Shindo.tests('AWS::SimpleDB | attributes requests', ['aws']) do @domain_name = "fog_domain_#{'.','')}" AWS[:sdb].create_domain(@domain_name) tests('success') do tests("#batch_put_attributes('#{@domain_name}', { 'a' => { 'b' => 'c', 'd' => 'e' }, 'x' => { 'y' => 'z' } }).body").formats(AWS::SimpleDB::Formats::BASIC) do AWS[:sdb].batch_put_attributes(@domain_name, { 'a' => { 'b' => 'c', 'd' => 'e' }, 'x' => { 'y' => 'z' } }).body end tests("#get_attributes('#{@domain_name}', 'a').body['Attributes']").returns({'b' => ['c'], 'd' => ['e']}) do attributes = {} Fog.wait_for { attributes = AWS[:sdb].get_attributes(@domain_name, 'a').body['Attributes'] attributes != {} } attributes end tests("#get_attributes('#{@domain_name}', 'notanattribute')").succeeds do AWS[:sdb].get_attributes(@domain_name, 'notanattribute') end tests("#select('select * from #{@domain_name}').body['Items']").returns({'a' => { 'b' => ['c'], 'd' => ['e']}, 'x' => { 'y' => ['z'] } }) do pending if Fog.mocking? AWS[:sdb].select("select * from #{@domain_name}").body['Items'] end tests("#put_attributes('#{@domain_name}', 'conditional', { 'version' => '1' }).body").formats(AWS::SimpleDB::Formats::BASIC) do AWS[:sdb].put_attributes(@domain_name, 'conditional', { 'version' => '1' }).body end tests("#put_attributes('#{@domain_name}', 'conditional', { 'version' => '2' }, :expect => { 'version' => '1' }, :replace => ['version']).body").formats(AWS::SimpleDB::Formats::BASIC) do AWS[:sdb].put_attributes(@domain_name, 'conditional', { 'version' => '2' }, :expect => { 'version' => '1' }, :replace => ['version']).body end # Verify that we can delete individual attributes. tests("#delete_attributes('#{@domain_name}', 'a', {'d' => []})").succeeds do AWS[:sdb].delete_attributes(@domain_name, 'a', {'d' => []}).body end # Verify that individually deleted attributes are actually removed. tests("#get_attributes('#{@domain_name}', 'a', ['d']).body['Attributes']").returns({'d' => nil}) do AWS[:sdb].get_attributes(@domain_name, 'a', ['d']).body['Attributes'] end tests("#delete_attributes('#{@domain_name}', 'a').body").formats(AWS::SimpleDB::Formats::BASIC) do AWS[:sdb].delete_attributes(@domain_name, 'a').body end # Verify that we can delete entire domain, item combinations. tests("#delete_attributes('#{@domain_name}', 'a').body").succeeds do AWS[:sdb].delete_attributes(@domain_name, 'a').body end # Verify that deleting a domain, item combination removes all related attributes. tests("#get_attributes('#{@domain_name}', 'a').body['Attributes']").returns({}) do AWS[:sdb].get_attributes(@domain_name, 'a').body['Attributes'] end end tests('failure') do tests("#batch_put_attributes('notadomain', { 'a' => { 'b' => 'c' }, 'x' => { 'y' => 'z' } })").raises(Excon::Errors::BadRequest) do AWS[:sdb].batch_put_attributes('notadomain', { 'a' => { 'b' => 'c' }, 'x' => { 'y' => 'z' } }) end tests("#get_attributes('notadomain', 'a')").raises(Excon::Errors::BadRequest) do AWS[:sdb].get_attributes('notadomain', 'a') end tests("#put_attributes('notadomain', 'conditional', { 'version' => '1' })").raises(Excon::Errors::BadRequest) do AWS[:sdb].put_attributes('notadomain', 'foo', { 'version' => '1' }) end tests("#put_attributes('#{@domain_name}', 'conditional', { 'version' => '2' }, :expect => { 'version' => '1' }, :replace => ['version'])").raises(Excon::Errors::Conflict) do AWS[:sdb].put_attributes(@domain_name, 'conditional', { 'version' => '2' }, :expect => { 'version' => '1' }, :replace => ['version']) end tests("#delete_attributes('notadomain', 'a')").raises(Excon::Errors::BadRequest) do AWS[:sdb].delete_attributes('notadomain', 'a') end end AWS[:sdb].delete_domain(@domain_name) end