module Fog module Compute class Clodo class Real # Input: # vps_title - VDS title to display in VDS list # vps_type - VDS type (VirtualServer,ScaleServer) # vps_memory - memory size in megabytes (for ScaleServer - low limit) # vps_memory_max - maximum number of ScaleServer memory megabytes to scale up. # vps_hdd - Virtual HDD size im gigabytes. # vps_admin - support level (1 - usual&free, 2 - extended, 3 - VIP) # vps_os - OS ID to install # Output: # id - VDS ID # name - VDS title # imageId - OS ID # adminPass - root password def create_server(image_id, options = {}) data = { 'server' => { :vps_os => image_id, :vps_hdd => options[:vps_hdd]?options[:vps_hdd]:5, :vps_memory => options[:vps_memory]?options[:vps_memory]:256, :vps_memory_max => options[:vps_memory_max]?options[:vps_memory_max]:1024, :vps_admin => options[:vps_admin]?options[:vps_admin]:1 } } data['server'].merge! options if options request( :body => Fog::JSON.encode(data), :expects => [200, 202], :method => 'POST', :path => 'servers' ) end end class Mock def create_server(image_id, options = {}) raise"Invalid image ID") unless image_id > 0 response = response.status = 202 id = Fog::Mock.random_numbers(6).to_i data = { 'id' => id, 'imageId' => "#{image_id}", 'name' => options['name'] || "VPS #{rand(999)}", 'adminPass' => '23ryh8udbcbyt' }[:last_modified][:servers][id] =[:servers][id] = { 'id' => "#{id}", 'imageId' => data['imageId'], 'name' => data['name'], 'vps_os_title' => "OSTitle", 'vps_root_pass' => data['adminPass'], 'status' => "is_running", 'addresses' => {'public' =>[{ 'primary_ip' => true, 'isp' => false, 'ip' => '' }, { 'primary_ip' => false, 'isp' => false, 'ip' => '' }]}, 'vps_createdate' => "#{}", 'vps_hdd_max' => "5", 'vps_traff' => nil, 'vps_mem_1h_max' => "0", 'vps_mem_load' => "0", 'vps_user_pass' => "wer45345ht", 'vps_vnc_pass' => "bi65tdfyb", 'vps_adddate' => "#{}", 'vps_update' => "#{}", 'vps_mem_1h_min' => "0", 'vps_mem_1h_avg' => nil, 'vps_memory_max' => options['vps_memory_max'] || "512", 'vps_os_version' => "6.6.6", 'vps_cpu_1h_max' => "0", 'vps_hdd_load' => "0", 'vps_disk_load' => "0", 'vps_os_type' => options['vps_os_type'] || "VirtualServer", 'type' => options['vps_os_type'] || "VirtualServer", 'vps_memory' => options['vps_memory'] || "512", 'vps_cpu_load' => "0", 'vps_update_days' => "0", 'vps_os_bits' => "64", 'vps_vnc' => "", 'vps_cpu_max' => "0", 'vps_cpu_1h_min' => "0", 'vps_cpu_1h_avg' => nil } response.body = { 'server' => data } response end end end end end