Shindo.tests('Dynect::dns | DNS requests', ['dynect', 'dns']) do shared_format = { 'job_id' => Integer, 'msgs' => [{ 'ERR_CD' => Fog::Nullable::String, 'INFO' => String, 'LVL' => String, 'SOURCE' => String }], 'status' => String } tests "success" do @dns = Fog::DNS[:dynect] @domain = generate_unique_domain @fqdn = "www.#{@domain}" post_session_format = shared_format.merge({ 'data' => { 'token' => String, 'version' => String } }) tests("post_session").formats(post_session_format) do @dns.post_session.body end post_zone_format = shared_format.merge({ 'data' => { 'serial' => Integer, 'zone' => String, 'zone_type' => String, 'serial_style' => String } }) tests("post_zone('netops@#{@domain}', 3600, '#{@domain}')").formats(post_zone_format) do @dns.post_zone("netops@#{@domain}", 3600, @domain).body end get_zones_format = shared_format.merge({ 'data' => [String] }) tests("get_zone").formats(get_zones_format) do @dns.get_zone.body end get_zone_format = shared_format.merge({ 'data' => { "serial" => Integer, "serial_style" => String, "zone" => String, "zone_type" => String } }) tests("get_zone('zone' => '#{@domain}')").formats(get_zone_format) do @dns.get_zone('zone' => @domain).body end post_record_format = shared_format.merge({ 'data' => { 'fqdn' => String, 'rdata' => { 'address' => String }, 'record_id' => Integer, 'record_type' => String, 'ttl' => Integer, 'zone' => String } }) tests("post_record('A', '#{@domain}', '#{@fqdn}', 'address' => '')").formats(post_record_format) do @dns.post_record('A', @domain, @fqdn, {'address' => ''}).body end put_record_format = shared_format.merge({ 'data' => { 'fqdn' => String, 'ARecords' => [ { 'rdata' => { 'address' => String } } ], 'record_id' => Integer, 'record_type' => String, 'ttl' => Integer, 'zone' => String } }) tests("put_record('A', '#{@domain}', '#{@fqdn}', 'address' => '')").formats(post_record_format) do @dns.put_record('A', @domain, @fqdn, {'address' => ''}).body end publish_zone_format = shared_format.merge({ 'data' => { 'serial' => Integer, 'serial_style' => String, 'zone' => String, 'zone_type' => String } }) tests("put_zone('#{@domain}', 'publish' => true)").formats(publish_zone_format) do @dns.put_zone(@domain, 'publish' => true).body end freeze_zone_format = shared_format.merge({ 'data' => {} }) tests("put_zone('#{@domain}', 'freeze' => true)").formats(freeze_zone_format) do @dns.put_zone(@domain, 'freeze' => true).body end thaw_zone_format = shared_format.merge({ 'data' => {} }) tests("put_zone('#{@domain}', 'thaw' => true)").formats(thaw_zone_format) do @dns.put_zone(@domain, 'thaw' => true).body end get_node_list_format = shared_format.merge({ 'data' => [String] }) tests("get_node_list('#{@domain}')").formats(get_node_list_format) do @dns.get_node_list(@domain).body end get_records_format = shared_format.merge({ 'data' => [String] }) tests("get_record('A', '#{@domain}', '#{@fqdn}')").formats(get_records_format) do data = @dns.get_record('A', @domain, @fqdn).body @record_id = data['data'].first.split('/').last data end sleep 5 unless Fog.mocking? @dns.post_record('CNAME', @domain, "cname.#{@fqdn}", {'cname' => "#{@fqdn}."}) tests("get_record('ANY', '#{@domain}', 'cname.#{@fqdn}')").formats(get_records_format) do @dns.get_record('ANY', @domain, "cname.#{@fqdn}").body end get_record_format = shared_format.merge({ 'data' => { 'zone' => String, 'ttl' => Integer, 'fqdn' => String, 'record_type' => String, 'rdata' => { 'address' => String }, 'record_id' => Integer } }) tests("get_record('A', '#{@domain}', '#{@fqdn}', 'record_id' => '#{@record_id}')").formats(get_record_format) do @dns.get_record('A', @domain, @fqdn, 'record_id' => @record_id).body end delete_record_format = shared_format.merge({ 'data' => {} }) tests("delete_record('A', '#{@domain}', '#{@fqdn}', '#{@record_id}')").formats(delete_record_format) do @dns.delete_record('A', @domain, "#{@fqdn}", @record_id).body end delete_zone_format = shared_format.merge({ 'data' => {} }) sleep 5 unless Fog.mocking? tests("delete_zone('#{@domain}')").formats(delete_zone_format) do @dns.delete_zone(@domain).body end tests("job handling") do pending unless Fog.mocking? old_mock_value = Excon.defaults[:mock] Excon.stubs.clear tests("returns final response from a complete job").returns({"status" => "success"}) do begin Excon.defaults[:mock] = true Excon.stub({:method => :post, :path => "/REST/Session"}, {:body=>"{\"status\": \"success\", \"data\": {\"token\": \"foobar\", \"version\": \"2.3.1\"}, \"job_id\": 150583906, \"msgs\": [{\"INFO\": \"login: Login successful\", \"SOURCE\": \"BLL\", \"ERR_CD\": null, \"LVL\": \"INFO\"}]}", :headers=>{"Content-Type"=>"application/json"}, :status=>200}) Excon.stub({:method => :get, :path => "/REST/Zone/"}, {:status => 307, :body => '/REST/Job/150576635', :headers => {'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Location' => '/REST/Job/150576635'}}) Excon.stub({:method => :get, :path => "/REST/Job/150576635"}, {:status => 307, :body => '{"status":"success"}', :headers => {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}}) => :get, :path => "Zone/").body ensure Excon.stubs.clear Excon.defaults[:mock] = old_mock_value end end tests("passes expects through when polling a job").returns({"status" => "success"}) do begin Excon.defaults[:mock] = true Excon.stub({:method => :post, :path => "/REST/Session"}, {:body=>"{\"status\": \"success\", \"data\": {\"token\": \"foobar\", \"version\": \"2.3.1\"}, \"job_id\": 150583906, \"msgs\": [{\"INFO\": \"login: Login successful\", \"SOURCE\": \"BLL\", \"ERR_CD\": null, \"LVL\": \"INFO\"}]}", :headers=>{"Content-Type"=>"application/json"}, :status=>200}) Excon.stub({:method => :get, :path => "/REST/Zone/"}, {:status => 307, :body => '/REST/Job/150576635', :headers => {'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Location' => '/REST/Job/150576635'}}) Excon.stub({:method => :get, :path => "/REST/Job/150576635"}, {:status => 404, :body => '{"status":"success"}', :headers => {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}}) => :get, :expects => 404, :path => "Zone/").body ensure Excon.stubs.clear Excon.defaults[:mock] = old_mock_value end end end end tests('failure') do tests("#auth_token with expired credentials").raises(Excon::Errors::BadRequest) do pending if Fog.mocking? @dns = Fog::DNS[:dynect] @dns.instance_variable_get(:@connection).stub(:request) { raise'Expected(200) <=> Actual(400 Bad Request) request => {:headers=>{"Content-Type"=>"application/json", "API-Version"=>"2.3.1", "Auth-Token"=>"auth-token", "Host"=>"", "Content-Length"=>0}, :host=>"", :mock=>nil, :path=>"/REST/CNAMERecord/", :port=>"443", :query=>nil, :scheme=>"https", :expects=>200, :method=>:get} response => #"nginx/0.7.67", "Date"=>"Thu, 08 Sep 2011 20:04:21 GMT", "Content-Type"=>"application/json", "Transfer-Encoding"=>"chunked", "Connection"=>"keep-alive"}, @status=400>') } @dns.instance_variable_get(:@connection).should_receive(:request).exactly(2).times @dns.auth_token end tests("#auth_token with inactivity logout").raises(Excon::Errors::BadRequest) do pending if Fog.mocking? @dns = Fog::DNS[:dynect] @dns.instance_variable_get(:@connection).stub(:request) { raise'Expected(200) <=> Actual(400 Bad Request) request => {:headers=>{"Content-Type"=>"application/json", "API-Version"=>"2.3.1", "Auth-Token"=>"auth-token", "Host"=>"", "Content-Length"=>0}, :host=>"", :mock=>nil, :path=>"/REST/CNAMERecord/", :port=>"443", :query=>nil, :scheme=>"https", :expects=>200, :method=>:get} response => #"nginx/0.7.67", "Date"=>"Thu, 08 Sep 2011 20:04:21 GMT", "Content-Type"=>"application/json", "Transfer-Encoding"=>"chunked", "Connection"=>"keep-alive"}, @status=400>') } @dns.instance_variable_get(:@connection).should_receive(:request).exactly(2).times @dns.auth_token end end end