Shindo.tests('Fog::Compute[:xenserver] | VBD model', ['VBD']) do vbds = Fog::Compute[:xenserver].vbds vbd = vbds.first servers = Fog::Compute[:xenserver].servers server = create_ephemeral_vm tests('The VBD model should') do tests('have the action') do test('reload') { vbd.respond_to? 'reload' } test('eject') { vbd.respond_to? 'eject' } test('insert') { vbd.respond_to? 'insert' } test('unplug') { vbd.respond_to? 'unplug' } test('unplug_force') { vbd.respond_to? 'unplug_force' } end tests('have attributes') do model_attribute_hash = vbd.attributes attributes = [ :reference, :uuid, :currently_attached, :__vdi, :__vm, :device, :status_detail, :type, :allowed_operations, :current_operations, :status_code, :storage_lock, :mode, :runtime_properties, :unpluggable, :userdevice, :bootable, :empty, :__metrics ] tests("The VBD model should respond to") do attributes.each do |attribute| test("#{attribute}") { vbd.respond_to? attribute } end end tests("The attributes hash should have key") do attributes.each do |attribute| test("#{attribute}") { model_attribute_hash.has_key? attribute } end end end test('be a kind of Fog::Compute::XenServer::VBD') { vbd.kind_of? Fog::Compute::XenServer::VBD} end tests("A real VBD should") do test("have a valid OpaqueRef") do puts vbd.reference (vbd.reference =~ /OpaqueRef:/).eql?(0) and \ vbd.reference != "OpaqueRef:NULL" end tests("belong to a VM when attached") do vbds.each do |vbd| test("#{vbd.uuid}") do if vbd.currently_attached (vbd.__vm =~ /OpaqueRef/).eql?(0) and \ vbd.__vm != "OpaqueRef:NULL" else true end end end end vbds.each do |vbd| test("return a Fog::Compute::XenServer::VDI when type Disk") do if vbd.type == 'Disk' vbd.vdi.kind_of? Fog::Compute::XenServer::VDI else true end end test("return a nil VDI when type CD") do if vbd.type == 'CD' vbd.vdi.nil? else true end end test("return a VbdMetrics object when attached") do if vbd.currently_attached vbd.metrics.kind_of? Fog::Compute::XenServer::VbdMetrics else vbd.metrics.nil? end end end tests("return valid Server") do test("should be a Fog::Compute::XenServer::Server") { vbd.server.kind_of? Fog::Compute::XenServer::Server } end test("be able to be unplugged when type is CD") do if vbd.type == "CD" vbd.unpluggable == true else vbd.unpluggable == false end end end tests("VBD Metrics should") do test("have a last_updated Time property") { server.vbds.first.metrics.last_updated.kind_of? Time } end destroy_ephemeral_servers end