unless Fog.mocking? module Fog module AWS class S3 # Create an object in an S3 bucket # # ==== Parameters # * bucket_name<~String> - Name of bucket to create object in # * object_name<~String> - Name of object to create # * object<~String> - File to create object from # * options<~Hash>: # * 'Cache-Control'<~String> - Caching behaviour # * 'Content-Disposition'<~String> - Presentational information for the object # * 'Content-Encoding'<~String> - Encoding of object data # * 'Content-Length'<~String> - Size of object in bytes (defaults to object.read.length) # * 'Content-MD5'<~String> - Base64 encoded 128-bit MD5 digest of message (defaults to Base64 encoded MD5 of object.read) # * 'Content-Type'<~String> - Standard MIME type describing contents (defaults to MIME::Types.of.first) # * 'x-amz-acl'<~String> - Permissions, must be in ['private', 'public-read', 'public-read-write', 'authenticated-read'] # * "x-amz-meta-#{name}" - Headers to be returned with object, note total size of request without body must be less than 8 KB. # # ==== Returns # * response<~Fog::AWS::Response>: # * headers<~Hash>: # * 'ETag'<~String> - etag of new object def put_object(bucket_name, object_name, object, options = {}) file = parse_file(object) headers = file[:headers].merge!(options) request({ :body => file[:body], :expects => 200, :headers => headers, :host => "#{bucket_name}.#{@host}", :method => 'PUT', :path => object_name }) end end end end else module Fog module AWS class S3 def put_object(bucket_name, object_name, object, options = {}) file = parse_file(object) response = Fog::Response.new bucket_status = get_bucket(bucket_name).status if bucket_status == 200 response.status = 200 bucket = @data['Buckets'].select {|bucket| bucket['Name'] == bucket_name}.first bucket['Contents'] << { :body => file[:body], 'ETag' => Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand.to_s)[0...32], 'Key' => object_name, 'LastModified' => Time.now.utc.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000"), 'Owner' => { 'DisplayName' => 'owner', 'ID' => 'some_id'}, 'Size' => file[:headers]['Content-Length'], 'StorageClass' => 'STANDARD' } else response.status = bucket_status end response end end end end end