Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/fog/fog.git synced 2022-11-09 13:51:43 -05:00

[vcloud_director] Change input options structure.


Although no longer documented, the previous options structure is still
accepted and is mutated into the new structure. This behaviour is likely
to be deprecated at some point.
This commit is contained in:
Nick Osborn 2013-10-16 19:47:57 +01:00
parent d180fb510f
commit 4cb2420a89
2 changed files with 193 additions and 58 deletions

View file

@ -5,50 +5,127 @@ module Fog
extend Fog::Deprecation
deprecate :put_vm_customization, :put_guest_customization_section_vapp
require 'fog/vcloud_director/generators/compute/customization'
# Updates the guest customization section of a VM.
# This operation is asynchronous and returns a task that you can
# monitor to track the progress of the request.
# @param [String] id Object identifier of the VM.
# @param [Hash] customization
# @option customization [Boolean] :enabled True if guest customization
# is enabled.
# @option customization [Boolean] :change_sid True if customization can
# change the Windows SID of this virtual machine.
# @option customization [Boolean] :join_domain_enabled True if this
# virtual machine can join a Windows Domain.
# @option customization [Boolean] :use_org_settings True if
# customization should use organization settings
# (OrgGuestPersonalizationSettings) when joining a Windows Domain.
# @option customization [String] :domain_name NOT IMPLEMENTED
# @option customization [String] :domain_user_name NOT IMPLEMENTED
# @option customization [String] :domain_user_password NOT IMPLEMENTED
# @option customization [String] :machine_object_ou NOT IMPLEMENTED
# @option customization [Boolean] :admin_password_enabled True if guest
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [Boolean] :Enabled True if guest customization is
# enabled.
# @option options [Boolean] :ChangeSid True if customization can change
# the Windows SID of this virtual machine.
# @option options [Boolean] :JoinDomainEnabled True if this virtual
# machine can join a Windows Domain.
# @option options [Boolean] :UseOrgSettings True if customization
# should use organization settings (OrgGuestPersonalizationSettings)
# when joining a Windows Domain.
# @option options [String] :DomainName The name of the Windows Domain
# to join.
# @option options [String] :DomainUserName User name to specify when
# joining a Windows Domain.
# @option options [String] :DomainUserPassword Password to use with
# :DomainUserName.
# @option options [String] :MachineObjectOU The name of the Windows
# Domain Organizational Unit (OU) in which the computer account for
# this virtual machine will be created.
# @option options [Boolean] :AdminPassword_enabled True if guest
# customization can modify administrator password settings for this
# virtual machine.
# @option customization [Boolean] :admin_password_auto NOT IMPLEMENTED
# @option customization [String] :admin_password NOT IMPLEMENTED
# @option customization [Boolean] :reset_password_required True if the
# @option options [Boolean] :AdminPassword_auto True if the
# administrator password for this virtual machine should be
# automatically generated.
# @option options [String] :AdminPassword True if the administrator
# password for this virtual machine should be set to this string.
# (:AdminPasswordAuto must be false.)
# @option options [Boolean] :ResetPasswordRequired True if the
# administrator password for this virtual machine must be reset after
# first use.
# @option customization [String] :customization_script Script to run on
# guest customization. The entire script must appear in this element.
# @option customization [String] :computer_name Computer name to assign
# @option customization [String] :CustomizationScript Script to run on
# guest customization. The entire script must appear in this element.
# @option customization [String] :ComputerName Computer name to assign
# to this virtual machine.
# @return [Excon::Response]
# * body<~Hash>:
# * :Tasks<~Hash>:
# * :Task<~Hash>:
# @see http://pubs.vmware.com/vcd-51/topic/com.vmware.vcloud.api.reference.doc_51/doc/operations/PUT-GuestCustomizationSection-vApp.html
# @since vCloud API version 1.0
def put_guest_customization_section_vapp(id, customization={})
data = Fog::Generators::Compute::VcloudDirector::Customization.new(customization)
def put_guest_customization_section_vapp(id, options={})
options = options.dup
# Mutate options to new format.
deprecated = {
:enabled => :Enabled,
:change_sid => :ChangeSid,
:join_domain_enabled => :JoinDomainEnabled,
:use_org_settings => :UseOrgSettings,
:admin_password_enabled => :AdminPasswordEnabled,
:admin_password_auto => :AdminPasswordAuto,
:reset_password_required => :ResetPasswordRequired,
:customization_script => :CustomizationScript,
:computer_name => :ComputerName
deprecated.each do |from, to|
options[to] = options.delete(from) if options.key?(from)
body = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do
attrs = {
:xmlns => 'http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5',
'xmlns:ovf' => 'http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1'
GuestCustomizationSection(attrs) {
self['ovf'].Info 'Specifies Guest OS Customization Settings'
if options.key?(:Enabled)
Enabled options[:Enabled]
if options.key?(:ChangeSid)
ChangeSid options[:ChangeSid]
if options.key?(:JoinDomainEnabled)
JoinDomainEnabled options[:JoinDomainEnabled]
if options.key?(:UseOrgSettings)
UseOrgSettings options[:UseOrgSettings]
if options.key?(:DomainName)
DomainName options[:DomainName]
if options.key?(:DomainUser)
DomainUser options[:DomainUser]
if options.key?(:DomainUserPassword)
DomainUserPassword options[:DomainUserPassword]
if options.key?(:MachineObjectOU)
MachineObjectOU options[:MachineObjectOU]
if options.key?(:AdminPasswordEnabled)
AdminPasswordEnabled options[:AdminPasswordEnabled]
if options.key?(:AdminPasswordAuto)
AdminPasswordAuto options[:AdminPasswordAuto]
if options.key?(:AdminPassword)
AdminPassword options[:AdminPassword]
if options.key?(:ResetPasswordRequired)
ResetPasswordRequired options[:ResetPasswordRequired]
if options.key?(:CustomizationScript)
CustomizationScript options[:CustomizationScript]
if options.key?(:ComputerName)
ComputerName options[:ComputerName]
:body => data.generate_xml,
:body => body,
:expects => 202,
:headers => {'Content-Type' => 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.guestCustomizationSection+xml'},
:method => 'PUT',

View file

@ -5,51 +5,109 @@ module Fog
extend Fog::Deprecation
deprecate :put_vm_network, :put_network_connection_system_section_vapp
require 'fog/vcloud_director/generators/compute/vm_network'
# Update the network connection section of a VM.
# This operation is asynchronous and returns a task that you can
# monitor to track the progress of the request.
# @param [String] id Object identifier of the VM.
# @param [Hash] network
# @option network [String] :info
# @option network [Integer] :primary_network_connection_index Virtual
# slot number associated with the NIC that should be considered this
# virtual machine's primary network connection. Defaults to slot 0.
# @option network [Boolean] :needs_customization True if this NIC needs
# customization.
# @option network [String] :network Name of the network to which this
# NIC is connected.
# @option network [Integer] :network_connection_index Virtual slot
# number associated with this NIC. First slot number is 0.
# @option network [String] :ip_address IP address assigned to this NIC.
# @option network [Boolean] :is_connected<~Boolean> If the virtual
# machine is undeployed, this value specifies whether the NIC should
# be connected upon deployment. If the virtual machine is deployed,
# this value reports the current status of this NIC's connection, and
# can be updated to change that connection status.
# @option network [String] :mac_address MAC address associated with the
# NIC.
# @option network [String] :ip_address_allocation_mode IP address
# allocation mode for this connection. One of:
# * POOL (A static IP address is allocated automatically from a pool
# of addresses.)
# * DHCP (The IP address is obtained from a DHCP service.)
# * MANUAL (The IP address is assigned manually in the :ip_address
# element.)
# * NONE (No IP addressing mode specified.)
# @param [Hash] options Container for the network connections of this
# virtual machine.
# @option options [Integer] :PrimaryNetworkConnectionIndex (0)
# Virtual slot number associated with the NIC that should be
# considered this virtual machine's primary network connection.
# Defaults to slot 0.
# @option options [Array<Hash>] :NetworkConnection
# * :needsCustomization<~Boolean> - True if this NIC needs
# customization.
# * :network<~String> - Name of the network to which this NIC is
# connected.
# * :NetworkConnectionIndex<~Integer> - Virtual slot number
# associated with this NIC. First slot number is 0.
# * :IpAddress<~String> - IP address assigned to this NIC.
# * :IsConnected<~Boolean> - If the virtual machine is undeployed,
# this value specifies whether the NIC should be connected upon
# deployment. If the virtual machine is deployed, this value
# reports the current status of this NIC's connection, and can be
# updated to change that connection status.
# * :MACAddress<~String> - MAC address associated with the NIC.
# * :IpAddressAllocationMode<~String> - IP address allocation mode
# for this connection. One of:
# - POOL (A static IP address is allocated automatically from a
# pool of addresses.)
# - DHCP (The IP address is obtained from a DHCP service.)
# - MANUAL (The IP address is assigned manually in the :IpAddress
# element.)
# - NONE (No IP addressing mode specified.)
# @return [Excon::Response]
# * body<~Hash>:
# * :Tasks<~Hash>:
# * :Task<~Hash>:
# @see http://pubs.vmware.com/vcd-51/topic/com.vmware.vcloud.api.reference.doc_51/doc/operations/PUT-NetworkConnectionSystemSection-vApp.html
# @since vCloud API version 0.9
def put_network_connection_system_section_vapp(id, network={})
data = Fog::Generators::Compute::VcloudDirector::VmNetwork.new(network)
def put_network_connection_system_section_vapp(id, options={})
options = options.dup
# Mutate options to new format.
deprecated = {
:needs_customization => :needsCustomization,
:network => :network,
:network_connection_index => :NetworkConnectionIndex,
:ip_address => :IpAddress,
:is_connected => :IsConnected,
:mac_address => :MACAddress,
:ip_address_allocation_mode => :IpAddressAllocationMode
option = options.delete(:primary_network_connection_index)
options[:PrimaryNetworkConnectionIndex] ||= option unless option.nil?
unless options.key?(:NetworkConnection)
deprecated.each do |from, to|
if options.key?(from)
options[:NetworkConnection] ||= [{}]
options[:NetworkConnection].first[to] = options.delete(from)
options[:NetworkConnection] = [options[:NetworkConnection]] if options[:NetworkConnection].is_a?(Hash)
body = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do
attrs = {
:xmlns => 'http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5',
'xmlns:ovf' => 'http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1'
NetworkConnectionSection(attrs) {
self[:ovf].Info 'Specifies the available VM network connections'
if options.key?(:PrimaryNetworkConnectionIndex)
PrimaryNetworkConnectionIndex options[:PrimaryNetworkConnectionIndex]
if network_connection = options[:NetworkConnection]
network_connection.each do |nic|
attrs = {
:network => nic[:network]
if nic.key?(:needsCustomization)
attrs[:needsCustomization] = nic[:needsCustomization]
NetworkConnection(attrs) {
NetworkConnectionIndex nic[:NetworkConnectionIndex]
if nic.key?(:IpAddress)
IpAddress nic[:IpAddress]
IsConnected nic[:IsConnected]
if nic.key?(:MACAddress)
MACAddress nic[:MACAddress]
IpAddressAllocationMode nic[:IpAddressAllocationMode]
:body => data.generate_xml,
:body => body,
:expects => 202,
:headers => {'Content-Type' => 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.networkConnectionSection+xml'},
:method => 'PUT',