Shindo.tests("Fog::Dns[:aws] | record", ['aws', 'dns']) do pending if Fog.mocking? tests("zones#create").succeeds do @zone = Fog::DNS[:aws].zones.create(:domain => generate_unique_domain) end params = { :name => @zone.domain, :type => 'A', :ttl => 3600, :value => [''] } model_tests(@zone.records, params, false) do # Newly created records should have a change id tests("#change_id") do returns(true) { @instance.change_id != nil } end # Waits for changes to sync to all Route 53 DNS servers. Usually takes ~30 seconds to complete. tests("#ready? - may take a minute to complete...").succeeds do @instance.wait_for { ready? } end tests("#modify") do new_value = [''] returns(true) { @instance.modify(:value => new_value) } returns(new_value) { @instance.value } end end tests("zones#destroy").succeeds do @zone.destroy end end