require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..','..','..','spec_helper') if Fog.mocking? describe "Fog::Vcloud::Terremark::Ecloud::Vdc", :type => :mock_tmrk_ecloud_model do subject { @vcloud } it { should respond_to :get_vdc } describe :class do subject { Fog::Vcloud::Terremark::Ecloud::Vdc } it { should have_identity :href } it { should have_only_these_attributes [:href, :name, :type, :description, :other_links, :compute_capacity, :storage_capacity, :available_networks, :resource_entities, :deployed_vm_quota, :instantiated_vm_quota] } end context "with no uri" do subject { } it { should have_all_attributes_be_nil } end context "as a collection member" do subject { @vcloud.vdcs[0].reload; @vcloud.vdcs[0] } its(:href) { should == @mock_vdc[:href] } its(:identity) { should == @mock_vdc[:href] } its(:name) { should == @mock_vdc[:name] } its(:public_ips) { should be_an_instance_of Fog::Vcloud::Terremark::Ecloud::PublicIps } its(:other_links) { should have(4).items } its(:resource_entities) { should have(3).items } its(:available_networks) { should have(2).items } its(:compute_capacity) { should == {:Memory => {:Allocated => @mock_vdc[:memory][:allocated], :Units => "bytes * 2^20"}, :DeployedVmsQuota => {:Limit => "-1", :Used => "-1"}, :InstantiatedVmsQuota => {:Limit => "-1", :Used => "-1"}, :Cpu => {:Allocated => @mock_vdc[:cpu][:allocated], :Units => "hz * 10^6"}} } its(:storage_capacity) { should == {:Allocated => @mock_vdc[:storage][:allocated], :Used => @mock_vdc[:storage][:used], :Units => "bytes * 10^9"} } its(:deployed_vm_quota) { should == nil } its(:instantiated_vm_quota) { should == nil } its(:public_ips) { should have(3).public_ips } its(:internet_services) { should have(4).services } its(:networks) { should have(2).networks } its(:servers) { should have(3).servers } #FIXME: need to mock tasks related requests first #its(:tasks) { should have(0).tasks } #FIXME: need to mock catalog related requests first #its(:catalog) { should have(0).entries } end end else end