#!/usr/bin/env ruby # This example demonstrates creating a server with the Rackpace Open Cloud require 'rubygems' #required for Ruby 1.8.x require './lib/fog' require "base64" #required to encode files for personality functionality def get_user_input(prompt) print "#{prompt}: " gets.chomp end # Use username defined in ~/.fog file, if absent prompt for username. # For more details on ~/.fog refer to http://fog.io/about/getting_started.html def rackspace_username username = Fog.credentials[:rackspace_username] username ||= get_user_input "Enter Rackspace Username: " end # Use api key defined in ~/.fog file, if absent prompt for api key # For more details on ~/.fog refer to http://fog.io/about/getting_started.html def rackspace_api_key api_key = Fog.credentials[:rackspace_api_key] api_key ||= get_user_input "Enter Rackspace API key: " end #create Next Generation Cloud Server service service = Fog::Compute.new({ :provider => 'rackspace', :rackspace_username => rackspace_username, :rackspace_api_key => rackspace_api_key, :version => :v2, # Use Next Gen Cloud Servers :rackspace_endpoint => Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::ORD_ENDPOINT #Use Chicago Region }) # Pick the first flavor flavor = service.flavors.first # Pick the first Ubuntu image we can find image = service.images.find {|image| image.name =~ /Ubuntu/} # create server server = service.servers.create :name => 'cumulus', :flavor_id => flavor.id, :image_id => image.id, :metadata => { 'fog_sample' => 'true'}, :personality => [{ :path => '/root/fog.txt', :contents => Base64.encode64('Fog was here!') }] # reload flavor in order to retrieve all of its attributes flavor.reload puts "\nNow creating server '#{server.name}' the following with specifications:\n" puts "\t* #{flavor.ram} MB RAM" puts "\t* #{flavor.disk} GB" puts "\t* #{flavor.vcpus} CPU(s)" puts "\t* #{image.name}" puts "\n" begin # Check every 5 seconds to see if server is in the active state (ready?). # If the server has not been built in 5 minutes (600 seconds) an exception will be raised. server.wait_for(600, 5) do print "." STDOUT.flush ready? end puts "[DONE]\n\n" puts "The server has been successfully created, to login onto the server:\n\n" puts "\t ssh #{server.username}@#{server.public_ip_address}\n\n" rescue Fog::Errors::TimeoutError puts "[TIMEOUT]\n\n" puts "This server is currently #{server.progress}% into the build process and is taking longer to complete than expected." puts "You can continute to monitor the build process through the web console at https://mycloud.rackspace.com/\n\n" end puts "The #{server.username} password is #{server.password}\n\n" puts "To delete the server please execute the delete_server.rb script\n\n"