Shindo.tests("Fog::Compute[:hp] | security_group", ['hp']) do model_tests(Fog::Compute[:hp].security_groups, {:name => 'foggroupname', :description => 'foggroupdescription'}, true) tests("a group with trailing whitespace") do @group = Fog::Compute[:hp].security_groups.create(:name => "foggroup with spaces ", :description => " fog group desc ") test("name is correct") do == "foggroup with spaces " end test("description is correct") do @group.description == " fog group desc " end @other_group = Fog::Compute[:hp].security_groups.create(:name => 'other group', :description => 'another group') test("authorize access by another security group") do sgrule = @group.create_rule(80..80, "tcp", nil, @sg_rule_id = sgrule.body['security_group_rule']['id'] @group.reload s = {|r| r['id'] == @sg_rule_id unless r.nil?} s[0]['id'] == @sg_rule_id end test("revoke access from another security group") do @group.delete_rule(@sg_rule_id) @group.reload s = {|r| r['id'] == @sg_rule_id unless r.nil?} s.empty? end @other_group.destroy @group.destroy end end