diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
index f285b4ce8..4308b5043 100644
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -128,7 +128,6 @@ end
task :release => :build do
- Rake::Task[:changelog].invoke
unless `git branch` =~ /^\* master$/
puts "You must be on the master branch to release!"
diff --git a/changelog.txt b/changelog.txt
index 7da1e2493..f64987438 100644
--- a/changelog.txt
+++ b/changelog.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,280 @@
+0.10.0 07/25/2011 9ca8cffc000c417a792235438c12855a277fe1ce
+MVPs! Christopher Oliver, Dylan Egan and Henry Addison
+[AWS Autoscaling]
+ Fixed typo in put scaling policy request. thanks Christopher Oliver
+ Fixed error in describe policies parser. thanks Christopher Oliver
+ Got describe policies returning correctly. thanks Christopher Oliver
+ Removed unnecessary options merge in Delete Policy request. thanks Christopher Oliver
+ Added Alias related functionality to IAM. Also added get_group_policy. thanks Christopher Oliver
+ Added missing request file for list account aliases. thanks Christopher Oliver
+ Added describe db engine versions and describe db reserved instances. Changed the signed params version to 2011-04-01 from 2010-07-28. thanks Christopher Oliver
+ Added LicenseModel to the db_parser. thanks Christopher Oliver
+ fix bug that was causing availability zones to not parse properly on get/reload. thanks Blake Gentry
+ default values for Listeners. thanks Blake Gentry
+ offload Listener defaults to the Listener model. thanks Blake Gentry
+ flesh out basics. thanks geemus
+ flesh out basics. thanks geemus
+ implement 2010-08-01 API. thanks Nick Osborn
+ metrics#get should return nil when not found. thanks geemus
+ mark unimplemented/unsupported tests as pending. thanks geemus
+ mark overly specific test as pending. thanks geemus
+ improve model and tests. thanks Nick Osborn
+ add test to verify that ListenerDescriptions work when creating an ELB. thanks Blake Gentry
+ make describe_load_balancers parse SSLCertificateId. Verify with test. thanks Blake Gentry
+ Raise proper IAM error for CertificateNotFound when creating an ELB or creating Listeners. thanks Blake Gentry
+ move ELB error handling related to certs to the ELB service instead of duplicating at the request level. thanks Blake Gentry
+ use slurp when raising errors to properly capture exception details. thanks Blake Gentry
+ Add set_load_balancer_listener_ssl_certificate. thanks James Miller
+ fix listener defaults to use merge_attributes and therefore aliases. thanks geemus
+ add error handling for common failures resulting from upload_server_certificate. thanks Blake Gentry
+ fix superclass mismatch. thanks Blake Gentry
+ add get_server_certificate request. thanks Blake Gentry
+ raise correct ValidationError when an empty cert or key is used. thanks Blake Gentry
+ Simplify error handling code for errors with custom classes. thanks Blake Gentry
+ raise EntityAlreadyExists when creating a duplicate cert name. thanks Blake Gentry
+ tests and mocks to support many types of key/cert issues. thanks Blake Gentry
+ add proper error messages. thanks Blake Gentry
+ fix expected error result from login_profile_tests. thanks geemus
+ add LicenseModel to format. thanks geemus
+ provide for using ConsistentRead on get_attributes and select. thanks geemus
+ fix get_attributes mock deprecation. thanks geemus
+ fix stormondemand namespace mismatch. thanks geemus
+ cluster compute placement group implementation. thanks geemus
+ add request level support for spot instances. thanks geemus
+ fix describe_instances parser to get group ids correctly. thanks geemus
+ fix compute accessor in tests. thanks geemus
+ fixes for ip accessor usage. thanks geemus
+ Fixed typo in deprecation warning. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
+ Fixed deprecated use of Brightbox[:compute] to new Compute[:brightbox]. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
+ New preference exposed in API added to format test. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
+ add default serviceofferingid (flavor). thanks geemus
+ fix zone format. thanks geemus
+ small consistency fixes for server. thanks geemus
+ fix for token expiry/reauth. thanks geemus
+ backwards compatibility for gem availability check. thanks geemus
+ fix server format. thanks geemus
+ avoid ArgumentError with Ruby 1.8.5 on CentOS. thanks Nick Osborn
+ fix to_date_header to use self.utc instead of self.class.now.utc. thanks geemus
+ avoid ||= in timeout lookup. thanks geemus
+ update index to use non-deprecated service accessor. thanks geemus
+ Fix ::AWS[] syntax that's only valid in Fog tests when bin/aws.rb is loaded. thanks Blake Gentry
+ Typos. thanks Blake Gentry
+ Require json needed for both Real and Mock implementation of Rackspace; SSH commands in Mock just print to command line. thanks Brian Hartsock
+ Revert "Require json needed for both Real and Mock implementation of Rackspace; SSH commands in Mock just print to command line". thanks Brian Hartsock
+ require json for rackspace compute mock. thanks Brian Hartsock
+ Fixed #444 - Unable to squash kvp with false values. thanks Brian Hartsock
+ Fix make OpenStack swift working properly. thanks Chmouel Boudjnah
+ Move the timeout to Mock and stop hardcoding. thanks Christopher Meiklejohn
+ Fix failures in the simpledb testing due to attribute array option deprecation. thanks Christopher Meiklejohn
+ Guard against item_name not being a valid key. thanks Christopher Meiklejohn
+ Switch to the has_key? syntax for cleanliness. thanks Christopher Meiklejohn
+ Move timeout up to Fog from Fog::Mock. thanks Christopher Meiklejohn
+ Fix deprecation messages. thanks Claudio Poli
+ Make Rails' respond_with play nice with to_json. thanks Claudio Poli
+ Use multi_json gem. thanks Claudio Poli
+ Public API for force_detach on Fog::Compute::AWS::Volume. thanks Dylan Egan
+ Should actually use the attachment_aliases hash. thanks Dylan Egan
+ server method for Fog::Compute::AWS::Volume to easily get the server instance. thanks Dylan Egan
+ requires_one, allows you to require at least one of the specified attributes. thanks Dylan Egan
+ Remove pending on iam/server_certificate_tests. Start the mocking. thanks Dylan Egan
+ list_server_certificates and delete_server_certificates. thanks Dylan Egan
+ Yes, yes it is better. thanks Dylan Egan
+ Start ELB mocks. Support create_load_balancer and describe_load_balancers. thanks Dylan Egan
+ configure_health_check and create_app_cookie_stickiness_policy. thanks Dylan Egan
+ create_lb_cookie_stickiness_policy and delete_load_balancer_policy. thanks Dylan Egan
+ create_load_balancer_listeneners and set_load_balancer_policies_of_listener. thanks Dylan Egan
+ delete_load_balancer_listeners and delete_load_balancer (with two more tests). thanks Dylan Egan
+ deregister_instances_from_load_balancer, describe_instance_health, disable_availability_for_load_balancer, enable_availability_zones_for_load_balancer, register_instances_with_load_balancer and updates to others to get ELB model_tests working. thanks Dylan Egan
+ Remove requirement of basic parsers. thanks Dylan Egan
+ Move things around a bit. Separate ELB test file per concerns. thanks Dylan Egan
+ SSL for ELB mocking. thanks Dylan Egan
+ Tested against AWS. Needed this. Apparently SSLCertificateId == Arn. thanks Dylan Egan
+ Use available availability_zones. thanks Dylan Egan
+ Wait for volume to be ready again. thanks Dylan Egan
+ AWS instance tests 100% against real. thanks Dylan Egan
+ Make stuff pending if you're mocking. Need to fix spot_price_history_tests, see comment. thanks Dylan Egan
+ Let's just sleep forever. thanks Dylan Egan
+ Reinstate ipAddress and privateIpAddress as they're provided for non-terminated instances. thanks Dylan Egan
+ Reinstate ramdiskId. thanks Dylan Egan
+ Revert "Reinstate ramdiskId." - fuckit! Seems like AWS doesn't return ramdiskId for. thanks Dylan Egan
+ Clean up timeout and add tests. thanks Dylan Egan
+ Quick fix, ith != i. thanks Dylan Egan
+ Begin work on mocking reserved instances. Provide describe_reserved_instances_offerings for mocking and real. REAL TALK. thanks Dylan Egan
+ reserved_instances mocking. I think, it's hard to test against a real AWS account since it costs money. thanks Dylan Egan
+ Default to 1. thanks Dylan Egan
+ add spot instance request models. thanks Edward Middleton
+ fixed spot_requests. thanks Edward Middleton
+ spot instance fixes. thanks Edward Middleton
+ cloud_watch toplevel. thanks Frederick Cheung
+ add get/put/list metrics. thanks Frederick Cheung
+ Corrected a couple of syntax errors in the put and get metric cloudwatch requests. thanks Henry Addison
+ Fixed the parser for list metrics cloudwatch request. thanks Henry Addison
+ Added first test of successful list metrics. thanks Henry Addison
+ simplified a bit the long case statement in end element in list_metrics parser. thanks Henry Addison
+ added a few more cloudwatch request metric tests. thanks Henry Addison
+ added metrics collection and model for cloudwatch with all and get methods. thanks Henry Addison
+ split out and got passing get metric statistics request tests. thanks Henry Addison
+ Added metric statistics model and collection. thanks Henry Addison
+ removed old test file. thanks Henry Addison
+ removed empty test for for metric model (nothing to test at the moment). thanks Henry Addison
+ removed unnecessary attributes from metrics collection (naughty copy and pasting). thanks Henry Addison
+ got put_metric_data request working and tested. thanks Henry Addison
+ added model and collection methods and tests to allow putting of metric data. thanks Henry Addison
+ renamed argument for all method in cloud watch metric_statistics from filters to conditions as filters has a meaning in fog. thanks Henry Addison
+ added a conditions method to all metrics method to help filter all metrics. thanks Henry Addison
+ Added some defaults for StartTime, EndTime and Period to model for MetricStatistics. thanks Henry Addison
+ Begin SQS support. thanks Jon Crosby
+ Continued SQS support. thanks Jon Crosby
+ Add SQS get_queue_attributes. thanks Jon Crosby
+ Fix rubygems warning. thanks Jonas Pfenniger
+ Patch for AWS S3 Metadata problem. thanks Kenji Kabashima
+ Changed number of cores reported for rackspace flavors in order to match current rackspace documentation. thanks Steven Danna
+ Checking path for nil. thanks Timothy Klim
+ Fixed escaping in Fog::AWS.escape. thanks croaker
+ Changed the encoding of the space character. thanks croaker
+ rebuild gemfile during release to include updated changelog. thanks geemus
+ bump excon dep. thanks geemus
+ loosen dependencies to avoid conflicts. thanks geemus
+ bump formatador dep. thanks geemus
+ to_json calls to use MultiJson. thanks geemus
+ make collection class_eval more consistent. thanks geemus
+ update gem deps to latest/greatest. thanks geemus
+ Return nil if HOME is non-absolute. Fixes #397. thanks jc00ke
+ Fix a bunch of paths. thanks phiggins
+ Start of SNS. thanks phiggins
+ Working ListUsers for SNS. thanks phiggins
+ Remove copied-and-pasted documentation. thanks phiggins
+ Add SNS's get_topic_attributes command. thanks phiggins
+ SNS ListSubscriptions. thanks phiggins
+ SNS ListSubscriptionsByTopic. thanks phiggins
+ SNS CreateTopic and DeleteTopic. thanks phiggins
+ SNS Publish. thanks phiggins
+ SNS AddPermission. thanks phiggins
+ SNS RemovePermission. thanks phiggins
+ SNS SetTopicAttributes. thanks phiggins
+ SNS Subscribe. thanks phiggins
+ SNS ConfirmSubscription and Unsubscribe. thanks phiggins
+ Add sns to fog bin. thanks phiggins
+ Start SNS tests. thanks phiggins
+ Framework + request method for Ninefold storage. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ Directories Functionality. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ Nested directories. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ File operations. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ Update an existing file. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ set content type correctly. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ add mvps and fix fog.io uploader. thanks geemus
+ remove problematic pbcopy from changelog rake task. thanks geemus
+ make changelog build separate from release. thanks geemus
+ provide http/https options for signed urls. thanks geemus
+ properly format modified headers in get_object. thanks geemus
+ fix escaping for file#public_url. thanks geemus
+ fix get_object_https_url namespace copy/paste error. thanks geemus
+ fix file#destroy and test cleanup. thanks geemus
+ add large object support via put_object_manifest. thanks geemus
+ cleanup formatting/style. thanks geemus
+ make unimplemented mock tests pending. thanks geemus
+ fix collection helper to play nice with numeric ids. thanks geemus
+ replace letters with letters and numbers with numbers in collection#get failure test. thanks geemus
+ create server now takes :catalog_items_uri as an option. thanks Kunal Parikh
+ now referencing catalog_item_uri from options. thanks Kunal Parikh
+ saving server attributes (uncommented code). thanks Kunal Parikh
+ Revert "saving server attributes (uncommented code)". thanks Kunal Parikh
+ duplicate ecloud code for vcloud, remove obvious terremark specific code. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ update catalog models for 1.0. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ make auth work. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ filter non-server items from server list. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ update for 1.0 functionality, server operations working. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ use correct power status ID for 'off'. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ allow specifying a default VDC uri as 'vcloud_default_vdc'. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ Add description field to server model. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ Correct friendly status power off check. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ correct hardware attribute reading. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ no longer possible to specify memory & cpu on vapp creation. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ remove outdated/invalid mocking & specs. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ fix deleting servers. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ server creation outside of VDC. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ undeploy request. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ memory reconfiguration. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ make status/ready handling more reliable. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ server tests. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ only require template name for tests. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ add and remove disks. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ ruby 1.8 compatibility. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ fix error messages in test helper. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ Fix setting of description. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ method to find catalog item by name across all catalogs. thanks Lincoln Stoll
+ correct provider lookup. thanks Lincoln Stoll
0.9.0 06/24/2011 32960d165a65f12d41785f924e6b6b6d8442516a
diff --git a/fog.gemspec b/fog.gemspec
index d8ad03d50..d889f50a1 100644
--- a/fog.gemspec
+++ b/fog.gemspec
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ Gem::Specification.new do |s|
## If your rubyforge_project name is different, then edit it and comment out
## the sub! line in the Rakefile
s.name = 'fog'
- s.version = '0.9.0'
- s.date = '2011-06-24'
+ s.version = '0.10.0'
+ s.date = '2011-07-25'
s.rubyforge_project = 'fog'
## Make sure your summary is short. The description may be as long
diff --git a/lib/fog.rb b/lib/fog.rb
index e27b9a721..f55ff4a80 100644
--- a/lib/fog.rb
+++ b/lib/fog.rb
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fog', 'core')
module Fog
unless const_defined?(:VERSION)
- VERSION = '0.9.0'
+ VERSION = '0.10.0'
diff --git a/lib/fog/cdn/aws.rb b/lib/fog/cdn/aws.rb
index 340c04f4d..e9d9ed3e1 100644
--- a/lib/fog/cdn/aws.rb
+++ b/lib/fog/cdn/aws.rb
@@ -9,11 +9,17 @@ module Fog
request_path 'fog/cdn/requests/aws'
request 'delete_distribution'
+ request 'delete_streaming_distribution'
request 'get_distribution'
request 'get_distribution_list'
+ request 'get_invalidation_list'
+ request 'get_streaming_distribution'
+ request 'get_streaming_distribution_list'
request 'post_distribution'
+ request 'post_streaming_distribution'
request 'post_invalidation'
request 'put_distribution_config'
+ request 'put_streaming_distribution_config'
class Mock
diff --git a/lib/fog/cdn/parsers/aws/get_invalidation_list.rb b/lib/fog/cdn/parsers/aws/get_invalidation_list.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0dba8c26c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fog/cdn/parsers/aws/get_invalidation_list.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+module Fog
+ module Parsers
+ module CDN
+ module AWS
+ class GetInvalidationList < Fog::Parsers::Base
+ def reset
+ @invalidation_summary = { }
+ @response = { 'InvalidationSummary' => [] }
+ end
+ def start_element(name, attrs = [])
+ super
+ end
+ def end_element(name)
+ puts name
+ case name
+ when 'InvalidationSummary'
+ @response['InvalidationSummary'] << @invalidation_summary
+ @invalidation_summary = {}
+ when 'Id', 'Status'
+ @invalidation_summary[name] = @value
+ when 'IsTruncated'
+ if @value == 'true'
+ @response[name] = true
+ else
+ @response[name] = false
+ end
+ when 'Marker', 'NextMarker'
+ @response[name] = @value
+ when 'MaxItems'
+ @response[name] = @value.to_i
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/fog/cdn/parsers/aws/get_streaming_distribution_list.rb b/lib/fog/cdn/parsers/aws/get_streaming_distribution_list.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a3537d61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fog/cdn/parsers/aws/get_streaming_distribution_list.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+module Fog
+ module Parsers
+ module CDN
+ module AWS
+ class GetStreamingDistributionList < Fog::Parsers::Base
+ def reset
+ @distribution_summary = { 'CNAME' => [], 'TrustedSigners' => [] }
+ @response = { 'StreamingDistributionSummary' => [] }
+ end
+ def start_element(name, attrs = [])
+ super
+ case name
+ when 'S3Origin'
+ @origin = name
+ @distribution_summary[@origin] = {}
+ end
+ end
+ def end_element(name)
+ case name
+ when 'StreamingDistributionSummary'
+ @response['StreamingDistributionSummary'] << @distribution_summary
+ @distribution_summary = { 'CNAME' => [], 'TrustedSigners' => [] }
+ when 'Comment', 'DomainName', 'Id', 'Status'
+ @distribution_summary[name] = @value
+ when 'CNAME'
+ @distribution_summary[name] << @value
+ when 'DNSName', 'OriginAccessIdentity'
+ @distribution_summary[@origin][name] = @value
+ when 'Enabled'
+ if @value == 'true'
+ @distribution_summary[name] = true
+ else
+ @distribution_summary[name] = false
+ end
+ when 'LastModifiedTime'
+ @distribution_summary[name] = Time.parse(@value)
+ when 'IsTruncated'
+ if @value == 'true'
+ @response[name] = true
+ else
+ @response[name] = false
+ end
+ when 'Marker', 'NextMarker'
+ @response[name] = @value
+ when 'MaxItems'
+ @response[name] = @value.to_i
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/fog/cdn/parsers/aws/streaming_distribution.rb b/lib/fog/cdn/parsers/aws/streaming_distribution.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb6cd5ba9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fog/cdn/parsers/aws/streaming_distribution.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+module Fog
+ module Parsers
+ module CDN
+ module AWS
+ class StreamingDistribution < Fog::Parsers::Base
+ def reset
+ @response = { 'StreamingDistributionConfig' => { 'CNAME' => [], 'Logging' => {}, 'TrustedSigners' => [] } }
+ end
+ def start_element(name, attrs = [])
+ super
+ case name
+ when 'CustomOrigin', 'S3Origin'
+ @origin = name
+ @response['StreamingDistributionConfig'][@origin] = {}
+ end
+ end
+ def end_element(name)
+ case name
+ when 'AwsAccountNumber'
+ @response['StreamingDistributionConfig']['TrustedSigners'] << @value
+ when 'Bucket', 'Prefix'
+ @response['StreamingDistributionConfig']['Logging'][name] = @value
+ when 'CNAME'
+ @response['StreamingDistributionConfig']['CNAME'] << @value
+ when 'DNSName', 'OriginAccessIdentity', 'OriginProtocolPolicy'
+ @response['StreamingDistributionConfig'][@origin][name] = @value
+ when 'DomainName', 'Id', 'Status'
+ @response[name] = @value
+ when 'CallerReference', 'Comment', 'DefaultRootObject', 'Origin', 'OriginAccessIdentity'
+ @response['StreamingDistributionConfig'][name] = @value
+ when 'Enabled'
+ if @value == 'true'
+ @response['StreamingDistributionConfig'][name] = true
+ else
+ @response['StreamingDistributionConfig'][name] = false
+ end
+ when 'HTTPPort', 'HTTPSPort'
+ @response['StreamingDistributionConfig'][@origin][name] = @value.to_i
+ when 'InProgressInvalidationBatches'
+ @response[name] = @value.to_i
+ when 'LastModifiedTime'
+ @response[name] = Time.parse(@value)
+ when 'Protocol'
+ @response['StreamingDistributionConfig']['RequireProtocols'] = @value
+ when 'Self'
+ @response['StreamingDistributionConfig']['TrustedSigners'] << 'Self'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/fog/cdn/requests/aws/delete_streaming_distribution.rb b/lib/fog/cdn/requests/aws/delete_streaming_distribution.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..246da13ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fog/cdn/requests/aws/delete_streaming_distribution.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+module Fog
+ module CDN
+ class AWS
+ class Real
+ # Delete a streaming distribution from CloudFront
+ #
+ # ==== Parameters
+ # * distribution_id<~String> - Id of distribution to delete
+ # * etag<~String> - etag of that distribution from earlier get or put
+ #
+ # ==== See Also
+ # http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/APIReference/DeleteStreamingDistribution.html
+ def delete_streaming_distribution(distribution_id, etag)
+ request({
+ :expects => 204,
+ :headers => { 'If-Match' => etag },
+ :idempotent => true,
+ :method => 'DELETE',
+ :path => "/streaming-distribution/#{distribution_id}"
+ })
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/fog/cdn/requests/aws/get_invalidation_list.rb b/lib/fog/cdn/requests/aws/get_invalidation_list.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a906ad1e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fog/cdn/requests/aws/get_invalidation_list.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+module Fog
+ module CDN
+ class AWS
+ class Real
+ require 'fog/cdn/parsers/aws/get_invalidation_list'
+ # ==== Parameters
+ # * options<~Hash> - config arguments for list. Defaults to {}.
+ # * 'Marker'<~String> - limits object keys to only those that appear
+ # lexicographically after its value.
+ # * 'MaxItems'<~Integer> - limits number of object keys returned
+ #
+ # ==== Returns
+ # * response<~Excon::Response>:
+ # * body<~Hash>:
+ # * 'IsTruncated'<~Boolean> - Whether or not the listing is truncated
+ # * 'Marker'<~String> - Marker specified for query
+ # * 'MaxItems'<~Integer> - Maximum number of keys specified for query
+ # * 'NextMarker'<~String> - Marker to specify for next page (id of last result of current page)
+ # * 'InvalidationSummary'<~Array>:
+ # * 'Id'<~String>:
+ # * 'Status'<~String>:
+ #
+ # ==== See Also
+ # http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/APIReference/ListInvalidation.html
+ def get_invalidation_list(distribution_id, options = {})
+ request({
+ :expects => 200,
+ :idempotent => true,
+ :method => 'GET',
+ :parser => Fog::Parsers::CDN::AWS::GetInvalidationList.new,
+ :path => "/distribution/#{distribution_id}/invalidation",
+ :query => options
+ })
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/fog/cdn/requests/aws/get_streaming_distribution.rb b/lib/fog/cdn/requests/aws/get_streaming_distribution.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bff94035e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fog/cdn/requests/aws/get_streaming_distribution.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+module Fog
+ module CDN
+ class AWS
+ class Real
+ require 'fog/cdn/parsers/aws/streaming_distribution'
+ # Get information about a streaming distribution from CloudFront
+ #
+ # ==== Parameters
+ # * distribution_id<~String> - id of distribution
+ #
+ # ==== Returns
+ # * response<~Excon::Response>:
+ # * body<~Hash>:
+ # * 'S3Origin'<~Hash>:
+ # * 'DNSName'<~String> - origin to associate with distribution, ie 'mybucket.s3.amazonaws.com'
+ # * 'OriginAccessIdentity'<~String> - Optional: Used when serving private content
+ # * 'Id'<~String> - Id of distribution
+ # * 'LastModifiedTime'<~String> - Timestamp of last modification of distribution
+ # * 'Status'<~String> - Status of distribution
+ # * 'StreamingDistributionConfig'<~Array>:
+ # * 'CallerReference'<~String> - Used to prevent replay, defaults to Time.now.to_i.to_s
+ # * 'CNAME'<~Array> - array of associated cnames
+ # * 'Comment'<~String> - comment associated with distribution
+ # * 'Enabled'<~Boolean> - whether or not distribution is enabled
+ # * 'InProgressInvalidationBatches'<~Integer> - number of invalidation batches in progress
+ # * 'Logging'<~Hash>:
+ # * 'Bucket'<~String> - bucket logs are stored in
+ # * 'Prefix'<~String> - prefix logs are stored with
+ # * 'Origin'<~String> - s3 origin bucket
+ # * 'TrustedSigners'<~Array> - trusted signers
+ #
+ # ==== See Also
+ # http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/APIReference/GetStreamingDistribution.html
+ def get_streaming_distribution(distribution_id)
+ request({
+ :expects => 200,
+ :idempotent => true,
+ :method => 'GET',
+ :parser => Fog::Parsers::CDN::AWS::StreamingDistribution.new,
+ :path => "/streaming-distribution/#{distribution_id}"
+ })
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/fog/cdn/requests/aws/get_streaming_distribution_list.rb b/lib/fog/cdn/requests/aws/get_streaming_distribution_list.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f6083a176
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fog/cdn/requests/aws/get_streaming_distribution_list.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+module Fog
+ module CDN
+ class AWS
+ class Real
+ require 'fog/cdn/parsers/aws/get_streaming_distribution_list'
+ # List information about distributions in CloudFront
+ #
+ # ==== Parameters
+ # * options<~Hash> - config arguments for list. Defaults to {}.
+ # * 'Marker'<~String> - limits object keys to only those that appear
+ # lexicographically after its value.
+ # * 'MaxItems'<~Integer> - limits number of object keys returned
+ #
+ # ==== Returns
+ # * response<~Excon::Response>:
+ # * body<~Hash>:
+ # * 'IsTruncated'<~Boolean> - Whether or not the listing is truncated
+ # * 'Marker'<~String> - Marker specified for query
+ # * 'MaxItems'<~Integer> - Maximum number of keys specified for query
+ # * 'NextMarker'<~String> - Marker to specify for next page (id of last result of current page)
+ # * 'StreamingDistributionSummary'<~Array>:
+ # * 'S3Origin'<~Hash>:
+ # * 'DNSName'<~String> - origin to associate with distribution, ie 'mybucket.s3.amazonaws.com'
+ # * 'OriginAccessIdentity'<~String> - Optional: Used when serving private content
+ # or
+ # * 'CustomOrigin'<~Hash>:
+ # * 'DNSName'<~String> - origin to associate with distribution, ie 'www.example.com'
+ # * 'HTTPPort'<~Integer> - HTTP port of origin, in [80, 443] or (1024...65535)
+ # * 'HTTPSPort'<~Integer> - HTTPS port of origin, in [80, 443] or (1024...65535)
+ # * 'OriginProtocolPolicy'<~String> - Policy on using http vs https, in ['http-only', 'match-viewer']
+ # * 'Comment'<~String> - comment associated with distribution
+ # * 'CNAME'<~Array> - array of associated cnames
+ # * 'Enabled'<~Boolean> - whether or not distribution is enabled
+ # * 'Id'<~String> - Id of distribution
+ # * 'LastModifiedTime'<~String> - Timestamp of last modification of distribution
+ # * 'Origin'<~String> - s3 origin bucket
+ # * 'Status'<~String> - Status of distribution
+ # * 'TrustedSigners'<~Array> - trusted signers
+ #
+ # ==== See Also
+ # http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/APIReference/ListStreamingDistributions.html
+ def get_streaming_distribution_list(options = {})
+ request({
+ :expects => 200,
+ :idempotent => true,
+ :method => 'GET',
+ :parser => Fog::Parsers::CDN::AWS::GetStreamingDistributionList.new,
+ :path => "/streaming-distribution",
+ :query => options
+ })
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/fog/cdn/requests/aws/post_streaming_distribution.rb b/lib/fog/cdn/requests/aws/post_streaming_distribution.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ac09e6fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fog/cdn/requests/aws/post_streaming_distribution.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+module Fog
+ module CDN
+ class AWS
+ class Real
+ require 'fog/cdn/parsers/aws/streaming_distribution'
+ # create a new streaming distribution in CloudFront
+ #
+ # ==== Parameters
+ # * options<~Hash> - config for distribution. Defaults to {}.
+ # * 'S3Origin'<~Hash>:
+ # * 'DNSName'<~String> - origin to associate with distribution, ie 'mybucket.s3.amazonaws.com'
+ # * 'CallerReference'<~String> - Used to prevent replay, defaults to Time.now.to_i.to_s
+ # * 'Comment'<~String> - Optional comment about distribution
+ # * 'CNAME'<~Array> - Optional array of strings to set as CNAMEs
+ # * 'Enabled'<~Boolean> - Whether or not distribution should accept requests, defaults to true
+ # * 'Logging'<~Hash>: Optional logging config
+ # * 'Bucket'<~String> - Bucket to store logs in, ie 'mylogs.s3.amazonaws.com'
+ # * 'Prefix'<~String> - Optional prefix for log filenames, ie 'myprefix/'
+ #
+ # ==== Returns
+ # * response<~Excon::Response>:
+ # * body<~Hash>:
+ # * 'Id'<~String> - Id of distribution
+ # * 'Status'<~String> - Status of distribution
+ # * 'LastModifiedTime'<~String> - Timestamp of last modification of distribution
+ # * 'DomainName'<~String>: Domain name of distribution
+ # * 'StreamingDistributionConfig'<~Array>:
+ # * 'CallerReference'<~String> - Used to prevent replay, defaults to Time.now.to_i.to_s
+ # * 'CNAME'<~Array> - array of associated cnames
+ # * 'Comment'<~String> - comment associated with distribution
+ # * 'Enabled'<~Boolean> - whether or not distribution is enabled
+ # * 'Logging'<~Hash>:
+ # * 'Bucket'<~String> - bucket logs are stored in
+ # * 'Prefix'<~String> - prefix logs are stored with
+ #
+ # ==== See Also
+ # http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/APIReference/CreateStreamingDistribution.html
+ def post_streaming_distribution(options = {})
+ options['CallerReference'] = Time.now.to_i.to_s
+ data = ''
+ data << ""
+ for key, value in options
+ case value
+ when Array
+ for item in value
+ data << "<#{key}>#{item}#{key}>"
+ end
+ when Hash
+ data << "<#{key}>"
+ for inner_key, inner_value in value
+ data << "<#{inner_key}>#{inner_value}#{inner_key}>"
+ end
+ data << "#{key}>"
+ else
+ data << "<#{key}>#{value}#{key}>"
+ end
+ end
+ data << ""
+ request({
+ :body => data,
+ :expects => 201,
+ :headers => { 'Content-Type' => 'text/xml' },
+ :idempotent => true,
+ :method => 'POST',
+ :parser => Fog::Parsers::CDN::AWS::StreamingDistribution.new,
+ :path => "/streaming-distribution"
+ })
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/fog/cdn/requests/aws/put_streaming_distribution_config.rb b/lib/fog/cdn/requests/aws/put_streaming_distribution_config.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..88deacc3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fog/cdn/requests/aws/put_streaming_distribution_config.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+module Fog
+ module CDN
+ class AWS
+ class Real
+ require 'fog/cdn/parsers/aws/streaming_distribution'
+ # update a streaming distribution in CloudFront
+ #
+ # ==== Parameters
+ # * distribution_id<~String> - Id of distribution to update config for
+ # * options<~Hash> - config for distribution. Defaults to {}.
+ # * 'S3Origin'<~Hash>:
+ # * 'DNSName'<~String> - origin to associate with distribution, ie 'mybucket.s3.amazonaws.com'
+ # * 'CallerReference'<~String> - Used to prevent replay, defaults to Time.now.to_i.to_s
+ # * 'Comment'<~String> - Optional comment about distribution
+ # * 'CNAME'<~Array> - Optional array of strings to set as CNAMEs
+ # * 'Enabled'<~Boolean> - Whether or not distribution should accept requests, defaults to true
+ # * 'Logging'<~Hash>: Optional logging config
+ # * 'Bucket'<~String> - Bucket to store logs in, ie 'mylogs.s3.amazonaws.com'
+ # * 'Prefix'<~String> - Optional prefix for log filenames, ie 'myprefix/'
+ #
+ # ==== Returns
+ # * response<~Excon::Response>:
+ # * body<~Hash>:
+ # * 'DomainName'<~String>: Domain name of distribution
+ # * 'Id'<~String> - Id of distribution
+ # * 'LastModifiedTime'<~String> - Timestamp of last modification of distribution
+ # * 'Status'<~String> - Status of distribution
+ # * 'StreamingDistributionConfig'<~Array>:
+ # * 'CallerReference'<~String> - Used to prevent replay, defaults to Time.now.to_i.to_s
+ # * 'CNAME'<~Array> - array of associated cnames
+ # * 'Comment'<~String> - comment associated with distribution
+ # * 'Enabled'<~Boolean> - whether or not distribution is enabled
+ # * 'Logging'<~Hash>:
+ # * 'Bucket'<~String> - bucket logs are stored in
+ # * 'Prefix'<~String> - prefix logs are stored with
+ # * 'Origin'<~String> - s3 origin bucket
+ # * 'TrustedSigners'<~Array> - trusted signers
+ #
+ # ==== See Also
+ # http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/APIReference/PutStreamingDistribution.html
+ def put_streaming_distribution_config(distribution_id, etag, options = {})
+ data = ''
+ data << ""
+ for key, value in options
+ case value
+ when Array
+ for item in value
+ data << "<#{key}>#{item}#{key}>"
+ end
+ when Hash
+ data << "<#{key}>"
+ for inner_key, inner_value in value
+ data << "<#{inner_key}>#{inner_value}#{inner_key}>"
+ end
+ data << "#{key}>"
+ else
+ data << "<#{key}>#{value}#{key}>"
+ end
+ end
+ data << ""
+ request({
+ :body => data,
+ :expects => 200,
+ :headers => {
+ 'Content-Type' => 'text/xml',
+ 'If-Match' => etag
+ },
+ :idempotent => true,
+ :method => 'PUT',
+ :parser => Fog::Parsers::CDN::AWS::StreamingDistribution.new,
+ :path => "/streaming-distribution/#{distribution_id}/config"
+ })
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/fog/compute.rb b/lib/fog/compute.rb
index 15a92ee08..e5ca41d4f 100644
--- a/lib/fog/compute.rb
+++ b/lib/fog/compute.rb
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ module Fog
when :stormondemand
require 'fog/compute/storm_on_demand'
- Fog::StormOnDemand::Compute.new(attributes)
+ Fog::Compute::StormOnDemand.new(attributes)
when :vcloud
require 'fog/compute/vcloud'
diff --git a/lib/fog/compute/models/aws/server.rb b/lib/fog/compute/models/aws/server.rb
index 369658d2e..da9b0dc60 100644
--- a/lib/fog/compute/models/aws/server.rb
+++ b/lib/fog/compute/models/aws/server.rb
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ module Fog
attribute :created_at, :aliases => 'launchTime'
attribute :monitoring, :squash => 'state'
attribute :placement_group, :aliases => 'groupName'
+ attribute :platform, :aliases => 'platform'
attribute :product_codes, :aliases => 'productCodes'
attribute :private_dns_name, :aliases => 'privateDnsName'
attribute :private_ip_address, :aliases => 'privateIpAddress'
diff --git a/lib/fog/compute/models/ninefold/server.rb b/lib/fog/compute/models/ninefold/server.rb
index f81a1cbec..96be382c7 100644
--- a/lib/fog/compute/models/ninefold/server.rb
+++ b/lib/fog/compute/models/ninefold/server.rb
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ module Fog
class Ninefold
class Server < Fog::Model
+ extend Fog::Deprecation
+ deprecate :serviceofferingid, :flavor_id
+ deprecate :templateid, :image_id
identity :id
@@ -13,10 +16,11 @@ module Fog
attribute :cpuspeed
attribute :cpuused
- attribute :created, :type => :time
+ attribute :created, :type => :time
attribute :displayname
attribute :domain
attribute :domainid
+ attribute :flavor_id, :aliases => :serviceofferingid
attribute :forvirtualnetwork
attribute :group
attribute :groupid
@@ -25,6 +29,7 @@ module Fog
attribute :hostid
attribute :hostname
attribute :hypervisor
+ attribute :image_id, :aliases => :templateid
#attribute :ipaddress
attribute :isodisplaytext
attribute :isoid
@@ -35,20 +40,18 @@ module Fog
attribute :name
attribute :networkkbsread
attribute :networkkbswrite
+ attribute :nic
attribute :password
attribute :passwordenabled
attribute :rootdeviceid
attribute :rootdevicetype
- attribute :serviceofferingid
+ attribute :securitygroup
attribute :serviceofferingname
attribute :state
attribute :templatedisplaytext
- attribute :templateid
attribute :templatename
attribute :zoneid
attribute :zonename
- attribute :nic
- attribute :securitygroup
# used for creation only.
attribute :networkids
@@ -65,6 +68,9 @@ module Fog
def initialize(attributes={})
+ merge_attributes({
+ :flavor_id => 105 # '1CPU, 384MB, 80GB HDD'
+ })
@@ -99,13 +105,13 @@ module Fog
def flavor
- requires :serviceofferingid
- connection.flavors.get(serviceofferingid)
+ requires :flavor_id
+ connection.flavors.get(flavor_id)
def image
- requires :templateid
- connection.images.get(templateid)
+ requires :image_id
+ connection.images.get(image_id)
def ready?
@@ -127,9 +133,7 @@ module Fog
def save
raise "Operation not supported" if self.identity
- requires :serviceofferingid
- requires :templateid
- requires :zoneid
+ requires :flavor_id, :image_id, :zoneid
unless networkids
# No network specified, use first in this zone.
@@ -143,8 +147,8 @@ module Fog
options = {
- :serviceofferingid => serviceofferingid,
- :templateid => templateid,
+ :serviceofferingid => flavor_id,
+ :templateid => image_id,
:name => name,
:zoneid => zoneid,
:networkids => networkids,
diff --git a/lib/fog/compute/parsers/aws/describe_instances.rb b/lib/fog/compute/parsers/aws/describe_instances.rb
index af982bb9c..819dc5b89 100644
--- a/lib/fog/compute/parsers/aws/describe_instances.rb
+++ b/lib/fog/compute/parsers/aws/describe_instances.rb
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module Fog
@instance['placement'][name] = value
when 'architecture', 'clientToken', 'dnsName', 'imageId',
'instanceId', 'instanceType', 'ipAddress', 'kernelId',
- 'keyName', 'privateDnsName', 'privateIpAddress', 'ramdiskId',
+ 'keyName', 'platform', 'privateDnsName', 'privateIpAddress', 'ramdiskId',
'reason', 'rootDeviceType'
@instance[name] = value
when 'attachTime'
diff --git a/lib/fog/compute/parsers/aws/describe_security_groups.rb b/lib/fog/compute/parsers/aws/describe_security_groups.rb
index 3f95b5628..90992f13f 100644
--- a/lib/fog/compute/parsers/aws/describe_security_groups.rb
+++ b/lib/fog/compute/parsers/aws/describe_security_groups.rb
@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ module Fog
def reset
@group = {}
@ip_permission = { 'groups' => [], 'ipRanges' => []}
+ @ip_permission_egress = { 'groups' => [], 'ipRanges' => []}
@ip_range = {}
- @security_group = { 'ipPermissions' => [] }
+ @security_group = { 'ipPermissions' => [], 'ipPermissionsEgress' => [] }
@response = { 'securityGroupInfo' => [] }
@@ -20,6 +21,8 @@ module Fog
@in_groups = true
when 'ipPermissions'
@in_ip_permissions = true
+ when 'ipPermissionsEgress'
+ @in_ip_permissions_egress = true
when 'ipRanges'
@in_ip_ranges = true
@@ -30,7 +33,11 @@ module Fog
when 'cidrIp'
@ip_range[name] = value
when 'fromPort', 'toPort'
- @ip_permission[name] = value.to_i
+ if @in_ip_permissions_egress
+ @ip_permission_egress[name] = value.to_i
+ else
+ @ip_permission[name] = value.to_i
+ end
when 'groups'
@in_groups = false
when 'groupDescription', 'ownerId'
@@ -43,23 +50,40 @@ module Fog
when 'ipPermissions'
@in_ip_permissions = false
+ when 'ipPermissionsEgress'
+ @in_ip_permissions_egress = false
when 'ipProtocol'
- @ip_permission[name] = value
+ if @in_ip_permissions_egress
+ @ip_permission_egress[name] = value
+ else
+ @ip_permission[name] = value
+ end
when 'ipRanges'
@in_ip_ranges = false
when 'item'
if @in_groups
- @ip_permission['groups'] << @group
+ if @in_ip_permissions_egress
+ @ip_permission_egress['group'] << @group
+ else
+ @ip_permission['groups'] << @group
+ end
@group = {}
elsif @in_ip_ranges
- @ip_permission['ipRanges'] << @ip_range
+ if @in_ip_permissions_egress
+ @ip_permission_egress['ipRanges'] << @ip_range
+ else
+ @ip_permission['ipRanges'] << @ip_range
+ end
@ip_range = {}
elsif @in_ip_permissions
@security_group['ipPermissions'] << @ip_permission
@ip_permission = { 'groups' => [], 'ipRanges' => []}
- else
+ elsif @in_ip_permissions_egress
+ @security_group['ipPermissionsEgress'] << @ip_permission_egress
+ @ip_permission_egress = { 'groups' => [], 'ipRanges' => []}
+ else
@response['securityGroupInfo'] << @security_group
- @security_group = { 'ipPermissions' => [] }
+ @security_group = { 'ipPermissions' => [], 'ipPermissionsEgress' => [] }
when 'requestId'
@response[name] = value
diff --git a/tests/compute/requests/ninefold/helper.rb b/tests/compute/requests/ninefold/helper.rb
index d0da34130..aa99dc6b7 100644
--- a/tests/compute/requests/ninefold/helper.rb
+++ b/tests/compute/requests/ninefold/helper.rb
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ class Ninefold
ZONES = [{
+ "allocationstate"=>String,
@@ -177,7 +178,6 @@ class Ninefold
- "securitygroup"=>Array,
diff --git a/tests/compute/requests/voxel/server_tests.rb b/tests/compute/requests/voxel/server_tests.rb
index 21c125b68..384c2017a 100644
--- a/tests/compute/requests/voxel/server_tests.rb
+++ b/tests/compute/requests/voxel/server_tests.rb
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ Shindo.tests('Fog::Compute[:voxel] | server requests', ['voxel']) do
'devices' => [{
'access_methods' => [],
'description' => String,
- 'drives' => {
+ 'drives' => [{
'position' => Fog::Nullable::Integer,
'size' => Integer
- },
+ }],
'id' => String,
'ipassignments' => [{
'description' => String,
diff --git a/tests/helpers/collection_helper.rb b/tests/helpers/collection_helper.rb
index 9e3dfe47a..7f4447121 100644
--- a/tests/helpers/collection_helper.rb
+++ b/tests/helpers/collection_helper.rb
@@ -38,12 +38,10 @@ def collection_tests(collection, params = {}, mocks_implemented = true)
tests('failure') do
if !Fog.mocking? || mocks_implemented
- @identity = case @identity
- when Integer
- @identity.to_s.gsub(/\w/, Fog::Mock.random_numbers(1)).to_i
- else
- @identity.to_s.gsub(/\w/, Fog::Mock.random_letters(1))
- end
+ @identity = @identity.to_s
+ @identity.gsub!(/[a-zA-Z]/) { Fog::Mock.random_letters(1) }
+ @identity.gsub!(/\d/) { Fog::Mock.random_numbers(1) }
+ @identity
tests("#get('#{@identity}')").returns(nil) do