until off before destroying. thanks Carlos Sanchez
Fix NoMethodError: undefined method in list_virtual_machines. thanks Carlos Sanchez
Added support to get VM by uuid. thanks Celso Fernandes
Do not send Instances for update_auto_scaling_group (Avoids 413 Request Entity Too Large for ASGs with lots of instances). thanks Michael Hale
[AWS | Autoscaling]
whitelist the options for update_auto_scaling_group. thanks Michael Hale
whitelist the options for create_auto_scaling_group. thanks Michael Hale
dry up expected options. thanks Michael Hale
correct whitelist for create_auto_scaling_group. thanks Michael Hale
ensure tests work in 1.8.7. thanks Michael Hale
Updates to add collaborations. thanks Hemant Kumar
Extract Compute::Shared to own file. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
alias type to volume_type. thanks Grzesiek Kolodziejczyk
Add #get to volumes collection. thanks Grzesiek Kolodziejczyk
fix key name for volume_type. thanks Grzesiek Kolodziejczyk
create volumes from other vol. thanks Grzesiek Kolodziejczyk
parse #complete_multipart error. thanks Brian D. Burns
Add support for the AssumeRole STS method. Also enable the ability for the STS service to use IAM profiles to grab credentials off the EC2 instance, as is in place for the other AWS services. thanks Caleb Tennis
Changes `fog --version` short option to `-v`. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Removes unused getting of Constant. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Comments why Nokogiri 1.6 is not being used. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Move XML/JSON code up out of core. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Fog::Connection documentation. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Adds initial Fog::Connection tests. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Test Core version not deprecated one. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Splits SAX parsing from Connection. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Rename do to docean in examples. thanks Ørjan Blom
Corrected the service mocks for testing to respond with a 304 to values of If-Modified-Since that match Last-Modified. thanks Bob Lail and Luke Booth
Change default image to most recent version of wheezy. thanks Nat Welch
Fix some bugs with using create without bootstrap. thanks Nat Welch
Add PubliclyAccessible option to RDS. thanks Adam Tucker
Extend capability to restore_db_instance_from_db_snapshot. thanks Adam Tucker
Signature method requires x-amz-security-token header. thanks Adam Tucker
Infer the 'image' URL correctly when inserting a server. thanks Akshay Moghe
increased iops limit to 4000. thanks Angelo Marletta
Added support for [xenserver] snapshot. thanks Celso Fernandes
Fixes security group handling for spot requests launching into a VPC on AWS. thanks Dave Myron
Swapped to SecurityGroupId. thanks Dave Myron
fix create_tenant Mock response description and name. thanks Doug McInnes
Update excon dependency to version ~>0.24.0. thanks Erik Michaels-Ober
Update excon dependency to version ~>0.25.0. thanks Erik Michaels-Ober
Passing the connection_options parameter to underlying Fog::Storage object. thanks Hector Castro
Passing the connection_options parameter to underlying Fog::Storage object for Fog::RiakCS::Provisioning. thanks Hector Castro
Used publicURL as default endpoint type for OpenStack network. thanks Hongbin Lu
Rename 'each' method to 'each_page'. thanks James Bence
Loop over Marker header in 'all', remove 'each'. thanks James Bence
Inspect error.response.body, not error.message. thanks James Bence
Restore implementation of each/all. thanks James Bence
Refactor error handling. thanks James Bence
Remove code from other branch-in-progress. thanks James Bence
Remove mistaken version update. thanks James Bence
Construct hash with => (for 1.8.7). thanks James Bence
Use specific error classes, not generic Fog::Compute::AWS::Error. thanks James Bence
Add describe_db_log_files request for AWS, version 2013-05-15. thanks James Bence
Add 'each' that iterates over all log files. thanks James Bence
Add parser/request for DownloadDBLogFilePortion. thanks James Bence
Use correct filters on RDS model snapshots 'all' method. thanks James Bence
Use correct filters in RDS model logfiles 'all' method. thanks James Bence
More DRY, succinct implementation of tag parsing. thanks James Bence
Remove extraneous nil. thanks James Bence
Add db identifier to parser, use it for log_file model. thanks James Bence
Get partial log content via method call; add to log_file model attributes. thanks James Bence
adding proper fixed secondary_ip support. thanks John E. Vincent
remove a debug entry. thanks John E. Vincent
Allows to set the account meta key by setting hp_account_meta_key, needed to generate temp urls using the HP provider, explicitly, instead of using hp_secret_key. If hp_account_meta_key is not given hp_secret_key is used as hp_account_meta_key. thanks Julian Fischer
HP uses a different strategy to create the signature that is passed to swift than OpenStack. As the HP provider is broadly used by OpenStack users the OpenStack strategy is applied when the @hp_account_meta_key is given. thanks Julian Fischer
Adds Fog::Storage::HP::File#url method to enable compatibility with Fog::Storage::AWS::File. thanks Julian Fischer
Fixed bug undefined local variable or method account_meta_key. thanks Julian Fischer
Bugfix: @hp_secret_key instead of @hp_account_meta_key required in storage.rb:186. thanks Julian Fischer
Avoids Digest::HMAC.hexdigest to remain 1.8.7 compatibility. thanks Julian Fischer
Remove File#url. thanks Julian Fischer
Renames hp_account_meta_key to os_account_meta_temp_url_key. thanks Julian Fischer
merging with master. thanks Kyle Rames
Add nil check on metadata mock. thanks Mike Moore
Add attachment check to detach_volume mock. thanks Mike Moore
Add array coalesce. thanks Mike Moore
Uping version to v1beta15. thanks Nat Welch
trying to fix sshable? for gce. thanks Nat Welch
more attempts to get ssh in compute workings. thanks Nat Welch
temporary debug info. thanks Nat Welch
Better comments and a logging attempt. thanks Nat Welch
bug in network interfaces code. thanks Nat Welch
Trying to be more consistent in code. Removing logging. thanks Nat Welch
trying to get metadata do one request per access. thanks Nat Welch
Forgot to delete two lines. thanks Nat Welch
correct syntax for the metadata craziness. thanks Nat Welch
I'm an idiot. thanks Nat Welch
trying again to get metadata working... thanks Nat Welch
Hashes not Arrays. thanks Nat Welch
ahh machine api changed as well... gotta figure out what the api is returning now. thanks Nat Welch
can't be private. thanks Nat Welch
whoops. thanks Nat Welch
Nope. thanks Nat Welch
not that either. thanks Nat Welch
so many syntax errors. thanks Nat Welch
in v15, there are all kinds of places images can hide. thanks Nat Welch
make sure I'm getting valid data back. thanks Nat Welch
trying to actually handle response error data. thanks Nat Welch
Add basic error handling for Fog::AWS::SES. thanks Postmodern
Convert the raw_message for send_raw_email, just in case. thanks Postmodern
Raise Fog::AWS::SES::InvalidParameterError for InvalidParameterValue. thanks Postmodern
Fix autoincrement when creating a flavor if private flavors exist. thanks Thomas Kadauke
Add RDS API version parameter option. thanks Timur Alperovich
Initial documentation for using Fog with CloudSigma. thanks Viktor Petersson
Fixed typos. thanks Viktor Petersson
add license to gempsec. thanks geemus
Added Disk and Disks to Google compute. Created new insert server request method that is backward compatible with the old request method, but also allows all insert server options to be used rather than a subset. thanks jordangbull
cleaned out print statements. Refactored disk(s) to be created the same way as other models. Fixed wait_for on disks to properly work. thanks jordangbull
Fixed minor import issue. thanks jordangbull
Rebased and cleaned up google fog. Changed insert_server to allow all options (not backwards compatible, but throws an informative error. thanks jordangbull
Cleaned code and fixed issue with getting a resource too soon after request for creation. thanks jordangbull
Added access configs name so public ip can be retrieved. thanks jordangbull
Fixed bug with bootstrapped servers not being sshable. thanks jordangbull
small fix in metadata for servers. thanks jordangbull
Fixed server bootstrap to remove default image if a boot disk is specified. thanks jordangbull
Google Cloud Compute now raises Errors rather than throwing them. thanks jordangbull
Added destroy method to disk and zone method. thanks jordangbull
Add SimpleCov and dependenices Add rake tasks for travis, which include publishing coverage reports. thanks mlincoln
Change travis to use a rake task instead of shindont directly. This is partly necessary for, though I'm a fan of running just "rake" or "rake travis" for simplicity anyways. thanks mlincoln
The actual simplecov/coveralls setup. The use of is an attempt to avoid confusing SimpleCov when running tests in parallel. Other tests frameworks take a similar approach when they detect parallel_tests. thanks mlincoln
Some cleanup based on comments on the PR. thanks mlincoln
support block_device_mapping. thanks Grzesiek Kolodziejczyk
adds 'hypervisor', 'lifecycle', 'requester_id', 'source_dest_check', 'spot_instance_request_id', 'virtualization_type' attributes to instances, also fixes instance tests to work in non-mocking mode. thanks Eric Stonfer
[AWS | Compute]
Added copy_image request with parser, mocks and tests. thanks Rad Gruchalski
Added AWS IAM iam.roles support. thanks Rad Gruchalski
Fix excon expects syntax for post object restore. thanks Bradley Schaefer
Add 409 (Conflict) as an expected restore response. thanks Bradley Schaefer
Very basic mock for post_object_restore. thanks Bradley Schaefer
debug excon errors in tests. thanks Brian D. Burns
Include the ResourceRecordSetCount. thanks Edward Muller
Support pagination on Zerigo DNS zones. thanks Eric Hankins
Simplify Zerigo DNS list_zones request. thanks Eric Hankins
Update docs for Zerigo DNS list_zones request. thanks Eric Hankins
Add TTL on save rather than initialize. thanks Eric Hankins
Add Config attributes, and the "get" method for Configs to get detail of a specific config object. thanks Eric Wong
Revert "Updated gem spec to require json rather than multi_json". thanks Erik Michaels-Ober
proper user creation in OS create_server mock. thanks Evan Petrie
Remove spurious warning... thanks Frederic Jean
Fixed typo. thanks Geoff Pado
Add :id attribute to libvirt nic model. thanks Greg Sutcliffe
Include all snapshots in FOG::AWS::RDS::Snapshots#all. thanks Harry Wilkinson
Add Snaphost#each method with lazy pagination. thanks Harry Wilkinson
Added support for OpenStack region for network service. thanks Hongbin Lu
Adding support for AWS CloudFormation list_stacks and list_stack_resources API calls. thanks Joe Kinsella
Using AWS::Compute::Error for CloudFormation errors produces erroneous error messages. thanks Joe Kinsella
Support both RSpec 1.x and 2.x. thanks Josef Stribny
Chdir in a block to dry up all method. thanks Karl Freeman
Fixes #39 joyent server resize command requires expected response code. thanks Kevin Chan
Fixes #1822 Joyent list_machines is slower than it needs to be. thanks Kevin Chan
Support for request signing via ssh-agent. thanks Kevin Chan
Fixes for tags for pre7 api, more ssh-agent improvements Refs: kevinykchan/knife-joyent#37. thanks Kevin Chan
GH-1853 "public" attribute for network. thanks Kevin Chan
Fix "cache_controle" typo in docs. thanks Mark Rushakoff
Avoids Fog::Compute::Joyent::Real#decode_time_attrs raising an exception when an empty string is returned as created or updated property. thanks Pablo Baños López
server.tags implemented. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
Tag#destroy implemented. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
Tags#create implemented. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
shows customizationScript of a VM. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
Added VMware customvalue and customfields to read the annotations for each VM. thanks Marc Grimme
Removed dependency to the Datacenters root path. So that now it should even work with other localizations. thanks Marc Grimme
Load google/api_client late to avoid dep. thanks Dan Prince
Add a custom log warning on load error. thanks Dan Prince
Refactor and extend network interface methods (similar to the ovirt implementation) * added methods to add, remove and update interfaces for vSphere * added missing method to retrieve the interface * added existing attribute key to interface (required for modifying, deleting interfaces) * alias interface's mac to id. thanks Marc Grimme
fixed bug that datastores in subfolders would not be found. thanks Marc Grimme
tests, add snapshots_attributes to cloudstack provider config. thanks dm1try
tests, fix snapshot test. thanks dm1try
tests, remove unreachable code in snapshot test, add testcase for volume relation. thanks dm1try
fixing brittle json test. thanks Kyle Rames
converted formatting from RDoc to YARD. thanks Weston Platter
fix case where volume isn't instantly available to attach upon creation. thanks AltJ
cosmetic - fix space. thanks Andrew Kuklewicz
fix bug with head request - no query on version id for IA. thanks Andrew Kuklewicz
Fog::Model#wait_for: eliminate inner retry loop. thanks Chris Frederick
Implement rescue mode support for Rackspace. thanks Chris Wuest
Rectify issues with tests and status. thanks Chris Wuest
OS: Fix revert_resize_server method name. thanks Dan Prince
Fix non-circular-require warnings. thanks Eric Hodel
Fix bluebox's Server#public_ip_address. thanks Eric Lindvall
Fix typo in method name for DynamoDB::Mock#setup_credentials. thanks James Fraser
(maint) Fixup whitespace. thanks Jeff McCune
(maint) Clean up whitespace errors. thanks Jeff McCune
AWS | storage: use #service instead of the deprecated #connection in the tests. thanks Jonas Pfenniger
AWS | storage: add tests for directory#public_url. thanks Jonas Pfenniger
AWS | storage: add more uniq_id in the tests to avoid collisions. thanks Jonas Pfenniger
AWS | storage: disabling broken tests. thanks Jonas Pfenniger
AWS | storage: make directory.persisted? tell the truth. thanks Jonas Pfenniger
AWS | storage: fixes ignored location with new buckets. thanks Jonas Pfenniger
AWS | storage: big refactor. thanks Jonas Pfenniger
AWS | storage: also escape the bucket name when using the path_style. thanks Jonas Pfenniger
Updated gem spec to require json rather than multi_json; Fog::JSON will attempt to load and use multi_json first and then fallback to require json; removed hard coded references to multi_json. thanks Kyle Rames
Adding multi_json to GemFile as it is now an optional dependency for the gem. thanks Kyle Rames
Added tests for Fog::JSON; Added Fog::JSON::LoadError class; Updated all MultiJson references to Fog::JSON. thanks Kyle Rames
Added pointers to provider specific documentation to thanks Kyle Rames
adding space to force travis to build. thanks Kyle Rames
Remove the OpenStack API cache busting. thanks Mark Turner
Changes the path only if subdomain is not @host. thanks Matthieu Huin
Vsphere: add options of numCPUs and memoryMB for VM clone. thanks Ming Jin
delete vms that is not ready for vm.config, e.g. during the creation period. thanks Ming Jin
merged fog HEAD, deleting whitespaces. thanks Ming Jin
delete whitespaces. thanks Ming Jin
fix issues in checking whether VM is of template type. thanks Ming Jin
trying to move gce to google. thanks Nat Welch
more trying to move gce to google. thanks Nat Welch
GCE -> Google. thanks Nat Welch
merge bin files. thanks Nat Welch
google was in the providers twice. thanks Nat Welch
fixes tests due to class name collision. thanks Nat Welch
remove more references to gce. thanks Nat Welch
an attempt to get gce tests working in travis. thanks Nat Welch
a little sorting of config options. thanks Nat Welch
trying to move gce to google. thanks Nat Welch
more trying to move gce to google. thanks Nat Welch
GCE -> Google. thanks Nat Welch
merge bin files. thanks Nat Welch
google was in the providers twice. thanks Nat Welch
fixes tests due to class name collision. thanks Nat Welch
remove more references to gce. thanks Nat Welch
an attempt to get gce tests working in travis. thanks Nat Welch
a little sorting of config options. thanks Nat Welch
remove google-api requirements. thanks Nat Welch
stripping out thin. thanks Nat Welch
should move auth into a the main class. thanks Nat Welch
Hopeing the head of the gapi makes things better... thanks Nat Welch
actually just specify a version. thanks Nat Welch
load file appropriately. thanks Nat Welch
fix deprecation notice. thanks Nat Welch
more attempts to get server creation working. thanks Nat Welch
get rid of gAPI warnings and Fog deprecation notices. thanks Nat Welch
successfully launched a server. thanks Nat Welch
whoops. thanks Nat Welch
trying to fix 1.8.7. thanks Nat Welch
still trying to figure out 1.8.7 support. thanks Nat Welch
fixing another 1.8.7 bug. thanks Nat Welch
Add correct keys for Google Compute. thanks Nat Welch
whoops. thanks Nat Welch
put extra keys in fog credential error. thanks Nat Welch
Fixes the test running. thanks Nat Welch
13 is now deprecated. thanks Nat Welch
An attempt to get disk requests passing tests. thanks Nat Welch
More accurate disk tests that fail. thanks Nat Welch
Kernel api has been deprecated. thanks Nat Welch
removing listoperations as it doesn't exist anymore. thanks Nat Welch
basis for zone and global operations requests. thanks Nat Welch
better operation APIs. thanks Nat Welch
cheating to make operations tests simpler for now. thanks Nat Welch
firewall tests passing. thanks Nat Welch
passing zone tests. thanks Nat Welch
format isn't write, but valid API requests. thanks Nat Welch
working image test. thanks Nat Welch
more accurate server requests. thanks Nat Welch
fix network list test. thanks Nat Welch
get image tests closer to passing. thanks Nat Welch
trying to get a simple model test working. thanks Nat Welch
progress. thanks Nat Welch
didn't mean to commit this. thanks Nat Welch
fix server list. thanks Nat Welch
slightly more accurate image test, although still failing. thanks Nat Welch
fix delete server. thanks Nat Welch
Fixes insert and delete. thanks Nat Welch
Trying to get ssh command working. thanks Nat Welch
... really?. thanks Nat Welch
trying to get ssh to work. thanks Nat Welch
I'm not saving networkinterfaces. thanks Nat Welch
more attempts to get ssh working. thanks Nat Welch
zone_names are urls, but I need to write them as just the name. thanks Nat Welch
trying to get keys working for ssh. thanks Nat Welch
auto expand home. thanks Nat Welch
whoops. thanks Nat Welch
add set_metadata to upload ssh keys. thanks Nat Welch
custome sshable. thanks Nat Welch
reverting bin.rb to original state. thanks Nat Welch
disable mock running, I think. thanks Nat Welch
merge fail. thanks Nat Welch
Fix CHANGELOG fog version for digitalocean, xenserver and openstack. thanks Sergio Rubio
include response body in exception when request fails. thanks Sergio Rubio
Improved tests reliability. thanks Sergio Rubio
Added changelog. thanks Sergio Rubio
reformatted in YARD format. no content changes, just format changes. thanks Weston Platter
reformatted in YARD format. no content changes, just format changes. thanks Weston Platter
added missing changelog. thanks Sergio Rubio
Add Accept header with application/json for all HP requests. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add user_data option to create server call. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Consolidate the simple mapped options parameters in the create server call. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add the capability to pass in user_data in the server model. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add user_data to the mock data structure. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix mock for create server. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add user_data option to create server call. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Consolidate the simple mapped options parameters in the create server call. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add user_data to the mock data structure. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix mock for create server. thanks Rupak Ganguly
marker option in each method needs to be a string. thanks Andreas Gerauer
handle missing <system> tag in libvirt node info. thanks Dominic Cleal
ovirt quota support. thanks Amos Benari
Removed Zerigo::Models::DNS::Records#find method, moved functionality to all(options) Removed Rackspace::Models::DNS::Zones#find, moved functionality to all(options). thanks Andreas Gerauer
fixed infinite loop in each method of AWS Distributions. thanks Andreas Gerauer
add a test to protect certain Enumerable methods in Fog::Collection subclasses. thanks Andreas Gerauer
get rid of bucket/directory delete - not allowed for IA. thanks Andrew Kuklewicz
add IA specific headers for file. thanks Andrew Kuklewicz
get rid of versions from IA. thanks Andrew Kuklewicz
missed one. thanks Andrew Kuklewicz
fix tests, found a few differences with S3. thanks Andrew Kuklewicz
fix 1.8.7 error, oops. thanks Andrew Kuklewicz
fix internet archive use of headers, remove acls. thanks Andrew Kuklewicz
sshable should take the same options as ssh. thanks Anshul Khandelwal
[aws][glesys] Pass credentials to sshable. thanks Anshul Khandelwal
Use strict base encoding otherwise breaks for very large org names. thanks Chirag Jog
revert typo. thanks Chirag Jog
Fix the base encoding issue with Ruby 1.8.7 Compliance. thanks Chirag Jog
Delete \r also. thanks Chirag Jog
Minor fix: Ensure to send a valid Content-Type. thanks Chirag Jog
Check if a template requires a password or not. thanks Chirag Jog
Remove unecessary print. thanks Chirag Jog
Support optional `snapshot_id` key when creating volumes. thanks Chris Roberts
added dummy filters parameter to servers.all for conformity. thanks Christoph Witzany
Add Riak CS provider in Fog. thanks Christopher Meiklejohn
Updated DescribeReservedInstancesOfferings to take in filters as request parameters. thanks Curtis Stewart
OpenStack: base64 encode personality in rebuild. thanks Dan Prince
Forcing good Excon version. thanks Daniel Libanori
Update file.rb. thanks Dave Ungerer
Stop hardcoding the server ssh port. thanks David Calavera
Use passed blocks to handle scp callbacks. thanks David Calavera
fix syntax, ruby 1.8.7. thanks Dmitry Dedov
changed status to state for conformity and fixed alias for flavor_id. thanks DoubleMalt
replaced dup/delete with reject. thanks Eugene Howe
fixed for 1.8. thanks Eugene Howe
add ovirt quota support. thanks Jason Montleon
1620: Try to add some guards around possible nil objects based on associations in VPCs. thanks Jesse Davis
1620: Try to add some guards around possible nil objects based on associations in VPCs. thanks Jesse Davis
fix tabs. thanks Jesse Davis
First attempt at an S3 path_style flag. thanks Joachim Nolten
rebasing with master. thanks Kyle Rames
rebasing with master. thanks Kyle Rames
removing superfluous readme. thanks Kyle Rames
rebasing with master. thanks Kyle Rames
updated endpoint handing. thanks Kyle Rames
rebasing with master. thanks Kyle Rames
rebasing. thanks Kyle Rames
merging in latest master. thanks Kyle Rames
fixing merge issues. thanks Kyle Rames
fixing merge issues. thanks Kyle Rames
merging in document changes. thanks Kyle Rames
rackspace|compute_v2] removing superfluous note from compute_v2 documentation. thanks Kyle Rames
merging in latest master. thanks Kyle Rames
mend. thanks Kyle Rames
Revert "[rackspace] adding note about credentials in the getting started document". thanks Kyle Rames
convert lib/fog to simply include all providers. thanks Lance Ivy
benchmark for loading all of fog vs just aws. thanks Lance Ivy
fix joyent and xenserver so they can be required individually. thanks Lance Ivy
restore ability to load fog from source without bundler. thanks Lance Ivy
fix bug where servers.all was ignoring filters due to hash merging in the wrong direction. thanks Mick Pollard
Fix S3 directory location infinite loop. thanks Nils Landt
Update changelog and bump version. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix names of the container sync attributes. thanks Rupak Ganguly
remove superfluous Router model attributes. thanks Sergio Rubio
Fix #connection deprecation replacing it with #service. thanks Sergio Rubio
mock fixes in some OpenStack Network requests. thanks Sergio Rubio
added network/subnet/router related example. thanks Sergio Rubio
Added support to impersonate other accounts. thanks Sergio Rubio
added missing mocks. thanks Sergio Rubio
Added storage example to set the account quota. thanks Sergio Rubio
updated storage to support custom endpoints when using auth 2.0. thanks Kyle Rames
extracted auth 2.0 into module; updated cdn to support an external endpoint. thanks Kyle Rames
updated service_catalog.reload; added rackspace_cdn_url as an option to storage service; tweaked compute_v2 auth. thanks Kyle Rames
renaming variables in the interest of clarification. thanks Kyle Rames
updated to use v1 authentication if rackspace_auth_url endpoint is specified without version as with the current implementation of knife-rackspace. thanks Kyle Rames
initial checkin for the Getting started with Cloud Files document. thanks Kyle Rames
SPIKE: converting authentication module to super class. thanks Kyle Rames
updated to pass string rather and a uri to Fog::Connection. thanks Kyle Rames
created auth_token method in service that will return a token defined in the @auth_token variable to the identity service to reduce the chance that token might not be set; improved token tests. thanks Kyle Rames
made some methods private per @brianhartsock. thanks Kyle Rames
updated compute_v2 to use auth 2.0 endpoints. thanks Kyle Rames
updated to support auth 2.0. thanks Kyle Rames
fixing broken test. thanks Kyle Rames
added authentication_method test specifically for chef's default. thanks Kyle Rames
fixing yard doc. thanks Kyle Rames
updated compute_v2 to get the appropriate endpoint from the service catalog when an endpoint is specified via :rackspace_endpoint with one of the known constants (DFW_ENDPOINT, ORD_ENDPOINT, LON_ENDPOINT); updated compute examples to use rackspace region. thanks Kyle Rames
fixed chef issue. thanks Kyle Rames
updated detach volume to use :rackspace_region to specify region. thanks Kyle Rames
added specific exception for invalid states in order to make it easier to rescue. thanks Kyle Rames
added bootstrap and ssh section to compute documentation. thanks Kyle Rames
updated the bootstrap section of the compute_v2 documentation. thanks Kyle Rames
updated test to support ruby 1.8.7. thanks Kyle Rames
Adds update firewall request. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Adds compatibility mode to template. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Updates to requests. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Template list request does not take options. thanks Simon Gate
Only make one request when fetching templates. thanks Simon Gate
Fix template attributes, now they work. thanks Simon Gate
Attribute :keepip removed from server model. thanks Simon Gate
Clean up attributes on server model. thanks Simon Gate
Add public_ip_method to server model. thanks Simon Gate
Add setup method to copy fog ssh keys to server. thanks Simon Gate
Wrap ssh method to use rootpassword if present. thanks Simon Gate
Add BlockStorage provider and add volumes and snapshots support. Add support for bootable volumes, persistent server, cross-tenant acls and temp urls. Add support for Windows instances. Merge the latest code from fog 1.9.0 release. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix generate_object_temp_url to use signer that is backward compatible to 1.8.7. thanks Rupak Ganguly
fixed issue with bootstrap method where server was ready, but it had not received an ipv4 address yet. Added check for ip address in server ready block as well as a timeout parameter. thanks Kyle Rames
This tests consistently fails on either ruby 1.8.7 or ruby 1.9.3 because hash order is indeterminate. I believe the spirt of this test is to ensure that only one header value is generated and thus I have updated the test to reflect that. thanks Kyle Rames
Fixes typo in fetching credentials error. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Fixes security group template. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Fixes schema in image tests. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
fix port to match https default closes #1531. thanks geemus
remove some superfluous reloads, hopefully help with travis test timing issues. thanks geemus
Updated Dreamhost/DNS getting started guide. thanks Sergio Rubio
drop uuid gem requirements, not needed. thanks Sergio Rubio
drop uuid gem dep from fog.gemspec. thanks Sergio Rubio
Add dreamhost to the list of providers. thanks Sergio Rubio
Added getting started guide, initial release. thanks Sergio Rubio
added DNS service tests. thanks Sergio Rubio
fixed object returns in mock. thanks Eugene Howe
Typo fixed in identity. thanks Anshul Khandelwal
Cleanup: Use the service registry for requiring libs where possible. thanks Anshul Khandelwal
Add description to server model. thanks Simon Gate
Ability to pass in options to server details. thanks Simon Gate
Consistent naming of attributes. thanks Simon Gate
ip details should be ip details, not listfree. thanks Simon Gate
Fix ip model name to match nameing convention. thanks Simon Gate
Fix ip attributes, they didn't work. thanks Simon Gate
Return nil if there isn't any public ip address. thanks Simon Gate
Refactor the ip interface, did not work earlier. thanks Simon Gate
add take method to ip model. thanks Simon Gate
Fix error in ip tests. thanks Simon Gate
Make compute test pass. thanks Simon Gate
Attributes were overwritten when getting server details. thanks Simon Gate
Fix bug when trying to attach a ip to a server. thanks Simon Gate
Platform methods to templates. thanks Simon Gate
Rename template model to match Fog convention. thanks Simon Gate
Remove unused features from template model. thanks Simon Gate
remove erroneous block argument to get_object; fixes issue #1588 for OpenStack and HP. thanks Kyle Rames
Fix typo in image_suffix. thanks David Wittman
Enable ebs-optimized spot instance requests. thanks Adam Bozanich
test spot instance request parser. thanks Adam Bozanich
add internet_archive to fog providers, bin, storage. thanks Andrew Kuklewicz
and internet_archive code, tests. thanks Andrew Kuklewicz
fix testing mock. thanks Andrew Kuklewicz
set defaults to be scheme http, port 80, as that is what internet_archive supports. thanks Andrew Kuklewicz
Pass the management URI if no public endpoint. thanks BK Box
Need to check for management variable as well. thanks BK Box
Add support for pulling out virtualization type when parsing AWS Describe Instances results. thanks Brad Heller
Ignore tags. thanks Brad Heller
NextMarker => NextToken. Maybe that's what it used to be...?. thanks Brad Heller
Fix Params related to network configuration. thanks Chirag Jog
Support to Configure the VM network. thanks Chirag Jog
Ability to track vApp level status of readiness. thanks Chirag Jog
Fix Params related to network configuration. thanks Chirag Jog
Support to Configure the VM network. thanks Chirag Jog
Ability to track vApp level status of readiness. thanks Chirag Jog
Remove extraneous print. thanks Chirag Jog
Remove existing (unused) parser module and introduce a TerremarkParser - which extends the base parser with the ability to extract relevant attributes. thanks Chirag Jog
Use the TerremarkParser to extract relevant attributes. thanks Chirag Jog
Minor Fix to delete the internet service. thanks Chirag Jog
OpenStack: update used limits tests. thanks Dan Prince
OpenStack: update tenant_list tests. thanks Dan Prince
OpenStack: get identity tests passing in real mode. thanks Dan Prince
Drop 'extras' from tenant test validations. thanks Dan Prince
Openstack: fix bin/openstack.rb errors. thanks Dan Prince
OpenStack Compute: Fix server model metadata. thanks Dan Prince
OpenStack: Add missing metadatum requests. thanks Dan Prince
vsphere: Support multiple NIC backings. thanks Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
vsphere: Allow listing virtual port groups. thanks Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
Add a zones.find(substring) method to return only zones whose name matches that substring. thanks H. Wade Minter
Add initial support for pulling in >100 zones via Zones.each. thanks H. Wade Minter
Get rid of the extra load() calls. thanks H. Wade Minter
copy & paste to get Blocks LB API working. thanks Josh Yotty
register blb feature. thanks Josh Yotty
Rudimentary CRUD for AWS Data Pipeline. thanks Keith Barrette
Simple model tests. thanks Keith Barrette
Simple request tests. thanks Keith Barrette
Fix failing model tests. thanks Keith Barrette
Mark data pipeline tests pending if mocked. thanks Keith Barrette
Make compatible with Ruby 1.8.7. thanks Keith Barrette
Finished initial draft of Cloud Server docs. thanks Kyle Rames
updating Rackspace Cloud Server Documentation. thanks Kyle Rames
moving documents to another branch. thanks Kyle Rames
adding white space to force travis build. thanks Kyle Rames
refined examples; moved samples into cloud_servers sub directory. thanks Kyle Rames
moving examples; added readme. thanks Kyle Rames
tweaking example readme file. thanks Kyle Rames
tweaking examples document. thanks Kyle Rames
merging with latest master. thanks Kyle Rames
Adding Rackspace getting started and compute documents back in. thanks Kyle Rames
apply edits to Rackspace compute documents. thanks Kyle Rames
fixing links to anchors in Rackspace Compute doc. thanks Kyle Rames
fixing links to anchors in Rackspace Compute doc one more time. thanks Kyle Rames
fixing links to anchors in Rackspace Compute doc AGAIN. thanks Kyle Rames
fixing merge conflicts. thanks Kyle Rames
added 30 second timeout for SSH and SCP connect. thanks Kyle Rames
moved cloud servers examples to lib/fog/rackspace/examples/compute_v2; renamed to thanks Kyle Rames
rebased with master. thanks Kyle Rames
merging with the latest file_metadata. thanks Kyle Rames
rebasing cdn branch with latest master. thanks Kyle Rames
Add implementation for #get_object method. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add implementation for #put_object method. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add implementation for #head_object method. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add implementation for #delete_object method. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable models layer methods and return nil from cdn call. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add the directories model implementation. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add the directory model implementation. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add the files model implementation. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add the file model implementation. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add an implementation of copy method to copy files between containers. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Require HP provider for the fog binary. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add a HP provider class for the fog binary. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable compute service with HP provider. Refactor hp_auth_url into hp_host, hp_port and hp_auth_path to enable flexibility in specifying the host, port and auth path separately. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add the new hp_host, hp_port and hp_auth_path attributes and remove hp_auth_url. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add a new HP provider for compute service. Note the new hp_host, hp_port and hp_auth_path attributes. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add a case for the new HP provider for compute service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add the #list_servers method. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable #create_server, #list_servers and #list_servers_detail services for Nova. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add implementation for #list_servers_detail. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable #list_images and #list_images_detail services. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add implementation for #list_images service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add implementation for #list_images_detail service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable #list_flavors and #list_flavors_detail services for Nova. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add implementation for #list_flavors service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add implementation for #list_flavors_detail service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add implementation for #get_server_details service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add implementation for #get_image_details service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add implementation for #get_flavor_details service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable #get_server_details, #get_image_details and #get_flavor_details services for Nova. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add implementation for #create_server service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable #create_image and #delete_image services. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add implementation for #create_image service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add implementation for #delete_image service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable the #create_server, #update_server and #delete_server services for Nova. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update code with differences from Rackspace API and OS, to make it work with the Nova instance. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add the implementation for #update_server services. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add the implementation for #delete_server services. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable #list_addresses, #list_public_addresses and #list_private_addresses services for Nova. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add implementation for #list_addresses service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add implementation for #list_public_addresses service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add implementation for #list_private_addresses service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable #server_action, #reboot_server, #resize_server, #confirm_resized_server and #revert_resized services for Nova. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add implementation for #server_action, #reboot_server, #resize_server, #confirm_resized_server and #revert_resized services. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable flavors and flavor models. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add implementation for flavors and flavor model layer. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable images and image models. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add implementation for images and image model layers. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable models for servers and server for Nova services. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add implementaion for servers model. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add implementaion for server model. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Refactor connection parameters to accept a single endpoint and credentials. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Refactor Nova connection parameters to accept a single endpoint and credentials. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add a options hash so that headers can be passed in to set acls. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix public_url property to generate a url when cdn is not enabled. Also, create a new url method that returns the full url. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add a helper method to convert a acl string to a header name/value pair that Swift understands. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add an acl property that will allow setting of acls strings. Also, add fix the public property to now toggle the appropriate acl string. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Remove Content-Length header incase Transfer-Encoding header is present. This was done to get the streaming for PUT working. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix a JSON parse error for Nova service methods like reboot. The server returns plain text instead of JSON text and hence JSON.parse barfs. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Revise fog gemspec to reflect hpfog name and tag it with v0.0.6. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add mocking support to Swift HP provider calls. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add a public? method to query a directory's state. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add header_to_acl helper method to convert an acl header into corresponding acl strings. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Retrieve acl headers if present and set the acl string on a directory. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add a check to see if acl string is nil and if so set it to 'private'. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Change serverRef to serverId. This was a change from Rackspace API but has been sync'd upon now. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Change flavorRef to flavorId and imageRef to imageId. This was a change from Rackspace API but has been sync'd upon now. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix DEVEX-634: Remove services that our out of scope. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add CHANGELOG for HP specific fog extensions. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add README with documentation for HP specific fog extensions. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Bump version. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix differences that were there in OS API. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add special char. support including '?' in container and object names. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add a helper method to expose some base info. for clients. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Bump version and update changelog. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix bug DEVEX-1296. Encode container and object names for public_url. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update changelog. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update date for release. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Change flavorId to flavorRef and imageId to imageRef as the specs changed. Also, change expected status to be 202 instead of 200. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Change expected status to be 204 instead of 202. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Change expected status to be 204 instead of 200. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update date for fog merge with upstream milestone. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add connection options param to the HP provider for Storage and Compute services that can be used to customize various connection related timeouts and other options. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Integrate HP CDN service with storage service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix small bug with returning public url in the case when cdn is used. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add initial implementation for cdn services i.e. GET, PUT, POST, HEAD and DELETE. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Hardcode X-Storage-Url as service is returning wrong url. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Assign hp_auth_uri to an instance var. so that CDN can use it. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable delete_container on the CDN service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add fix for special chars. in CDN-enabled container names. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Catch new exception that is being thrown. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update code to call delete_container if CDN is enabled. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Make headers camel cased in public_url and remove manipulation of public_url in save method. Use delete_container in CDN context instead of out_container. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Remove CDN integration from within Storage service, till CDN service is more mature. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update image and images model, and create_image call now uses server_action. Behavior change in Diablo 4. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add new request layer method for rebuild_server and enable it for compute services. Behavior added in Diablo 4. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable new compute services. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add name, accessIPv4 and accessIPv6 as properties. Change create_server signature to include the now required name param. Breaking change due to OS API. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add new attributes, update flavor and image attributes and add corresponding accessors for them. Add new methods for rebuild, resize, revert_resize, confirm_resize, and create_image. Update save method to use new attributes. Update create_server call to pass in name param. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Remove resize related calls as they are not fully functional yet. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update changelog for 0.0.10 tagged version. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add a new option for CDN endpoint url and build the CDN mgmt url. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add a new cdn uri to the Storage service to enable a CDN service from within the Storage service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update destroy and save methods to call appropriate CDN counterparts when CDN service is available and enabled. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add some new attributes. Fix image_id and flavor_id getters. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add request and model methods for change_password_server, and enable it for compute. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add list_key_pairs compute request layer method, and mocks for it as well. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add some mocking helper methods. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix issue with list in mock mode. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable create_key_pair service for compute. Add key_pairs array for mocking support. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add implementation for creating keypair and also provide mocking support. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Remove a debug message. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix param name. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable delete_key_pair request method and implement it, along with mocking support. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable and implement key pairs model layer for compute service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add implementation for list_security_groups request layer method and enable it for compute services. Add mocking support as well. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix a small typo in mocks. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable and implemented create_security_groups method for request layer for compute services. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix code to remove from last modified hash afetr delete in mock code. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Use id instead of name to index the security groups hash in mock data structure. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable and implemented delete_security_groups method in requets layer for compute services. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable and implement create, get and delete security group methods for compute service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable and add the security groups model layer implementation for the compute services. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable and add implementation for create security group rules for compute service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix bugs in mocking support. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Small fix in mocks. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable and implement delete security group rules for compute service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add security group rule methods to security group model. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix create_rule to return response instead of boolean. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add helper methods for mocking. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable and implement allocate address with mocking support for compute services. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add options for keyname, security group and availability zone. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable and add implementation for release address for request layer for the compute service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix documentation. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable and implement get address for request layer along with mocking support for the compute service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Rename these to add a server prefix as they pertain to server addresses. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable and implement list addresses for request layer for the compute service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable and implement the address model layer for the compute service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix the documentation. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Enable and add associating and disassociating addresses to a server instance in the request layer for the compute service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add new attributes and revise addresses hash structure for the mock. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix doc, and status. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Revise implementation for returning private and public ip addresses for a given server, along with mocking support. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Revise mocking support to manage ip address collection in servers. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add server attribute to associate and disassociate a server to an address. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Remove some attributes from object. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add support for passing in key pairs, security groups, availability zone and min/max count to the create server request layer method. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update the server model to support passing in keypairs and security groups. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix some verbiage and update some links. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Remove instance_id as an accessor. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add vcpus as an attribute. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add back some attributes. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update inline docs to add some params. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update changelog with changes for this version release. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Bump version to 0.0.11. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update HP provider with the new CS authentication method and also refactor the legacy authentication method. Also, update HP Storage provider to use the CS authentication scheme. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Retrofit HP Storage provider to work with both legacy and CS authentication schemes. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Refactor code to get endpoints from service catalog for v1 and v2 auths. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update Storage provider to work with v1 and v2 auths. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update CDN provider to work with v1 and v2 auths. Also, patch code for incorrect endpoint via CS catalog. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update for cdn endpoint fix in place. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update inline docs as per real responses. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update CDN integration with Storage with respect to CS authentication. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update HP Compute provider to use CS authentication and retrofit code to use v1 auth as well. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add cdn_enabled?, cdn_enable= and cdn_public_url for directory model. Also, add cdn_public_url for file model. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add connection_options for AWS Compute provider. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Refactor to remove service_type param from provider call. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update inline documentation. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Escape the key in the call. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Remove bits and cores from flavor. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add cores as an attribute to alias vcpus. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add some attributes that are implemented as methods. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add copyright message for HP extensions for fog. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Bump version and update changelog. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update copyright notice. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update inline documentation. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix for auth uri using Identity service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add parameter :hp_avl_zone to access the az2 availability zone to the HP Compute provider. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Bump version and update changelog. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Bump version and update changelog. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Bump version and update changelog. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add key_pair get/set methods for server model. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Hack to fix public_ip_address. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix for Fog::HP::CDN::NotFound exception. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update public_ip_address method to return first public ip address. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Bump version and update changelog. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add an Errors module for handling HP provider specific exceptions. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Refactor escape method for container and object names and move it to the HP provider from individual namespaces. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Remove obsolete method. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Remove bad service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix mock to return integer value for count. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Raise the correct exception in the mock. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add HP provider and credentials to support testing with mocks. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix mocks to match real implementation. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add object tests for storage. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add mocking support for copy operation using puut object. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add more tests for containers and objects. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix an issue in copy mocking portion. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add test for copy objects. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add test for copying from one container to another. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix format of flavors in mocks. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add tests for flavor. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add implementation for mocks. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add mocking support. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Minor fix for mocks. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add tests for images. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update mocking support. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add tests for server requests. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update mocking support. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add tests for addresses and floating ips. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix minor things in tests. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update mocking support. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add tests for keypairs. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update mocking support for security groups. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add tests for security groups. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update mocking support for security groups and security group rules. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add tests for security group rules. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix mocks for create_key_pair. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix mocks for list_key_pairs. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix format for list_key_pairs. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add tests for address model and addresses collection. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add HP provider in the helper. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add tests for key_pair model and key_pairs collection. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add tests for security group model and collection. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add HP credential params. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add HP credential params for mocking support. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add mocking support for HP CDN provider. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add tests for CDN containers. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update mocks to simulate real results in containers. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update tests and mocks based on real pro data. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update tests and mock formats based on real pro data. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update mocks to simulate real behavior. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update key pair tests to work with real pro results. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update mocks to simulate real results. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update mocks and tests to simulate real results. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update mocks and tests to simulate real results. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update mocks and tests for flavor to simulate real results. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update mocks and tests to simulate real calls in pro. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update mocks for address in create_server and corresponding tests. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add hp_tenant_id as a required param for connection to HP providers. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update default scheme from http to https in the v1 auth. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add uuid and links atrributes to the list servers mock. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Pass connection_options hash to the cdn connection in the storage provider. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix a bug where cdn state was not preserved. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add helper method for cdn public ssl url and remove check for hp_cdn_ssl flag. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add helper method for cdn public url for file. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add helper method to get cdn ssl url for the files collection. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add and enable get_console_output request method and add server method console_output. Add test for get_console_output. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add avl zone as required param. Update endpoint retrieving logic from catalog to allow future avl zones. Fix minor error in tests. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add avl zone as required param. Update endpoint retrieving logic from catalog to allow future avl zones. Fix minor error in tests. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add availability zone required parameter for storage and cdn services. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add availability zone required parameter for storage and cdn services. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Minor fix. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add security_groups attribute to the server model. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Change hp_service_type to check for 'name' in the service catalog rather than 'type'. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update tests to reflect addition of security_groups attribute to server model. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update to not raise exception if service is not active or not present. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Upgrade to excon version 0.13.0 to take advantage of the ssl_verify_peer and ssl_ca_file params via the connection_options hash. Also, remove the use of :hp_servicenet setting for ssl for storage and compute providers. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add request layer code for metadata. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update mocking support for metadata to match real responses. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add tests for metadata requests methods. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Minor fix to mocks. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add metadata models support. Also, include metadata attribute in server and image models, to manage metadata. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add some more metadata requests tests. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Minor fix and add a destroy method. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add metadata tests for servers and images. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix code to metadata to the create image call. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add an attribute for network_name to make it easy to switch. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add a multi_json require so that json parsing is available. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Bump version and update changelog. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update call to include response_block rather than passing a block, to conform to excon deprecation message. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add attributes to image model by extracting them from metadata. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add a BlockStorage service to the HP provider. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add list_volumes for block storage. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add get_volume_details request method for block storage. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add delete_volumes request method for block storage. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add object temp url functionality to file model layer. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add request layer tests for object_temp_url functionality. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add tenant_id to the mix to tighten security for the temp_url generation. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update mock for tenp_url. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Call the request layer method instead of the generic util method. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add model tests for storage service. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add the request layer method to extract the windows password from the console log in case of a windows instance. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update the server model with a method to retrieve the windows password. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update the get_windows_password to return the encrypted password instead of the decrypted one. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add grant, revoke and list methods for cross tenant object acls implementation. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add request layer methods for shared container and shared object access. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Bump version and update changelog. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix response status for mocks. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add mocks for shared container and objects calls. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add a new exception class and handled exceptions in exception messages. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add request method for put_shared_object. Add model and collection for shared_directory and shared_file. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Refactor common code into separate method. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix mock for put_container to reflect new acl changes. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix head call to return an empty body. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Removed comment. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Minor fix to allow options on save to pass in metadata. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add method all. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add methods for destroy and save. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add method for destroy. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add request layer method for put_shared_container. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Minor bug fix when acls are nil. Also, added support for specifying list of users for grant and revoke as a comma-separated list. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Allow the models to raise exception when there is insufficient access. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add delete_shared_object and corresponding model support. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update inline documentation. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update method to remove availability_zone as input data parameter. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Allows creation of bootable volumes by passing in single part images. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Allows creation of server instances that use a bootable volume rather than an image as its base. This gives us persistant instances. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix failing shindo tests. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix some null checks. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add request layer methods for listing and getting bootable volumes. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update volume model and collection to handle bootable volumes as well. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add code to accept config_drive and block_device_mapping parameters while creating a server instance. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Move CHANGELOG.hp under hp folder. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Bump the version and update the changelog. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix public_key attribute to be visible in table. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add create_persistent_server request layer method to compute service. Add mocks and tests as well. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add capability of creating regular and persistent servers via the server model. Make image_id an optional parameter for creating servers. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Add bootable_volumes collection for managing only bootable volumes. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Remove bootable volumes list and get methods and moved them under the bootable_volumes collection. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update changelog and release date. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Updated the BlockStorage namespace to be Fog::HP::BlockStorage. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Updated the tests to reflect the BlockStorage namespace changes. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Fix case where invalid CDN endpoint was causing issues. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Update to new code and tests based on changes from upstream fog. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Deprecate hp_account_id to use hp_access_key instead. thanks Rupak Ganguly
implemented purge object from CDN; added CDN tests and mocks. thanks Kyle Rames
more refactoring. thanks Kyle Rames
more refactoring of cdn. thanks Kyle Rames
Fix typo in attachments model. thanks Brad Gignac
Handle malformed API responses. thanks Brad Gignac
Update server to use default networks. thanks Brad Gignac
Allow custom network on server. thanks Brad Gignac
this should address a metadata issue discovered in chef thanks Kyle Rames
this should address a metadata issue discovered in chef picked from commit a859b9ecf550469ac43ea35402785dad59d7c7f2). thanks Kyle Rames
added create server example. thanks Kyle Rames
Adding more cloud server examples. thanks Kyle Rames
updated to check for public_ip_address instead of ip4_address as setup uses the public_ip_address. thanks Kyle Rames
removed timeout from bootstrap method signature and hard coded it in method per geemus. thanks Kyle Rames
added test for put_container with an optional parameter. thanks Kyle Rames
updated mocking framework to support any flavor or image. thanks Kyle Rames
remove erroneous block argument to get_object fixes #1588. thanks geemus
fixing merge issues; added metadata test for servers. thanks Kyle Rames
Added note indicating that RackConnect users should use Server personalization rather than the bootstrap method. thanks Kyle Rames
fixing bootstrap example. thanks Kyle Rames
compute_v2 tests were failing because the flavor used in the tests was too small for the image selected. I updating tests to use the an Ubuntu image in hopes of making the tests less brittle. thanks Kyle Rames
remove extraneous colon. thanks Kyle Rames
removed trailing stash from hard coded endpoints; added accept header. thanks Kyle Rames
added tests for zones.find. thanks Brian Hartsock
fix issue in zones.find where results with no links throw exception. thanks Brian Hartsock
Correctly populate model from request data. thanks Brad Gignac
standardized return format for key with values, # @return variable [data_type]: for values, # * variable [data_type] - description of value. thanks Weston Platter
WIP on get requests. thanks Weston Platter
finished formatting get requests. thanks Weston Platter
requests convert Rdoc to YARD format. thanks Weston Platter
requests minor tweaks to keep docs all the same. thanks Weston Platter
requests changed Rdoc to YARD. thanks Weston Platter
requests finished changing RDoc to Yard. thanks Weston Platter
remove 1 space char for formatting. thanks Weston Platter
i was wrong. this is an int describing "number of seconds before expiration" to confirm, go to -- search for -- expires. thanks Weston Platter
formatting. thanks Weston Platter
added more description. thanks Weston Platter
added docs for other public methods. thanks Weston Platter
added URL for list of S3 docs about Restful HTTP API. thanks Weston Platter
this consistently spaces all methods 2 lines from each other. thanks Weston Platter
Updates reference to service. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
improvements and some mocking. thanks Eugene Howe & Josh Lane
Replaces #new_record? with #persisted?. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Fixes tests by duplicating test setup. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Fixes missing value. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Updates reference to service. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Fixes tagging of some tests. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Fixes ecloud server tests. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Updates reference to service. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Updates reference to service. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Updates reference to service. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Replaces #new_record? with #persisted?. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Updates reference to service. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Updates reference to service. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Updates reference to service. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Updates 'connection' references. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Updates reference to service. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Updates reference to service. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Updates reference to service. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
use old multijson methods. thanks Carl Allen
always use old encode/decode from multijson (it only has warnings in 1.3.0-1.3.2). thanks Carl Allen
Rackspace, openstack, hp API error messages are not set correctly in exceptions. thanks Carlos Sanchez
Add vsphere public_ip_address correctly. thanks Carlos Sanchez
add failing test and update Mock list_users to filter based on tenant_id. thanks Coby Randquist
update tenant.rb to pass the test, by passing correct parameter. thanks Coby Randquist
OpenStack server test updates for real mode. thanks Dan Prince
OpenStack: Drop unused server_format hash. thanks Dan Prince
OpenStack custom exception cleanup. thanks Dan Prince
OpenStack auth updates to select by service name. thanks Dan Prince
skype sucks. thanks Danny Garcia
change copy_object docs to YARD. thanks Danny Garcia
YARD docs for head_object.rb. thanks Danny Garcia
how do I updates my clone with updates from source?. thanks Danny Garcia
change docs on initiate_multipart_upload.rb. thanks Danny Garcia
change copy_object docs to YARD. thanks Danny Garcia
YARD docs for head_object.rb. thanks Danny Garcia
how do I updates my clone with updates from source?. thanks Danny Garcia
change docs on initiate_multipart_upload.rb. thanks Danny Garcia
resolve merge conflicts according to the code on fog master. thanks Danny Garcia
change doc on copy_object.rb. thanks Danny Garcia
change docs. thanks Danny Garcia
Add ability to specify Tags to AWS cfn-create-stack call. thanks David Chen
Remove tabs... thanks David Chen
Added test for Fog::Openstack::authenticate_v2. thanks Eric Hodel
Raise a NotFound exception for missing services. thanks Eric Hodel
Add OpenStack EC2 credentials requests. thanks Eric Hodel
Added OpenStack EC2 credential management models. thanks Eric Hodel
Added documentation for OS-EC2 requests. thanks Eric Hodel
Ruby 1.8.7 does not allow trailing commas in method arguments. thanks Eric Hodel
Ruby 1.8.7 does not allow trailing commas in method arguments (for remaining files). thanks Eric Hodel
OpenStack create_server mocks now match reality. thanks Eric Hodel
Added mock for Fog::Identity#get_user_by_name. thanks Eric Hodel
Removed extra whitespace from previous commit. thanks Eric Hodel
Store the user_id in the server mock data. thanks Eric Hodel
Added SIGINT handler to the fog console. thanks Eric Hodel
OpenStack servers can now retrieve security groups. thanks Eric Hodel
adds support for bucket transitioning/fixes bucket lifecycle management. thanks Eric Stonfer
fixed bug where Fog::Storage::Rackspace::File raised Fog::Storage::Rackspace::NotFound if file was created with passed etag attribute. Changed to check existence based on last_modified instead of etag. thanks Evan Smith
Added multi-region support for OpenStack Image service. thanks Joe Topjian
use CGI.escapeHTML instead of CGI.escape. thanks John Parker
Correct the Blue Box create_block method to check for ssh_public_key, not public_key. thanks Josh Kalderimis
Correct the docs for the ssh_public_key option. thanks Josh Kalderimis
added create_image and delete_image to Compute::RackspaceV2 Fixes #1351. thanks Kyle Rames
added a mock for Compute::RackspaceV2 delete_image; Compute::RackspaceV2 has not implemented mocking support however. thanks Kyle Rames
Updated Fog.wait_for to throw a timeout exception instead of returning false #1368. thanks Kyle Rames
updating wait_for timeout message per conversation with @geemus. thanks Kyle Rames
Modified Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2 destroy image test from test setup. thanks Kyle Rames
Updated Fog::Rackspace::Errors::Service error to include the HTTP response code to aid in debugging. thanks Kyle Rames
Fixing html escape typo in the Rackspace section of the Fog storage instructions. thanks Kyle Rames
added create_snapshot method to Fog::Rackspace::BlockStorage::Volume. thanks Kyle Rames
updated save method in Fog::Rackspace::BlockStorage::Volume and Fog::Rackspace::BlockStorage::Snapshot to skip creating cloud reources if identity was already set Fixes #1402. thanks Kyle Rames
Updated default Rackspace Compute provider to return a Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2 instance. In order to access legacy Cloud Servers, a :version => :v1 parameter will need be passed like so{ :provider => 'Rackspace', :rackspace_username => USER, :rackspace_api_key => API_KEY, :version => :v1 }). thanks Kyle Rames
Updated the save method in Fog::Rackspace::BlockStorage::Volume and Fog::Rackspace::BlockStorage::Snapshot to throw an exception if the identity attribute is set per geemus; rebased code to latest master. thanks Kyle Rames
updating Compute[:rackspace] to use v1 provider. thanks Kyle Rames
Updated compute model tests to take a provider parameter; Updated tests to run tests for Rackspace Compute V1. I will add V2 when the mocks are complete. thanks Kyle Rames
reverted back to version 1 of the Rackspace compute interface along with a deprecation warning. thanks Kyle Rames
implemented list_addresses for Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2. thanks Kyle Rames
implemented list_addresses_by_network for Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2. thanks Kyle Rames
added server metadata operations for Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2. thanks Kyle Rames
refactored Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2 metadata to take collection as a parameter rather than using it as part of the method name. thanks Kyle Rames
fixing broken metadata tests. thanks Kyle Rames
changed metadata implementation for Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::Server and Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::Image. thanks Kyle Rames
changing variable names to make code clearer. thanks Kyle Rames
fixing broken tests. thanks Kyle Rames
added better acceptance criteria to server/image metadata tests; added metadata to ignored_attributes to address bug. thanks Kyle Rames
fixing merge issues with master. thanks Kyle Rames
fixing typo. thanks Kyle Rames
fixing broken tests. thanks Kyle Rames
tweaking tests and error handling. thanks Kyle Rames
merge in latest master. thanks Kyle Rames
Updated Fog::Logger to log to standard out if DEBUG=true is passed in through the environment. thanks Kyle Rames
Fixing merge conflicts. thanks Kyle Rames
fixing merge issues. thanks Kyle Rames
tweaking whitespace in order to get travis to rebuild. thanks Kyle Rames
tweaking whitespace one more time in order to get travis to rebuild. thanks Kyle Rames
initial revision of rackspace documentation. thanks Kyle Rames
Support AWS S3 cors configuration for buckets. thanks Lee Henson
adding support for rackspace loadbalancer content caching. thanks Luiz Ribeiro
Added request create_folder for vsphere compute. This will create a vm folder in vsphere. thanks Matthew Black
Expanded vm_clone to allow for setting up static ip for first nic. thanks Matthew Black
Add Gem Version badge. thanks Michael Rykov
Added new output to vm_clone.rb Fixed 'path' attribute on server model fixed server.clone function and added some documentation. thanks Nick Huanca
Fixed path for folder attribute model. thanks Nick Huanca
Added a new attribute to server model (relative_path) cleaned up clone function from server model Added better use of resource pool, dest_folder Added new datastore selection, simplified vm_clone.rb Added Customization specs for linux machines Added a new call from datacenters method to grab virtual_servers in datacenter. thanks Nick Huanca
fixed up issues with vm_clone looking for methods that didn't exist tested with wait => true, wait => false fails since it cannot load model while server is still being created. thanks Nick Huanca
added styling fix. thanks Nick Huanca
Fixed up tests. thanks Nick Huanca
fixed up some issues with the tests, needs more work and thought. thanks Nick Huanca
added a note about ugliness and needing more help with tests. thanks Nick Huanca
Adds badge for dependencies status. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Make use of #persisted? method. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Removes tags file from repo. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Revert "add GitHub Flavored Markdown to README". thanks Paul Thornthwaite
add GitHub Flavored Markdown to README. thanks Phil Cohen
Fix typo and use #get_header to handle mixed-case header keys. thanks Rida Al Barazi
Adding describe_reserved_cache_nodes.rb ' '. thanks Sean Hart
Added Tests for Elasticache Reservations. thanks Sean Hart
issue/1350 [doc] add other key to options hash. thanks Weston Platter
Added a cors (with bucket) item to the data has of the Storage AWS Mock class (upon creation of the hash). This is to prevent put_bucket_cors from failing during tests. thanks epdejager
Added a test for put_bucket_cors to make sure it runs in a test (mock) scenario. thanks epdejager
remove docs and related, they now live at fog/ thanks geemus
update copyright notice year. thanks geemus
rescue/retry when loading gems (possibly without rubygems) closes #901. thanks geemus
added floatingip. thanks kanetann
added associate_floatingip and disassosiate_floatingip mock test. thanks kanetann
update associate_floatingip for real. thanks kanetann
deleted update_floatingip and changed variable name from floating_network_id to floatingip_id. thanks kanetann
fixed disassociate_floatingip bug and update floatingip-* mock values. thanks kanetann
updated for ruby naming conventions. thanks kanetann
deleted old files eg. floatingip.rb. thanks kanetann
Removes incorrect yard tag. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Updates request docs to use Yard. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Adds baseline documentation. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Documents #request method. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Comments out rogue text. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Fixes generated files EOF with newlines. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Adds Servers#bootstrap. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Adds way to check auth method. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Adds reset FTP for scoped accounts. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Fixes Compute#account to pass service. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Fixes Account#reset_ftp_password. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Fixes test to run out of sequence. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Expands documentation for Compute class. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Tests recognised options. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Refactors credential code in Compute. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Extracts authentication connection. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Refactors how tokens are requested. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Moves tokens to CredentialSet. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Extracts parts of request out of compute. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Adds support for refresh tokens. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Adds option to disable token management. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Adds means to update scoped account. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Moves more of public API into Shared. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Guards unimplemented mock tests. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Switches to using Yard for documentation. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
fixed auto scaling model group 'destroy' method where it needs to use merge! instead of merge to set the opts local variable in place, otherwise the options passed to the method are droppedon the floor. thanks Jay Perry
add offeringType to output from describe_reserved_instances_offerings. thanks geemus
fix mocks/tests around describe_reserved_instances_offerings. thanks geemus
fix one more offeringType mock format test failure. thanks geemus
port off of sts for credentials, now uses signature v4. thanks geemus
Add mock for Fog::Storage::AWS#delete_multiple_objects. thanks Garret Alfert
Little improvements to delete_multiple_objects tests. thanks Garret Alfert
Adds fog User-Agent header. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Splits Fog::VERSION into own file. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Adds fog User-Agent header. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Updates Rakefile to use Fog::VERSION. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Add more record tests. thanks Brian Hartsock
Updates link on to point to doc. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Updates contributing notes. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Replaces link to API to ``. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Adds 1.8.7 note to collaborators guide. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Add support for AWS Australia (ap-southeast-2). thanks Amy Woodward
Add Hosted Zone ID for ap-southeast-2. thanks Amy Woodward
Do not add empty security group. thanks Dan Bode
Add attr group. thanks Dan Bode
Sync with latest OpenStack flavors extensions. thanks Dan Prince
OpenStack floating_ip (aka address) test fixes. thanks Dan Prince
OpenStack: Remove volumes from limits tests. thanks Dan Prince
OpenStack: updates to quota tests. thanks Dan Prince
OpenStack: security group test fixes. thanks Dan Prince
add support for Storage::Rackspace::File#access_control_allow_origin and #origin. thanks Dusty Jones
add support for Storage::Rackspace::File#access_control_allow_origin and #origin. thanks Dusty Jones
Save the file instance before testing for presence of attribute. thanks Dusty Jones
Fix describe_instances stateReason handling. thanks Edward Muller
added support for Storage::Rackspace::File#metadata. thanks Evan Smith
added support for Storage::Rackspace::File#metadata. thanks Evan Smith
merged with origin. thanks Evan Smith
Rackspace Cloud Files. can load metadata from existing file. can set metadata for new file. can unset metadata for existing file. thanks Evan Smith
merged with upstream master. thanks Evan Smith
Implemented bootstrap method for Rackspace Compute v2. Added ability to set "metadata" and "personality" fields when creating a server on Rackspace Compute v2. Improved response parsing when dealing with Rackspace DNS service. thanks Jesse Scott
Removed the commented out password setting line for Rackspace Compute v2 bootstrap method. thanks Jesse Scott
Clarified the logic for finding the newly created DNS record for Rackspace Cloud DNS. thanks Jesse Scott
fix warning message to follow correct bucket naming guidelines. thanks Michael Elfassy
Bucket names cannot begin with the "goog" prefix. Also change for DNS compliant subdomain. thanks Michael Elfassy
VMWare vsphere provider refactor. thanks Ohad Levy
do not force trailing / on path. thanks Ohad Levy
Removes dead link to DNS tests. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Adds link to Code Climate metrics. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Extracts Changelog Rake task to class. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Moves generation a prerequsite. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Extracts docs rake tasks to a class. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Extracts testing Rake tasks to class. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Moves new Task classes to better location. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Revert "[core] Adds fog User-Agent header". thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Inconsistent usage of cpus / vpcus in libvirt / requests. Reported number of cpus was always 1 for libvirt domains. thanks Romain Vrignaud
use CGI.escape when encoding the POST body. thanks Sam Cooper
Added versioned delete_multiple_objects support. thanks Timur Alperovich
Add support for volume_pool_name. thanks Vincent Demeester
fixes issue#1313 ~ Creating user via `Aws.iam.users` ignores `:path`. thanks VirtualStaticVoid
revised create logic to default path to '/'. thanks VirtualStaticVoid
added test for create logic to default path to '/'. thanks VirtualStaticVoid
add region and owner_id as RDS connection attributes. thanks Benton Roberts
add request definitions for RDS tagging and increment RDS API version. thanks Benton Roberts
add tests for RDS tagging requests. thanks Benton Roberts
add tagging methods to RDS server model. thanks Benton Roberts
add tagging tests for RDS server model. thanks Benton Roberts
store mocked RDS instance tags in connection object. thanks Benton Roberts
FIX non-1.8-compliant syntax bug. thanks Benton Roberts
modified create function to include options. changed "diskConfig" to "OS-DCF:diskConfig" to allow disk configuration to be properly set. thanks Alex Dunn
Removed options attribute and used the already existing disk_config attribute instead. Passed in options hash to create_server method with disk_config attribute unless nil. thanks Alex Dunn
Replace nil return value with private IP, implementation as in public_ip_address method. thanks Andrew Taylor
Change the metadata method to support amazon tags such as x-amz-website-redirect-location. thanks Arthur Gunawan
Added ninefold load balancers. thanks Carl Woodward
Added other commands for load balancers. thanks Carl Woodward
Fix create load balancer test. thanks Carl Woodward
Add assign list to load balancer rules and update load balancer rule for Ninefold. thanks Carl Woodward
Add remove from load balancer test. thanks Carl Woodward
Move ssh private_key, public_key, username to Server model to reduce duplication. thanks Carlos Sanchez
Joyent server creation should not wait for server to be ready. thanks Carlos Sanchez
Added ParameterValue to engine_defaults_parser. thanks Curtis Stewart
Added outputs 'Description' field to DescribeStacks parser. thanks Curtis Stewart
Make region available to mock. thanks Edward Muller
Added OpenStack::Server#created and #updated. thanks Eric Hodel
Use :default from tests/.fog for test credentials. thanks Eric Hodel
Only run mocked tests by default. thanks Eric Hodel
Tested handling of Openstack server created and updated times. thanks Eric Hodel
create image now supports block device mapping. thanks Eric Stonfer
create image extended to allow for EBS volume handling. thanks Eric Stonfer
fix indexed_param usage. thanks Eric Stonfer
forgot to commit some changes. thanks Eric Stonfer
when querying servers by icenter group, servers will return nil. fixed this. thanks Eugene Howe
fixed bad request names. thanks Eugene Howe
correct the options checking in BlueBox create_block. thanks Josh Kalderimis
changed list nova servers request to get details. thanks Julio Feijo
Correct the handling of the power_on option. thanks Karan Misra
Added support for scheduler_hints in OpenStack. thanks Mariusz Pietrzyk
add force option to auto scaling group destroy method. thanks Michael Hale
use hash args. thanks Michael Hale
[AWS|cloud_watch]: fix list_metrics NextMarker should be NextToken. thanks Michael Hale
Fix to resolve "objectid is required for this operation" error message when calling public_url. thanks Michael Harrison
Fix to resolve "objectid is required for this operation" error message when calling public_url. thanks Michael Harrison
Return nil on public_url if the file isn't present on the cloud storage. thanks Michael Harrison
Added file existence check before file deletion attempt. thanks Michael Harrison
Rolled back deletion guard as some may be using the exception raised in their code. thanks Michael Harrison
Changed Atmos::FIle.public_url so an exception is thrown if the file doesn't exist on the cloud storage. thanks Michael Harrison
Changed Atmos::FIle.public_url so returns nil if the file doesn't exist on the cloud storage. This brings the method in line with other storage implementations such as AWS and Rackspace. thanks Michael Harrison
Changed Atmos::FIle.public_url so checks for existence of the file on storage on every call to the method minimising the potential for a 404 error. thanks Michael Harrison
added documentation. thanks Nick Huanuca
ammend dest_folder disclaimer. thanks Nick Huanuca
fixed vm listing problem. thanks Ohad Levy
Allows tests to run against FOG_RC setting. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Beginning implementation of RDS subnet groups. thanks Rusty Geldmacher
Changes RDS subnet attribute name from subnets to subnet_ids. thanks Rusty Geldmacher
allow port to be included in queue_url. thanks Sairam
Fixed typos in elasticache and rds describe_events. Added better documentation of describe_events. thanks Sean Hart
Added test for describe_events.rb. It is very simple, and I'm not familiar with Shindo, so may need some assistance expanding. thanks Sean Hart
Added parsing for Marker. AWS limits response to 100 lines and gives you a marker to get the next batch with. thanks Sean Hart
Added missing header. thanks Stephen von Takach
Bumped mocked maximum value for provisioned iops. thanks Thom Mahoney
Ignore existing directory when creating on local storage. thanks Thomas Wright
Add config instructions to README. thanks Thomas Wright
Fix reference to config file. thanks Thomas Wright
expect public_key option instead of ssh_key on block create. thanks Trevor Bramble
Added usagePrice the hourly cost for a reserved instance. thanks Ulf Mansson
automatically figure out the elb hosted_zone_id if possible. thanks Blake Gentry
Add source for getting instance mac address. thanks Carl Caum
Only add VNC password and listen port if present. thanks Carl Caum
Revert 530122d. thanks Carl Caum
Abillity to List Images and List SSH Keys. thanks Chirag Jog
Add support to create, delete internet services. thanks Chirag Jog
Accept vCPUS and Memory as parameters while creating servers. thanks Chirag Jog
Minor Fixes: Remove unncessary prints. Use override_path instead of replace class variable path. thanks Chirag Jog
Fix support to add internet service to the existing Public Ip. thanks Chirag Jog
Support to configure vapp and add multiple internet services. thanks Chirag Jog
Remove uneccessary puts. thanks Chirag Jog
Add support to build/re-build/clobber gem/package/docs. thanks Chirag Jog
Fix minor issue. thanks Chirag Jog
Re-work based on Geemus's review. Manage InternetService and NodeService as separate entities Reload server status properly. thanks Chirag Jog
Revert Rakefile changes. thanks Chirag Jog
1.Ability to fetch/list Orgs, Vdcs, Vapps, Servers. 2.Support to customize CPUs and Password. thanks Chirag Jog
Add ability to configure a vApp with an Org-wide network and associated firewall, NAT rules(limited support). thanks Chirag Jog
1.Fix Catalog Listing for vCD 1.5 2.Construct Valid XML to memory configuration 3.Fix Undeploy vCD 1.5. thanks Chirag Jog
Added m1.medium instance type for AWS flavors. thanks Curtis Stewart
- Updated "@host" variable to "" which is the current host for API calls - Added two calls: add_server_by_configuration.rb and list_configurations.rb -- These calls should be used instead of add_server and list_plans, although we still support them. - General comments were updated. thanks Diego Desani
Add gsub to replace URL-encoded characters in the public_url method. thanks Eric Chernuka
fix reboot guest in vsphere to reboot rather than shutdown guest. thanks Eric Stonfer
added file upload and ip add capabilities. thanks Eugene Howe
added error handling for edge cases where there are no networks or ips. thanks Eugene Howe
[AWS|Glacier} basic vault operations. thanks Frederick Cheung
fix mock not returning the right data. thanks Frederick Cheung
set Content-MD5. thanks Frederick Cheung
Add fqdn to server attributes. thanks Hemant Kumar
Brightbox : Include licence_name in Image. thanks Hemant Kumar
Brightbox: Change licence_name type to Fog::Nullable::String. thanks Hemant Kumar
Add support for port translators. thanks Hemant Kumar
Rackspace Storage: new request, get_object_https_url. thanks James Healy
Rackspace Storage: new request, post_set_meta_temp_url_key. thanks James Healy
Rackspace Storage: a backslash shouldn't be escaped when signing URLS. thanks James Healy
add a basic spec for Rackspace::Storage#get_object_https_url. thanks James Healy
add basic spec for Rackspace::Storage##post_set_meta_temp_url_key. thanks James Healy
Rackspace Storage: fix expiring URLs that contain a hyphen. thanks James Healy
Add Serverlove directory. thanks James Rose
Basic Serverlove implementation. thanks James Rose
Wrong directory. thanks James Rose
Typo. thanks James Rose
Proper request arguments. thanks James Rose
Typo. thanks James Rose
Still wrong. thanks James Rose
Works. thanks James Rose
We want JSON. thanks James Rose
Typo. thanks James Rose
add high io flavor to aws flavors. thanks Josh Lane
Move Dynect endpoint from api2 to api-v4. thanks Marc Seeger
don't let the Paulistas be left out of the party. thanks Martin Englund
use 10.04 instead of 12.04. thanks Martin Englund
Google changed their URL scheme for Cloud Storage. thanks Nat Welch
Also change GCS url in dir and file models. thanks Nat Welch
Added new Server#fqdn attribute to test helper. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Rewrite tests to use 1.8 compatible Hash syntax. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Add missing providers to the all_providers list for testing. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Use string not symbols for Storage tests to work with Shindo tagging. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Retagged tests with strings to be skipped by Shindo. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Tagged AWS URL test so correctly ignored by Shindo. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Reduce maintenance of tests by using a dynamic list of providers. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
add support for multiple regions in Opentack. thanks Pedro Perez
Fixed the link to GitHub issues. thanks Postmodern
Change iprange --> ec2_secg in Mock. thanks Rob Lockstone
Added support for RDS VPC subnet groups. Bumped RDS API version to 2012-01-15. thanks Rusty Geldmacher
Added DBSubnetGroupName to test format for RDS instances. thanks Rusty Geldmacher
Adding server love disk model. thanks Sean Handley
Changed disk model based on responses from real API requests. thanks Sean Handley
Set up drive objects (not disks). thanks Sean Handley
If you use info, you get all the info. thanks Sean Handley
Alias the encryption cipher. thanks Sean Handley
Sometimes the response body is empty. thanks Sean Handley
Destroying drives is easy. thanks Sean Handley
Allowed setting of params as k/v pairs. thanks Sean Handley
Added create/update functionality. thanks Sean Handley
Made create/save conform to the Fog API. thanks Sean Handley
Returning self is totes better than bools. thanks Sean Handley
Fog calls drives "images", rename for consistency. thanks Sean Handley
Beginnings of shin do request tests. thanks Sean Handley
Need these to run the server love tests. thanks Sean Handley
Beginnings of tests for image operations. thanks Sean Handley
Adding mock for easier testing. thanks Sean Handley
Added get_image function. thanks Sean Handley
Added meaningful test for updating images. thanks Sean Handley
Typo!. thanks Sean Handley
Fix conflict. thanks Sean Handley
This shouldn't be here. thanks Sean Handley
Can't run shindo tests with old references. thanks Sean Handley
Added loading of standard image. thanks Sean Handley
Shindo tests pass. thanks Sean Handley
Test that we can view servers. thanks Sean Handley
Whitespace adjustments. thanks Sean Handley
CRUDs + tests for servers. thanks Sean Handley
Added server power cycle actions + basic tests. thanks Sean Handley
Add new request methods to server object. thanks Sean Handley
Use get_server, not get_image. thanks Sean Handley
Need a mock server id. thanks Sean Handley
This was plain wrong - works now!. thanks Sean Handley
Don't start servers by default. thanks Sean Handley
Contrary to the documentation, this actually returns a 200 status rather than a 204. thanks Sean Handley
Allow setting of memory and disk drives. thanks Sean Handley
Allow DHCP assignment by default. thanks Sean Handley
Key 'vnc:ip' was invalid. thanks Sean Handley
Update allowed attributes and defaults. thanks Sean Handley
Increase test drive size to accommodate a real image. thanks Sean Handley
Without setting SMP the web UI won't load :-/. thanks Sean Handley
Reduce from 80GB to 20GB - big enough, save space. thanks Sean Handley
Standard images need to be unzipped. thanks Sean Handley
Need to wait for imaging to complete. thanks Sean Handley
Add a pseudorandom password generator for VNC. thanks Sean Handley
Auto generate VNC password randomly. thanks Sean Handley
Used the amazon published endpoints for sqs as defined at thanks Stuart Eccles
Better mocks for invalid Provisioned IOPS values. thanks Thom Mahoney
Add generic support for EMC Atmos. thanks Timur Alperovich
Submit password/ssh_key/username through POST body. thanks Trevor Bramble
Update public_url to handle new header casings from Rackspace. thanks Zachary Danger Campbell
CloudStack: images.get always returns nil - fixed. thanks alex
add changelog for 1.5.0. thanks geemus
fixes for cloudstack mock tests see #1090. thanks geemus
fix mocked elb tests by including InstanceProtocol closes #1090. thanks geemus
expand travis config, build more rubies, use non-threaded runner. thanks geemus
just run mri for now on travis. thanks geemus
remove empty failure block from model_helper. thanks geemus
allow 1.8.7 to fail and not report for now (until I can work out why it fails when 1.9.x works. thanks geemus
return to expecting 1.8.7 to pass. thanks geemus
fix deprecated requires in Rakefile. thanks geemus
Made steps to get update/create working. Work in progress. thanks seanhandley
fix group#instances returning all autoscaled instances in the account. thanks Frederick Cheung
fixed incorrect mock method signature. thanks Ohad Levy
ensure Fog volumes do not raise on LVM based volumes. thanks Ohad Levy
Address#destroy handles VPC addresses, improve address allocate/release mocking for VPC. thanks Dan Peterson
Fix bug in cache cluster test. thanks Benton Roberts
Remove erroneous whitespace trimming. thanks Benton Roberts
Add Elasticache service-level mocking support. thanks Benton Roberts
Add mocking for cache cluster requests. thanks Benton Roberts
Change modify_cache_cluster test to work in mocking mode. thanks Benton Roberts
Enable mocking for elasticache cluster tests. thanks Benton Roberts
Mock raises NotFound Exception when AWS does. thanks Benton Roberts
Default to false for persistent connections. thanks Kenny Johnston
fix rule revoke mock. thanks Josh Lane
add groups and rules. thanks Josh Lane & Jason Hansen
assign security group. thanks Josh Lane & Jason Hansen
No more recursion when polling jobs. Raise an error if the body indicates failure. thanks Dan Peterson
Typo in ephemeral naming. thanks Josh Pasqualetto
fix dataset format in tests. thanks geemus
mark tests pending in mock mode. thanks geemus
fix changelog task for github API v3. thanks Aaron Suggs
update changelog for release 1.4.0. thanks Aaron Suggs
changelog: backdate to release data. thanks Aaron Suggs
Local storage support for #public_url. thanks Adam Tanner
Bugfix in Fog::DNS::AWS::Records.all!. thanks Alexander Kolesen
Fix for stopping all the servers instead of just specified servers. thanks Avrohom Katz
private ip address should start with a 10. thanks Avrohom Katz
Use proper signature when testing with aws mock. thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
The user must be destroyed even in mock mode, otherwise completely unrelated tests fail (e.g. tests/aws/models/iam/users_tests.rb). thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
The condition here should be the same as for destroying, so that we test iff the instance gets destroyed. thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
The assignment correctly returns nil, just the test has to react to it. thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
The assignment correctly returns false, just the test has to react to it. thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
Include this to make refresh_credentials_if_expired method work properly with Mock. thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
Fix the number where credentials expire - if too high, other tests will fail. thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
Fix openstack tests. thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
Fix more openstack mock tests failures. thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
Add the mock urls to fix some more openstack tests. thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
Fix minor typos and incorrect types in openstack volume tests. thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
More typos in openstack server tests. thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
Rework the quota mock testing to work and be more comfortable. thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
Must use values, so that connection.list_roles gets corrent argument. thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
Deleting returns nothing, so do not expect role. thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
Properly check whether role is present. thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
Return the properly updated image. thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
Add the 'new_image' public images, so that find_by_id can find it. thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
The pending block fails the outer one => make sure we return proper result. thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
Use proper parameters when testing deploying cloudstact VMs. thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
This was implemented right previously, shouldn't have changed it. thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
Correct solution for subnet failing tests - use a collection in thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
Do the same thing for vpcs as previously done for subnets. thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
...and the same for dhcp_options. thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
And the same for internet gateways. thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
Fixes the failure for hp storage. thanks Bohuslav Kabrda
[rackspace|databases| Add service tests. thanks Brad Gignac
fix for RDS mocking to avoid state flipping between "modifying" and "available". thanks Brian Nelson
Fix typo listing datacenters. thanks Carlos Sanchez
Stop vSphere vms before destroying, or destroy will fail. thanks Carlos Sanchez
Add a failure for #1014. :v:. thanks Dylan Egan
Only dup @attributes if it's not nil. thanks Edward Muller
each based pagination for Fog::AWS::IAM#users. thanks Edward Muller
fixes elb test in mocking mode. thanks Eric Stonfer
fix running subnet tests in mocking mode. thanks Eric Stonfer
fix subnet tests in mocking mode. thanks Eric Stonfer
fog bombs out on ruby 1.8.x because it cannot find Mutex. thanks Eric Stonfer
fix not pulling InstanceProtocol from the xml. thanks Frederick Cheung
Add Sao Paulo server to Amazon RDS known regions. thanks Irio Irineu Musskopf Junior
Add Sao Paulo server to Amazon SQS known regions. thanks Irio Irineu Musskopf Junior
Fix bug in local storage #copy_object. thanks Jade Tucker
Add and get SSL certificates to Rackspace Soft LB. thanks Justin Barry
Default to being less pessimistic about excon. thanks Kevin Moore
Fix ssh key behavior when passing specified private keys to ssh/scp. thanks Marc Seeger
Should not modify passed in "params" variable since block might run several times due to authentication failure producing erroneous path. thanks Max Stepanov
As discussed in #991, this converts the readme from SimpleMarkup to Markdown. thanks Mike Fiedler
added PeopleAdmin to list of users. thanks Mike Manewitz
Fixing typo bug in rackspace load balancer set_ssl_termination request. thanks Paul
add us-east-1e to mock. thanks Shai Rosenfeld
Pass up all the options that have been assigned. thanks Trotter Cashion
Pass options on to AutoScalingGroup. thanks Trotter Cashion
make beanstalk, cdn, cloudformation, cloudwatch, elasticache, elb, storage, rds, ses, sns, route53 temporary credential friendly. thanks Frederick Cheung
[AWS|Auto Scale]
Add support for put_notification_configuration and change AWS API to use 01-01-2011 Spec. thanks Zuhaib M Siddique
Fixing Parameters notes for autoscale create launch configuration for InstanceMonitoring. Credit goes to boto, , for having it correct. thanks Zuhaib M Siddique
Fixing Parameters notes for autoscale create launch configuration for InstanceMonitoring. Credit goes to boto, , for having it correct. thanks Zuhaib M Siddique
Usage Requests. thanks Hunter Nield
Migration and Console output. thanks Hunter Nield
server methods for console and migration. thanks Hunter Nield
Minor address cleanup. thanks Hunter Nield
fixes release_address for VPC EIPs * amazon requires allocation_id only for vpc eips, and public_ip otherwise. thanks Albert Choi
Added missing :beanstalk case. thanks George Scott
Added #load_balancer method. thanks George Scott
Serialize keys for SourceConfiguration. thanks George Scott
Added modify method for template. thanks George Scott
Support different AWS regions. thanks George Scott
Added swap_cnames method. thanks George Scott
add networkInterfaceSet context to EC2 instance parser. thanks Benton Roberts
Allow both Ruby and AWS style names for alias. thanks George Scott
Support for latency/weighted resource sets. thanks George Scott
Fixed #all iteration. thanks George Scott
Reimplemented #get. thanks George Scott
Added #all! method to Records. thanks George Scott
correct batch_put_item to batch_write_item for consistency with API. thanks geemus
Failing test for load_balancers marker support. thanks Dan Peterson
Deprecate describe_load_balancers with just an array of names. thanks Dan Peterson
Marker support for describe_load_balancers. thanks Dan Peterson
Fix use of describe_load_balancers in tests. thanks Dan Peterson
load_balancers.get(nil) returns nil instead of the first of all load balancers. thanks Dan Peterson
Add test for AWS[:iam].get_user. thanks Benton Roberts
add test for AWS[:iam].get_user_policy. thanks Benton Roberts
FIX - make arguments AWS::IAM.get_user conform to expected standard for this module. thanks Benton Roberts
Fix Users model to comply with updated request parameter set. thanks Benton Roberts
mark role tests as pending in mock mode. thanks geemus
For some reason, there was a missing comma in the mock class. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
Fix get_user_policy. The actual AWS data has to be in a ['Policy'] hash section. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
add IAM mocking for get_group method. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
add IAM mocking for get_group method. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
Add new HP providers for Object Storage, Compute and CDN services. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Be sure to reload when checking for a started spot instance, also add private/public key options into spot_requests, then set those on the server when loaded. thanks Ryan Stout
Use spot request's public_key when setting up keypair. thanks Ryan Stout
ensure apiKey and command are included in parameter sorting. thanks Sean Caffery
* Added Pool and StorageRepository models and collections Shindo tests * Added missing attributes to Pool and StorageRepository models. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Added custom_templates and templates methods to Host model. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Added more tests and extended existing ones * Added missing exceptions NotFound and RequestFailed * connection.request now raises exception if request failed * refactored most get_* request into get_record and get_records * Compute.default_template more robust * Base parser now replaces OpaqueRef:NULL with nil * create_server request fixes. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Added some more tests * Lots of fixes and some refactoring. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Added set_attribute request and tests * Added missing PV_bootloaer attribute to Server * Added Server.set_attribute method and tests. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Added create_vbd and provision_server requests * Do not provision server when :auto_start is false * Add Server.provisio method * Add method. thanks Sergio Rubio
* renamed some tests * Added missing VDI attributes and methods * added create/destroy request tests * Added valid_ref? test helper * Fixes in get_record_tests. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Added missing attributes to Server model * Added create_server_raw request and tests * Added action * more tests. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Fix: do not try to retrive guest_metrics when guest_metrics ref is nil * ruby 1.8.7 compatibility fixes * Sane defaults for create_server_raw request. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Added new scan_sr request * Added StorageRepository.scan method * set_attribute request is now generic and can be used by any model * Added VDI.set_attribute method. thanks Sergio Rubio
* [xenserver|compute] set_attribute request now accepts var args - added new tests. thanks Sergio Rubio
updating gitignore for eclipse settings. thanks Spencer Dillard
first pass at updates for VPC. thanks Spencer Dillard
updating for SSL ciphers and protocols. thanks Spencer Dillard
updating to master. thanks Spencer Dillard
regularize examples showing use of AWS access keys. thanks Stephen Bannasch
Use MultiJSON #dump and #load rather than #encode and #decode. thanks Steve Smith
Add support for ports in AWS storage URLs. thanks Tim Carey-Smith
Mock implementations for SCP upload and download. thanks Tom Mornini
add Linode Mock classes to request primitives. thanks Wes Morgan
make Mock#linode_disk_delete return the response object. thanks Wes Morgan
make Mock#linode_disk_list return the response object. thanks Wes Morgan
use kernel_id for mocked kernel, not stackscript_id. thanks Wes Morgan
Adds new method delete_notification_configuration which allows you notifications created by put_notification_configuration. thanks Zuhaib Siddique
Fix for stacks that have capabilities. Without this the parser misinterprets stacks with capabilities set. thanks atlantacs
volume(s) are not considered to be universally available. thanks geemus
catch passing an invalid openstack_tenant. thanks mattray
addresses['internet'] (like on supported and public and private_ip_address now work. thanks mattray
don't assume 'internet' for addresses. thanks mattray
Added offering type for reserved instances response. thanks questionnet
added volumes to server and template. thanks Amos Benari
added volume size in GB accessor. thanks Amos Benari
fixed create_vm and get_virtual_machine requests mock implementation. thanks Amos Benari
Fix create snapshot. thanks Ferran Rodenas
Match both OS API 1.1 and v2 since they are the same. thanks Josh Kearney
Update Reinitialization Process of Existing Auth Token. thanks Nelvin Driz
Add Export of Credentials. thanks Nelvin Driz
Wrong instance variables accessed for #credentials. thanks Nelvin Driz
Update Authentication through X-Auth-Token. thanks Nelvin Driz
Update mocks for login and identity request #get_user_by_id. thanks Nelvin Driz
Fix authentication without specifying tenant name. thanks Nelvin Driz
Make current_user and current_token accessible to services. thanks Nelvin Driz
Fix Authentication as well as Fog::JSON call bugs. thanks Nelvin Driz
Raise error when no tenant is found for the user logging in. thanks Nelvin Driz
Ensure password sent is of type string. thanks Nelvin Driz
Modify authentication process. thanks Philip Mark Deazeta
Add requests and tests for security groups. thanks Alfonso Juan Dillera
Add requests, models and tests for keypairs. thanks Alfonso Juan Dillera
Add requests, models and tests for address management. thanks Alfonso Juan Dillera
Add requests, models and tests for address management. thanks Alfonso Juan Dillera
Add flavor CRUD. thanks Alfonso Juan Dillera
Add auth_token. thanks Alfonso Juan Dillera
Added request for boot_from_snapshot. thanks Alfonso Juan Dillera
Added id attribute to the keypair. thanks Alfonso Juan Dillera
Update fetching of addresses and added fetching for address pools. thanks Alvin Garcia
Fixed creating image of a server. thanks Alvin Garcia
Added requests for quota. thanks Alvin Garcia
Initial extension support for addresses. thanks Hunter Nield
Initial extension support for key pairs. thanks Hunter Nield
Initial extension support for security groups. thanks Hunter Nield
Added Address models. thanks Hunter Nield
Added key pair models. thanks Hunter Nield
added security group models. thanks Hunter Nield
Updates to server model. thanks Hunter Nield
Added list/get support for /os-hosts. thanks Hunter Nield
Add Tenants and Fix Authentication Implementation. thanks Nelvin Driz
Set a longer timeout on all wait_for calls. thanks Decklin Foster
Generated key needs different name, supplied key only returns success. thanks Decklin Foster
Invalid instance creation will return a 412 and thus raise PreconditionFailed. thanks Decklin Foster
Don't calculate expiration time until ready to make the request. thanks Decklin Foster
Fix volume formats and mocks. thanks Decklin Foster
Wait for volume to be ready before deleting. thanks Decklin Foster
Mark volume attach/detach pending, won't create instance. thanks Decklin Foster
Return pending if provisioning times out in the real tests. thanks Decklin Foster
adding documentation. thanks Wyatt Walter
add bin helpers for storage. thanks geemus
ovirt added support for 'set vm ticket'. This api call is needed for openning a console to the server. thanks Amos Benari
wrangled security tests into working. thanks Eric Stonfer
Changes to the security group handling: * CreateSecurityGroup now includes the group id in the reply, this patch makes the code store this * The patch also changes the delete call to use the group id if present (since you must use the id when deleting VPC groups). thanks MaF
Changes to the security group handling: * CreateSecurityGroup now includes the group id in the reply, this patch makes the code store this * The patch also changes the delete call to use the group id if present (since you must use the id when deleting VPC groups) * Fix teh security group mock and test code to handle this new behavior. thanks MaF
Removed merge commit. thanks MaF
add Kevin Menard to future MVP exclusion list. thanks geemus
fix hardcoded host in get_object_http(s)_url methods. thanks geemus
Automatically abort multipart uploads on exceptions. thanks Aaron Suggs
Add mock for Fog::Storage::AWS#put_bucket_website. thanks Garret Alfert
Handle S3 object deletions in the face of versioning. thanks Kevin Menard
Return the object version in the request header and set an attribute value in the model. thanks Kevin Menard
Allow options to be passed to the destroy method, facilitating passing of versionId. thanks Kevin Menard
Added ability to control bucket versioning from Directory model. thanks Kevin Menard
Added the ability to fetch a list of versions from a file. thanks Kevin Menard
Allow passing of options to fetching versions. thanks Kevin Menard
Added the pagination offset params to the get_object_bucket_versions parser. thanks Kevin Menard
Added the MfaDelete value to the get_bucket_versioning parser. thanks Kevin Menard
Fix put bucket website test, request returns not found when the bucket does not exist. thanks Peter Weldon
Add bucket lifecycle / object expiration requests. thanks Peter Weldon
make head_object idempotent. thanks geemus
direct https urls to subdomains even with dots this may result in ssl warnings, but that seems better than the alternative (redirects) see #611. thanks geemus
use a random directory key; prevent collision. thanks Aaron Suggs
Mark multipart upload test as pending. thanks Aaron Suggs
Added mock support for setting and retrieving versioning on a bucket. thanks Kevin Menard
Added in versioning support for S3 objects, sans deletion markers. thanks Kevin Menard
Track if the version is the latest or not. thanks Kevin Menard
Basic handling of version-id-marker. thanks Kevin Menard
Added the ability to get_object by versionId. thanks Kevin Menard
Added S3 versioning support for delete_object. thanks Kevin Menard
Deal with suspended buckets properly. thanks Kevin Menard
Added request tests for put_bucket_versioning and get_bucket_versioning. thanks Kevin Menard
Added tests for get_bucket_object_versions. thanks Kevin Menard
Added request test for get_object with versioning. thanks Kevin Menard
Added request tests for delete_object with versioning. thanks Kevin Menard
Added failing request test for delete_object with versioning. thanks Kevin Menard
Added in some file and directory model tests. thanks Kevin Menard
Added model tests for versioning Directory and File models. thanks Kevin Menard
Added tests for the Version model. thanks Kevin Menard
Added versioning test for Files collection. thanks Kevin Menard
Added versioning tests for Versions collection. thanks Kevin Menard
Added versioning test for Files#head. thanks Kevin Menard
Removed a commented-out test. thanks Kevin Menard
Make sure tests pass with both mocking enabled and disabled. thanks Kevin Menard
Fixed a regression with mocked get_bucket requests, due to a change in the mock data ordering. thanks Kevin Menard
Fixed handling of options in mocked get_bucket_object_versions. thanks Kevin Menard
Replaced random ETag implementation with MD5, per S3 docs. thanks Kevin Menard
make get_*_token requests idempotent. thanks geemus
avoid one remaining error with mocked tests. thanks geemus
Fix warning in ruby 1.8.7. thanks Aaron Suggs
added additional networking support and volume management commands. thanks Brian Dorry
Correct an error with long keys where Base64.encode64 would add "\n" at 60 chars. thanks Chris Hasenpflug
Use gsub for Ruby 1.8.7 compatibility. thanks Chris Hasenpflug
Correct copy & paste error. thanks Chris Hasenpflug
implement #scp_download method to allow downloads in addition to uploads via scp. alias #scp method as #scp_upload. thanks Christoph Schiessl
tests for scp_download. thanks Christoph Schiessl
Removed various 'puts' statements... thanks Christopher Oliver
fix for free choice of region. thanks Daniel Schweighoefer
save the region in a instance variable. thanks Daniel Schweighoefer
rounding out API coverage in 'Virtual Machine section. thanks David Nalley
mock #create_user and #create_access_keys". thanks Edward Muller
fix typo. thanks Edward Muller
Enable Shindo tests for the mocked methods. thanks Edward Muller
Refactor mock data structure. thanks Edward Muller
mock #put_user_policy. thanks Edward Muller
Mock out #list_users. thanks Edward Muller
Mock #delete_user_policy. thanks Edward Muller
Move this is Mock.key_id and don't default the path. thanks Edward Muller
Add group mock data. thanks Edward Muller
Use #has_key? instead of #keys.include?. thanks Edward Muller
rework these to use #tap instead. Cleaner IMNSHO. thanks Edward Muller
Additional mocks. thanks Edward Muller
missing raise. thanks Edward Muller
DescribeVolumeStatus. thanks Edward Muller
Add code to support the creation and modification of security groups existing in a VPC. thanks Eric Stonfer
modified security group tests to accomodate the new security group data model. Also allowed permissions to be nil in the security tests for groups with no ACLs. thanks Eric Stonfer
Change default for vpc_id from '' to nil. thanks Eric Stonfer
fixed a conditional that was assigining = rather than evaluating == in vsphere clone routine. This resulted in cloning from folders always failing. thanks Eric Stonfer
Add the ability to create linked clones in vsphere. thanks Eric Stonfer
whitespace fix. thanks Eric Stonfer
whitespace fix. thanks Eric Stonfer
add a linked clone test scenario, set the vm_clone test to wait, and clean up old servers after the VM clone test. thanks Eric Stonfer
linked clone tests. thanks Eric Stonfer
This patch allows the ability to create 'blank' vms in vsphere. thanks Eric Stonfer
fix list_virtual_machines when using :folder. thanks Eric Stonfer
add vm reconfiguration functions for memory cpu / generic spec. thanks Eric Stonfer
add subnet and vpc info to instance gets. thanks Eric Stonfer
fixed a typo in vm_power_on_tests.rb. thanks Eric Stonfer
make eips useable in a VPC. thanks Eric Stonfer
associate EIPs in a vpc. thanks Eric Stonfer
update autoscaling groups to allow the use of recurrence, start and end times. thanks Eric Stonfer
realized that @activity was actually not used. thanks Eric Stonfer
fixed some whitespace issues in auto_scaling tests. Fixed auto_scaling tests formats. thanks Eric Stonfer
add host based vmotion. thanks Eric Stonfer
basic VPC creation. thanks Eric Stonfer
[aws]Add in subnets. thanks Eric Stonfer
enable_metrics_collection requires a granularity argument (1Minute is the only legal value). thanks Frederick Cheung
New file additions for AWS Elastic Beanstalk support. thanks George Scott
Added beanstalk service to AWS Provider. thanks George Scott
Unit tests for beanstalk. thanks George Scott
Now sets pending when mocking for all beanstalk model tests. thanks George Scott
environment now uses name as identity. thanks George Scott
Added additional convenience methods to application. thanks George Scott
remove rubygems require from core.rb. thanks Hemant Kumar
Reset the alias_target hash for good measure. thanks James Miller
Add a test for ALIAS records. thanks James Miller
Cleanups and crazy long sleep to ensure ALIAS zone is found. thanks James Miller
Fix linked clone mocked test unhandled exception. thanks Jeff McCune
(maint) Whitespace and format only clean up. thanks Jeff McCune
added support for server-side encryption on s3. thanks John Parker
Switch from NewServers to BareMetalCloud for #773. thanks John Wang
Add deprecation warning. thanks John Wang
Fixed bug in SQS :receive_message mock. thanks Joshua Krall
Fixed a typo in the warning. thanks Kashif Rasul
One more typo fix. thanks Kashif Rasul
GH-690 Joyent Cloud Provider. thanks Kevin Chan
Credentials: cloudapi_* -> joyent_* for consistency. thanks Kevin Chan
Revert "[joyent|compute] make password required" This reverts commit 6e93321e29e69cc863aa9d78cdcf1c83203a2fa7. thanks Kevin Chan
Fixes dataset tests. thanks Kevin Chan
- Fixes tests to run in both mock and non-mock mode - Clean ups and fixes. thanks Kevin Chan
Cleanups + Fixes #get_machine test breaking when there are no machines. thanks Kevin Chan
cleanups + refactorings + better error reporting per joyent cloudapi spec. thanks Kevin Chan
Fixed #673: Zerigo DNS - update_host fails with some options. thanks Kevin Menard
Fixed a filename. thanks Kevin Menard
implement respond_to? corresponding to method_missing for VirtualBox and libvirt. thanks Konstantin Haase
Swap aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key positions in hash to match typical usage convention. thanks Kyle Drake
When Exists boolean is not specified, this request is not idempotent. thanks Lance Carlson
Scan sort of acts like a GET request, which are idempotent. thanks Lance Carlson
Only do a 'head' on the file that we've copied - no need to go download it now, that would defeat the purpose. thanks Lars Pind
Improved support for SecurityGroup IDs. thanks MaF
We must create the VPC before we can create a security group in it. thanks MaF
Changed verify_permission_options in mocked version of authorize_security_group_ingress to accept any ipProtocol for vpc groups. Also changed the security group test to use protocol 42 when testing vpc security_groups. thanks MaF
Check if exception has a #response method before calling it, otherwise call #message. thanks Manuel Meurer
Fix sync_clock method, only rescue Excon::Errors::HTTPStatusError that are known to have a #response method, let all other exceptions bubble up. thanks Manuel Meurer
Updated excon to version ~>0.10.0. Closes #781. thanks Marc Seeger
include fission gem. thanks Michael Brodhead & Shai Rosenfeld
Move fission from reg dependency to dev dependency per comments on pull request #736. thanks Michael Brodhead & Shai Rosenfeld
adding required gem to run the tests. thanks Ohad Levy
first cut of cleaning up libvirt server class. thanks Ohad Levy
minor cleanups. thanks Ohad Levy
fixes libvirt wrong state check. thanks Ohad Levy
libvirt - avoids exception if a uuid is not found. thanks Ohad Levy
libvirt: servers return nil, not an empty array... thanks Ohad Levy
Added basic tests to Ovirt compute provider. thanks Ohad Levy
Added check if Fog.mock! should be used in AWS tests. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Nix hardcoded regions: DynamoDB. thanks Pavel Repin
Nix hardcoded regions: Autoscaling. thanks Pavel Repin
Nix hardcoded regions: CloudFormation. thanks Pavel Repin
Nix hardcoded regions: CloudWatch. thanks Pavel Repin
Nix hardcoded regions: EC2. thanks Pavel Repin
Nix hardcoded regions: ElastiCache. thanks Pavel Repin
Nix hardcoded regions: ELB. thanks Pavel Repin
Nix hardcoded regions: EMR. thanks Pavel Repin
Nix hardcoded regions: RDS. thanks Pavel Repin
Nix hardcoded regions: SES. thanks Pavel Repin
Nix hardcoded regions: SimpleDB. thanks Pavel Repin
Nix hardcoded regions: SNS. thanks Pavel Repin
Nix hardcoded regions: SQS (us-east-1 is special). thanks Pavel Repin
Nix hardcoded regions: S3 (us-east-1 is special). thanks Pavel Repin
Fixing typo "retreive" -> "retrieve". thanks Pedro Nascimento
Add the ":idempotent => true" property to create_tags to fix an issue when launching many instance from cluster_chef. thanks Peter C. Norton
Ran M-x align-regexp on the hashrockets. thanks Peter C. Norton
Passing half of rds/instance_tests.rb shindo tests. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
making shindo tests for security groups in rds. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
Fix zone_id/flavour_id getter/setter for Server. thanks Hemant Kumar
Add zone/server_type attribute for Server. thanks Hemant Kumar
Add username to Image. thanks Hemant Kumar
Add request for remove_firewall_policy. thanks Hemant Kumar
Add model method for remove. thanks Hemant Kumar
Change logic of fetching zone and flavour_id. thanks Hemant Kumar
Remove name as mandatory parameter for creating server group. thanks Hemant Kumar
Add created_at attribute for server_group,policy and firewall rule. thanks Hemant Kumar
Updated Image format tests for username. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Updated ServerGroup format for created_at time. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
allow sa-east-1 region in mocks. thanks Nick Osborn
fix security_group format for mock tests. thanks geemus
fix capitilization for records#all options. thanks geemus
update SSL certificates on listeners. :christmas_tree:. thanks Dylan Egan
Support ACL on copy_object. :v:. thanks Dylan Egan
Adding *_server actions to ServerGroup model. thanks Caius Durling
Pass along server_groups when creating a server. thanks Caius Durling
Make update_cloud_ip request work. thanks Caius Durling
Firewall models. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Added missing requirement and request arg. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Corrected deprecated argument. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Dynamically select testing image. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Helper to get a test server ready. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Revised tests structure. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Test and fix for API client secret reset. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Test update of reverse DNS for CIP. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Updated default Ubuntu image. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Make Cloud IP model's map nicer to use. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Correctly get Server's IP addresses as strings. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
ServerGroup association to Servers. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Replace duplicate remove with move test. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Load balancer request tests expanded. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Request test for snapshotting a server. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
fix mock tests. thanks geemus
: Added missing field. thanks NomadRain
Some cleanup before pool request. thanks NomadRain
add fake credentials for mock tests. thanks geemus
Bug fixes. thanks NomadRain
I don't know what is ignore_awful_caching, so i removed it. thanks Stepan G Fedorov
server.ssh with password. Not only with key. thanks Stepan G Fedorov
Fix Mocks. thanks Stepan G Fedorov
Enable get_image_details. thanks Stepan G Fedorov
Actualize Mocks. thanks Stepan G. Fedorov
Enable :get_image_details. thanks Stepan G. Fedorov
Add tests. thanks Stepan G. Fedorov
Remove ddosprotect field from Mock. thanks Stepan G. Fedorov
Add ip-address management. thanks Stepan G. Fedorov
Rename moveip to move_ip_address. thanks Stepan G. Fedorov
Enable ip-management. thanks Stepan G. Fedorov
Fix delete_server mock. thanks Stepan G. Fedorov
Fix move_ip_address behaviour. thanks Stepan G. Fedorov
Add ip-address management. thanks Stepan G. Fedorov
Rename moveip to move_ip_address. thanks Stepan G. Fedorov
Enable ip-management. thanks Stepan G. Fedorov
Fix delete_server mock. thanks Stepan G. Fedorov
Fix move_ip_address behaviour. thanks Stepan G. Fedorov
Added missing field (server.type). thanks Обоев Рулон ибн Хаттаб
Cast Fog.wait_for interval to float. thanks Aaron Suggs
fix exceptions from nil credential value. thanks Blake Gentry
`@credential` should always be a symbol. thanks Hunter Haugen
note in title that multiple keys is an EC2 thing. thanks geemus
fixed tests due to changes in the api. thanks Anton Lindström
fix test formats and whitespaces. thanks Anton Lindström
parse SQS timestamps as milliseconds. thanks Andrew Bruce
Allow use of sa-east-1 in the ec2 mock as well. thanks Andy Delcambre
Enabled tests for setting S3 ACL by id and uri on buckets and objects when mocking. thanks Arvid Andersson
Added acl_to_hash helper method to Fog::Storage::AWS. thanks Arvid Andersson
Ensuring that get_object_acl and get_bucket_acl mock methods returns a hash representation of the ACL. thanks Arvid Andersson
Created Rackspace LB models folder. thanks Brian Hartsock
This patch adds the ability to specify security groups by security group id, rather than group name. This is a required feature to use security groups within a VPC. thanks Eric Stonfer
indentation change. thanks Eric Stonfer
Add the ability to return the security group ID when requesting a SecurityGroupData object. thanks Eric Stonfer
fix tests to accomodate the new SecurityGroupId. thanks Eric Stonfer
Revert "fix tests to accomodate the new SecurityGroupId". thanks Eric Stonfer
fix tests to accomodate the addition of security_group_id. thanks Eric Stonfer
indentation fix. thanks Eric Stonfer
indentation fix. thanks Eric Stonfer
[Brightbox]Add remove_firewall_policy to computer.rb. thanks Hemant Kumar
[Brightbox]Protocol is no longer required parameter for firewall. thanks Hemant Kumar
Add implementation of DescribeInstanceStatus. thanks JD Huntington & Jason Hansen
fixed type-o in rdoc on Fog::DNS:DNSMadeEasy. thanks John Dyer
add query options to Fog::Storage::AWS#get_object_https_url. thanks Mateusz Juraszek
add options hash to Fog::Storage::AWS::File#url and Fog::Storage::AWS::Files#get_https_url which use get_object_https_url method. thanks Mateusz Juraszek
add query param to get_object_http_url for consistency. thanks Mateusz Juraszek
Fix regression in Rakefile introduced in 70e7ea13. thanks Michael Brodhead
add são paulo/brasil region. thanks Raphael Costa
mock create_db_instance. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
mocking describe_db_instance. Fix hash structure in create_db_instance. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
We use 'Key' for all S3 objects now. thanks Kevin Menard
Implemented mocks for Zerigo. thanks Kevin Menard
Updated docs to use newer arg, rather than the old deprecated one. thanks Kevin Menard
Added the ability to search Zerigo records for a particular zone. thanks Kevin Menard
Return the only element of the array, not the array itself. thanks Kevin Menard
Fixed an issue whereby saving an existing record in Zerigo would nil out its value. thanks Kevin Menard
added DeleteAlarms, DescribeAlarms and PutMetricAlarms. thanks Michael Zeng
re-adding files. thanks Michael Zeng
adding describe_alarm_history. thanks Michael Zeng
adding diable/enable alarm actions. thanks Michael Zeng
added DescribeAlarmHistory request and parser. thanks Michael Zeng
fixing describe_alarms and describe_alarms_for_metric requests. thanks Michael Zeng
cleaned up requesters and parsers. thanks Michael Zeng
added SetAlarmState. thanks Michael Zeng
included more response elements, request parameters should now be complete. Included model and collection classes. thanks Michael Zeng
bug fixes. thanks Michael Zeng
fixed models and added tests. thanks Michael Zeng
no need to add rake dep. thanks Michael Zeng
revert gempspec date change. thanks Michael Zeng
reverting cloud_watch.rb. thanks Michael Zeng
reverting cloud_watch.rb. thanks Michael Zeng
reverting cloud_watch.rb. thanks Michael Zeng
reverting cloud_watch.rb. thanks Michael Zeng
reverting cloud_watch.rb. thanks Michael Zeng
added newline to the end of file. thanks Michael Zeng
removed all tabs. thanks Michael Zeng
added alarm_data_tests. thanks Michael Zeng
spacing change. thanks Michael Zeng
AWS#hash_to_acl - add support for EmailAddress and URI grantee types. thanks Nathan Sutton
Test and improve Fog::Storage::AWS.hash_to_acl. thanks Nathan Sutton
Adding a method to unmock Fog. Addresses issue #594. thanks Nathan Sutton
Adding documentation for Fog.unmock! and Fog::Mock.reset. thanks Nathan Sutton
added linode ssh support. thanks Nicholas Ricketts
added linode ssh support with proper public ip address. thanks Nicholas Ricketts
cleaned up code to use att_XX methods. thanks Nicholas Ricketts
clean up public_ip_address code for linode. thanks Nicholas Ricketts
Seems like rackspace might have changed this. thanks Nik Wakelin
Sends power parameter in GoGrid's grid_server_power request. thanks Pablo Baños López
Slicehost uses record-type and zone-id for their API, which messes with Fog internals, so changing these to record_type and zone_id in the parser. thanks Patrick McKenzie
Did this do anything?. thanks Patrick McKenzie
Revert "Slicehost uses record-type and zone-id for their API, which messes with Fog internals, so changing these to record_type and zone_id in the parser.". thanks Patrick McKenzie
Not having the best of days with git. Revert the reversion of the commit that I really do want to make. thanks Patrick McKenzie
Slicehost uses record-type and zone-id for their API, which messes with Fog internals, so changing these to record_type and zone_id in the parser. thanks Patrick McKenzie
Do not touch .gitignore. thanks Patrick McKenzie
Fixing Slicehost DNS so that a) tests pass b) token names map to what Fog expects -- record_type not record-type, value not data, etc c) creation of new DNS records possible. thanks Patrick McKenzie
1) Fix so that getting a single record actually works. 2) zone.records currently returns all records in account, not just records for that zone. Add failing test (temporarily, assumes test account has existing zones for this to actually fail) + fix. 3) Add in data alias for record.value, just in case someone needs it, as Slicehost calls this data. thanks Patrick McKenzie
Allow updates of DNS records. Updates on zones not supported yet. thanks Patrick McKenzie
Fixing parsing of zone.records.get(id) so that it parses a single record properly rather than attempting to parse a list of records improperly. Fixing tests to match this (expected) behavior rather than work-around the broken way. thanks Patrick McKenzie
Getting it so zone.records works as expected (loads all records, for that zone only). thanks Patrick McKenzie
simplification. thanks Peter Meier
Optimize vSphere convert_vm_mob_ref_to_attr_hash. thanks Rich Lane
Compact the way options are mapped to request. thanks Todd Willey
Allow setting userdata as plain ascii or b64. thanks Todd Willey
bump excon dep. thanks geemus
[rackspace][dns] fixes for job request format. thanks geemus
bump net-ssh dependency. thanks geemus
tshirt offer should be implicit, rather than explicit. thanks geemus
add region option to aws sns service recognizes method. thanks lostboy
add capabilities support to cloudformation createstack request. thanks lostboy
omit signature in stringtosign. thanks geemus
check objectid for existence. thanks geemus
allow overwriting files for consistency. thanks geemus
Fixed request tests that need unique domain name. thanks Brian Hartsock
Adapted to changes in callback mechanism. thanks Brian Hartsock
made lb endpoint configurable. thanks Brian Hartsock
omit Patrick Debois from future MVP status. thanks geemus
if transport is empty, ssh can't be enabled. thanks Patrick Debois
Enable to pass an libvirt_ip_command for looking up the mac -> ip_address . Using eval to allow for passing of mac address in ip_command. thanks Patrick Debois
corrected typo for appending string output to IO.popen. thanks Patrick Debois
initialize the ip_address as an empty string. thanks Patrick Debois
more specific error if the ip_command results in string that has no ip-address format. thanks Patrick Debois
Remove the newlines after running the local ip_command. thanks Patrick Debois
rename xml_desc to xml as an attribute and hide all non_dynamic attributes from fog console. thanks Patrick Debois
added blocked state and corrected crashed to shutoff state. thanks Patrick Debois
renamed 'raw' connection to raw in the Fog Connection. thanks Patrick Debois
renamed all disk_ params for server creation to volume_ to make it consistent with the object type volume. thanks Patrick Debois
remove base64 require (duplicates require in fog/core). thanks geemus
Adding SQS mocking support. thanks Istvan Hoka
Create ACS security_group model and collection. thanks Aaron Suggs
Improve security group tests. thanks Aaron Suggs
Adds ACS#delete_cache_security_group. thanks Benton Roberts
Added security group methods. thanks Benton Roberts
Update CacheSecurityGroup API to public beta 2011-07-15. thanks Benton Roberts
Fix whitespace. thanks Jens Braeuer
add snapshot method to volume model. thanks Andrei Serdeliuc
Correct path. thanks Dylan Egan
raise an ArgumentError if image_id is nil, otherwise an ugly InternalError is returned from AWS. thanks Dylan Egan
wait for ready before testing tags. thanks geemus
fixes for mocks tests. thanks geemus
fix formatting for mock security groups. thanks geemus
fix parser path. thanks geemus
refactor acs->elasticache. thanks Benton Roberts
refactor for whitespace / readability. thanks Benton Roberts
fix typo in Elasticache Security Group tests. thanks Benton Roberts
rename test file for shindo. thanks Benton Roberts
create and describe cache clusters. thanks Benton Roberts
delete cache clusters. thanks Benton Roberts
add Cache Cluster model and collection. thanks Benton Roberts
Fix bug in AWS::Elasticache::Cluster.get. thanks Benton Roberts
randomize cache cluster IDs in testing. thanks Benton Roberts
return nil on CacheClusterNotFound. thanks Benton Roberts
use Formatador for testing output. thanks Benton Roberts
move ClusterNotFound rescue code into Elasticache service definition. thanks Benton Roberts
change method profile for create_cache_cluster, delete_cache_cluster, and describe_cache_clusters. thanks Benton Roberts
change parameters for describe_cache_security_groups to ruby-friendly values. thanks Benton Roberts
remove port attribute from cluster model. thanks Benton Roberts
fix Elasticahce::Cluster.security_groups attribute. thanks Benton Roberts
implement modify_cache_cluster request. thanks Benton Roberts
cluster port number cannot be modified. thanks Benton Roberts
add cache node info to describe_cache_clusters. thanks Benton Roberts
add InvalidInstace error class. thanks Benton Roberts
remove optional parameters from Elasticache::Cluster. thanks Benton Roberts
show cluster node details by default in model. thanks Benton Roberts
add test for removing a cache node. thanks Benton Roberts
add pending_values to modified nodes. thanks Benton Roberts
implement RebootCacheCluster. thanks Benton Roberts
implement DescribeEvents. thanks Benton Roberts
implement basic parameter group requests. thanks Benton Roberts
implement describe_engine_default_parameters request. thanks Benton Roberts
implement Elasticache::ParameterGroup model and collection. thanks Benton Roberts
implement modify_cache_parameter_group request. thanks Benton Roberts
implement reset_cache_parameter_group request. thanks Benton Roberts
implement describe_cache_groups request. thanks Benton Roberts
test fix: change DESCRIBE_SECURITY_GROUPS helper format. thanks Benton Roberts
delete outdated test file. thanks Benton Roberts
Raise a custom exception for Throttling. thanks Dylan Egan
wait_for server to be ready? before register. thanks geemus
implement correct path behaviour in mocking. thanks Dylan Egan
fix tests to use proper accessor. thanks geemus
fix acl mocking. thanks geemus
Fixed instance state. thanks Lee Huffman
Create and destroy images. thanks Lee Huffman
Fix for setting hostname on server save. thanks Lee Huffman
Expect correct status code for template create. thanks Lee Huffman
move aws cdn to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
move rackspace cdn to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
fix service calls I missed in recent rearrange. thanks geemus
- Change modify_instance_attribute name to match EC2 API method, and actually make it do something. thanks Caleb Tennis
Include ids of things we're modifying in requests. thanks Dan Peterson
Fix create_volume mock when creating from a snapshot. thanks Dan Peterson
Make get_bucket_location mock return LocationConstraint as API doc describes. thanks Dan Peterson
Fix associate_address mock to detach/revert previous addresses properly. thanks Dan Peterson
Don't warn in mock describe_snapshots if RestorableBy is 'self'. thanks Dan Peterson
When mocking, instances don't show up right away. thanks Dan Peterson
Suffix with _tests.rb. thanks Dylan Egan
IpPermissionsEgress is returned from AWS. thanks Dylan Egan
Simple test to verify revoke_group_and_owner behaviour. thanks Dylan Egan
Apparently passing a nil value works against live AWS. Only use SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId in mocks if supplied. thanks Dylan Egan
Since this is really proving the use of nil, let's just not pretend there's a value for owner_id. thanks Dylan Egan
sometimes the platform string is returned. thanks Dylan Egan
enable tests for mocked tags. thanks Dylan Egan
Fix NameError. thanks Jens Braeuer
Fix bug in tag mocking preventing servers from being updated with new tags. thanks Matt Griffin
Add mocking for describe_tags. thanks Matt Griffin
move aws compute to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
move bluebox compute to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
Allow persistent option to be passed to Brightbox::Compute. thanks Caius Durling
Updated test for new behaviour. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Picking up more attributes from Account. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
No need to hardcode a server type. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Updated and reordered model attributes. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Updates to tests. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Added resave warning to a few Brightbox models. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Requests for server group management. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Merge in test updates and server groups. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Corrected require missed in update. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Reset times to the correct type so not string attributes. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Updated Format test to remove gone fields. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Fixed typo in connection options. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Added missing requests. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Added requests for firewall management. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Added ServerGroup model and collections. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Passing options to server group update. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Fixed server_groups.get. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
move brightbox compute to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
move ecloud compute to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
added glesys as provider. thanks Anton Lindstrom
added tests. thanks Anton Lindström
fixed logical error for default values. thanks Anton Lindström
fixed an invalid character. thanks Anton Lindström
consistency/cleanup. thanks geemus
fix format for start vs stop. thanks geemus
rearrange to match current naming conventions. thanks geemus
move go_grid compute to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
merge jedi4ever/libvirt. thanks geemus
move libvirt compute to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
move linode compute to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
move ninefold compute to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
move rackspace compute to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
move slicehost compute to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
move storm_on_demand compute to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
move vcloud compute to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
move virtual_box compute to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
move voxel compute to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
Allow FOG_CREDENTIAL env variable for config. thanks Aaron Suggs
add collection#destroy(identity). thanks geemus
move openssl to more central location. thanks geemus
first steps toward seperately requirable bits. thanks geemus
move providers to lib/fog/. thanks geemus
work toward separate requires. thanks geemus
prototype logger. thanks geemus
add get/set methods for logger channels. thanks geemus
use logger throughout for warnings. thanks geemus
coerce service credentials. thanks geemus
delete nil valued keys from config. thanks geemus
pass connection_options through service init. thanks geemus
don't rely on bin stuff for service init in tests. thanks geemus
dedup services listings. thanks geemus
more convenient accessors. thanks geemus
fixing more paths after rearrange. thanks geemus
add credentials setter. thanks geemus
make sure credentials tests properly reset after completion. thanks geemus
bump excon dep. thanks geemus
properly fix credentials tests. thanks geemus
skip vmfusion in rake nuke. thanks geemus
bump excon. thanks geemus
kill dns stuff in nuke as well. thanks geemus
update dns constructor to match recent file moves. thanks geemus
move aws dns to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
move bluebox dns to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
move dnsimple dns to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
move dnsmadeeasy dns to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
move dynect dns to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
move linode dns to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
initial commit. thanks Brian Hartsock
list_domains request. thanks Brian Hartsock
added attributes to list_domains; refactored rackspace errors to be shared with load balancers. thanks Brian Hartsock
move rackspace dns to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
move slicehost dns to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
move zerigo dns to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
Added blogpost about libvirt into fog to the press page. thanks Patrick Debois
corrected the link to the actual blogpost instead of the github markdown page :). thanks Patrick Debois
add note about ec2 default username. thanks geemus
use a string for now. #362 is open for accepting symbols in mocks. thanks Dylan Egan
return the zone name. thanks Dylan Egan
accidentally hardcoded the record type in the mocked data. thanks Dylan Egan
support ANY record results. thanks Dylan Egan
Don't use address as different records have different arguments, just send rdata. Remove value. Add CNAME test. thanks Dylan Egan
find, not first. thanks Dylan Egan
always ensure it's an integer. thanks Dylan Egan
retry if auth_token was previously set and error message includes possible login expiration. thanks Dylan Egan
support reauth for inactivity logout too. thanks Dylan Egan
fixes to play nice with mock tests. thanks geemus
skip flavor tests. thanks geemus
fixes for mocked test setup. thanks geemus
Added option libvirt_ip_command to the credentials error page. thanks Patrick Debois
Corrected template variable from interface_nat_network to network_nat_network. thanks Patrick Debois
update format for plans. thanks geemus
[load balancer|rackspace]
fixed some minor bugs i noticed in the tests. thanks Brian Hartsock
Fixed a couple of errors in the examples. thanks Bobby Wilson
Implement fog support for the Openstack Compute API v1.1. Includes support for legacy v1.0 style auth and v2.0 keystone auth. thanks Dan Prince
Add create_image to server model. thanks Dan Prince
Add support for non-strict validations, and nullable arrays/hashes. thanks Dan Prince
Additions and updates to the OpenStack API tests. thanks Dan Prince
Beginning of Dynect::DNS mocking support. thanks Dylan Egan
get_record, single. thanks Dylan Egan
Tidy up a bit. thanks Dylan Egan
Support freeze and thaw. thanks Dylan Egan
sleep for 3 seconds when running against Dynect because otherwise there is an operation still in progress. thanks Dylan Egan
raise a NotFound if not found. thanks Dylan Egan
Fog::DNS::Dynect, not Fog::Dynect::DNS. thanks Dylan Egan
InstanceId should have index according to AWS Docs. thanks E.J. Finneran
fix indenting to get markdown to recognise the code block properly. thanks Glenn Tweedie
Better URL escaping for Rackspace Cloud Files. thanks H. Wade Minter
Tweak to escape the Cloud Files filename before passing to public_url. thanks H. Wade Minter
Put escaping logic into the collection get_url call. thanks H. Wade Minter
(#9241) Add skeleton VMware vSphere platform support. thanks Jeff McCune
(#9241) Add SSL verification. thanks Jeff McCune
(#9241) Add current_time request. thanks Jeff McCune
(#9241) Add model for Fog::Compute[:vsphere].servers. thanks Jeff McCune
(#9241) Add test skeleton framework. thanks Jeff McCune
(#9241) Add ability to find VMs by UUID. thanks Jeff McCune
(#9421) Add start, stop, reboot server model methods. thanks Jeff McCune
(#9241) Add destroy API request and model action. thanks Jeff McCune
(#9241) Add find_template_by_instance_uuid request. thanks Jeff McCune
(#9241) Add vm_clone API request. thanks Jeff McCune
(#9241) Don't fail when trying to model a cloning VM. thanks Jeff McCune
(#9241) Make the reload action of the server models work. thanks Jeff McCune
(#9124) Add ability to reload the model of a cloning VM. thanks Jeff McCune
Refactor requests to return simple hashes and add unit tests. thanks Jeff McCune
Add vsphere_server connection attribute. thanks Jeff McCune
Fix vm clone problem when a Guid instance is passed as the instance_uuid. thanks Jeff McCune
Fix documentation. The resulting hash has no entry "PutScalingPolicyResponse", but a "...Result". thanks Jens Braeuer
Pass hostname to create_block request if provided. thanks Lee Huffman
Added Fog::CurrentMachine#ip_address. thanks Pan Thomakos
First cut at libvirt integration. Lots of features missing, but it proves the point. thanks Patrick Debois
- Added URI helper to parse libvirt URL's - exposed Libvirt original connection in Compute object - exposed URI in Compute object - added libvirt-ruby gem to the developer Gemspec. thanks Patrick Debois
- Get all pools now by name or by uuid - Create pool by providing xml - Destroy pool. thanks Patrick Debois
Added ability to create/destroy volumes You can search for volumes by path,key,name And list all volumes from a pool. thanks Patrick Debois
Allow creation of persistent or non persistent volumes. thanks Patrick Debois
Again major breakthrough. thanks Patrick Debois
Coming along nicely. thanks Patrick Debois
- ERB has a problem with a variable called type, it expands it on ruby 1.8 to .class - If the key or the volume is not found, maybe because the pool has not yet been started, the volumes should return nil. thanks Patrick Debois
Changed the monitoring command for IP addresses arpwatch.dat is not the correct place, it should be via syslog, or seperate file. thanks Patrick Debois
fixing whitespace. thanks Patrick Debois
removed trailing spaces. thanks Patrick Debois
indenting the files. thanks Patrick Debois
check ip-address that returned from the search in the logfile. thanks Patrick Debois
Added a way to locally retrieve the ipaddress through the ip_command More checks on correctness of ipaddress And checks on ssh failures. thanks Patrick Debois
renamed ipaddress to ip_address made the .id available and an alias to uuid for server. thanks Patrick Debois
Added description on the libvirt environment can be initialized and the requirements for ssh and ipaddress to work. thanks Patrick Debois
Added a global libvirt provider option ip_command to specify the ip_command Also more robust handling of connection error when the libvirt connection fails. thanks Patrick Debois
Remove the idea of template_options, now you specify the param directly in the create command. Unit and Size are now calculated. thanks Patrick Debois
Removed the template_options param. thanks Patrick Debois
Fixed disk_format_type vs disk_type_format difference and changed disk_format_type in the template as well. thanks Patrick Debois
added openauth support thanks to @rubiojr. thanks Patrick Debois
changed return code of state to string instead of symbols to be consistent with aws provider. thanks Patrick Debois
- Added concept of nodes (host of domains = node) - Renamed the shuttingdown to shutting-down mode - fixed the Gem warning on using Gem.find_by_name instead of Gem::Specification. thanks Patrick Debois
Added a way to filter the active and the defined servers(domains) using - servers.all(:active => false, :defined=> true). thanks Patrick Debois
Fixed empty filter issue, nil filter. thanks Patrick Debois
* Fixed an error with memory_size 256 that should be 256*1024 as the default is K nor M * Changed the ip_command to check the ipaddress to include changes not * only new IPaddresses. thanks Patrick Debois
Added libvirt options to credentials error. thanks Patrick Debois
Made libvirt username param consistent with other providers libvirt_user -> libvirt_username. thanks Patrick Debois
[Libvirt]Provided better solution for ip_command : use shell variable instead of ruby string for mac-address. thanks Patrick Debois
vmfusion provider , requires the fission gem (pull request pending). thanks Patrick Debois
fixed missing disk-> volume conversion. thanks Patrick Debois
another log entry style resused old ethernet. thanks Patrick Debois
Fix warning about whitespace before parentheses in dns.rb. thanks Rick Bradley
Added support fo canned ACLs in put_object_acl. thanks dblock
Updated put_bucket_acl to support canned ACLs. thanks dblock
Marking as pending. thanks dblock
Refactored specs, mocks, etc. thanks dblock
Revert "[core] make sure credentials tests properly reset after completion". thanks geemus
Update gemspec description to mention popular services that are supported. thanks watsonian
fixes for list formats. thanks geemus
fix for network formats. thanks geemus
add default (ubuntu) image for servers. thanks geemus
all important domains requests. thanks Brian Hartsock
zone models. thanks Brian Hartsock
records requests. thanks Brian Hartsock
record models. thanks Brian Hartsock
minor docs update. thanks Brian Hartsock
add mock initializer. thanks geemus
consistency fixes and tests and mark pending in mocked. thanks geemus
fix mock init to play nice with tests. thanks geemus
fixes for updates to beta. thanks geemus
fix path for tests. thanks geemus
fixes for tests. thanks geemus
fix broken model paths. thanks geemus
update MVP skip list. thanks geemus
add collaborator count to changelog stats. thanks geemus
Fixed what appeared to be broken test (I only verified with Rackspace provider). thanks Brian Hartsock
Add options to File#copy method. thanks Aaron Suggs
move aws storage back with other aws stuff (namespacing should probably be recorrected as well). thanks geemus
move google storage to shared google stuff (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
move local storage to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
move ninefold storage to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be corrected). thanks geemus
Added commands for streaming distribution lists. thanks Christopher Oliver
describe security groups parser was not taking into account ipPermissionsEgress and therefore returning unexpected results when the account had VPC groups. thanks Christopher Oliver
Added missing 'platform' attribute to server model and describe instances request. thanks Christopher Oliver
fix 'Path' handling for get_group response. thanks Nick Osborn
add missing update_server_certificate request. thanks Nick Osborn
Allow string or symbol hash keys. thanks Aaron Suggs
Added basic tests for get_bucket, fixed a bug in get_bucket with delimiter option, tests succeed for both mocked and real situation. thanks Erik Terpstra
policy should be base64 encoded and not contain new lines. thanks Fujimura Daisuke
Require 'multi_json' was lucked. thanks Fujimura Daisuke
add server base class to contain shared stuff (scp/ssh). thanks geemus
Whitespace removal. thanks Dylan Egan
Allow image mocks to support state (except failed). thanks Dylan Egan
fix pluralization of modify_image_attribute. thanks geemus
update modify image/snapshot attribute to match latest API. thanks geemus
add modify_image_attribute. thanks geemus
add support for saving assigned tags at server creation time. thanks geemus
add docs for new options on run_instances. thanks geemus
guard tag creation against empty tag set. thanks geemus
fixes for bootstrap and placing attributes json. thanks geemus
identity not needed for setup. thanks geemus
fix for running nice with mocked test run. thanks geemus
Updated test for new expected response from server. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Updated Account format test to allow valid_credit_card flag. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Added IPv6 address to format now it is exposed to API. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
DRY up request method. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Corrected attribute name. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
position in format is string, not integer. thanks geemus
dry generate_unique_domain to tests helper. thanks geemus
cleanup of initial implementation. thanks geemus
fixes to play nice with mocked test runs. thanks geemus
add host/port/scheme to recognizes. thanks geemus
add task to build/publish supported services matrix. thanks geemus
alphasort doc tasks. thanks geemus
if creating an s3 directory (bucket), one needs to pass in :location as well as have the aws connection set to the correct region... thanks Adam Greene
- Write files as binary (otherwise UTF8 - ASCII errors can occur) - Check if File exists before trying to delete it (paperclip sometimes deletes files twice) - Check if Directory exists before trying to "cd" into it. thanks Andre Meij
Fix issue 464, add howto for European Rackspace cloud. thanks Andre Meij
Initial support for adding/deleting a load balancer (requests only). thanks Brian Hartsock
Complete lifecycle for a load balancer. thanks Brian Hartsock
Improved error handling. thanks Brian Hartsock
Model and collection for load balancers. thanks Brian Hartsock
Fixed issues with loading all LB params. thanks Brian Hartsock
Requests for nodes. thanks Brian Hartsock
Rackspace Load Balancers: model classes for nodes. thanks Brian Hartsock
Rackspace Load Balancers: requests for virtual ips. thanks Brian Hartsock
Added virtual IP models. thanks Brian Hartsock
Rackspace LB: Made some updates from the pull request. thanks Brian Hartsock
Rackspace LB: protocols, algorithms, and connection logging. thanks Brian Hartsock
Added access list requests. thanks Brian Hartsock
Rackspace LB: Added session persistence requests. thanks Brian Hartsock
Rackspace LB: Connection throttling requests. thanks Brian Hartsock
Rackspace LB: Fixed issues with connection logging model. thanks Brian Hartsock
Rackspace LB: Health Monitor requests. thanks Brian Hartsock
Rackspace LB: account usage request. thanks Brian Hartsock
Rackspace LB: Load Balancer Usage requests. thanks Brian Hartsock
Rackspace LB: Added model capabilities for a lot of additional actions. thanks Brian Hartsock
Rackspace LB: models for access lists. thanks Brian Hartsock
Rackspace LB: account usage call. thanks Brian Hartsock
Rackspace LB: Refactoring and cleanup. thanks Brian Hartsock
register_image mocking support. thanks Dylan Egan
Remove GENTOO_AMI. thanks Dylan Egan
Store it under the ID, not the name. thanks Dylan Egan
Allow tag filtering for images. thanks Dylan Egan
Set imageOwnerAlias to self. Not 100% on this, but it will allow you to search for images with 'owner-alias' => 'self'. thanks Dylan Egan
Back to using Owner. A couple of tests for it too. thanks Dylan Egan
Added support for delimiter option in Fog::Storage::AWS::Mock object. thanks Erik Terpstra
Link to EBS snapshots blog post. thanks Gavin Sandie
Add force stop functionality to AWS Instance. thanks John Ferlito
* Changed LoadError to Fog::Error::LoadError when missing configuration * When running from command line, rescue the exception, and print the help message. thanks Mark A. Miller
* Fix VirtualBox in compute case statement. thanks Mark A. Miller
Update to the latest VirtualBox gem while we're at it for good measure. thanks Mark A. Miller
add dynect DNS provider with session request implemented. thanks Michael Hale
add dynect provider and cleanup extra requires. thanks Michael Hale
enable mocking for dynect. thanks Michael Hale
parse session request and fix mock for tests. thanks Michael Hale
whoops forgot to add these files. thanks Michael Hale
temporary rake task for convenient testing. thanks Michael Hale
include /REST in all requests. thanks Michael Hale
change API-Token to Auth-Token. thanks Michael Hale
add zone request. thanks Michael Hale
fix API-Token in mock session request. thanks Michael Hale
always run both mock and non-mock tests. thanks Michael Hale
parse the list of zones returned. thanks Michael Hale
require builder in dynect. thanks Michael Hale
WIP: add stub model classes. thanks Michael Hale
tests passing. thanks Michael Hale
rename zone request to zones. thanks Michael Hale
add zone request to show information for a single zone. thanks Michael Hale
hook up zones model. thanks Michael Hale
hook up zones.get. thanks Michael Hale
dynect: add a bunch of stuff: node_list, list_any_records, handle 307 job redirect,. thanks Michael Hale
dynect: nicer filter api for records. thanks Michael Hale
Escape source object name when copying. thanks Pratik Naik
provide #providers for shared services. thanks geemus
[rackspace|load balancers]
fixed broken tests. thanks Brian Hartsock
fixes to play nice with mock test runs. thanks geemus
MVPs! Christopher Oliver, Dylan Egan and Henry Addison
[AWS Autoscaling]
Fixed typo in put scaling policy request. thanks Christopher Oliver
Fixed error in describe policies parser. thanks Christopher Oliver
Got describe policies returning correctly. thanks Christopher Oliver
Removed unnecessary options merge in Delete Policy request. thanks Christopher Oliver
Added Alias related functionality to IAM. Also added get_group_policy. thanks Christopher Oliver
Added missing request file for list account aliases. thanks Christopher Oliver
Added describe db engine versions and describe db reserved instances. Changed the signed params version to 2011-04-01 from 2010-07-28. thanks Christopher Oliver
Added LicenseModel to the db_parser. thanks Christopher Oliver
fix bug that was causing availability zones to not parse properly on get/reload. thanks Blake Gentry
default values for Listeners. thanks Blake Gentry
offload Listener defaults to the Listener model. thanks Blake Gentry
flesh out basics. thanks geemus
flesh out basics. thanks geemus
implement 2010-08-01 API. thanks Nick Osborn
metrics#get should return nil when not found. thanks geemus
mark unimplemented/unsupported tests as pending. thanks geemus
mark overly specific test as pending. thanks geemus
improve model and tests. thanks Nick Osborn
add test to verify that ListenerDescriptions work when creating an ELB. thanks Blake Gentry
make describe_load_balancers parse SSLCertificateId. Verify with test. thanks Blake Gentry
Raise proper IAM error for CertificateNotFound when creating an ELB or creating Listeners. thanks Blake Gentry
move ELB error handling related to certs to the ELB service instead of duplicating at the request level. thanks Blake Gentry
use slurp when raising errors to properly capture exception details. thanks Blake Gentry
Add set_load_balancer_listener_ssl_certificate. thanks James Miller
fix listener defaults to use merge_attributes and therefore aliases. thanks geemus
add error handling for common failures resulting from upload_server_certificate. thanks Blake Gentry
backwards compatibility for gem availability check. thanks geemus
fix server format. thanks geemus
avoid ArgumentError with Ruby 1.8.5 on CentOS. thanks Nick Osborn
fix to_date_header to use self.utc instead of thanks geemus
avoid ||= in timeout lookup. thanks geemus
update index to use non-deprecated service accessor. thanks geemus
Fix ::AWS[] syntax that's only valid in Fog tests when bin/aws.rb is loaded. thanks Blake Gentry
Typos. thanks Blake Gentry
Require json needed for both Real and Mock implementation of Rackspace; SSH commands in Mock just print to command line. thanks Brian Hartsock
Revert "Require json needed for both Real and Mock implementation of Rackspace; SSH commands in Mock just print to command line". thanks Brian Hartsock
require json for rackspace compute mock. thanks Brian Hartsock
Fixed #444 - Unable to squash kvp with false values. thanks Brian Hartsock
Fix make OpenStack swift working properly. thanks Chmouel Boudjnah
Move the timeout to Mock and stop hardcoding. thanks Christopher Meiklejohn
Fix failures in the simpledb testing due to attribute array option deprecation. thanks Christopher Meiklejohn
Guard against item_name not being a valid key. thanks Christopher Meiklejohn
Switch to the has_key? syntax for cleanliness. thanks Christopher Meiklejohn
Move timeout up to Fog from Fog::Mock. thanks Christopher Meiklejohn
Fix deprecation messages. thanks Claudio Poli
Make Rails' respond_with play nice with to_json. thanks Claudio Poli
Use multi_json gem. thanks Claudio Poli
Public API for force_detach on Fog::Compute::AWS::Volume. thanks Dylan Egan
Should actually use the attachment_aliases hash. thanks Dylan Egan
server method for Fog::Compute::AWS::Volume to easily get the server instance. thanks Dylan Egan
requires_one, allows you to require at least one of the specified attributes. thanks Dylan Egan
Remove pending on iam/server_certificate_tests. Start the mocking. thanks Dylan Egan
list_server_certificates and delete_server_certificates. thanks Dylan Egan
Yes, yes it is better. thanks Dylan Egan
Start ELB mocks. Support create_load_balancer and describe_load_balancers. thanks Dylan Egan
configure_health_check and create_app_cookie_stickiness_policy. thanks Dylan Egan
create_lb_cookie_stickiness_policy and delete_load_balancer_policy. thanks Dylan Egan
create_load_balancer_listeneners and set_load_balancer_policies_of_listener. thanks Dylan Egan
delete_load_balancer_listeners and delete_load_balancer (with two more tests). thanks Dylan Egan
deregister_instances_from_load_balancer, describe_instance_health, disable_availability_for_load_balancer, enable_availability_zones_for_load_balancer, register_instances_with_load_balancer and updates to others to get ELB model_tests working. thanks Dylan Egan
Remove requirement of basic parsers. thanks Dylan Egan
Move things around a bit. Separate ELB test file per concerns. thanks Dylan Egan
use AWS.escape instead of CGI.escape. thanks geemus
Use #public_ip_address instead of deprecated #ip_address in Server#setup. thanks Martin Emde
mock: make address detach others before associating. thanks geemus
Fix failing created_at test caused by Ruby 1.9 changes to Range#include?. Use simpler test that doesn't care about the exact created_at time. thanks Blake Gentry
Update ELB API to version 2011-04-05. thanks Blake Gentry
Fix typo in usage documentation and add 'ap-northeast-1' to regions list. thanks Blake Gentry
Rearrange DescribeLoadBalancersResult contents to alphabetical order to match the official AWS docs and make it easier to update the list. thanks Blake Gentry
Add new attributes for 2011-04-05 API. thanks Blake Gentry
Add parameter group tests. thanks Aaron Suggs
Add server model & collection tests. thanks Aaron Suggs
Add security_groups collection and model tests. thanks Aaron Suggs
Server#destroy argument is optional. thanks Aaron Suggs
Refactor RDS model & collection tests. thanks Aaron Suggs
recognize :region option in thanks Nick Osborn
Add get/put bucket policy support. thanks Michael Linderman
Add options argument to delete_object to set headers. thanks Michael Linderman
Add delete bucket policy. thanks Michael Linderman
discern between no file and no directory for files.get. thanks geemus
fix error type for non-directories in files.get. thanks geemus
Added missing Image#compatibility_mode attribute. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Fixed Format of Account representation. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Fixed Format of nested CloudIP's server attribute. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
New account limits exposed in API, updating format test. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
ApiClient revoked time exposed in API. Updated format test. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Fix exception for missing DB security groups. thanks ktheory
Remove redundant NotFound class. thanks ktheory
Improve instance tests. thanks ktheory
reorg model files for consistency
change status waits for more consistent testing
fix format of Destinations in send_raw_email and correct doc. thanks jhawthorne
Make specifying Destinations for send_raw_email work and match amazon docs. thanks jhawthorne
fix indent in doc. thanks jhawthorne
correction for item and attribute counters in encode_batch_attributes. thanks joshounapoli
Fix a problem with the encoding of the tilde character. AWS needs tilde to be unescaped, or else the signature fails. CGI.escape escapes tilde; don't use it. thanks joshounapoli
Correction to the regular expression for unreserved characters. thanks joshounapoli
Test encode_batch_attributes with two attributes in one item to demonstrate an error in encode_batch_attributes. An unmocked test run will show a "400 Bad Request" response from SimpleDB. thanks joshounapoli
default to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 64bit for image id
Fix server tests. thanks ktheory
Fixes trailing whitespace in attributes. thanks ktheory
Fix & improve some tests. thanks ktheory
Use default AMI in tests. thanks ktheory
Add failing tests for keypair parsing. thanks ktheory
Add different availability zones for each region to the mock. thanks smerritt
Update docs for Compute::Real#initialize to include ap-* regions. thanks smerritt
change default flavor to t1.micro (so it will be 64-bit)
use old style, more consistent call to get single instance
fix console output format in tests
Adding lb_applications, lb_services, lb_backends attributes to the model. thanks cparades
Adding in a few more tests for LB's. thanks cparades
Rolling back change. thanks cparades
Added in some data for testing. thanks cparades
Fixed typo in Bluebox test. thanks tokengeek
don't use a lb_application I don't own in tests
Updated Image identifiers to match latest available Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 LTS 64bit image. thanks tokengeek
1.9.2 compat, String#[] doesn't return nil as we expected. thanks dpiddy
Implement Stormondemand API. thanks seeingidog
fixes for tests
Prevent voxel tests running if missing credentials. thanks tokengeek
minor fixes for voxel tests
Parser does not concatenates all the strings when parsing. thanks geraud
Drop default_executable line from gemspec. thanks mattsa
Fix small logic error in Model#wait_for. thanks pvande
Make Model#reload more resilient against errors. thanks pvande
Simplify dup-ing of @attributes for models. thanks smerritt
Make Model#dup copy the attributes too. thanks smerritt
Fix typo in spec output. thanks smerritt
tighten excon dependency. Closes #250
cleanup gemspec. closes #251
Fixes error messaging when credentials missing
update parser to better handle whitespace
Add link to multipart upload and threads article. thanks gsandie
restructure toward same organization as rest of repo
simplify redirector to just point at directory instead of specifically index.html
generalize version subbing in href to catch src too
style cleanup for cdn/dns/storage
storage shouldn't be all caps
link to more prominently
fix new links to properly include version
replace getting started link
add link to learn_fog
remove confusion by linking to instead of wiki
reworking getting started guide
add requires
[dns|aws] fix error handling for getting unknown keys
auto-paginate for #each closes #268
Add #each_file method to directory model. thanks smerritt
Add documentation for #each_file method. thanks smerritt
Emit warning from Files#each. thanks smerritt
Make Files#each iterate all files, not just the first page. thanks smerritt
Fix docs to say files.each, not each_file. thanks smerritt
Issue #283: S3 get_object request doesn't really support the Range header. thanks yalon
fix format for multipart upload tests
fix format in bucket_tests
mark get_object with block test pending when mocked