Shindo.tests('Fog::Compute[:xenserver] | server model', ['xenserver']) do connection = Fog::Compute[:xenserver] servers = connection.servers # pre-flight cleanup (servers.all :name_matches => test_ephemeral_vm_name).each do |s| s.destroy end (servers.templates.find_all { |t| == test_ephemeral_vm_name}).each do |s| s.destroy end server = Fog::Compute[:xenserver].servers.create(:name => test_ephemeral_vm_name, :template_name => test_template_name) server.reload tests('The server model should') do tests('have the action') do test('reload') { server.respond_to? 'reload' } %w{ affinity set_attribute refresh stop clean_shutdown hard_shutdown start destroy reboot hard_reboot clean_reboot }.each do |action| test(action) { server.respond_to? action } #test("#{action} returns successfully") { server.send(action.to_sym) ? true : false } end end tests('have attributes') do model_attribute_hash = server.attributes attributes = [ :reference, :uuid, :is_a_template, :__affinity, :allowed_operations, :consoles, :domarch, :domid, :__guest_metrics, :is_a_snapshot, :is_a_template, :is_control_domain, :memory_dynamic_max, :memory_dynamic_min, :memory_static_max, :memory_static_min, :memory_target, :metrics, :name_description, :other_config, :power_state, :pv_args, :__resident_on, :__vbds, :__vifs, :vcpus_params, :vcpus_at_startup, :vcpus_max, :hvm_boot_policy, :hvm_boot_params, :pci_bus, :pv_kernel, :pv_ramdisk, :pv_legacy_args, :pv_bootloader_args, :snapshots ] tests("The server model should respond to") do attributes.each do |attribute| test("#{attribute}") { server.respond_to? attribute } end end tests("The attributes hash should have key") do attributes.each do |attribute| test("#{attribute}") { model_attribute_hash.has_key? attribute } end end end test('be a kind of Fog::Compute::XenServer::Server') { server.kind_of? Fog::Compute::XenServer::Server } #test('return a Fog::Compute::XenServer::Host affinity') { server.affinity.kind_of? Fog::Compute::XenServer::Host } end tests("Creating a server") do tests("it should create a server") do s = nil test("named #{test_ephemeral_vm_name}") do s = servers.create(:name => test_ephemeral_vm_name, :template_name => test_template_name) servers.get(s.reference).name == test_ephemeral_vm_name end test("and destroy it afterwards") { s.destroy } end tests("it should create a server") do s = nil # The template has 2 VIFs already, we add 2 more test("with 4 NICs") do s = servers.create(:name => test_ephemeral_vm_name, :template_name => test_template_name, :networks => [connection.default_network, connection.default_network]) s.reload s.networks.size == 4 end test("and destroy it afterwards") { s.destroy } end end tests("A real server should") do tests("return valid vbds") do test("as an array") { server.vbds.kind_of? Array } server.vbds.each { |i| test("and each VBD should be a Fog::Compute::XenServer::VBD") { i.kind_of? Fog::Compute::XenServer::VBD } } end test("have 0 or more networks") { server.networks.kind_of? Array } tests("have networks if networks > 0") do if server.networks.size > 0 server.networks.each do |n| test("and network is of type Fog::Compute::XenServer::Network") do n.kind_of? Fog::Compute::XenServer::Network end end end end test("reside on a Fog::Compute::XenServer::Host") { server.resident_on.kind_of? Fog::Compute::XenServer::Host } #test("have Fog::Compute::XenServer::GuestMetrics") { server.guest_metrics.kind_of? Fog::Compute::XenServer::GuestMetrics } test("be able to refresh itself") { server.refresh } test("always stop when I say stop('hard')") do server.stop 'hard' end # shutdown is async apparently, we wait test("not be running when it's stopped") do server.wait_for { !server.running? } true end test("do nothing when I say stop('hard') but it's not running") do server.stop('hard') == false end test("always start when I say start") do server.start end # start is async apparently, we wait test("be running if I started the server") do server.wait_for { server.running? } true end test("set attribute PV_bootloader to supergrub") do server.set_attribute 'PV_bootloader', 'supergrub' server.reload server.pv_bootloader == 'supergrub' end test("be able to be destroyed!") do server.destroy servers.get_by_name('fog-test-server-shindo') == nil end tests("Creating a snapshot") do tests("it should create a snapshot") do snap_ref = server.snapshot('newsnapshot') servers.get(snap_ref).reference == snap_ref end test("and destroy it afterwards") { s.destroy } end end end