module Fog module Terremark module Shared module Real # Get details of an organization # # ==== Parameters # * organization_id<~Integer> - Id of organization to lookup # # ==== Returns # * response<~Excon::Response>: # * body<~Hash>: # * 'description'<~String> - Description of organization # * 'links'<~Array> - An array of links to entities in the organization # * 'href'<~String> - location of link # * 'name'<~String> - name of link # * 'rel'<~String> - action to perform # * 'type'<~String> - type of link # * 'name'<~String> - Name of organization def get_organization(organization_id) response = request( :expects => 200, :method => 'GET', :parser =>, :path => "org/#{organization_id}" ) response end end module Mock def get_organization(organization_id) organization_id = organization_id.to_i response = if org = @data[:organizations].detect { |org| org[:info][:id] == organization_id } body = { "name" => org[:info][:name], "href" => "#{@base_url}/org/#{org[:info][:id]}", "Links" => [] } body["Links"] = case self when Fog::Terremark::Vcloud::Mock _vdc_links(org[:vdcs][0]) when Fog::Terremark::Ecloud::Mock org[:vdcs].map do |vdc| _vdc_links(vdc) end.flatten end response.status = 200 response.body = body response.headers = Fog::Terremark::Shared::Mock.headers(response.body, "application/") else response.status = Fog::Terremark::Shared::Mock.unathorized_status response.headers = Fog::Terremark::Shared::Mock.error_headers end response end private def _vdc_links(vdc) [{ "name" => vdc[:name], "href" => "#{@base_url}/vdc/#{vdc[:id]}", "rel" => "down", "type" => "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vdc+xml" }, { "name" => "#{vdc[:name]} Catalog", "href" => "#{@base_url}/vdc/#{vdc[:id]}/catalog", "rel" => "down", "type" => "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.catalog+xml" }, { "name" => "#{vdc[:name]} Tasks List", "href" => "#{@base_url}/vdc/#{vdc[:id]}/taskslist", "rel" => "down", "type" => "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.tasksList+xml" } ] end end end end end