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Merge pull request #608 from jeffmccune/feature/master/10644_vsphere_compute_speed_improvement

[vsphere|compute] Add servers filter to improve clone performance
This commit is contained in:
Jeff McCune 2011-11-13 14:45:05 -08:00
commit 2bf79e8dae
7 changed files with 186 additions and 51 deletions

View file

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ module Fog
request :vm_reboot
request :vm_clone
request :vm_destroy
request :datacenters
module Shared

View file

@ -57,6 +57,24 @@ module Fog
connection.vm_destroy('instance_uuid' => instance_uuid)
def clone(options = {})
requires :name, :path
# Convert symbols to strings
req_options = options.inject({}) { |hsh, (k,v)| hsh[k.to_s] = v; hsh }
# Give our path to the request
req_options['path'] ="#{path}/#{name}"
# Perform the actual clone
clone_results = connection.vm_clone(req_options)
# Create the new VM model.
new_vm = self.class.new(clone_results['vm_attributes'])
# We need to assign the collection and the connection otherwise we
# cannot reload the model.
new_vm.collection = self.collection
new_vm.connection = self.connection
# Return the new VM model.

View file

@ -9,8 +9,14 @@ module Fog
model Fog::Compute::Vsphere::Server
def all
response = connection.list_virtual_machines
# 'path' => '/Datacenters/vm/Jeff/Templates' will be MUCH faster.
# than simply listing everything.
def all(filters = {})
# REVISIT: I'm not sure if this is the best way to implement search
# filters on a collection but it does work. I need to study the AWS
# code more to make sure this matches up.
filters['folder'] ||= attributes['folder']
response = connection.list_virtual_machines(filters)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
module Fog
module Compute
class Vsphere
class Real
def datacenters
@datacenters ||= datacenters_reload
# Hide the values which are the RbVmomi instances
def datacenters_reload
@rootfolder ||= @connection.rootFolder
inventory = @rootfolder.inventory(:Datacenter => [ 'name' ])[@rootfolder]
# Convert the inventory into a Hash of the form: We remove the
# property selectors. { "<dc_name>" => #<RbVmomi::VIM::Datacenter> }
# The Datacenter instance itself is at index 0 and the properties we
# collected are at index 1.
inventory.inject({}) do |memo, (name,dc_ary)|
memo[name] = dc_ary[0]
class Mock
def datacenters
[ "Solutions", "Solutions2", "Solutions3" ]

View file

@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
module Fog
module Compute
class Vsphere
class Real
def list_virtual_machines(options = {})
# First, determine if there's a search filter
# Listing all VM's can be quite slow and expensive. Try and optimize
# based on the available options we have. These conditions are in
# ascending order of time to complete for large deployments.
if options['instance_uuid'] then
elsif options['folder'] then
@ -15,6 +17,48 @@ module Fog
def list_all_virtual_machines_in_folder(options = {})
# Tap gets rid of the leading empty string and "Datacenters" element
# and returns the array.
path_elements = options['folder'].split('/').tap { |ary| ary.shift 2 }
# The DC name itself.
dc_name = path_elements.shift
# If the first path element contains "vm" this denotes the vmFolder
# and needs to be shifted out since each DC contains only one
# vmFolder
path_elements.shift if path_elements[0] = 'vm'
# Make sure @datacenters is populated (the keys are DataCenter instances)
self.datacenters.include? dc_name or raise ArgumentError, "Could not find a Datacenter named #{dc_name}"
# Get the datacenter managed object
dc = @datacenters[dc_name]
# Get the VM Folder (Group) efficiently
vm_folder = dc.vmFolder
# Walk the tree resetting the folder pointer as we go
folder = path_elements.inject(vm_folder) do |current_folder, sub_folder_name|
# JJM VIM::Folder#find appears to be quite efficient as it uses the
# searchIndex It certainly appears to be faster than
# VIM::Folder#inventory since that returns _all_ managed objects of
# a certain type _and_ their properties.
sub_folder = current_folder.find(sub_folder_name, RbVmomi::VIM::Folder)
raise ArgumentError, "Could not descend into #{sub_folder_name}. Please check your path." unless sub_folder
# This should be efficient since we're not obtaining properties
virtual_machines = folder.children.inject([]) do |ary, child|
if child.is_a? RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualMachine then
ary << convert_vm_mob_ref_to_attr_hash(child)
# Return the managed objects themselves as an array. These may be converted
# to an attribute has using convert_vm_mob_ref_to_attr_hash
{ 'virtual_machines' => virtual_machines }
def list_all_virtual_machines_by_instance_uuid(options = {})
uuid = options['instance_uuid']
search_filter = { :uuid => uuid, 'vmSearch' => true, 'instanceUuid' => true }
@ -186,10 +230,7 @@ module Fog
{ 'virtual_machines' => [] }

View file

@ -6,14 +6,19 @@ module Fog
def vm_clone_check_options(options)
options = { 'force' => false }.merge(options)
required_options = %w{ instance_uuid name }
required_options = %w{ path name }
required_options.each do |param|
raise ArgumentError, "#{required_options.join(', ')} are required" unless options.has_key? param
# First, figure out if there's already a VM of the same name.
all_virtual_machines = list_virtual_machines['virtual_machines']
if not options['force'] and all_virtual_machines.detect { |vm| vm['name'] == options['name'] } then
raise Fog::Vsphere::Errors::ServiceError, "A VM already exists with name #{options['name']}"
# The tap removes the leading empty string
path_elements = options['path'].split('/').tap { |o| o.shift }
first_folder = path_elements.shift
if first_folder != 'Datacenters' then
raise ArgumentError, "vm_clone path option must start with /Datacenters. Got: #{options['path']}"
dc_name = path_elements.shift
if not self.datacenters.include? dc_name then
raise ArgumentError, "Datacenter #{dc_name} does not exist, only datacenters #{self.dacenters.join(",")} are accessible."
@ -25,23 +30,47 @@ module Fog
# Option handling
options = vm_clone_check_options(options)
notfound = lambda { raise Fog::Compute::Vsphere::NotFound, "Cloud not find VM template" }
notfound = lambda { raise Fog::Compute::Vsphere::NotFound, "Could not find VM template" }
# REVISIT: This will have horrible performance for large sites.
# Find the Managed Object reference of the template VM (Wish I could do this with the API)
vm_mob_ref = list_all_virtual_machine_mobs.find(notfound) do |vm|
convert_vm_mob_ref_to_attr_hash(vm)['instance_uuid'] == options['instance_uuid']
# Find the template in the folder. This is more efficient than
# searching ALL VM's looking for the template.
# Tap gets rid of the leading empty string and "Datacenters" element
# and returns the array.
path_elements = options['path'].split('/').tap { |ary| ary.shift 2 }
# The DC name itself.
template_dc = path_elements.shift
# If the first path element contains "vm" this denotes the vmFolder
# and needs to be shifted out
path_elements.shift if path_elements[0] = 'vm'
# The template name. The remaining elements are the folders in the
# datacenter.
template_name = path_elements.pop
# Make sure @datacenters is populated. We need the instances from the Hash keys.
# Get the datacenter managed object from the hash
dc = @datacenters[template_dc]
# Get the VM Folder (Group) efficiently
vm_folder = dc.vmFolder
# Walk the tree resetting the folder pointer as we go
folder = path_elements.inject(vm_folder) do |current_folder, sub_folder_name|
# JJM VIM::Folder#find appears to be quite efficient as it uses the
# searchIndex It certainly appears to be faster than
# VIM::Folder#inventory since that returns _all_ managed objects of
# a certain type _and_ their properties.
sub_folder = current_folder.find(sub_folder_name, RbVmomi::VIM::Folder)
raise ArgumentError, "Could not descend into #{sub_folder_name}. Please check your path." unless sub_folder
# We need to locate the datacenter object to find the
# default resource pool.
container = vm_mob_ref.parent
until container.kind_of? RbVmomi::VIM::Datacenter
container = container.parent
dc = container
# With the Datacenter Object we can obtain the resource pool
resource_pool = dc.hostFolder.children.first.resourcePool
# Now find the template itself using the efficient find method
vm_mob_ref = folder.find(template_name, RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualMachine)
# Now find _a_ resource pool of the template's host (REVISIT: We need
# to support cloning into a specific RP)
esx_host = vm_mob_ref.collect!('runtime.host')['runtime.host']
# The parent of the ESX host itself is a ComputeResource which has a resourcePool
resource_pool = esx_host.parent.resourcePool
# Next, create a Relocation Spec instance
relocation_spec = RbVmomi::VIM.VirtualMachineRelocateSpec(:pool => resource_pool,
:transform => options['transform'] || 'sparse')
@ -50,26 +79,36 @@ module Fog
:powerOn => options['power_on'] || true,
:template => false)
task = vm_mob_ref.CloneVM_Task(:folder => vm_mob_ref.parent, :name => options['name'], :spec => clone_spec)
# REVISIT: The task object contains a reference to the template but does
# not appear to contain a reference to the newly created VM.
# This is a really naive way to find the managed object reference
# of the newly created VM.
# Waiting for the VM to complete allows us to get the VirtulMachine
# object of the new machine when it's done. It is HIGHLY recommended
# to set 'wait' => true if your app wants to wait. Otherwise, you're
# going to have to reload the server model over and over which
# generates a lot of time consuming API calls to vmware.
if options['wait'] then
# REVISIT: It would be awesome to call a block passed to this
# request to notify the application how far along in the process we
# are. I'm thinking of updating a progress bar, etc...
new_vm = task.wait_for_completion
tries = 0
new_vm = begin
list_virtual_machines['virtual_machines'].detect(lambda { raise Fog::Vsphere::Errors::NotFound }) do |vm|
vm['name'] == options['name']
# Try and find the new VM (folder.find is quite efficient)
folder.find(options['name'], RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualMachine) or raise Fog::Vsphere::Errors::NotFound
rescue Fog::Vsphere::Errors::NotFound
tries += 1
if tries <= 10 then
sleep 1
sleep 15
# Return hash
'vm_ref' => new_vm ? new_vm['mo_ref'] : nil,
'vm_ref' => new_vm ? new_vm._ref : nil,
'vm_attributes' => new_vm ? convert_vm_mob_ref_to_attr_hash(new_vm) : {},
'task_ref' => task._ref
@ -83,7 +122,7 @@ module Fog
options = vm_clone_check_options(options)
notfound = lambda { raise Fog::Compute::Vsphere::NotFound, "Cloud not find VM template" }
vm_mob_ref = list_virtual_machines['virtual_machines'].find(notfound) do |vm|
vm['instance_uuid'] == options['instance_uuid']
vm['name'] == options['path'].split("/")[-1]
'vm_ref' => 'vm-123',

View file

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
Shindo.tests("Fog::Compute[:vsphere] | vm_clone request", 'vsphere') do
#require 'guid'
template = "50323f93-6835-1178-8b8f-9e2109890e1a"
template = "/Datacenters/Solutions/vm/Jeff/Templates/centos56gm2"
compute = Fog::Compute[:vsphere]
tests("The return value should") do
response = compute.vm_clone('instance_uuid' => template, 'name' => 'cloning_vm')
response = compute.vm_clone('path' => template, 'name' => 'cloning_vm')
test("be a kind of Hash") { response.kind_of? Hash }
%w{ vm_ref task_ref }.each do |key|
test("have a #{key} key") { response.has_key? key }
@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ Shindo.tests("Fog::Compute[:vsphere] | vm_clone request", 'vsphere') do
tests("When invalid input is presented") do
raises(ArgumentError, 'it should raise ArgumentError') { compute.vm_clone(:foo => 1) }
'it should raise ServiceError if a VM already exists with the provided name') do
compute.vm_clone('instance_uuid' => '123', 'name' => 'jefftest')
raises(Fog::Compute::Vsphere::NotFound, 'it should raise Fog::Compute::Vsphere::NotFound when the UUID is not a string') do
pending # require 'guid'
compute.vm_clone('instance_uuid' => Guid.from_s(template), 'name' => 'jefftestfoo')