Shindo.tests('Fog::Compute[:libvirt] | server model', ['libvirt']) do servers = Fog::Compute[:libvirt].servers server ={|v| =~ /^fog/}.last tests('The server model should') do tests('have the action') do test('reload') { server.respond_to? 'reload' } %w{ start stop destroy reboot suspend }.each do |action| test(action) { server.respond_to? action } end %w{ start reboot suspend stop destroy}.each do |action| test("#{action} returns successfully") { begin server.send(action.to_sym) rescue Libvirt::Error #libvirt error is acceptable for the above actions. true end } end end tests('have attributes') do model_attribute_hash = server.attributes attributes = [ :id, :cpus, :cputime, :os_type, :memory_size, :max_memory_size, :name, :arch, :persistent, :domain_type, :uuid, :autostart, :display, :nics, :volumes, :active, :boot_order, :state] tests("The server model should respond to") do attributes.each do |attribute| test("#{attribute}") { server.respond_to? attribute } end end tests("The attributes hash should have key") do attributes.delete(:volumes) attributes.each do |attribute| test("#{attribute}") { model_attribute_hash.has_key? attribute } end end end test('be a kind of Fog::Compute::Libvirt::Server') { server.kind_of? Fog::Compute::Libvirt::Server } end end