# Getting started with OpenNebula (one) Fog provider
[OpenNebula](http://www.opennebula.org) provides ruby bindings to access the xml-rpc
The opennebula fog extensions provides examples for using Fog with OpenNebula (4.4).
**Note:** This provider is under construction! This means everything that is provided should work without problems, but there are many features not available yet. Please contribute!
## Requirements
For working with this provider the following pre-requisites are needed:
* Ruby version 1.8.x or 1.9.x
*`fog` gem
* Working OpenNebula instance with XML-RPC and credentials
* This version is tested with OpenNebula 4.4 and the opennebula gem dependency is hardcoded to this version. it should work with version 4.6, but is not tested.
## Examples
General proceeding:
* Connect to one-rpc
* create new vm object
* fetch a template/flavor from one (this template should be predefined)
* assigne the flavor/template to the vm
* change the attributes of this flavor/template (name, cpu, memory, nics....)