[ec2] run_instances: simplify SecurityGroup, add BlockDeviceMapping support

This commit is contained in:
geemus 2010-05-17 21:02:03 -07:00
parent b554eb0bb4
commit 809ecfc294
2 changed files with 18 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ module Fog
options['Placement.AvailabilityZone'] = @availability_zone
unless @groups.empty?
options.merge!(AWS.indexed_param("SecurityGroup", @groups))
options['SecurityGroup'] = @groups
if @kernel_id
options['KernelId'] = @kernel_id

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@ -18,12 +18,13 @@ module Fog
# (by default the maximum for an account is 20)
# * options<~Hash>:
# * 'Placement.AvailabilityZone'<~String> - Placement constraint for instances
# * 'BlockDeviceMapping.n.DeviceName'<~String> - where the volume will be exposed to instance
# * 'BlockDeviceMapping.n.VirtualName'<~String> - volume virtual device name
# * 'BlockDeviceMapping.n.Ebs.SnapshotId'<~String> - id of snapshot to boot volume from
# * 'BlockDeviceMapping.n.Ebs.VolumeSize'<~String> - size of volume in GiBs required unless snapshot is specified
# * 'BlockDeviceMapping.n.Ebs.DeleteOnTermination'<~String> - specifies whether or not to delete the volume on instance termination
# * 'SecurityGroup.n'<~String> - Indexed names of security groups for instances
# * 'BlockDeviceMapping'<~Array>: array of hashes
# * 'DeviceName'<~String> - where the volume will be exposed to instance
# * 'VirtualName'<~String> - volume virtual device name
# * 'Ebs.SnapshotId'<~String> - id of snapshot to boot volume from
# * 'Ebs.VolumeSize'<~String> - size of volume in GiBs required unless snapshot is specified
# * 'Ebs.DeleteOnTermination'<~String> - specifies whether or not to delete the volume on instance termination
# * 'SecurityGroup'<~Array> or <~String> - Name of security group(s) for instances
# * 'InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehaviour'<~String> - specifies whether volumes are stopped or terminated when instance is shutdown
# * 'InstanceType'<~String> - Type of instance to boot. Valid options
# in ['m1.small', 'm1.large', 'm1.xlarge', 'c1.medium', 'c1.xlarge', 'm2.2xlarge', 'm2.4xlarge']
@ -76,6 +77,16 @@ module Fog
# * 'requestId'<~String> - Id of request
# * 'reservationId'<~String> - Id of reservation
def run_instances(image_id, min_count, max_count, options = {})
if block_device_mapping = options.delete('BlockDeviceMapping')
block_device_mapping.each_with_index do |mapping, index|
for key, value in mapping
options.merge!({ format("BlockDeviceMapping.%d.#{key}", index) => value })
if security_groups = [*options.delete('SecurityGroup')]
options.merge!(AWS.indexed_params('SecurityGroup', security_groups))
if options['UserData']
options['UserData'] = Base64.encode64(options['UserData'])