module Fog module AWS class EC2 # Launch specified instances # # ==== Parameters # * image_id<~String> - Id of machine image to load on instances # * min_count<~Integer> - Minimum number of instances to launch. If this # exceeds the count of available instances, no instances will be # launched. Must be between 1 and maximum allowed for your account # (by default the maximum for an account is 20) # * max_count<~Integer> - Maximum number of instances to launch. If this # exceeds the number of available instances, the largest possible # number of instances above min_count will be launched instead. Must # be between 1 and maximum allowed for you account # (by default the maximum for an account is 20) # * options<~Hash>: # * :availability_zone<~String> - Placement constraint for instances # * :data<~String> - Additional data to provide to booting instances # * :device_name<~String> - ? # * :encoding<~String> - ? # * :group_id<~String> - Name of security group for instances # * :instance_type<~String> - Type of instance to boot. Valid options # in ['m1.small', 'm1.large', 'm1.xlarge', 'c1.medium', 'c1.xlarge'] # default is 'm1.small' # * :kernel_id<~String> - Id of kernel with which to launch # * :key_name<~String> - Name of a keypair to add to booting instances # * :monitoring_enabled<~Boolean> - Enables monitoring, defaults to # disabled # * :ramdisk_id<~String> - Id of ramdisk with which to launch # * :version<~String> - ? # * :virtual_name<~String> - ? # # ==== Returns # * response<~Fog::AWS::Response>: # * body<~Hash>: # * :group_set<~Array>: groups the instances are members in # * group_name<~String> - Name of group # * :instances_set<~Array>: returned instances # * instance<~Hash>: # * :ami_launch_index<~Integer> - reference to instance in launch group # * :dns_name<~String> - public dns name, blank until instance is running # * :image_id<~String> - image id of ami used to launch instance # * :instance_id<~String> - id of the instance # * :instance_state<~Hash>: # * :code<~Integer> - current status code # * :name<~String> - current status name # * :instance_type<~String> - type of instance # * :kernel_id<~String> - Id of kernel used to launch instance # * :key_name<~String> - name of key used launch instances or blank # * :launch_time<~Time> - time instance was launched # * :monitoring<~Hash>: # * :state<~Boolean - state of monitoring # * :placement<~Hash>: # * :availability_zone<~String> - Availability zone of the instance # * :private_dns_name<~String> - private dns name, blank until instance is running # * :product_codes<~Array> - Product codes for the instance # * :ramdisk_id<~String> - Id of ramdisk used to launch instance # * :reason<~String> - reason for most recent state transition, or blank # * :owner_id<~String> - Id of owner # * :request_id<~String> - Id of request def run_instances(image_id, min_count, max_count, options = {}) request({ 'Action' => 'RunInstances', 'ImageId' => image_id, 'MinCount' => min_count, 'MaxCount' => max_count, 'Placement.AvailabilityZone' => options[:availability_zone], 'Data' => options[:data], 'DeviceName' => options[:device_name], 'Encoding' => options[:encoding], 'GroupId' => options[:group_id], 'InstanceType' => options[:instance_type], 'KernelId' => options[:kernel_id], 'KeyName' => options[:key_name], 'Monitoring.Enabled' => options[:monitoring_enabled].nil? ? nil : "#{options[:monitoring_enabled]}", 'RamdiskId' => options[:ramdisk_id], 'Version' => options[:version], 'VirtualName' => options[:virtual_name] }, end end end end