# Examples for working with HP Cloud CDN Service The HP Cloud services provides CDN support via the request layer abstraction. In the request abstraction, you can CDN-enable a container, get a list of the CDN-enabled containers, list the metadata for a CDN-enabled container, update the metadata for a CDN-enabled container, and CDN-disable a container. The examples on this page can be executed from within a Ruby console (IRB): irb * [Connecting to the Service](https://github.com/fog/fog/blob/master/lib/fog/hp/docs/connect.md) ## CDN-Enabling an Existing Container To CDN-enable an existing container: conn.put_container("fog-rocks") ## Listing CDN-Enabled Containers To generate a list of CDN-enabled containers: conn.get_containers ## Listing the Metadata for a CDN-Enabled Container To list the metadata (or header information) for a CDN-enabled container: conn.head_container("fog-rocks") ## Updating the Metadata for a CDN-Enabled Container To update or modify the metadata for a CDN-enabled container, use the command > conn.post_container("fog-rocks", {**option**}) Where _option_ can be any of the following: * X-CDN-Enabled - cdn status for container * X-CDN-URI - cdn url for this container * 'X-TTL'<~String> - integer seconds before data expires, defaults to 86400 (1 day), in 900 (15 min.) to 1577836800 (50 years) * X-Log-Retention So for example, if you want to modify the X-TTL metadata information so that the value becomes 3600, the command would be: conn.post_container("fog-rocks", {'X-Ttl' => 3600 }) ## Disabling a CDN Container To CDN-disable container: conn.delete_container("fog-rocks") --------- [Documentation Home](https://github.com/fog/fog/blob/master/lib/fog/hp/README.md) | [Examples](https://github.com/fog/fog/blob/master/lib/fog/hp/examples/getting_started_examples.md)