Shindo.tests('Fog::Compute[:xenserver] | StorageRepository model', ['xenserver']) do storage_repositories = Fog::Compute[:xenserver].storage_repositories storage_repository = storage_repositories.first conn = Fog::Compute[:xenserver] tests('The StorageRepository model should') do tests('have the action') do test('reload') { storage_repository.respond_to? 'reload' } test('destroy') { storage_repository.respond_to? 'destroy' } test('scan') { storage_repository.respond_to? 'scan' } test('save') { storage_repository.respond_to? 'save' } end tests('have attributes') do model_attribute_hash = storage_repository.attributes attributes = [ :reference, :name, :uuid, :description, :uuid, :allowed_operations, :current_operations, :content_type, :other_config, :__pbds, :shared, :type, :tags, :__vdis, :physical_size, :physical_utilisation, :virtual_allocation, :sm_config ] tests("The StorageRepository model should respond to") do attributes.each do |attribute| test("#{attribute}") { storage_repository.respond_to? attribute } end end tests("The attributes hash should have key") do attributes.each do |attribute| test("#{attribute}") { model_attribute_hash.has_key? attribute } end end end test('be a kind of Fog::Compute::XenServer::StorageRepository') { storage_repository.kind_of? Fog::Compute::XenServer::StorageRepository } end tests("A real StorageRepository should") do tests("return a valid list of VDIs") do storage_repository.vdis.each do |vdi| test("where #{vdi.uuid} is a Fog::Compute::XenServer::VDI") { vdi.is_a? Fog::Compute::XenServer::VDI } end end tests("return a valid list of PBDs") do storage_repository.pbds.each do |pbd| test("where #{pbd.uuid} is a Fog::Compute::XenServer::PBD") { pbd.is_a? Fog::Compute::XenServer::PBD } end end end tests('#save should') do sr = nil test('save with required attributes') do sr = conn.storage_repositories.create :name => 'FOG TEST SR', :host => conn.hosts.first, :type => 'ext', :device_config => { :device => '/dev/sdb' } !(conn.storage_repositories.find { |sr| == 'FOG TEST SR' }).nil? end # Cleanup sr.pbds.each { |pbd| pbd.unplug } sr.destroy test('save with additional attributes') do sr = conn.storage_repositories.create :name => 'FOG TEST SR', :host => conn.hosts.first, :type => 'ext', :content_type => 'user', :device_config => { :device => '/dev/sdb' }, :shared => false !(conn.storage_repositories.find { |sr| == 'FOG TEST SR' }).nil? end # Cleanup sr.pbds.each { |pbd| pbd.unplug } sr.destroy test('return sane defaults') do sr = conn.storage_repositories.create :name => 'FOG TEST SR', :host => conn.hosts.first, :type => 'ext', :device_config => { :device => '/dev/sdb' } sr.reload (sr.content_type == 'user') and \ (sr.shared == false) and (sr.sm_config.is_a? Hash) and \ (sr.description == '') end end tests('#destroy should') do test('destroy existing FOG TEST SR') do sr = (conn.storage_repositories.find { |sr| == 'FOG TEST SR' }) sr.pbds.each { |pbd| pbd.unplug } sr.destroy (conn.storage_repositories.find { |sr| == 'FOG TEST SR' }).nil? end end end