unless Fog.mocking? module Fog module AWS class EC2 # Describe all or specified security groups # # ==== Parameters # * group_name<~Array> - List of groups to describe, defaults to all # # === Returns # * response<~Excon::Response>: # * body<~Hash>: # * 'requestId'<~String> - Id of request # * 'securityGroupInfo'<~Array>: # * 'groupDescription'<~String> - Description of security group # * 'groupName'<~String> - Name of security group # * 'ipPermissions'<~Array>: # * 'fromPort'<~Integer> - Start of port range (or -1 for ICMP wildcard) # * 'groups'<~Array>: # * 'groupName'<~String> - Name of security group # * 'userId'<~String> - AWS User Id of account # * 'ipProtocol'<~String> - Ip protocol, must be in ['tcp', 'udp', 'icmp'] # * 'ipRanges'<~Array>: # * 'cidrIp'<~String> - CIDR range # * 'toPort'<~Integer> - End of port range (or -1 for ICMP wildcard) # * 'ownerId'<~String> - AWS Access Key Id of the owner of the security group def describe_security_groups(group_name = []) params = AWS.indexed_param('GroupName', group_name) request({ 'Action' => 'DescribeSecurityGroups', }.merge!(params), Fog::Parsers::AWS::EC2::DescribeSecurityGroups.new) end end end end else module Fog module AWS class EC2 def describe_security_groups(group_name = []) response = Excon::Response.new group_name = [*group_name] if group_name != [] security_group_info = Fog::AWS::EC2.data[:security_groups].reject {|key, value| !group_name.include?(key)}.values else security_group_info = Fog::AWS::EC2.data[:security_groups].values end if group_name.length == 0 || group_name.length == security_group_info.length response.status = 200 response.body = { 'requestId' => Fog::AWS::Mock.request_id, 'securityGroupInfo' => security_group_info } else response.status = 400 raise(Excon::Errors.status_error({:expects => 200}, response)) end response end end end end end