require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'vcloud')) require 'fog/compute' module Fog module Vcloud class Collection < Fog::Collection def load(objects) objects = [ objects ] if objects.is_a?(Hash) super end def check_href!(opts = {}) self.href = connection.default_vdc_href unless href unless href if opts.is_a?(String) t = t[:parent] = opts opts = t end msg = ":href missing, call with a :href pointing to #{if opts[:message] opts[:message] elsif opts[:parent] "the #{opts[:parent]} whos #{self.class.to_s.split('::').last.downcase} you want to enumerate" else "the resource" end}" raise end end end end end module Fog module Vcloud class Model < Fog::Model attr_accessor :loaded alias_method :loaded?, :loaded def reload instance = super @loaded = true instance end def load_unless_loaded! unless @loaded reload end end def link_up load_unless_loaded! self.links.find{|l| l[:rel] == 'up' } end def self.has_up(item) class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__,__LINE__ def #{item} load_unless_loaded! connection.get_#{item}(link_up[:href]) end EOS end end end end module Fog module Vcloud class Compute < Fog::Service BASE_PATH = '/api' DEFAULT_VERSION = '1.5' SUPPORTED_VERSIONS = [ '1.5', '1.0' ] PORT = 443 SCHEME = 'https' attr_writer :default_organization_uri requires :vcloud_username, :vcloud_password, :vcloud_host recognizes :vcloud_port, :vcloud_scheme, :vcloud_path, :vcloud_default_vdc, :vcloud_version, :vcloud_base_path recognizes :provider # remove post deprecation model_path 'fog/vcloud/models/compute' model :catalog collection :catalogs model :catalog_item model :catalog_items model :ip collection :ips model :network collection :networks model :server collection :servers model :task collection :tasks model :vapp collection :vapps model :vdc collection :vdcs model :organization collection :organizations request_path 'fog/vcloud/requests/compute' request :clone_vapp request :configure_network request :configure_network_ip request :configure_vapp request :configure_vm_memory request :configure_vm_name_description request :configure_vm_disks request :delete_vapp request :get_catalog_item request :get_customization_options request :get_network_ip request :get_network_ips request :get_network_extensions request :get_task_list request :get_vapp_template request :get_vm_disks request :get_vm_memory request :instantiate_vapp_template request :login request :power_off request :power_on request :power_reset request :power_shutdown request :undeploy class Mock def initialize(options={}) Fog::Mock.not_implemented end end class Real class << self def basic_request(*args) self.class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__,__LINE__ def #{args[0]}(uri) request( { :expects => #{args[1] || 200}, :method => '#{args[2] || 'GET'}', :headers => #{args[3] ? args[3].inspect : '{}'}, :body => '#{args[4] ? args[4] : ''}', :parse => true, :uri => uri } ) end EOS end def unauthenticated_basic_request(*args) self.class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__,__LINE__ def #{args[0]}(uri) unauthenticated_request({ :expects => #{args[1] || 200}, :method => '#{args[2] || 'GET'}', :headers => #{args[3] ? args[3].inspect : '{}'}, :parse => true, :uri => uri }) end EOS end end attr_reader :version def initialize(options = {}) require 'builder' require 'fog/core/parser' @connections = {} @connection_options = options[:connection_options] || {} @persistent = options[:persistent] @username = options[:vcloud_username] @password = options[:vcloud_password] @host = options[:vcloud_host] @vdc_href = options[:vcloud_default_vdc] @base_path = options[:vcloud_base_path] || Fog::Vcloud::Compute::BASE_PATH @version = options[:vcloud_version] || Fog::Vcloud::Compute::DEFAULT_VERSION @path = options[:vcloud_path] || "#{@base_path}/v#{@version}" @port = options[:vcloud_port] || Fog::Vcloud::Compute::PORT @scheme = options[:vcloud_scheme] || Fog::Vcloud::Compute::SCHEME end def reload @connections.each_value { |k,v| v.reset if v } end def default_organization_uri @default_organization_uri ||= begin unless @login_results do_login end case @login_results.body[:Org] when Array @login_results.body[:Org].first[:href] when Hash @login_results.body[:Org][:href] else nil end end end def default_vdc_href @vdc_href end # login handles the auth, but we just need the Set-Cookie # header from that call. def do_login @login_results = login @cookie = @login_results.headers['Set-Cookie'] end def ensure_unparsed(uri) if uri.is_a?(String) uri else uri.to_s end end def xmlns if version == '1.0' { "xmlns" => "", "xmlns:ovf" => "", "xmlns:xsi" => "", "xmlns:xsd" => "" } else { 'xmlns' => "", "xmlns:ovf" => "", "xmlns:xsi" => "", "xmlns:xsd" => "" } end end # If the cookie isn't set, do a get_organizations call to set it # and try the request. # If we get an Unauthorized error, we assume the token expired, re-auth and try again def request(params) unless @cookie do_login end begin do_request(params) rescue Excon::Errors::Unauthorized do_login do_request(params) end end def basic_request_params(uri,*args) { :expects => args[0] || 200, :method => args[1] || 'GET', :headers => args[2] ? args[2].inspect : {}, :body => args[3] ? args[3] : '', :parse => true, :uri => uri } end def base_path_url "#{@scheme}://#{@host}:#{@port}#{@base_path}" end private def ensure_parsed(uri) if uri.is_a?(String) URI.parse(uri) else uri end end # Don't need to set the cookie for these or retry them if the cookie timed out def unauthenticated_request(params) do_request(params) end def base_url "#{@scheme}://#{@host}:#{@port}#{@path}" end # Use this to set the Authorization header for login def authorization_header "Basic #{Base64.encode64("#{@username}:#{@password}").chomp!}" end # Actually do the request def do_request(params) # Convert the uri to a URI if it's a string. if params[:uri].is_a?(String) params[:uri] = URI.parse(params[:uri]) end host_url = "#{params[:uri].scheme}://#{params[:uri].host}#{params[:uri].port ? ":#{params[:uri].port}" : ''}" # Hash connections on the host_url ... There's nothing to say we won't get URI's that go to # different hosts. @connections[host_url] ||=, @persistent, @connection_options) # Set headers to an empty hash if none are set. headers = params[:headers] || {} headers['Accept'] = 'application/*+xml;version=1.5' if version == '1.5' # Add our auth cookie to the headers if @cookie headers.merge!('Cookie' => @cookie) end # Make the request response = @connections[host_url].request({ :body => params[:body] || '', :expects => params[:expects] || 200, :headers => headers, :method => params[:method] || 'GET', :path => params[:uri].path }) # Parse the response body into a hash unless response.body.empty? if params[:parse] document = parser = parser << response.body parser.finish response.body = document.body end end response end end def self.item_requests(*types) types.each{|t| item_request(t) } end def self.item_request(type) Fog::Vcloud::Compute::Real.class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__,__LINE__ def get_#{type}(uri) Fog::Vcloud::Compute::#{type.to_s.capitalize}.new( self.request(basic_request_params(uri)).body.merge( :connection => self, :collection => Fog::Vcloud::Compute::#{type.to_s.capitalize} :connection => self ) ) ) end EOS end item_requests :organization, :vdc, :network, :vapp, :server, :catalog, :task end end end