mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 13:51:43 -05:00
[Brightbox] Adds baseline documentation
Generated minimal documentation based on our request descriptions
This commit is contained in:
67 changed files with 630 additions and 66 deletions
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Enable console access via VNC to the server for 15 minutes.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#server_activate_console_server
def activate_console_server(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("post", "/1.0/servers/#{identifier}/activate_console", [202])
@ -2,7 +2,16 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Adds a number of listeners to the load balancer to enable balancing across nodes for those settings.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [Array] :listeners Array of Listener parameters. Timeout is optional and specified in milliseconds.
# @return [Hash, nil] The JSON response parsed to a Hash or nil if no options passed
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#load_balancer_add_listeners_load_balancer
def add_listeners_load_balancer(identifier, options)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("post", "/1.0/load_balancers/#{identifier}/add_listeners", [202], options)
@ -2,7 +2,16 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Add a number of nodes to the load balancer
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [Array] :nodes Array of Node parameters
# @return [Hash, nil] The JSON response parsed to a Hash or nil if no options passed
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#load_balancer_add_nodes_load_balancer
def add_nodes_load_balancer(identifier, options)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("post", "/1.0/load_balancers/#{identifier}/add_nodes", [202], options)
@ -2,7 +2,16 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Applies firewall policy to given server group
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [String] :server_group Server Group to apply to
# @return [Hash, nil] The JSON response parsed to a Hash or nil if no options passed
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#firewall_policy_apply_to_firewall_policy
def apply_to_firewall_policy(identifier, options)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("post", "/1.0/firewall_policies/#{identifier}/apply_to", [202], options)
@ -2,7 +2,16 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Create a new API client for the account.
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [String] :name
# @option options [String] :description
# @return [Hash, nil] The JSON response parsed to a Hash or nil if no options passed
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#api_client_create_api_client
def create_api_client(options)
request("post", "/1.0/api_clients", [201], options)
@ -2,7 +2,16 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Create a new application for the user.
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [String] :name
# @option options [String] :description
# @return [Hash, nil] The JSON response parsed to a Hash or nil if no options passed
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#application_create_application
def create_application(options)
request("post", "/1.0/applications", [201], options)
@ -2,7 +2,17 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Requests a new cloud IP address for the account.
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [String] :reverse_dns Reverse DNS hostname
# @option options [String] :name Name for Cloud IP
# @option options [Array] :port_translators Port on which external clients connect and port on which your service is listening.
# @return [Hash, nil] The JSON response parsed to a Hash or nil if no options passed
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#cloud_ip_create_cloud_ip
def create_cloud_ip(options = {})
request("post", "/1.0/cloud_ips", [201], options)
@ -2,7 +2,18 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Create a new firewall policy for the account.
# Optionally applying to a server group at creation time.
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [String] :server_group
# @option options [String] :name Editable label
# @return [Hash, nil] The JSON response parsed to a Hash or nil if no options passed
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#firewall_policy_create_firewall_policy
def create_firewall_policy(options)
request("post", "/1.0/firewall_policies", [201], options)
@ -10,4 +21,4 @@ module Fog
@ -2,7 +2,22 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Create a new firewall rule for a firewall policy.
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [String] :firewall_policy
# @option options [String] :protocol
# @option options [String] :source Required unless destination is set.
# @option options [String] :source_port
# @option options [String] :destination Required unless source is set
# @option options [String] :destination_port
# @option options [String] :icmp_type_name
# @option options [String] :description
# @return [Hash, nil] The JSON response parsed to a Hash or nil if no options passed
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#firewall_rule_create_firewall_rule
def create_firewall_rule(options)
request("post", "/1.0/firewall_rules", [202], options)
@ -2,7 +2,23 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Create a new image for the account by registering it against an image stored within the Brightbox cloud image library.
The disk image must be in place before you can attempt to create a reference in the API.
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [String] :source Filename of the image file uploaded to /incoming via FTP
# @option options [String] :arch OS architecture this image is built for
# @option options [String] :name Name for this image. If no name is specified, a name will be autogenerated based on the source filename & current time. Can be modified later.
# @option options [String] :username Username for the image
# @option options [Boolean] :public
# @option options [Boolean] :compatibility_mode
# @option options [String] :description
# @return [Hash, nil] The JSON response parsed to a Hash or nil if no options passed
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#image_create_image
def create_image(options)
request("post", "/1.0/images", [201], options)
@ -2,7 +2,19 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Create a new load balancer for the account.
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [String] :name Editable label
# @option options [Array] :nodes Array of Node parameters
# @option options [String] :policy Method of Load balancing to use
# @option options [Array] :listeners What port to listen on, port to pass through to and protocol (tcp, http or http+ws) of listener. Timeout is optional and specified in milliseconds (default is 50000).
# @option options [String] :healthcheck Healthcheck options - only "port" and "type" required
# @return [Hash, nil] The JSON response parsed to a Hash or nil if no options passed
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#load_balancer_create_load_balancer
def create_load_balancer(options)
request("post", "/1.0/load_balancers", [202], options)
@ -2,7 +2,22 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Create a new server for the account based on the required disk image.
# Optionally can setup the type of server, zone to locate it, groups to join and custom metadata.
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [String] :image
# @option options [String] :name Editable label
# @option options [String] :server_type
# @option options [String] :zone Zone in which to create new Server
# @option options [String] :user_data
# @option options [Array] :server_groups Array of server groups to add server to
# @return [Hash, nil] The JSON response parsed to a Hash or nil if no options passed
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#server_create_server
def create_server(options)
request("post", "/1.0/servers", [202], options)
@ -2,7 +2,16 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Create a new server group for the account.
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [String] :name Editable user label
# @option options [String] :description Editable user description
# @return [Hash, nil] The JSON response parsed to a Hash or nil if no options passed
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#server_group_create_server_group
def create_server_group(options)
request("post", "/1.0/server_groups", [202], options)
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Destroy the API client.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#api_client_destroy_api_client
def destroy_api_client(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("delete", "/1.0/api_clients/#{identifier}", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Destroy the application.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#application_destroy_application
def destroy_application(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("delete", "/1.0/applications/#{identifier}", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Release the cloud IP address from the account's ownership.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#cloud_ip_destroy_cloud_ip
def destroy_cloud_ip(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("delete", "/1.0/cloud_ips/#{identifier}", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Destroy the firewall policy if not in use.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#firewall_policy_destroy_firewall_policy
def destroy_firewall_policy(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("delete", "/1.0/firewall_policies/#{identifier}", [202])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Destroy the firewall rule.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#firewall_rule_destroy_firewall_rule
def destroy_firewall_rule(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("delete", "/1.0/firewall_rules/#{identifier}", [202])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Destroy the image.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#image_destroy_image
def destroy_image(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("delete", "/1.0/images/#{identifier}", [202])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Destroy the LoadBalancer
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#load_balancer_destroy_load_balancer
def destroy_load_balancer(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("delete", "/1.0/load_balancers/#{identifier}", [202])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Destroy the server and free up the resources.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#server_destroy_server
def destroy_server(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("delete", "/1.0/servers/#{identifier}", [202])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Destroy the server group if not in use.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#server_group_destroy_server_group
def destroy_server_group(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("delete", "/1.0/server_groups/#{identifier}", [202])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Get full details of the API client.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#api_client_get_api_client
def get_api_client(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("get", "/1.0/api_clients/#{identifier}", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Get full details of the application.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#application_get_application
def get_application(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("get", "/1.0/applications/#{identifier}", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Get full details of the cloud IP address.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#cloud_ip_get_cloud_ip
def get_cloud_ip(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("get", "/1.0/cloud_ips/#{identifier}", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Get details of the firewall policy
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#firewall_policy_get_firewall_policy
def get_firewall_policy(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("get", "/1.0/firewall_policies/#{identifier}", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Get full details of the firewall rule.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#firewall_rule_get_firewall_rule
def get_firewall_rule(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("get", "/1.0/firewall_rules/#{identifier}", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Get full details of the image.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#image_get_image
def get_image(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("get", "/1.0/images/#{identifier}", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Get full details of the interface.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#interface_get_interface
def get_interface(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("get", "/1.0/interfaces/#{identifier}", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Get full details of the load balancer.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#load_balancer_get_load_balancer
def get_load_balancer(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("get", "/1.0/load_balancers/#{identifier}", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Get full details of the server.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#server_get_server
def get_server(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("get", "/1.0/servers/#{identifier}", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Get details of the server group.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#server_group_get_server_group
def get_server_group(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("get", "/1.0/server_groups/#{identifier}", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Get full details of the server type.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#server_type_get_server_type
def get_server_type(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("get", "/1.0/server_types/#{identifier}", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Get full details of the zone.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#zone_get_zone
def get_zone(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("get", "/1.0/zones/#{identifier}", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,11 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#account_list_accounts
def list_accounts
request("get", "/1.0/accounts", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,13 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Lists summary details of API clients owned by the account.
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#api_client_list_api_clients
def list_api_clients
request("get", "/1.0/api_clients", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,13 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Lists summary details of applications available to the user
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#application_list_applications
def list_applications
request("get", "/1.0/applications", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,13 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Lists summary details of cloud IP addresses owned by the account.
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#cloud_ip_list_cloud_ips
def list_cloud_ips
request("get", "/1.0/cloud_ips", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,13 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Lists summary details of firewall policies
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#firewall_policy_list_firewall_policies
def list_firewall_policies
request("get", "/1.0/firewall_policies", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,13 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Lists summary details of images available for use by the Account. It includes those available to all customers
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#image_list_images
def list_images
request("get", "/1.0/images", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,13 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Lists summary details of load balancers owned by the account.
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#load_balancer_list_load_balancers
def list_load_balancers
request("get", "/1.0/load_balancers", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,13 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Lists summary details of server groups owned by the account.
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#server_group_list_server_groups
def list_server_groups
request("get", "/1.0/server_groups", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,13 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Lists summary details of server types available to the account.
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#server_type_list_server_types
def list_server_types
request("get", "/1.0/server_types", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,13 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Lists summary details of servers owned by the account.
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#server_list_servers
def list_servers
request("get", "/1.0/servers", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,13 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Lists summary details of user.
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#user_list_users
def list_users
request("get", "/1.0/users", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,13 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Lists summary details of zones available to the account.
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#zone_list_zones
def list_zones
request("get", "/1.0/zones", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,16 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Maps (or points) a cloud IP address at a server's interface or a load balancer to allow them to respond to public requests.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [String] :destination The ID of an Interface or LoadBalancer to map the Cloud IP against
# @return [Hash, nil] The JSON response parsed to a Hash or nil if no options passed
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#cloud_ip_map_cloud_ip
def map_cloud_ip(identifier, options)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("post", "/1.0/cloud_ips/#{identifier}/map", [202], options)
@ -2,7 +2,16 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Removes firewall policy from given server group
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [String] :server_group Server Group to remove
# @return [Hash, nil] The JSON response parsed to a Hash or nil if no options passed
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#firewall_policy_remove_firewall_policy
def remove_firewall_policy(identifier, options)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("post", "/1.0/firewall_policies/#{identifier}/remove", [202], options)
@ -2,7 +2,16 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Removes a number of listeners from a load balancer to cease balancing across nodes for those settings.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [Array] :listeners Array of Listener parameters
# @return [Hash, nil] The JSON response parsed to a Hash or nil if no options passed
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#load_balancer_remove_listeners_load_balancer
def remove_listeners_load_balancer(identifier, options)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("post", "/1.0/load_balancers/#{identifier}/remove_listeners", [202], options)
@ -2,7 +2,16 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Remove a number of nodes from the load balancer
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [Array] :nodes Array of Node parameters
# @return [Hash, nil] The JSON response parsed to a Hash or nil if no options passed
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#load_balancer_remove_nodes_load_balancer
def remove_nodes_load_balancer(identifier, options)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("post", "/1.0/load_balancers/#{identifier}/remove_nodes", [202], options)
@ -3,6 +3,16 @@ module Fog
class Brightbox
class Real
# Reset the image library ftp password for the account.
# The response is the only time the new password is available in plaintext.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#account_reset_ftp_password_account
def reset_ftp_password_account
request("post", "/1.0/account/reset_ftp_password", [200])
@ -10,4 +20,4 @@ module Fog
@ -3,6 +3,18 @@ module Fog
class Brightbox
class Real
# Resets the secret used by the API client to a new generated value.
# The response is the only time the new secret is available in plaintext.
# Already authenticated tokens will still continue to be valid until expiry.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#api_client_reset_secret_api_client
def reset_secret_api_client(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("post", "/1.0/api_clients/#{identifier}/reset_secret", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Resets the secret used by the application to a new generated value.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#application_reset_secret_application
def reset_secret_application(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("post", "/1.0/applications/#{identifier}/reset_secret", [200])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Will issue a safe shutdown request for the server.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#server_shutdown_server
def shutdown_server(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("post", "/1.0/servers/#{identifier}/shutdown", [202])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Will issue a request to snapshot the Server
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#server_snapshot_server
def snapshot_server(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("post", "/1.0/servers/#{identifier}/snapshot", [202])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Will issue a start request for the server to become active.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#server_start_server
def start_server(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("post", "/1.0/servers/#{identifier}/start", [202])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Will issue a stop request for the server to become inactive.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#server_stop_server
def stop_server(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("post", "/1.0/servers/#{identifier}/stop", [202])
@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Unmaps a cloud IP address from its current destination making it available to remap. This remains in the account's pool of addresses.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @return [Hash] The JSON response parsed to a Hash
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#cloud_ip_unmap_cloud_ip
def unmap_cloud_ip(identifier)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
request("post", "/1.0/cloud_ips/#{identifier}/unmap", [202])
@ -2,7 +2,17 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Update some details of the API client.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [String] :name
# @option options [String] :description
# @return [Hash, nil] The JSON response parsed to a Hash or nil if no options passed
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#api_client_update_api_client
def update_api_client(identifier, options)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
return nil if options.empty? || options.nil?
@ -2,7 +2,17 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Update some details of the application.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [String] :name
# @option options [String] :description
# @return [Hash, nil] The JSON response parsed to a Hash or nil if no options passed
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#application_update_application
def update_application(identifier, options)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
return nil if options.empty? || options.nil?
@ -2,7 +2,18 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Update some details of the cloud IP address.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [String] :reverse_dns Reverse DNS hostname
# @option options [String] :name Name for Cloud IP
# @option options [Array] :port_translators Port on which external clients connect and port on which your service is listening.
# @return [Hash, nil] The JSON response parsed to a Hash or nil if no options passed
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#cloud_ip_update_cloud_ip
def update_cloud_ip(identifier, options)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
return nil if options.empty? || options.nil?
@ -2,7 +2,22 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Update some settings of the firewall rule.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [String] :protocol
# @option options [String] :source Required unless destination is set.
# @option options [String] :source_port
# @option options [String] :destination Required unless source is set
# @option options [String] :destination_port
# @option options [String] :icmp_type_name
# @option options [String] :description
# @return [Hash, nil] The JSON response parsed to a Hash or nil if no options passed
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#firewall_rule_update_firewall_rule
def update_firewall_rule(identifier, options)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
return nil if options.empty? || options.nil?
@ -2,7 +2,22 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Update some details of the image.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [String] :name
# @option options [String] :username
# @option options [String] :arch
# @option options [String] :status
# @option options [Boolean] :public
# @option options [Boolean] :compatibility_mode
# @option options [String] :description
# @return [Hash, nil] The JSON response parsed to a Hash or nil if no options passed
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#image_update_image
def update_image(identifier, options)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
return nil if options.empty? || options.nil?
@ -2,7 +2,20 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Update some details of the load balancer.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [String] :name Editable label
# @option options [Array] :nodes Array of Node parameters
# @option options [String] :policy Method of Load balancing to use
# @option options [Array] :listeners What port to listen on, port to pass through to and protocol (tcp, http or http+ws) of listener. Timeout is optional and specified in milliseconds (default is 50000).
# @option options [String] :healthcheck Healthcheck options - only "port" and "type" required
# @return [Hash, nil] The JSON response parsed to a Hash or nil if no options passed
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#load_balancer_update_load_balancer
def update_load_balancer(identifier, options)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
return nil if options.empty? || options.nil?
@ -2,7 +2,17 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Update some details of the server.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [String] :name Editable label
# @option options [String] :user_data User defined metadata
# @return [Hash, nil] The JSON response parsed to a Hash or nil if no options passed
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#server_update_server
def update_server(identifier, options)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
return nil if options.empty? || options.nil?
@ -2,7 +2,17 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Update some details of the server group.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [String] :name Editable user label
# @option options [String] :description Editable user description
# @return [Hash, nil] The JSON response parsed to a Hash or nil if no options passed
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#server_group_update_server_group
def update_server_group(identifier, options)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
return nil if options.empty? || options.nil?
@ -2,7 +2,20 @@ module Fog
module Compute
class Brightbox
class Real
# Update some details of your user profile.
# @param [String] identifier Unique reference to identify the resource
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [String] :name
# @option options [String] :email_address
# @option options [String] :ssh_key
# @option options [String] :password A password string that conforms to the minimum requirements
# @option options [String] :password_confirmation A password string that conforms to the minimum requirements
# @return [Hash, nil] The JSON response parsed to a Hash or nil if no options passed
# @see https://api.gb1.brightbox.com/1.0/#user_update_user
def update_user(identifier, options)
return nil if identifier.nil? || identifier == ""
return nil if options.empty? || options.nil?
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