module Fog module Compute class Vsphere module Shared private def vm_create_check_options(options) options = { 'force' => false }.merge(options) required_options = %w{ path name cluster } required_options.each do |param| raise ArgumentError, "#{required_options.join(', ')} are required" unless options.has_key? param end # The tap removes the leading empty string path_elements = options['path'].split('/').tap { |o| o.shift } first_folder = path_elements.shift if first_folder != 'Datacenters' then raise ArgumentError, "vm_create path option must start with /Datacenters. Got: #{options['path']}" end dc_name = path_elements.shift if not self.datacenters.include? dc_name then raise ArgumentError, "Datacenter #{dc_name} does not exist, only datacenters #{self.datacenters.join(",")} are accessible." end options end end class Real include Shared def vm_create(options = {}) # Option handling options = vm_create_check_options(options) path_elements = options['path'].split('/').tap { |ary| ary.shift 2 } dc_name = path_elements.shift vm_cfg = { :name => options['name'], :guestId => options['guest_id'] ? options['guest_id'] : 'otherGuest', :files => { :vmPathName => "[#{options['datastore']}]" }, :numCPUs => options['num_cpus'] ? options['num_cpus'] : 1 , :memoryMB => options['memory'] ? options['memory'] : 512, :memoryHotAddEnabled => options['memory_hot_add_enabled'] ? options['memory_hot_add_enabled'] : 0, :cpuHotAddEnabled => options['cpu_hot_add_enabled'] ? options['cpu_hot_add_enabled'] : 0, :deviceChange => options['device_array'].class == Array ? options['device_array'] : nil, :extraConfig => options['extra_config'].class == Array ? options['extra_config'] : nil, } self.datacenters dc = @datacenters[dc_name] vm_folder = dc.vmFolder folder = path_elements.inject(vm_folder) do |current_folder, sub_folder_name| sub_folder = current_folder.find(sub_folder_name, RbVmomi::VIM::Folder) raise ArgumentError, "Could not descend into #{sub_folder_name}. Please check your path." unless sub_folder sub_folder end clusters = dc.hostFolder.children build_cluster='' clusters.each { |my_cluster| if "#{}" == "#{options['cluster']}" build_cluster=my_cluster end } resource_pool = build_cluster.resourcePool task=folder.CreateVM_Task(:config => vm_cfg, :pool => resource_pool) if options['wait'] then new_vm = task.wait_for_completion else tries = 0 new_vm = begin folder.find(options['name'], RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualMachine) or raise Fog::Vsphere::Errors::NotFound rescue Fog::Vsphere::Errors::NotFound tries += 1 if tries <= 10 then sleep 15 retry end nil end end { 'vm_ref' => new_vm ? new_vm._ref : nil, 'vm_attributes' => new_vm ? convert_vm_mob_ref_to_attr_hash(new_vm) : {}, 'task_ref' => task._ref } end end class Mock include Shared def vm_create(options = {}) # Option handling options = vm_create_check_options(options) { 'vm_ref' => 'vm-123', 'task_ref' => 'task-1234' } end end end end end