# This will fail until there are jobs in the system. Shindo.tests('Fog::Compute[:ninefold] | async job requests', ['ninefold']) do tests('success') do tests("#list_async_jobs()").formats(Ninefold::Compute::Formats::Jobs::JOBS) do pending if Fog.mocking? jobs = Fog::Compute[:ninefold].list_async_jobs() unless jobs[0] raise "No async jobs in system yet - create a VM through web UI to create" end @jobid = jobs[0]['jobid'] jobs end tests("#query_async_job_result()").formats(Ninefold::Compute::Formats::Jobs::JOB_QUERY) do pending if Fog.mocking? Fog::Compute[:ninefold].query_async_job_result(:jobid => @jobid) end end tests('failure') do #tests("#deploy_virtual_machine()").raises(Excon::Errors::HTTPStatusError) do # pending if Fog.mocking? # Fog::Compute[:ninefold].deploy_virtual_machine #end end end