#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib', 'fog') require 'irb' require 'yaml' require File.join('fog', 'credentials') require File.join('fog', 'bin') Fog.credential = (ARGV.first && :"#{ARGV.first}") || :default unless Fog.credentials exit end require File.join('fog', 'aws', 'bin') require File.join('fog', 'local', 'bin') require File.join('fog', 'rackspace', 'bin') require File.join('fog', 'slicehost', 'bin') require File.join('fog', 'terremark', 'bin') require File.join('fog', 'vcloud', 'bin') if ARGV.length > 1 print(instance_eval(ARGV[1..-1].join(' ')).to_json) else ARGV.clear # Avoid passing args to IRB IRB.setup(nil) @irb = IRB::Irb.new(nil) IRB.conf[:MAIN_CONTEXT] = @irb.context IRB.conf[:PROMPT][:FOG] = IRB.conf[:PROMPT][:SIMPLE].dup IRB.conf[:PROMPT][:FOG][:RETURN] = "%s\n" @irb.context.prompt_mode = :FOG @irb.context.workspace = IRB::WorkSpace.new(binding) services = Fog.services.map{|service| service.to_s} available_services = if services.length > 1 services[0...-1].join(', ') << ' and ' << services[-1] else services.first end print "Welcome to fog interactive!\n" print "Your '#{Fog.credential.to_s}' configuration provides access to #{available_services}.\n" Fog.services.each do |service| if service.respond_to?(:startup_notice) service.send(:startup_notice) end end catch(:IRB_EXIT) { @irb.eval_input } end