# This is the data structure it accepts, this is the output of get_vm_disks # # {"type"=>"application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.guestCustomizationSection+xml", # "href"=> # "https://example.com/api/vApp/vm-2bbbf556-55dc-4974-82e6-aa6e814f0b64/guestCustomizationSection/", # "id"=>"vm-2bbbf556-55dc-4974-82e6-aa6e814f0b64", # "enabled"=>false, # "change_sid"=>false, # "virtual_machine_id"=>"2bbbf556-55dc-4974-82e6-aa6e814f0b64", # "join_domain_enabled"=>false, # "use_org_settings"=>false, # "admin_password_enabled"=>false, # "admin_password_auto"=>true, # "reset_password_required"=>false, # "customization_script"=>"hola\nmundo", # "has_customization_script"=>true, # "computer_name"=>"DEVWEB-001"} # # # This is what it generates # # # Specifies Guest OS Customization Settings # true # true # 55cc91f2-7e12-48d4-ad90-6f637a51fd88 # false # false # true # true # false # DEVWEB-001 # # module Fog module Generators module Compute module VcloudDirector class Customization def initialize(attrs={}) @attrs = attrs end def generate_xml output = "" output << header output << body(@attrs) output << tail output end def header '' end # the order maters http://communities.vmware.com/thread/448760?start=0&tstart=0 # http://www.vmware.com/support/vcd/doc/rest-api-doc-1.5-html/types/GuestCustomizationSectionType.html # CustomizationScript # Script to run on guest customization. You could use xml escape sequence to make multiple lines script. The script could contain any UNICODE symbol by specifying its number in format &#xxxx; where xxxx is the number. The predefined symbols in the XML are: * & & * < < * > > * " " * ' ' def body(opts={}) body = " Specifies Guest OS Customization Settings #{opts[:enabled]} #{opts[:change_sid]} #{opts[:virtual_machine_id]} #{opts[:join_domain_enabled]} #{opts[:use_org_settings]} #{opts[:admin_password_enabled]} #{opts[:admin_password_auto]} #{opts[:reset_password_required]} #{CGI::escapeHTML(opts[:customization_script]).gsub(/\r/, " ")} #{opts[:computer_name]}" end def tail '' end end end end end end