unless Fog.mocking? module Fog class Terremark # Get details of a catalog # # ==== Parameters # * vdc_id<~Integer> - Id of vdc to view catalog for # # ==== Returns # * response<~Excon::Response>: # * body<~Hash>: # * 'CatalogItems'<~Array> # * 'href'<~String> - linke to item # * 'name'<~String> - name of item # * 'type'<~String> - type of item # * 'description'<~String> - Description of catalog # * 'name'<~String> - Name of catalog def get_catalog(vdc_id) request( :expects => 200, :method => 'GET', :parser => Fog::Parsers::Terremark::GetCatalog.new, :path => "vdc/#{vdc_id}/catalog" ) end end end else module Fog class Terremark def get_catalog(vdc_id) raise MockNotImplemented.new("Contributions welcome!") end end end end