Shindo.tests('Fog::Compute[:vsphere]', ['vsphere']) do compute = Fog::Compute[:vsphere] tests("| convert_vm_mob_ref_to_attr_hash") do # Mock the RbVmomi::VIM::ManagedObject class class MockManagedObject attr_reader :parent, :_ref def initialize @parent = @_ref = 'vm-123' end def collect! *pathSet { '_ref' => 'vm-123', 'name' => 'fakevm' } end end fake_vm_mob_ref = tests("When converting an incomplete vm object") do test("it should return a Hash") do compute.send(:convert_vm_mob_ref_to_attr_hash, fake_vm_mob_ref).kind_of? Hash end tests("The converted Hash should") do attr_hash = compute.send(:convert_vm_mob_ref_to_attr_hash, fake_vm_mob_ref) test("have a name") { attr_hash['name'] == 'fakevm' } test("have a mo_ref") {attr_hash['mo_ref'] == 'vm-123' } test("have an id") { attr_hash['id'] == 'vm-123' } test("not have a instance_uuid") { attr_hash['instance_uuid'].nil? } end end tests("When passed a nil object") do attr_hash = compute.send :convert_vm_mob_ref_to_attr_hash, nil test("it should return a nil object") do attr_hash.nil? end end end tests("Compute attributes") do %w{ vsphere_is_vcenter vsphere_rev vsphere_username vsphere_server }.each do |attr| test("it should respond to #{attr}") { compute.respond_to? attr } end end tests("Compute collections") do %w{ servers }.each do |collection| test("it should respond to #{collection}") { compute.respond_to? collection } end end end