Shindo.tests('Fog::Storage[:ibm] | volume', ['ibm']) do tests('success') do @volume = nil @volume_id = nil @name = "fog test volume" @format = "raw" @location_id = "101" @size = "256" @offering_id = "20001208" tests('') do @volume = Fog::Storage[:ibm] :name => @name, :format => @image_id, :location_id => @location_id, :size => @size, :offering_id => @offering_id ) returns(@name) { } end tests('Fog::Storage::IBM::Volume#save') do returns(true) { } returns(String) { } @volume_id = end tests("Fog::Storage::IBM::Volume#instance") do returns(nil) { @volume.instance } end tests("Fog::Storage::IBM::Volume#location") do returns(Fog::Compute::IBM::Location) { @volume.location.class } end tests('Fog::Storage::IBM::Volume#id') do returns(@volume_id) { } end tests('Fog::Storage::IBM::Volume#ready?') do # We do a "get" to advance the state if we are mocked. # TODO: Fix this for real connections Fog::Storage[:ibm].get_volume(@volume_id) returns(true) { @volume.ready? } end tests('Fog::Storage::IBM::Volume#status') do returns("Detached") { @volume.status } end tests('Fog::Storage::IBM::Volume#destroy') do returns(true) { @volume.destroy } end end end