Shindo.tests("Fog::Network[:openstack] | network", ['openstack']) do tests('success') do tests('#create').succeeds do @instance = Fog::Network[:openstack].networks.create(:name => 'net_name', :shared => false, :admin_state_up => true, :tenant_id => 'tenant_id') ! end tests('#create+extensions').succeeds do net = Fog::Network[:openstack].networks.create( :name => 'net_name', :shared => false, :admin_state_up => true, :tenant_id => 'tenant_id', :router_external => true, # local, gre, vlan. Depends on the provider. # May rise an exception if the network_type isn't valid: # QuantumError: "Invalid input for operation: provider:physical_network" :provider_network_type => 'gre', :provider_segmentation_id => 22 ) net.destroy net.provider_network_type == 'gre' end tests('have attributes') do attributes = [ :name, :subnets, :shared, :status, :admin_state_up, :tenant_id, :provider_network_type, :provider_physical_network, :provider_segmentation_id, :router_external ] tests("The network model should respond to") do attributes.each do |attribute| test("#{attribute}") { @instance.respond_to? attribute } end end end tests('#update').succeeds do = 'new_net_name' @instance.update end tests('#destroy').succeeds do @instance.destroy == true end end end