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Merge pull request #3570 from iNecas/clone-vm-customize

Vsphere - customizing interfaces and disks when cloning from template
This commit is contained in:
Kevin Menard 2015-07-23 21:30:41 -04:00
commit f58e04e29b
2 changed files with 103 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ module Fog
#macAddress: "00:50:56:a9:00:28",
#unitNumber: 7,
def list_vm_interfaces(vm_id)
get_vm_ref(vm_id).config.hardware.device.grep(RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualEthernetCard).map do |nic|
def list_vm_interfaces(vm_id, datacenter = nil)
get_vm_ref(vm_id, datacenter).config.hardware.device.grep(RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualEthernetCard).map do |nic|
:name => nic.deviceInfo.label,
:mac => nic.macAddress,

View file

@ -77,6 +77,14 @@ module Fog
# Default true
# * 'time_zone'<~String> - *REQUIRED* Only valid linux options
# are valid - example: 'America/Denver'
# * 'interfaces' <~Array> - interfaces object to apply to
# the template when cloning: overrides the
# network_label, network_adapter_device_key and nic_type attributes
# * 'volumes' <~Array> - volumes object to apply to
# the template when cloning: this allows to resize the
# existing disks as well as add or remove them. The
# resizing is applied only when the size is bigger then the
# in size in the template
def vm_clone(options = {})
# Option handling
options = vm_clone_check_options(options)
@ -122,38 +130,21 @@ module Fog
datastore_obj ||= nil
virtual_machine_config_spec = RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualMachineConfigSpec()
# Options['network']
# Build up the config spec
if ( options.key?('network_label') )
config_spec_operation = RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation('edit')
# Get the portgroup and handle it from there.
network = get_raw_network(options['network_label'],options['datacenter'])
if ( network.kind_of? RbVmomi::VIM::DistributedVirtualPortgroup)
# Create the NIC backing for the distributed virtual portgroup
nic_backing_info = RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo(
:port => RbVmomi::VIM::DistributedVirtualSwitchPortConnection(
:portgroupKey => network.key,
:switchUuid => network.config.distributedVirtualSwitch.uuid
# Otherwise it's a non distributed port group
nic_backing_info = RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo(:deviceName => options['network_label'])
device_change = []
# fully futured interfaces api: replace the current nics
# with the new based on the specification
if (options.key?('interfaces') )
if options.key?('network_label')
raise ArgumentError, "interfaces option can't be specified together with network_label"
connectable = RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualDeviceConnectInfo(
:allowGuestControl => true,
:connected => true,
:startConnected => true)
device = RbVmomi::VIM.public_send "#{options['nic_type']}",
:backing => nic_backing_info,
:deviceInfo => RbVmomi::VIM::Description(:label => "Network adapter 1", :summary => options['network_label']),
:key => options['network_adapter_device_key'],
:connectable => connectable
device_spec = RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(
:operation => config_spec_operation,
:device => device)
virtual_machine_config_spec.deviceChange = [device_spec]
device_change.concat(modify_template_nics_specs(template_path, options['interfaces'], options['datacenter']))
elsif options.key?('network_label')
device_change << modify_template_nics_simple_spec(options['network_label'], options['nic_type'], options['network_adapter_device_key'], options['datacenter'])
if disks = options['volumes']
device_change.concat(modify_template_volumes_specs(vm_mob_ref, options['volumes']))
virtual_machine_config_spec.deviceChange = device_change if device_change.any?
# Options['numCPUs'] or Options['memoryMB']
# Build up the specification for Hardware, for more details see ____________
# https://github.com/rlane/rbvmomi/blob/master/test/test_serialization.rb
@ -625,6 +616,86 @@ module Fog
'task_ref' => task._ref
# Build up the network config spec for simple case:
# simple case: apply just the network_label, nic_type and network_adapter_device_key
def modify_template_nics_simple_spec(network_label, nic_type, network_adapter_device_key, datacenter)
config_spec_operation = RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation('edit')
# Get the portgroup and handle it from there.
network = get_raw_network(network_label, datacenter)
if ( network.kind_of? RbVmomi::VIM::DistributedVirtualPortgroup)
# Create the NIC backing for the distributed virtual portgroup
nic_backing_info = RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo(
:port => RbVmomi::VIM::DistributedVirtualSwitchPortConnection(
:portgroupKey => network.key,
:switchUuid => network.config.distributedVirtualSwitch.uuid
# Otherwise it's a non distributed port group
nic_backing_info = RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo(:deviceName => network_label)
connectable = RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualDeviceConnectInfo(
:allowGuestControl => true,
:connected => true,
:startConnected => true)
device = RbVmomi::VIM.public_send "#{nic_type}",
:backing => nic_backing_info,
:deviceInfo => RbVmomi::VIM::Description(:label => "Network adapter 1", :summary => network_label),
:key => network_adapter_device_key,
:connectable => connectable
device_spec = RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(
:operation => config_spec_operation,
:device => device)
return device_spec
def modify_template_nics_specs(template_path, new_nics, datacenter)
#new_spec_operation = RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation('new')
#remove_spec_operation = RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation('remove')
template_nics = list_vm_interfaces(template_path, datacenter).map do |old_attributes|
specs = []
template_nics.each do |interface|
specs << create_interface(interface, interface.key, :remove)
new_nics.each do |interface|
specs << create_interface(interface, 0, :add)
return specs
def modify_template_volumes_specs(vm_mob_ref, volumes)
template_volumes = vm_mob_ref.config.hardware.device.grep(RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualDisk)
modified_volumes = volumes.take(template_volumes.size)
new_volumes = volumes.drop(template_volumes.size)
specs = []
template_volumes.zip(modified_volumes).each do |template_volume, new_volume|
if new_volume
# updated the attribtues on the existing volume
# it's not allowed to reduce the size of the volume when cloning
if new_volume.size > template_volume.capacityInKB
template_volume.capacityInKB = new_volume.size
template_volume.backing.diskMode = new_volume.mode
template_volume.backing.thinProvisioned = new_volume.thin
specs << { :operation => :edit, :device => template_volume }
specs << { :operation => :remove,
:fileOperation => :destroy,
:device => template_volume }
specs.concat(new_volumes.map { |volume| create_disk(volume, volumes.index(volume)) })
return specs
class Mock