The Rackspace helper changed the Fog.timeout global for all live tests
so the core test which expected "600" failed since it was now "2000"
Since it is a global setting it has been moved to the global test helper
It can now also be controlled by the FOG_TEST_TIMEOUT env variable.
It appears JRuby's Nokogiri implementation is strict about using unbound XML namespaces. Since a well-formed doc should have bound namespaces, I just added it here.
This reverts commits: 66638b25d7,
3f0314dbd1, and
Since google-api-client was added as a dependency in afa9b025e9,
multi_json is a de facto dependency of fog, so this is a needless layer.
If #1034 is still an issue, I'd be happy to ship a version of multi_json
that requires rubygems >= 1.3.5.
Similar to #504, say your ~/.fog had multiple stanzas:
:aws_access_key_id: aaa
:aws_access_key_id: bbb
:aws_access_key_id: ccc
By default, fog will look for either the credential *symbol* `:default` or for the *string* stored in `FOG_CREDENTIAL` (in `lib/fog/core/credentials.rb` method `self.credential`). When the fog credentials file given above is read in, it’s passed through `self.symbolize_credentials` which makes *symbols* out of all the keys (so `prod`, `test`, and `default` will all be symbols) and saves the list to credentials then looks for `credentials[credential]` which is indexing a string in a hash of symbols.
Any value that `@credential` is set to should be a symbol, because the hash keys will only be symbols.
Say your ~/.fog had multiple stanzas:
:aws_access_key_id: aaa
:aws_access_key_id: bbb
:aws_access-key_id: ccc
Choose a stanza with an environment variable: