mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 13:51:43 -05:00
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/fog/fog
This commit is contained in:
28 changed files with 836 additions and 35 deletions
@ -189,10 +189,10 @@ task :changelog do
changelog << ''
require 'multi_json'
github_repo_data = Fog::JSON.decode(Excon.get('http://github.com/api/v2/json/repos/show/fog/fog').body)
data = github_repo_data['repository'].reject {|key, value| !['forks', 'open_issues', 'watchers'].include?(key)}
github_collaborator_data = Fog::JSON.decode(Excon.get('http://github.com/api/v2/json/repos/show/fog/fog/collaborators').body)
data['collaborators'] = github_collaborator_data['collaborators'].length
github_repo_data = Fog::JSON.decode(Excon.get('https://api.github.com/repos/fog/fog').body)
data = github_repo_data.reject {|key, value| !['forks', 'open_issues', 'watchers'].include?(key)}
github_collaborator_data = Fog::JSON.decode(Excon.get('https://api.github.com/repos/fog/fog/collaborators').body)
data['collaborators'] = github_collaborator_data.length
rubygems_data = Fog::JSON.decode(Excon.get('https://rubygems.org/api/v1/gems/fog.json').body)
data['downloads'] = rubygems_data['downloads']
stats = []
@ -1,3 +1,494 @@
1.4.0 06/24/2012 24e0be755e251159f07d5d82beb1e8ef57c962d9
Stats! { 'collaborators' => 35, 'downloads' => 800348, 'forks' => 477, 'open_issues' => 43, 'watchers' => 2080 }
MVP! Nelvin Driz
make beanstalk, cdn, cloudformation, cloudwatch, elasticache, elb, storage, rds, ses, sns, route53 temporary credential friendly. thanks Frederick Cheung
[AWS|Auto Scale]
Add support for put_notification_configuration and change AWS API to use 01-01-2011 Spec. thanks Zuhaib M Siddique
Fixing Parameters notes for autoscale create launch configuration for InstanceMonitoring. Credit goes to boto, https://github.com/boto/boto/blob/develop/boto/ec2/autoscale/__init__.py , for having it correct. thanks Zuhaib M Siddique
Fixing Parameters notes for autoscale create launch configuration for InstanceMonitoring. Credit goes to boto, https://github.com/boto/boto/blob/develop/boto/ec2/autoscale/__init__.py , for having it correct. thanks Zuhaib M Siddique
Usage Requests. thanks Hunter Nield
Migration and Console output. thanks Hunter Nield
server methods for console and migration. thanks Hunter Nield
Minor address cleanup. thanks Hunter Nield
fixes release_address for VPC EIPs * amazon requires allocation_id only for vpc eips, and public_ip otherwise. thanks Albert Choi
Added missing :beanstalk case. thanks George Scott
Added #load_balancer method. thanks George Scott
Serialize keys for SourceConfiguration. thanks George Scott
Added modify method for template. thanks George Scott
Support different AWS regions. thanks George Scott
Added swap_cnames method. thanks George Scott
add networkInterfaceSet context to EC2 instance parser. thanks Benton Roberts
Allow both Ruby and AWS style names for alias. thanks George Scott
Support for latency/weighted resource sets. thanks George Scott
Fixed #all iteration. thanks George Scott
Reimplemented #get. thanks George Scott
Added #all! method to Records. thanks George Scott
correct batch_put_item to batch_write_item for consistency with API. thanks geemus
Failing test for load_balancers marker support. thanks Dan Peterson
Deprecate describe_load_balancers with just an array of names. thanks Dan Peterson
Marker support for describe_load_balancers. thanks Dan Peterson
Fix use of describe_load_balancers in tests. thanks Dan Peterson
load_balancers.get(nil) returns nil instead of the first of all load balancers. thanks Dan Peterson
Add test for AWS[:iam].get_user. thanks Benton Roberts
add test for AWS[:iam].get_user_policy. thanks Benton Roberts
FIX - make arguments AWS::IAM.get_user conform to expected standard for this module. thanks Benton Roberts
Fix Users model to comply with updated request parameter set. thanks Benton Roberts
mark role tests as pending in mock mode. thanks geemus
fix flipped logic on valid acl check closes #889. thanks geemus
fix method signature for setup_credentials. thanks geemus
Make get_object_http_url use correct S3 host in returned URL. thanks Michiel Sikkes
Make get_object_http_url use correct S3 host in returned URL. thanks Michiel Sikkes
Updated image reference where unfortunately hardcoded. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Remove resize request since not available. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Update format tests for new attributes on Cloud IPs. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Update format tests for "fqdn" attribute. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Update format tests for updates to Image. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
prevent mock test failure when cloudstack credentials are not defined. thanks geemus
add to list of providers so it can be skipped when lacking credentials. thanks geemus
zones,flavors,images,address. thanks Jason Hansen & Josh Lane
support async jobs. thanks Jason Hansen & Josh Lane
server abstraction and mocks. thanks Josh Lane & Jason Hansen
volumes support. thanks Josh Lane & Jason Hansen
volume tests. thanks Josh Lane & Jason Hansen
Apply tags to volume at creation. thanks Dan Carley
Respect extra register_image options when mocking. thanks Dan Peterson
extend polling interval for spot_requests bootstrap. thanks geemus
cleanup internet_gateway mocks and remove debug output. thanks geemus
update server attributes for shared compute tests. thanks geemus
cleanup for list security groups request/mock. thanks geemus
fix link to EngineYard logo (broken in /storage, /compute, etc.). thanks Len
Adding multiple disks at once was not working properly. thanks Eugene Howe
fix optional params for validate_data closes #969. thanks geemus
update server/status format to include cpu hash and warnings. thanks Anton Lindström
add reboot and compute test params. thanks Anton Lindström
fix tests to properly set default base image. thanks geemus
Typo in parameter name, should be storageID. thanks Decklin Foster
Fixes issue where params are not properly passed to #keys_create from #create_key. thanks Kevin Chan
Added #list_datacenters. thanks Kevin Chan
Support for DSA keys for auth. thanks Kevin Chan
added tests. thanks Amos Benari
refactored libvirt entire code. thanks Ohad Levy
expose node hostname. thanks Ohad Levy
added display attributes and allowed to change display of a running server. thanks Ohad Levy
volumes dev names must be uniq. thanks Ohad Levy
makes libvirt code more debian friendly. thanks Ohad Levy
- ensure no nil pools are returned. thanks Ohad Levy
Fix SSH keyfile being pulled from wrong param. thanks brookemckim
skip tests if ruby-libvirt is unavailable. thanks geemus
correct error message when skipping tests. thanks geemus
Add support for internal ELBs in VPC. thanks Aaron Bell
cleaning up model. thanks Aaron Bell
fix parser to show scheme, add test for internal ELB creation. thanks Aaron Bell
fixing test. thanks Aaron Bell
add scheme to elb helper. thanks Aaron Bell
adds batch_put_item functionality to AWS dynamodb + test. thanks Alex Gaudio
Fixed non-persistent connections handling to AWS. thanks Alexander Kolesen
Fixed handling options[:persistent] in some cases. thanks Alexander Kolesen
added mock implementation. thanks Amos Benari
removed unneeded dependency,. thanks Amos Benari
new rbovirt version. thanks Amos Benari
use constant for GB. thanks Amos Benari
Adding network interface information and security group ids. thanks Artem Veremey
Adding network interface information and security group ids to the model. thanks Artem Veremey
Store the region for S3. thanks Ben Butler-Cole
add create_hosted_zone and get_hosted_zone request mocks. thanks Bulat Shakirzyanov
add list_hosted_zones request mock. thanks Bulat Shakirzyanov
add change_resource_record_set request mock. thanks Bulat Shakirzyanov
fix response codes and formatting. thanks Bulat Shakirzyanov
fix typos. thanks Bulat Shakirzyanov
fix identifiers. thanks Bulat Shakirzyanov
use hard-coded sample value to eliminate randomness. thanks Bulat Shakirzyanov
fix typos. thanks Bulat Shakirzyanov
fix zone id in create_hosted_zone response. thanks Bulat Shakirzyanov
fix attribute name. thanks Bulat Shakirzyanov
add authorize and revoke port range for security group. thanks Bulat Shakirzyanov
Fix typo. thanks Christopher Meiklejohn
Specify image_ref rather than trying to instantiate object. thanks Christopher Meiklejohn
Fog::Compute::AWS::Address#server -> assigned Server. thanks Dr Nic Williams
fix auto-discovery for HP Cloud by fog bin. thanks Dr Nic Williams
whitespace. :bomb: :v:. thanks Dylan Egan
Default to false for persistent connections. You can't pass in false. This now behaves like other connections in fog. :v:. thanks Dylan Egan
Idempotent Dynect calls. :v:. thanks Dylan Egan
Fix up describe_volume_status to work with THE ARRAYZ. :v:. thanks Dylan Egan
Fog::AWS.indexed_reuqest_param. thanks Edward Muller
include the nextToken in the body. thanks Edward Muller
complete Request param support. thanks Edward Muller
refactor to use Fog::AWS.indexed_request_param. thanks Edward Muller
the old parser was not working properly. thanks Edward Muller
All directories.create on us-east-1. thanks Edward Muller
us-west-2 default ami. thanks Edward Muller
some small fixups. thanks Edward Muller
make the aws region accessible. thanks Edward Muller
Fog::Compute::Server#private_key=. thanks Edward Muller
Fog::Compute::Server#sshable?. thanks Edward Muller
ssh/run optionally takes a block. thanks Edward Muller
Cleanup after talking to @dpiddy. thanks Edward Muller
return '' not nil. thanks Edward Muller
Revert "Add debug option to Fog::Compute::Server#ssh". thanks Edward Muller
Mock stop_instances. thanks Edward Muller
Mock aws compute start_instances. thanks Edward Muller
Don't duplicate effort. thanks Edward Muller
Add ssh_port to Fog::Compute::Server. thanks Edward Muller
Generalize NoLeak Inspector for Fog::Service. thanks Edward Muller
Don't leak HP cdn & storage. thanks Edward Muller
Make aws compute server retry SSH on EHOSTUNREACH. thanks Eric Boehs
Copied auth token reauthentication from rackspace|compute. thanks Eric Hankins
https://github.com/fog/fog/issues/810 - Add ENI support by maf23. thanks Eric Stonfer
minor fix to ENI tests. thanks Eric Stonfer
VPC ELBs, Tests, and the introduction of the InternetGateway object. thanks Eric Stonfer
clean up conflict. thanks Eric Stonfer
this adds the dhcp_options object and associated operations. thanks Eric Stonfer
merge upstream. thanks Eric Stonfer
forgot to commit dhcp_options tests. thanks Eric Stonfer
fix describe_volume_status parser. thanks Eric Stonfer
add some more explanation to the server creation process. thanks Eric Stonfer
testing. thanks Eugene Howe
added requests and models for compute_pools. thanks Eugene Howe
changed to urn:tmrk:eCloudExtensions-2.8. thanks Eugene Howe
require compute pool to be specified on vapp creation. thanks Eugene Howe
set default value for computePool on vapp creation. thanks Eugene Howe
Made computePool an optional parameter, specs now pass without issue. thanks Eugene Howe
Removed non-functioning Mock classes. thanks Eugene Howe
fixed method name. thanks Eugene Howe
start an instance with an IAM profile and access the credentials. thanks Frederick Cheung
add new iam requests to support iam roles. thanks Frederick Cheung
request tests for the new iam role requests. thanks Frederick Cheung
test credential fetching. thanks Frederick Cheung
use excon rather than net/http. thanks Frederick Cheung
remove stray multijson require. thanks Frederick Cheung
fix errant use of net/http. thanks Frederick Cheung
Add debug option to Fog::Compute::Server#ssh. thanks Gabriel Horner
Correct docs for change_resource_record_sets. thanks Gavin Sandie
add cc2.8xlarge AWS flavor. thanks Ian Downes
Fix user-data attribute name. thanks Igor Bolotin
Refactor AWS Directory. thanks James Herdman
Remove unused variable. thanks James Herdman
Fix indentation warning. thanks James Herdman
Remove unnecessary full path usage with require. thanks James Herdman
Remove unused variable. thanks James Herdman
Remove unused accessor. thanks James Herdman
Silence warning regarding splat operator. thanks James Herdman
Remove unused variable. thanks James Herdman
Remove unused variable. thanks James Herdman
Silence warnings about potentially private attribute. thanks James Herdman
Remove unused variable. thanks James Herdman
Silence warning about potentially private attribute. thanks James Herdman
Remove unused variable. thanks James Herdman
Remove unused variable. thanks James Herdman
Remove unused variable. thanks James Herdman
Remove unused variable. thanks James Herdman
Remove unused variable. thanks James Herdman
Remove unused variable. thanks James Herdman
Remove unused variable. thanks James Herdman
Remove unused variable. thanks James Herdman
Remove unused variable. thanks James Herdman
Remove unused variable. thanks James Herdman
Remove unused variable. thanks James Herdman
Remove unused variable. thanks James Herdman
Remove unused variable. thanks James Herdman
Remove duplicate require. thanks James Herdman
Remove unused variable. thanks James Herdman
Remove unused variable. thanks James Herdman
Remove unused variable. thanks James Herdman
Remove absolute path when requiring. thanks James Herdman
Remove unused variable. thanks James Herdman
Remove duplicate Mock class definition. thanks James Herdman
implement Fog::SSH::Mock#run. thanks Jason Hansen & Josh Lane
add a method to IPAddr instead of breaking a useful one. thanks Jesse Newland
Adjusts regex to fix issues with S3 paths that include periods. thanks John Feminella
fix response-cache-control type for AWS signed urls. thanks John Nishinaga
remove FOG_PROVIDER env override. thanks Josh Lane
more robust resource pool discovery. thanks Justin Clayton
Removed duplicate property :ips on server. thanks Kevin Chan
Fixes invalid call to #resize, should be #resize_machine. thanks Kevin Chan
Fixed #875: Loosen multi_json version. thanks Kevin Menard
Bad string replace. thanks Kevin Menard
Actually call the new MultiJSON 1.3.2 API methods. thanks Kevin Menard
Rename dd_belatedpng.js to dd_belatedpng.min.js. thanks Laurent Bigonville
Add non-minified javascript files used in docs/ (#939). thanks Laurent Bigonville
Catch Errno::ETIMEDOUT timeout error when connecting to a freshly created EC2 machine. thanks Marc Seeger
fix get, all, and all!. thanks Michael Keirnan
Make `.irbrc` service agnostic. thanks Nelvin Driz
Nested Credentials with Array gets flattened; restrict flatten to 1L. thanks Nelvin Driz
Allow for stringified options keys. thanks Nikita Pomyashchiy
add supports for defining/extracting libvit boot order. thanks Ohad Levy
libvirt volume sizes are in GB, ensuring both requests and setters are in GB. thanks Ohad Levy
adds deprecation on vnc_port. thanks Ohad Levy
monitoring-state is enabled or disabled, if enabled returns true. thanks Ozgur Akan
reserved instances hourly cost was returning empty. thanks Ozgur Akan
Modify url regexp to handle periods in bucket names. thanks Parker Selbert
Tag generated model tests with string not symbol. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
added missing server attributes for openstack compute model. thanks Pedro Perez
openstack: extended list_servers and list_server_detail to allow all_tenants param. thanks Pedro Perez
depend on excon >= 0.13.0. thanks Prashant Nadarajan
use pessimistic gem version constraint for excon (~>0.14.0). thanks Prashant Nadarajan
aim users model and nested model policy. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
IAM access_key model implemented. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
get_user Mock implemented. Basic shindo user_tests added. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
Refactor aim modeling for nested models (policies and access keys). thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
shindo tests for IAM models: users, policies and access_keys. Mock implementation for get_user_policy. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
@users -> @user. Clean up the @user after the policies and access_keys test. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
Fix encoding issue: https://github.com/fog/fog/pull/189. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
aim users model and nested model policy. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
IAM access_key model implemented. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
get_user Mock implemented. Basic shindo user_tests added. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
Refactor aim modeling for nested models (policies and access keys). thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
shindo tests for IAM models: users, policies and access_keys. Mock implementation for get_user_policy. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
@users -> @user. Clean up the @user after the policies and access_keys test. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
Fix encoding issue: https://github.com/fog/fog/pull/189. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
For some reason, there was a missing comma in the mock class. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
Fix get_user_policy. The actual AWS data has to be in a ['Policy'] hash section. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
add IAM mocking for get_group method. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
add IAM mocking for get_group method. thanks Rodrigo Estebanez
Add new HP providers for Object Storage, Compute and CDN services. thanks Rupak Ganguly
Be sure to reload when checking for a started spot instance, also add private/public key options into spot_requests, then set those on the server when loaded. thanks Ryan Stout
Use spot request's public_key when setting up keypair. thanks Ryan Stout
ensure apiKey and command are included in parameter sorting. thanks Sean Caffery
* [xenserver|compute] initial release. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Added VIF model and collection tests * added network and server wrappers to VIF model. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Added VIF collection Shindo tests. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Added PIFs collection Shindo tests. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Added VBD Shindo tests * added server wrapper to VBD model. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Added Network collection Shindo tests * Fixed PBD and PIF tests descriptions. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Added Pool and StorageRepository models and collections Shindo tests * Added missing attributes to Pool and StorageRepository models. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Define missing InvalidLogin exception * Add login tests. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Added custom_templates and templates methods to Host model. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Added more tests and extended existing ones * Added missing exceptions NotFound and RequestFailed * connection.request now raises exception if request failed * refactored most get_* request into get_record and get_records * Compute.default_template more robust * Base parser now replaces OpaqueRef:NULL with nil * create_server request fixes. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Added some more tests * Lots of fixes and some refactoring. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Fix Servers.templates method. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Added clone_server request. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Added create_vif tests * Server.save now properly creates additional VIFs when required * Added create_vif_custome request to create VIFs with custom params. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Added Vif.destroy and destroy_vif request * add :auto_start parameter to Server.save. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Added create_vdi request * Added missing VDI methods and attributes. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Added missing VBD operations. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Added set_attribute request and tests * Added missing PV_bootloaer attribute to Server * Added Server.set_attribute method and tests. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Added create_vbd and provision_server requests * Do not provision server when :auto_start is false * Add Server.provisio method * Add VBD.save method. thanks Sergio Rubio
* renamed some tests * Added missing VDI attributes and methods * added create/destroy request tests * Added valid_ref? test helper * Fixes in get_record_tests. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Added missing attributes to Server model * Added create_server_raw request and tests * Added VIF.save action * more tests. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Fix: do not try to retrive guest_metrics when guest_metrics ref is nil * ruby 1.8.7 compatibility fixes * Sane defaults for create_server_raw request. thanks Sergio Rubio
* Added new scan_sr request * Added StorageRepository.scan method * set_attribute request is now generic and can be used by any model * Added VDI.set_attribute method. thanks Sergio Rubio
* [xenserver|compute] set_attribute request now accepts var args - added new tests. thanks Sergio Rubio
updating gitignore for eclipse settings. thanks Spencer Dillard
first pass at updates for VPC. thanks Spencer Dillard
updating for SSL ciphers and protocols. thanks Spencer Dillard
updating to master. thanks Spencer Dillard
regularize examples showing use of AWS access keys. thanks Stephen Bannasch
Use MultiJSON #dump and #load rather than #encode and #decode. thanks Steve Smith
Add support for ports in AWS storage URLs. thanks Tim Carey-Smith
Mock implementations for SCP upload and download. thanks Tom Mornini
add Linode Mock classes to request primitives. thanks Wes Morgan
make Mock#linode_disk_delete return the response object. thanks Wes Morgan
make Mock#linode_disk_list return the response object. thanks Wes Morgan
use kernel_id for mocked kernel, not stackscript_id. thanks Wes Morgan
Adds new method delete_notification_configuration which allows you notifications created by put_notification_configuration. thanks Zuhaib Siddique
Fix for stacks that have capabilities. Without this the parser misinterprets stacks with capabilities set. thanks atlantacs
volume(s) are not considered to be universally available. thanks geemus
catch passing an invalid openstack_tenant. thanks mattray
addresses['internet'] (like on TryStack.org) supported and public and private_ip_address now work. thanks mattray
don't assume 'internet' for addresses. thanks mattray
Added offering type for reserved instances response. thanks questionnet
added volumes to server and template. thanks Amos Benari
added volume size in GB accessor. thanks Amos Benari
fixed create_vm and get_virtual_machine requests mock implementation. thanks Amos Benari
Fix create snapshot. thanks Ferran Rodenas
Match both OS API 1.1 and v2 since they are the same. thanks Josh Kearney
Update Reinitialization Process of Existing Auth Token. thanks Nelvin Driz
Add Export of Credentials. thanks Nelvin Driz
Wrong instance variables accessed for #credentials. thanks Nelvin Driz
Update Authentication through X-Auth-Token. thanks Nelvin Driz
Update mocks for login and identity request #get_user_by_id. thanks Nelvin Driz
Fix authentication without specifying tenant name. thanks Nelvin Driz
Make current_user and current_token accessible to services. thanks Nelvin Driz
Fix Authentication as well as Fog::JSON call bugs. thanks Nelvin Driz
Raise error when no tenant is found for the user logging in. thanks Nelvin Driz
Ensure password sent is of type string. thanks Nelvin Driz
Modify authentication process. thanks Philip Mark Deazeta
Add requests and tests for security groups. thanks Alfonso Juan Dillera
Add requests, models and tests for keypairs. thanks Alfonso Juan Dillera
Add requests, models and tests for address management. thanks Alfonso Juan Dillera
Add requests, models and tests for address management. thanks Alfonso Juan Dillera
Add flavor CRUD. thanks Alfonso Juan Dillera
Add auth_token. thanks Alfonso Juan Dillera
Added request for boot_from_snapshot. thanks Alfonso Juan Dillera
Added id attribute to the keypair. thanks Alfonso Juan Dillera
Update fetching of addresses and added fetching for address pools. thanks Alvin Garcia
Fixed creating image of a server. thanks Alvin Garcia
Added requests for quota. thanks Alvin Garcia
Initial extension support for addresses. thanks Hunter Nield
Initial extension support for key pairs. thanks Hunter Nield
Initial extension support for security groups. thanks Hunter Nield
Added Address models. thanks Hunter Nield
Added key pair models. thanks Hunter Nield
added security group models. thanks Hunter Nield
Updates to server model. thanks Hunter Nield
Added list/get support for /os-hosts. thanks Hunter Nield
Add Tenants and Fix Authentication Implementation. thanks Nelvin Driz
Fix Requests on Compute. thanks Nelvin Driz
General Cleanup and Update. thanks Nelvin Driz
Fix Compute Identity Endpoint Credential Export. thanks Nelvin Driz
Add Identity Enpoint to Recognized Init Parameters. thanks Nelvin Driz
Update requests and response of server actions. thanks Nelvin Driz
Fix Bug on Key Pair Mock. thanks Nelvin Driz
Update Mocks for Volumes. thanks Nelvin Driz
Update Mocks for Security Groups and Volumes. thanks Nelvin Driz
Add Instance Name to Fog. thanks Nelvin Driz
Update Image Mocks. thanks Nelvin Driz
Update List Security Groups to list those assigned to a server. thanks Nelvin Driz
Assert Timezone to UTC and fix format for OS on `get_usage`. thanks Nelvin Driz
Added get_usage function, mocks, tests. thanks Philip Mark Deazeta
Added get server volumes request. thanks Philip Mark M. Deazeta
Added key_pair and security_groups options int create server requrest. thanks Philip Mark M. Deazeta
added key_name and security_groups in boot from snapshot request. thanks Philip Mark M. Deazeta
authenticate_v2 fixes. thanks Sergio Rubio
Added current user id. thanks Alfonso Juan Dillera
Updated current user id for identity. thanks Alfonso Juan Dillera
Keystone Roles. thanks Alvin Garcia
Keystone Roles and Users. thanks Alvin Garcia
Update users collections and model. thanks Alvin Garcia
Update users model initialization and save. thanks Alvin Garcia
Fixed users fetching. thanks Alvin Garcia
Rough implementation of the Keystone API (untested). thanks Hunter Nield
Correction in Roles#all method. thanks Mark Maglana
Express the "add user role" intent more clearly. thanks Mark Maglana
Fix Authentication Implementation. thanks Nelvin Driz
Update Tenants. thanks Nelvin Driz
Update Tenants (Complete CRUD). thanks Nelvin Driz
Fix Identity Authentication Conditions on Endpoint Detection. thanks Nelvin Driz
Add User List and Delete User Mocks. thanks Nelvin Driz
Update Fog to Accomodate Tenant Deletion Workaround Workflow. thanks Nelvin Driz
Fix status code expectation. thanks Nelvin Driz
Added function to add user to a tenant. thanks Philip Mark Deazeta
Added function to add user to a tenant. thanks Philip Mark Deazeta
fixes for mocks. thanks geemus
Added set_tenant. thanks Alvin Garcia
Added copy_from attribute. thanks Alvin Garcia
Update Image Service Authentication Options. thanks Nelvin Driz
Added image service, model and request. thanks Philip Mark Deazeta
Added test for models and request. thanks Philip Mark Deazeta
Added image module, model and request. thanks Philip Mark Deazeta
Image Model Updates. thanks Philip Mark Deazeta
Refactor Dynamic Methods on Image Model. thanks Philip Mark Deazeta
Volume Endpoints Support. thanks Marjun Pagalan
Volume Snapshot CRUD. thanks Marjun Pagalan
Volume attach/detach to Server. thanks Marjun Pagalan
Added volume service requests. thanks Philip Mark M. Deazeta
fix on module name. thanks Philip Mark M. Deazeta
Added volume model. thanks Philip Mark M. Deazeta
fixed list storage domain test. thanks Amos Benari
fix rackspace server compare. thanks Josh Lane & Jason Hansen
default images. thanks Josh Lane & Jason Hansen
Images#all returns data. thanks Josh Lane & Jason Hansen
fixes for mock images. thanks geemus
added support for algorithm on create. thanks Brian Hartsock
fixed broken tests due to API contract changes. thanks Brian Hartsock
fixed broken tests. thanks Brian Hartsock
copy method now use the options hash and apply content type. thanks Matthias Gröbner
fix iteration. thanks Matthias Gröbner
remove (now deprecated) slicehost support. thanks geemus
fix location stuff to allow creating new buckets properly. thanks geemus
Remove some un-needed debug information. thanks Lincoln Stoll
AWS security group model + VPC. thanks Sean Porter
force poweroff of instance of vmware tools are not installed. thanks Ohad Levy
adds memory and cpu server attributes. thanks Ohad Levy
adds support to get and set vnc console. thanks Ohad Levy
Added missing Server.tags attribute. thanks Sergio Rubio
fix tags to skip tests without credentials. thanks geemus
1.3.1 03/27/2012 f0f692456956fe2e414ef8205d0268259901644a
@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ module Fog
collection :groups
model :instance
collection :instances
model :policy
collection :policies
class Real
include Fog::AWS::CredentialFetcher::ConnectionMethods
@ -165,6 +167,7 @@ module Fog
:auto_scaling_groups => {},
:scaling_policies => {},
:health_states => ['Healthy', 'Unhealthy'],
:launch_configurations => {},
:metric_collection_types => {
@ -36,9 +36,37 @@ module Fog
class Mock
def initialize(options={})
def self.data
@data ||= Hash.new do |hash, region|
hash[region] = Hash.new do |region_hash, key|
region_hash[key] = {
:metric_alarms => {}
def self.reset
@data = nil
def initialize(options={})
@aws_access_key_id = options[:aws_access_key_id]
@region = options[:region] || 'us-east-1'
unless ['ap-northeast-1', 'ap-southeast-1', 'eu-west-1', 'sa-east-1', 'us-east-1', 'us-west-1', 'us-west-2'].include?(@region)
raise ArgumentError, "Unknown region: #{@region.inspect}"
def data
def reset_data
class Real
@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ module Fog
requires :image_id
requires :instance_type
connection.create_launch_configuration(image_id, instance_type, id) #, listeners.map{|l| l.to_params})
options = Hash[self.class.aliases.map { |key, value| [key, send(value)] }]
options.delete_if { |key, value| value.nil? }
connection.create_launch_configuration(image_id, instance_type, id, options) #, listeners.map{|l| l.to_params})
# reload instead of merge attributes b/c some attrs (like HealthCheck)
# may be set, but only the DNS name is returned in the create_load_balance
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ module Fog
module AWS
class AutoScaling
class Group < Fog::Model
identity :id, :aliases => 'AutoScalingGroupName'
attribute :arn, :aliases => 'AutoScalingGroupARN'
attribute :availability_zones, :aliases => 'AvailabilityZones'
@ -22,6 +21,7 @@ module Fog
attribute :placement_group, :aliases => 'PlacementGroup'
attribute :suspended_processes, :aliases => 'SuspendedProcesses'
attribute :vpc_zone_identifier, :aliases => 'VPCZoneIdentifier'
attribute :tags, :aliases => 'Tags'
def initialize(attributes={})
attributes['DefaultCooldown'] ||= 0
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ module Fog
attributes['MaxSize'] ||= 0
attributes['MinSize'] ||= 0
attributes['SuspendedProcesses'] ||= []
attributes['Tags'] ||= []
@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ module Fog
requires :max_size
requires :min_size
connection.create_auto_scaling_group(id, availability_zones, launch_configuration_name, max_size, min_size)
connection.create_auto_scaling_group(id, availability_zones, launch_configuration_name, max_size, min_size, options)
@ -126,14 +127,17 @@ module Fog
def update(options)
def update
requires :id
connection.update_auto_scaling_group(id, options)
def options
ret = Hash[self.class.aliases.map { |key, value| [key, send(value)] }]
ret.delete_if { |key, value| value.nil? }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
require 'fog/aws/models/auto_scaling/policy'
module Fog
module AWS
class AutoScaling
class Policies < Fog::Collection
model Fog::AWS::AutoScaling::Policy
# Creates a new scaling policy.
def initialize(attributes={})
def all
data = []
next_token = nil
loop do
result = connection.describe_policies('NextToken' => next_token).body['DescribePoliciesResult']
data += result['ScalingPolicies']
next_token = result['NextToken']
break if next_token.nil?
def get(identity, auto_scaling_group = nil)
data = connection.describe_policies('PolicyNames' => identity, 'AutoScalingGroupName' => auto_scaling_group).body['DescribePoliciesResult']['ScalingPolicies'].first
new(data) unless data.nil?
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
require 'fog/core/model'
module Fog
module AWS
class AutoScaling
class Policy < Fog::Model
identity :id, :aliases => 'PolicyName'
attribute :arn, :aliases => 'PolicyARN'
attribute :adjustment_type, :aliases => 'AdjustmentType'
attribute :alarms, :aliases => 'Alarms'
attribute :auto_scaling_group_name, :aliases => 'AutoScalingGroupName'
attribute :cooldown, :aliases => 'Cooldown'
attribute :min_adjustment_step, :aliases => 'MinAdjustmentStep'
attribute :scaling_adjustment, :aliases => 'ScalingAdjustment'
def initialize(attributes)
attributes['AdjustmentType'] ||= 'ChangeInCapacity'
attributes['ScalingAdjustment'] ||= 1
# TODO: implement #alarms
# TODO: implement #auto_scaling_group
def save
requires :id
requires :adjustment_type
requires :auto_scaling_group_name
requires :scaling_adjustment
options = Hash[self.class.aliases.map { |key, value| [key, send(value)] }]
options.delete_if { |key, value| value.nil? }
connection.put_scaling_policy(adjustment_type, auto_scaling_group_name, id, scaling_adjustment, options)
def destroy
requires :id
requires :auto_scaling_group_name
connection.delete_policy(auto_scaling_group_name, id)
@ -3,9 +3,57 @@ require 'fog/core/model'
module Fog
module AWS
class CloudWatch
class Alarm < Fog::Model
attribute :alarm_names, :aliases => 'AlarmNames'
identity :id, :aliases => 'AlarmName'
attribute :actions_enabled, :aliases => 'ActionsEnabled'
attribute :alarm_actions, :aliases => 'AlarmActions'
attribute :arn, :aliases => 'AlarmArn'
attribute :alarm_configuration_updated_timestamp, :aliases => 'AlarmConfigurationUpdatedTimestamp'
attribute :alarm_description, :aliases => 'AlarmDescription'
attribute :comparison_operator, :aliases => 'ComparisonOperator'
attribute :dimensions, :aliases => 'Dimensions'
attribute :evaluation_periods, :aliases => 'EvaluationPeriods'
attribute :insufficient_data_actions, :aliases => 'InsufficientDataActions'
attribute :metric_name, :aliases => 'MetricName'
attribute :namespace, :aliases => 'Namespace'
attribute :ok_actions, :aliases => 'OKActions'
attribute :period, :aliases => 'Period'
attribute :state_reason, :aliases => 'StateReason'
attribute :state_reason_data, :aliases => 'StateReasonData'
attribute :state_updated_timestamp, :aliases => 'StateUpdatedTimestamp'
attribute :state_value, :aliases => 'StateValue'
attribute :statistic, :aliases => 'Statistic'
attribute :threshold, :aliases => 'Threshold'
attribute :unit, :aliases => 'Unit'
def initialize(attributes)
attributes['EvaluationPeriods'] ||= 1
attributes['Namespace'] ||= 'AWS/EC2'
def save
requires :id
requires :comparison_operator
requires :evaluation_periods
requires :metric_name
requires :namespace
requires :period
requires :statistic
requires :threshold
options = Hash[self.class.aliases.map { |key, value| [key, send(value)] }]
options.delete_if { |key, value| value.nil? }
def destroy
requires :id
@ -7,7 +7,24 @@ module Fog
class Alarms < Fog::Collection
model Fog::AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm
def all
data = []
next_token = nil
loop do
result = connection.describe_alarms('NextToken' => next_token).body['DescribeAlarmsResult']
data += result['MetricAlarms']
next_token = result['NextToken']
break if next_token.nil?
def get(identity)
data = connection.describe_alarms('AlarmNames' => identity).body['DescribeAlarmsResult']['MetricAlarms'].first
new(data) unless data.nil?
#alarm_names is an array of alarm names
def delete(alarm_names)
@ -44,6 +44,11 @@ module Fog
def all!
data = []
merge_attributes({'NextRecordName' => nil,
'NextRecordType' => nil,
'NextRecordIdentifier' => nil,
'IsTruncated' => nil})
options = {
:name => next_record_name,
@ -49,13 +49,15 @@ module Fog
@response['DescribePoliciesResult'] = @results
when 'Alarms'
if @in_alarms == true
@in_alarms = false
when 'member'
if @in_alarms
@scaling_policy['Alarms'] << @alarm
when 'member'
@results['ScalingPolicies'] << @scaling_policy
@results['ScalingPolicies'] << @scaling_policy
@ -49,9 +49,17 @@ module Fog
def create_auto_scaling_group(auto_scaling_group_name, availability_zones, launch_configuration_name, max_size, min_size, options = {})
options.merge!(AWS.indexed_param('AvailabilityZones.member.%d', [*availability_zones]))
if load_balancer_names = options.delete('LoadBalancerNames')
options.merge!(AWS.indexed_param('LoadBalancerNames.member.%d', [*load_balancer_names]))
if tags = options.delete('Tags')
tags.each_with_index do |tag, i|
tag.each do |key, value|
options["Tags.member.#{i + 1}.#{key.to_s.capitalize}"] = value
'Action' => 'CreateAutoScalingGroup',
'AutoScalingGroupName' => auto_scaling_group_name,
@ -78,9 +78,8 @@ module Fog
data[:launch_configurations][launch_configuration_name] = {
'BlockDeviceMappings' => [],
'CreatedTime' => Time.now.utc,
'IamInstanceProfile' => nil,
'ImageId' => image_id,
'InstanceMonitoring.Enabled' => true,
'InstanceMonitoring' => {'Enabled' => true},
'InstanceType' => instance_type,
'KernelId' => nil,
'KeyName' => nil,
@ -35,9 +35,17 @@ module Fog
class Mock
def delete_auto_scaling_group(auto_scaling_group_name)
unless self.data[:auto_scaling_groups].delete(auto_scaling_group_name)
raise Fog::AWS::Autoscaling::NotFound, "The auto scaling group '#{auto_scaling_group_name}' does not exist."
response = Excon::Response.new
response.status = 200
response.body = {
'ResponseMetadata' => { 'RequestId' => Fog::AWS::Mock.request_id }
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ module Fog
def delete_launch_configuration(launch_configuration_name)
unless self.data[:launch_configurations].delete(launch_configuration_name)
raise Fog::AWS::AutoScaling::ValidationError, "Launch configuration name not found - Launch configuration #{launch_configuration_name} not found"
raise Fog::AWS::AutoScaling::NotFound, "The launch configuration '#{launch_configuration_name}' does not exist."
response = Excon::Response.new
@ -37,7 +37,16 @@ module Fog
class Mock
def delete_policy(auto_scaling_group_name, policy_name)
unless data[:scaling_policies].delete(policy_name)
raise Fog::AWS::AutoScaling::NotFound, "The scaling policy '#{policy_name}' does not exist."
response = Excon::Response.new
response.status = 200
response.body = {
'ResponseMetadata' => { 'RequestId' => Fog::AWS::Mock.request_id }
@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ module Fog
def describe_auto_scaling_instances(options = {})
results = { 'AutoScalingInstances' => [] }
data[:auto_scaling_groups].each do |asg_name, asg_data|
lc_name = data[asg_data][lc_name]
asg_data['Instances'].each do |instance|
results['AutoScalingInstances'] << {
'AutoScalingGroupName' => asg_name
@ -75,7 +75,19 @@ module Fog
class Mock
def describe_policies(options = {})
results = { 'ScalingPolicies' => [] }
data[:scaling_policies].each do |asp_name, asp_data|
results['ScalingPolicies'] << {
'PolicyName' => asp_name
response = Excon::Response.new
response.status = 200
response.body = {
'DescribePoliciesResult' => results,
'ResponseMetadata' => { 'RequestId' => Fog::AWS::Mock.request_id }
@ -56,7 +56,26 @@ module Fog
class Mock
def put_scaling_policy(adjustment_type, auto_scaling_group_name, policy_name, scaling_adjustment, options = {})
unless data[:auto_scaling_groups].has_key?(auto_scaling_group_name)
raise Fog::AWS::AutoScaling::ValidationError.new('Auto Scaling Group name not found - null')
data[:scaling_policies][policy_name] = {
'AdjustmentType' => adjustment_type,
'Alarms' => [],
'AutoScalingGroupName' => auto_scaling_group_name,
'Cooldown' => 0,
'MinAdjustmentStep' => 0,
'PolicyARN' => "arn:aws:autoscaling:eu-west-1:000000000000:scalingPolicy:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:autoScalingGroupName/#{auto_scaling_group_name}:policyName/#{policy_name}",
'PolicyName' => policy_name,
'ScalingAdjustment' => scaling_adjustment
response = Excon::Response.new
response.status = 200
response.body = {
'ResponseMetadata' => { 'RequestId' => Fog::AWS::Mock.request_id }
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ module Fog
unless data[:auto_scaling_groups].has_key?(auto_scaling_group_name)
raise Fog::AWS::AutoScaling::ValidationError.new('AutoScalingGroup name not found - null')
response = Excon::Response.new
response.status = 200
@ -24,7 +24,25 @@ module Fog
:parser => Fog::Parsers::AWS::CloudWatch::DeleteAlarms.new
class Mock
def delete_alarms(alarm_names)
[*alarm_names].each do |alarm_name|
unless data[:metric_alarms].has_key?(alarm_name)
raise Fog::AWS::AutoScaling::NotFound, "The alarm '#{alarm_name}' does not exist."
[*alarm_names].each { |alarm_name| data[:metric_alarms].delete(alarm_name) }
response = Excon::Response.new
response.status = 200
response.body = {
'ResponseMetadata' => { 'RequestId' => Fog::AWS::Mock.request_id }
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module Fog
module AWS
class CloudWatch
class Real
class Real
require 'fog/aws/parsers/cloud_watch/describe_alarms'
@ -32,7 +32,25 @@ module Fog
:parser => Fog::Parsers::AWS::CloudWatch::DescribeAlarms.new
class Mock
def describe_alarms(options={})
results = { 'MetricAlarms' => [] }
data[:metric_alarms].each do |alarm_name, alarm_data|
results['MetricAlarms'] << {
'AlarmName' => alarm_name
response = Excon::Response.new
response.status = 200
response.body = {
'DescribeAlarmsResult' => results,
'ResponseMetadata' => { 'RequestId' => Fog::AWS::Mock.request_id }
@ -71,6 +71,15 @@ module Fog
data[:metric_alarms][options['AlarmName']] = {
'AlarmARN' => "arn:aws:cloudwatch:eu-west-1:000000000000:metricAlarm:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:alarmName/#{options['AlarmName']}",
'ActionsEnabled' => false,
'AlarmActions' => [],
'AlarmConfigurationUpdatedTimestamp' => Time.now.utc.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"),
'Dimensions' => [],
'OKActions' => [],
response = Excon::Response.new
response.status = 200
response.body = {
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ module Fog
{"messageSet" => [], "regionName" => "us-east-1", "zoneName" => "us-east-1b", "zoneState" => "available"},
{"messageSet" => [], "regionName" => "us-east-1", "zoneName" => "us-east-1c", "zoneState" => "available"},
{"messageSet" => [], "regionName" => "us-east-1", "zoneName" => "us-east-1d", "zoneState" => "available"},
{"messageSet" => [], "regionName" => "us-east-1", "zoneName" => "us-east-1e", "zoneState" => "available"},
{"messageSet" => [], "regionName" => "us-west-1", "zoneName" => "us-west-1a", "zoneState" => "available"},
{"messageSet" => [], "regionName" => "us-west-1", "zoneName" => "us-west-1b", "zoneState" => "available"},
@ -148,6 +148,8 @@ module Fog
elsif state_reason_key = filter_key.split('state-reason-')[1]
aliased_key = state_reason_aliases[state_reason_key]
instance_set = instance_set.reject{|instance| ![*filter_value].include?(instance['stateReason'][aliased_key])}
elsif filter_key == "group-name"
instance_set = instance_set.reject {|instance| !instance['groupSet'].include?(filter_value)}
aliased_key = aliases[filter_key]
instance_set = instance_set.reject {|instance| ![*filter_value].include?(instance[aliased_key])}
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Shindo.tests("Fog::DNS[:aws] | records", ['aws', 'dns']) do
pending if Fog.mocking?
tests("zones#create").succeeds do
@zone = Fog::DNS[:aws].zones.create(:domain => generate_unique_domain)
@ -16,6 +16,24 @@ Shindo.tests("Fog::DNS[:aws] | records", ['aws', 'dns']) do
collection_tests(@zone.records, params, false)
records = []
100.times do |i|
records << @zone.records.create(:name => "#{i}.#{@zone.domain}", :type => "A", :ttl => 3600, :value => [''])
tests("#all!").returns(102) do
tests("#all!").returns(102) do
records.each do |record|
tests("zones#destroy").succeeds do
@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ Shindo.tests('AWS::AutoScaling | auto_scaling_tests', ['aws', 'auto_scaling']) d
@lc_name = 'fog-test-lc'
tests('success') do
pending if Fog.mocking?
tests("#describe_adjustment_types").formats(AWS::AutoScaling::Formats::DESCRIBE_ADJUSTMENT_TYPES) do
@ -54,15 +52,19 @@ Shindo.tests('AWS::AutoScaling | auto_scaling_tests', ['aws', 'auto_scaling']) d
tests("#describe_scaling_activities").formats(AWS::AutoScaling::Formats::DESCRIBE_SCALING_ACTIVITIES) do
pending if Fog.mocking?
tests("#describe_scaling_activities").formats(AWS::AutoScaling::Formats::DESCRIBE_SCALING_ACTIVITIES) do
pending if Fog.mocking?
Fog::AWS[:auto_scaling].describe_scaling_activities('ActivityIds' => '1').body
tests("#describe_scaling_activities").formats(AWS::AutoScaling::Formats::DESCRIBE_SCALING_ACTIVITIES) do
pending if Fog.mocking?
Fog::AWS[:auto_scaling].describe_scaling_activities('ActivityIds' => ['1', '2']).body
tests("#describe_scaling_activities").formats(AWS::AutoScaling::Formats::DESCRIBE_SCALING_ACTIVITIES) do
pending if Fog.mocking?
Fog::AWS[:auto_scaling].describe_scaling_activities('AutoScalingGroupName' => @asg_name).body
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