remove files duplicated from fog-core

This commit is contained in:
geemus 2014-08-26 09:26:47 -05:00
parent 91d123bb00
commit 546dfe9ce5
2 changed files with 0 additions and 193 deletions

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@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
module Fog
module Core
# This module covers the shared code used by models and collections
# that deprecates the confusing usage of 'connection' which was
# actually intended to be an instance of Fog::Service
module DeprecatedConnectionAccessors
# Sets the Service but using the wrong name!
# @deprecated The connection name was wrong and confusing since it refered to the service
# @param [Fog::Service] service An instance of a Fog service this collection is for
def connection=(service)
Fog::Logger.deprecation("#connection= is deprecated, pass :service in at creation [light_black](#{caller.first})[/]")
@service = service
# Returns the Service the collection is part of
# @deprecated #connection is deprecated due to confusing name, use #service instead
# @return [Fog::Service]
def connection
Fog::Logger.deprecation("#connection is deprecated, use #service instead [light_black](#{caller.first})[/]")
# Prepares the value of the service based on the passed attributes
# @note Intended for use where the service is required before the normal
# initializer runs. The logic is run there with deprecation warnings.
# @param [Hash] attributes
# @return [Fog::Service]
def prepare_service_value(attributes)
@service = attributes[:service] || attributes[:connection]

View File

@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
module Fog
module Schema
# This validates a data object against a Ruby based schema to see
# if they match.
# * An object matches the schema if +==+ or +===+ returns +true+
# * Hashes match if all the key's values match the classes given
# in the schema as well. This can be configured in the options
# * Arrays match when every element in the data matches the case
# given in the schema.
# The schema and validation are very simple and probably not
# suitable for some cases.
# The following classes can be used to check for special behaviour
# * Fog::Boolean - value may be +true+ or +false+
# * Fog::Nullable::Boolean - value may be +true+, +false+ or +nil+
# * Fog::Nullable::Integer - value may be an Integer or +nil+
# * Fog::Nullable::String
# * Fog::Nullable::Time
# * Fog::Nullable::Float
# * Fog::Nullable::Hash
# * Fog::Nullable::Array
# All the "nullable" objects will pass if the value is of the class
# or if it is +nil+. This allows you to match APIs that may include
# keys when the value is not available in some cases but will
# always be a String. Such as an password that is only displayed
# on the reset action.
# The keys for "nullable" resources should always be present but
# original matcher had a bug that allowed these to also appear to
# work as optional keys/values.
# If you need the original behaviour, data with a missing key is
# still valid, then you may pass the +:allow_optional_rules+
# option to the #validate method.
# That is not recommended because you are describing a schema
# with optional keys in a format that does not support it.
# Setting +:allow_extra_keys+ as +true+ allows the data to
# contain keys not declared by the schema and still pass. This
# is useful if new attributes appear in the API in a backwards
# compatible manner and can be ignored.
# This is the behaviour you would have seen with +strict+ being
# +false+ in the original test helper.
# @example Schema example
# {
# "id" => String,
# "ram" => Integer,
# "disks" => [
# "size" => Float
# ],
# "dns_name" => Fog::Nullable::String,
# "active" => Fog::Boolean,
# "created" => DateTime
# }
class DataValidator
def initialize
@message = nil
# Checks if the data structure matches the schema passed in and
# returns +true+ if it fits.
# @param [Object] data Hash or Array to check
# @param [Object] schema Schema pattern to check against
# @param [Boolean] options
# @option options [Boolean] :allow_extra_keys
# If +true+ does not fail if extra keys are in the data
# that are not in the schema.
# @option options [Boolean] :allow_optional_rules
# If +true+ does not fail if extra keys are in the schema
# that do not match the data. Not recommended!
# @return [Boolean] Did the data fit the schema?
def validate(data, schema, options = {})
valid = validate_value(schema, data, options)
unless valid
@message = "#{data.inspect} does not match #{schema.inspect}"
# This returns the last message set by the validator
# @return [String]
def message
# This contains a slightly modified version of the Hashidator gem
# but unfortunately the gem does not cope with Array schemas.
# @see
def validate_value(validator, value, options)
Fog::Logger.write :debug, "[yellow][DEBUG] #{value.inspect} against #{validator.inspect}[/]\n"
case validator
when Array
return false if value.is_a?(Hash)
value.respond_to?(:all?) && value.all? {|x| validate_value(validator[0], x, options)}
when Symbol
value.respond_to? validator
when Hash
return false if value.is_a?(Array)
# When being strict values not specified in the schema are fails
unless options[:allow_extra_keys]
if value.respond_to?(:empty?)
# Validator is empty but values are not
return false if !value.empty? && validator.empty?
unless options[:allow_optional_rules]
if value.respond_to?(:empty?)
# Validator has rules left but no more values
return false if value.empty? && !validator.empty?
validator.all? do |key, sub_validator|
Fog::Logger.write :debug, "[blue][DEBUG] #{key.inspect} against #{sub_validator.inspect}[/]\n"
validate_value(sub_validator, value[key], options)
result = validator == value
result = validator === value unless result
# Repeat unless we have a Boolean already
unless (result.is_a?(TrueClass) || result.is_a?(FalseClass))
result = validate_value(result, value, options)
if result
Fog::Logger.write :debug, "[green][DEBUG] Validation passed: #{value.inspect} against #{validator.inspect}[/]\n"
Fog::Logger.write :debug, "[red][DEBUG] Validation failed: #{value.inspect} against #{validator.inspect}[/]\n"