When username is composed of only integers, openstack raises a
ProgrammingError when trying to authenticate user.
Signed-off-by: Nelvin Driz <nelvindriz@live.com>
* Add connection_options to Fog::Connection when
authenticating so we can disable SSL cert verification for example.
* Do not use hardcoded keystone 5000 port
Sample code:
conn = Fog::Compute.new({
:provider => 'OpenStack',
:openstack_api_key => "changeme",
:openstack_username => "user@bvox.net",
:openstack_auth_url => "https://auth-server/v2.0/tokens",
:connection_options => { :ssl_verify_peer => false }
Fixed typorgraphical errors. Authentication assumes or does not require
certain parameters that is actually needed depending on the setup or
scenario. Opted to simply make it detect it if not specified to make it
easier for first time users to use.
This may require more tweaks for Essex, or when Keystone Light lands.
I also believe v1.0 auth may be broken by not sending back the
X-Server-Management-Url header.
This fixes how paths and regexps work for less common cases (eg: having
and auth endpoint that is /v2.0/tokens.json).
Serialization to/from json and setting content-type header are added.
No longer silently converts nova api endpoints to 1.1, but errors instead. You
should be using keystone's service catalog in conjunction with