diff --git a/lib/fog/vsphere/requests/compute/vm_clone.rb b/lib/fog/vsphere/requests/compute/vm_clone.rb
index a60e9046d..a9d313652 100644
--- a/lib/fog/vsphere/requests/compute/vm_clone.rb
+++ b/lib/fog/vsphere/requests/compute/vm_clone.rb
@@ -70,47 +70,45 @@ module Fog
           esx_host = vm_mob_ref.collect!('runtime.host')['runtime.host']
           # The parent of the ESX host itself is a ComputeResource which has a resourcePool
           resource_pool = esx_host.parent.resourcePool
-	  relocation_spec=nil
+          relocation_spec=nil
           if ( options['linked_clone'] )
-	    # cribbed heavily from the rbvmomi clone_vm.rb
-	    # this chunk of code reconfigures the disk of the clone source to be read only,
-	    # and then creates a delta disk on top of that, this is required by the API in order to create
-	    # linked clondes
-	    disks=vm_mob_ref.config.hardware.device.select{|vm_device| vm_device.class == RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualDisk}   
-	    disks.select{|vm_device| vm_device.backing.parent == nil}.each do |disk|
-	      disk_spec = { 
-	        :deviceChange => [ 
-	          {
-	            :operation => :remove, 
-		    :device => disk 
-		  },
-		  {
-		    :operation => :add,
-		    :fileOperation => :create,
-		    :device => disk.dup.tap{|disk_backing|
-		      disk_backing.backing = disk_backing.backing.dup;
-		      disk_backing.backing.fileName = "[#{disk.backing.datastore.name}]";
-		      disk_backing.backing.parent = disk.backing
-                    }
+            # cribbed heavily from the rbvmomi clone_vm.rb
+            # this chunk of code reconfigures the disk of the clone source to be read only,
+            # and then creates a delta disk on top of that, this is required by the API in order to create
+            # linked clondes
+            disks=vm_mob_ref.config.hardware.device.select{|vm_device| vm_device.class == RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualDisk}   
+            disks.select{|vm_device| vm_device.backing.parent == nil}.each do |disk|
+              disk_spec = { 
+                :deviceChange => [ 
+                  {
+                     :operation => :remove, 
+                     :device => disk 
-                ]
+                  {
+                     :operation => :add,
+                     :fileOperation => :create,
+                     :device => disk.dup.tap{|disk_backing|
+                       disk_backing.backing = disk_backing.backing.dup;
+                       disk_backing.backing.fileName = "[#{disk.backing.datastore.name}]";
+                       disk_backing.backing.parent = disk.backing
+                     }
+                  },
+                ] 
-	      vm_mob_ref.ReconfigVM_Task(:spec => disk_spec).wait_for_completion
+              vm_mob_ref.ReconfigVM_Task(:spec => disk_spec).wait_for_completion
             # Next, create a Relocation Spec instance
             relocation_spec = RbVmomi::VIM.VirtualMachineRelocateSpec(:pool => resource_pool,
-	                                                  :diskMoveType => :moveChildMostDiskBacking) 
+                                                                      :diskMoveType => :moveChildMostDiskBacking) 
             relocation_spec = RbVmomi::VIM.VirtualMachineRelocateSpec(:pool => resource_pool,
-                                                                    :transform => options['transform'] || 'sparse')
+                                                                      :transform => options['transform'] || 'sparse')
           # And the clone specification
           clone_spec = RbVmomi::VIM.VirtualMachineCloneSpec(:location => relocation_spec,
                                                             :powerOn  => options['power_on'] || true,
                                                             :template => false)
           task = vm_mob_ref.CloneVM_Task(:folder => vm_mob_ref.parent, :name => options['name'], :spec => clone_spec)
           # Waiting for the VM to complete allows us to get the VirtulMachine
           # object of the new machine when it's done.  It is HIGHLY recommended
           # to set 'wait' => true if your app wants to wait.  Otherwise, you're