Shindo.tests('Fog::Compute[:xenserver]', ['xenserver']) do compute = Fog::Compute[:xenserver] tests("Compute attributes") do %w{ default_template }.each do |attr| test("it should respond to #{attr}") { compute.respond_to? attr } end end tests("Compute collections") do %w{ pifs vifs hosts storage_repositories servers networks vbds vdis pools }.each do |collection| test("it should respond to #{collection}") { compute.respond_to? collection } test("it should respond to #{collection}.all") { eval("compute.#{collection}").respond_to? 'all' } test("it should respond to #{collection}.get") { eval("compute.#{collection}").respond_to? 'get' } end # This will fail if there are no PIFs # (not sure if that's gonna be a real scenario though) tests("PIFs collection") do test("should have at least one PIF") { compute.pifs.size >= 1 } end # This will fail if there are no VIFs # (not sure if that's gonna be a real scenario though) tests("VIFs collection") do test("should have at least one VIF") { compute.vifs.size >= 1 } end # This will fail if there are no VIFs # (not sure if that's gonna be a real scenario though) tests("Networks collection") do test("should have at least one Network") { compute.networks.size >= 1 } end end tests "Default template" do test("it should NOT have a default template") { compute.default_template.nil? } # This template exists in our XenServer compute.default_template = 'squeeze-test' test("it should have a default template if template exists") { == 'squeeze-test' } test("default template must be a Fog::Compute::XenServer::Server") { compute.default_template.is_a? Fog::Compute::XenServer::Server } end end