Shindo.tests('AWS::EMR | instance groups', ['aws', 'emr']) do pending if Fog.mocking? @job_flow_name = "fog_job_flow_#{'.','')}" @job_flow_options = { 'Instances' => { 'MasterInstanceType' => 'm1.small', 'SlaveInstanceType' => 'm1.small', 'InstanceCount' => 2, 'Placement' => { 'AvailabilityZone' => 'us-east-1a' }, 'KeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps' => false, 'TerminationProtected' => false, 'HadoopVersion' => '0.20' } } @job_flow_steps = { 'Steps' => [{ 'Name' => 'Dummy streaming job', 'ActionOnFailure' => 'CONTINUE', 'HadoopJarStep' => { 'Jar' => '/home/hadoop/contrib/streaming/hadoop-streaming.jar', 'MainClass' => nil, 'Args' => %w(-input s3n://elasticmapreduce/samples/wordcount/input -output hdfs:///examples/output/2011-11-03T090856 -mapper s3n://elasticmapreduce/samples/wordcount/ -reducer aggregate) } }] } @instance_group_name = "fog_instance_group_#{'.','')}" @instance_groups = { 'InstanceGroups' => [{ 'Name' => @instance_group_name, 'InstanceRole' => 'TASK', 'InstanceType' => 'm1.small', 'InstanceCount' => 2 }] } result = AWS[:emr].run_job_flow(@job_flow_name, @job_flow_options).body @job_flow_id = result['JobFlowId'] tests('success') do tests("#add_instance_groups").formats(AWS::EMR::Formats::ADD_INSTANCE_GROUPS) do pending if Fog.mocking? result = AWS[:emr].add_instance_groups(@job_flow_id, @instance_groups).body @instance_group_id = result['InstanceGroupIds'].first result end tests("#describe_job_flows_with_instance_groups").formats(AWS::EMR::Formats::DESCRIBE_JOB_FLOW_WITH_INSTANCE_GROUPS) do pending if Fog.mocking? result = AWS[:emr].describe_job_flows('JobFlowIds' => [@job_flow_id]).body result end tests("#modify_instance_groups").formats(AWS::EMR::Formats::BASIC) do pending if Fog.mocking? # Add a step so the state doesn't go directly from STARTING to SHUTTING_DOWN AWS[:emr].add_job_flow_steps(@job_flow_id, @job_flow_steps) # Wait until job has started before modifying the instance group begin sleep 10 result = AWS[:emr].describe_job_flows('JobFlowIds' => [@job_flow_id]).body job_flow = result['JobFlows'].first state = job_flow['ExecutionStatusDetail']['State'] print "." end while(state == 'STARTING') # Check results result = AWS[:emr].modify_instance_groups('InstanceGroups' => [{'InstanceGroupId' => @instance_group_id, 'InstanceCount' => 4}]).body # Check the it actually modified the instance count tests("modify worked?") do ig_res = AWS[:emr].describe_job_flows('JobFlowIds' => [@job_flow_id]).body matched = false jf = ig_res['JobFlows'].first jf['Instances']['InstanceGroups'].each do | ig | if ig['InstanceGroupId'] == @instance_group_id matched = true if ig['InstanceRequestCount'].to_i == 4 end end matched end result end end AWS[:emr].terminate_job_flows('JobFlowIds' => [@job_flow_id]) end