# This configuration was generated by `rubocop --auto-gen-config` # on 2014-05-26 14:48:56 +0100 using RuboCop version 0.22.0. # The point is for the user to remove these configuration records # one by one as the offenses are removed from the code base. # Note that changes in the inspected code, or installation of new # versions of RuboCop, may require this file to be generated again. # Offense count: 85 AccessorMethodName: Enabled: false # Offense count: 61 # Cop supports --auto-correct. Alias: Enabled: false # Offense count: 139 # Cop supports --auto-correct. AlignArray: Enabled: false # Offense count: 449 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: EnforcedHashRocketStyle, EnforcedColonStyle, EnforcedLastArgumentHashStyle, SupportedLastArgumentHashStyles. AlignHash: Enabled: false # Offense count: 104 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles. AlignParameters: Enabled: false # Offense count: 3 AmbiguousOperator: Enabled: false # Offense count: 4 AmbiguousRegexpLiteral: Enabled: false # Offense count: 221 # Cop supports --auto-correct. AndOr: Enabled: false # Offense count: 1 ArrayJoin: Enabled: false # Offense count: 9 AsciiComments: Enabled: false # Offense count: 594 # Configuration parameters: AllowSafeAssignment. AssignmentInCondition: Enabled: false # Offense count: 3 # Cop supports --auto-correct. Attr: Enabled: false # Offense count: 35 BlockAlignment: Enabled: false # Offense count: 56 BlockNesting: Max: 7 # Offense count: 230 # Cop supports --auto-correct. Blocks: Enabled: false # Offense count: 1366 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles. BracesAroundHashParameters: Enabled: false # Offense count: 9 CaseEquality: Enabled: false # Offense count: 291 # Configuration parameters: IndentWhenRelativeTo, SupportedStyles, IndentOneStep. CaseIndentation: Enabled: false # Offense count: 2 # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles. ClassAndModuleChildren: Enabled: false # Offense count: 99 # Configuration parameters: CountComments. ClassLength: Max: 1131 # Offense count: 46 ClassVars: Enabled: false # Offense count: 459 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: PreferredMethods. CollectionMethods: Enabled: false # Offense count: 41 # Cop supports --auto-correct. ColonMethodCall: Enabled: false # Offense count: 33 # Configuration parameters: Keywords. CommentAnnotation: Enabled: false # Offense count: 82 # Cop supports --auto-correct. CommentIndentation: Enabled: false # Offense count: 1 ConstantName: Enabled: false # Offense count: 450 CyclomaticComplexity: Max: 46 # Offense count: 29 # Cop supports --auto-correct. DefWithParentheses: Enabled: false # Offense count: 7 # Cop supports --auto-correct. DeprecatedClassMethods: Enabled: false # Offense count: 312 # Cop supports --auto-correct. DeprecatedHashMethods: Enabled: false # Offense count: 6310 Documentation: Enabled: false # Offense count: 42 # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles. DotPosition: Enabled: false # Offense count: 34 DoubleNegation: Enabled: false # Offense count: 16 EachWithObject: Enabled: false # Offense count: 2 ElseLayout: Enabled: false # Offense count: 13 # Cop supports --auto-correct. EmptyLines: Enabled: false # Offense count: 64 EmptyLinesAroundAccessModifier: Enabled: false # Offense count: 4 # Cop supports --auto-correct. EmptyLinesAroundBody: Enabled: false # Offense count: 40 # Cop supports --auto-correct. EmptyLiteral: Enabled: false # Offense count: 101 # Configuration parameters: AlignWith, SupportedStyles. EndAlignment: Enabled: false # Offense count: 8 Eval: Enabled: false # Offense count: 1 EvenOdd: Enabled: false # Offense count: 7 # Configuration parameters: Exclude. FileName: Enabled: false # Offense count: 175 # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles. For: Enabled: false # Offense count: 16 # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles. FormatString: Enabled: false # Offense count: 143 # Configuration parameters: MinBodyLength. GuardClause: Enabled: false # Offense count: 27 HandleExceptions: Enabled: false # Offense count: 21 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles. HashSyntax: Enabled: false # Offense count: 481 # Configuration parameters: MaxLineLength. IfUnlessModifier: Enabled: false # Offense count: 54 # Cop supports --auto-correct. IndentArray: Enabled: false # Offense count: 990 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles. IndentHash: Enabled: false # Offense count: 285 # Cop supports --auto-correct. IndentationConsistency: Enabled: false # Offense count: 310 # Cop supports --auto-correct. IndentationWidth: Enabled: false # Offense count: 7 Lambda: Enabled: false # Offense count: 655 # Cop supports --auto-correct. LeadingCommentSpace: Enabled: false # Offense count: 10 # Cop supports --auto-correct. LineEndConcatenation: Enabled: false # Offense count: 6 Loop: Enabled: false # Offense count: 66 # Cop supports --auto-correct. MethodCallParentheses: Enabled: false # Offense count: 87 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles. MethodDefParentheses: Enabled: false # Offense count: 2036 # Configuration parameters: CountComments. MethodLength: Max: 1129 # Offense count: 13 # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles. MethodName: Enabled: false # Offense count: 21 MultilineBlockChain: Enabled: false # Offense count: 66 MultilineIfThen: Enabled: false # Offense count: 13 MultilineTernaryOperator: Enabled: false # Offense count: 85 # Cop supports --auto-correct. NegatedIf: Enabled: false # Offense count: 2 # Cop supports --auto-correct. NegatedWhile: Enabled: false # Offense count: 121 # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles. Next: Enabled: false # Offense count: 28 # Cop supports --auto-correct. NilComparison: Enabled: false # Offense count: 89 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: IncludeSemanticChanges. NonNilCheck: Enabled: false # Offense count: 56 # Cop supports --auto-correct. Not: Enabled: false # Offense count: 220 # Cop supports --auto-correct. NumericLiterals: MinDigits: 14 # Offense count: 3 OneLineConditional: Enabled: false # Offense count: 33 # Configuration parameters: CountKeywordArgs. ParameterLists: Max: 9 # Offense count: 63 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: AllowSafeAssignment. ParenthesesAroundCondition: Enabled: false # Offense count: 17 ParenthesesAsGroupedExpression: Enabled: false # Offense count: 189 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: PreferredDelimiters. PercentLiteralDelimiters: Enabled: false # Offense count: 24 # Cop supports --auto-correct. PerlBackrefs: Enabled: false # Offense count: 8 # Configuration parameters: NamePrefixBlacklist. PredicateName: Enabled: false # Offense count: 7 # Cop supports --auto-correct. Proc: Enabled: false # Offense count: 640 # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles. RaiseArgs: Enabled: false # Offense count: 25 # Cop supports --auto-correct. RedundantBegin: Enabled: false # Offense count: 4 RedundantException: Enabled: false # Offense count: 32 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: AllowMultipleReturnValues. RedundantReturn: Enabled: false # Offense count: 1939 # Cop supports --auto-correct. RedundantSelf: Enabled: false # Offense count: 66 # Configuration parameters: MaxSlashes. RegexpLiteral: Enabled: false # Offense count: 1 RequireParentheses: Enabled: false # Offense count: 5 # Cop supports --auto-correct. RescueException: Enabled: false # Offense count: 52 RescueModifier: Enabled: false # Offense count: 29 SelfAssignment: Enabled: false # Offense count: 62 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: AllowAsExpressionSeparator. Semicolon: Enabled: false # Offense count: 78 ShadowingOuterLocalVariable: Enabled: false # Offense count: 2 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles. SignalException: Enabled: false # Offense count: 10 # Configuration parameters: Methods. SingleLineBlockParams: Enabled: false # Offense count: 9 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: AllowIfMethodIsEmpty. SingleLineMethods: Enabled: false # Offense count: 909 # Cop supports --auto-correct. SingleSpaceBeforeFirstArg: Enabled: false # Offense count: 4 # Cop supports --auto-correct. SpaceAfterColon: Enabled: false # Offense count: 581 # Cop supports --auto-correct. SpaceAfterComma: Enabled: false # Offense count: 15 # Cop supports --auto-correct. SpaceAfterControlKeyword: Enabled: false # Offense count: 1 # Cop supports --auto-correct. SpaceAfterMethodName: Enabled: false # Offense count: 19 # Cop supports --auto-correct. SpaceAfterNot: Enabled: false # Offense count: 1332 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles. SpaceAroundEqualsInParameterDefault: Enabled: false # Offense count: 4362 # Cop supports --auto-correct. SpaceAroundOperators: Enabled: false # Offense count: 441 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles. SpaceBeforeBlockBraces: Enabled: false # Offense count: 11 # Cop supports --auto-correct. SpaceBeforeComment: Enabled: false # Offense count: 19 SpaceBeforeFirstArg: Enabled: false # Offense count: 1946 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles, EnforcedStyleForEmptyBraces, SpaceBeforeBlockParameters. SpaceInsideBlockBraces: Enabled: false # Offense count: 146 # Cop supports --auto-correct. SpaceInsideBrackets: Enabled: false # Offense count: 6159 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, EnforcedStyleForEmptyBraces, SupportedStyles. SpaceInsideHashLiteralBraces: Enabled: false # Offense count: 720 # Cop supports --auto-correct. SpaceInsideParens: Enabled: false # Offense count: 3 # Cop supports --auto-correct. SpecialGlobalVars: Enabled: false # Offense count: 91 # Cop supports --auto-correct. StringConversionInInterpolation: Enabled: false # Offense count: 45608 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles. StringLiterals: Enabled: false # Offense count: 197 Tab: Enabled: false # Offense count: 592 # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyleForMultiline, SupportedStyles. TrailingComma: Enabled: false # Offense count: 125 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: ExactNameMatch, AllowPredicates, AllowDSLWriters, Whitelist. TrivialAccessors: Enabled: false # Offense count: 94 UnderscorePrefixedVariableName: Enabled: false # Offense count: 42 UnlessElse: Enabled: false # Offense count: 278 # Cop supports --auto-correct. UnusedBlockArgument: Enabled: false # Offense count: 1010 # Cop supports --auto-correct. UnusedMethodArgument: Enabled: false # Offense count: 6 UselessAccessModifier: Enabled: false # Offense count: 405 UselessAssignment: Enabled: false # Offense count: 3 UselessSetterCall: Enabled: false # Offense count: 13 # Cop supports --auto-correct. VariableInterpolation: Enabled: false # Offense count: 29 # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles. VariableName: Enabled: false # Offense count: 23 Void: Enabled: false # Offense count: 6 # Cop supports --auto-correct. WhileUntilDo: Enabled: false # Offense count: 1 # Configuration parameters: MaxLineLength. WhileUntilModifier: Enabled: false # Offense count: 521 # Cop supports --auto-correct. WordArray: MinSize: 29