module Fog module Vcloud class Compute module Shared private def validate_instantiate_vapp_template_options options # :network_uri removed, if not specified will use template network config. valid_opts = [:catalog_item_uri, :name, :vdc_uri] unless valid_opts.all? { |opt| options.has_key?(opt) } raise"Required data missing: #{(valid_opts - options.keys).map(&:inspect).join(", ")}") end catalog_item_uri = options[:catalog_item_uri] # Figure out the template_uri catalog_item = get_catalog_item( catalog_item_uri ).body catalog_item[:Entity] = [ catalog_item[:Entity] ] if catalog_item[:Entity].is_a?(Hash) catalog_item[:Link] = [ catalog_item[:Link] ] if catalog_item[:Link].is_a?(Hash) options[:template_uri] = begin catalog_item[:Entity].detect { |entity| entity[:type] == "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vAppTemplate+xml" }[:href] rescue raise"Unable to locate template uri for #{catalog_item_uri}") end customization_options = begin get_vapp_template(options[:template_uri]).body[:Children][:Vm][:GuestCustomizationSection] rescue raise"Unable to get customization options for #{catalog_item_uri}") end # Check to see if we can set the password if options[:password] and customization_options[:AdminPasswordEnabled] == "false" raise"This catalog item (#{catalog_item_uri}) does not allow setting a password.") end # According to the docs if CustomizePassword is "true" then we NEED to set a password if customization_options[:AdminPasswordEnabled] == "true" and customization_options[:AdminPasswordAuto] == "false" and ( options[:password].nil? or options[:password].empty? ) raise"This catalog item (#{catalog_item_uri}) requires a :password to instantiate.") end end def generate_instantiate_vapp_template_request(options) xml = xml.InstantiateVAppTemplateParams(xmlns.merge!(:name => options[:name], :"xml:lang" => "en")) { xml.Description(options[:description]) xml.InstantiationParams { if options[:network_uri] # TODO - implement properly xml.NetworkConfigSection { xml.tag!("ovf:Info"){ "Configuration parameters for logical networks" } xml.NetworkConfig("networkName" => options[:network_name]) { # xml.NetworkAssociation( :href => options[:network_uri] ) xml.Configuration { xml.ParentNetwork("name" => options[:network_name], "href" => options[:network_uri]) xml.FenceMode("bridged") } } } end } # The template xml.Source(:href => options[:template_uri]) xml.AllEULAsAccepted("true") } end end class Real include Shared def instantiate_vapp_template options = {} validate_instantiate_vapp_template_options options request( :body => generate_instantiate_vapp_template_request(options), :expects => 201, :headers => {'Content-Type' => 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.instantiateVAppTemplateParams+xml'}, :method => 'POST', :uri => options[:vdc_uri] + '/action/instantiateVAppTemplate', :parse => true ) end end end end end