#Examples for working with HP Cloud Networking Service The HP Cloud provides networking support using two abstractions: a model layer and a request layer. Both layers are detailed below. **Note:** The networking functionality works with HP Cloud version 13.5 but is not available in version 12.12. The code samples on this page can be executed from within a Ruby console (IRB): irb This page discusses the following topics: * [Connecting to the Service](https://github.com/fog/fog/blob/master/lib/fog/hp/docs/connect.md) **Model Layer Examples** * [Model Network Operations](#model-network-operations) * [Model Subnet Operations](#model-subnet-operations) * [Model Port Operations](#model-port-operations) * [Model Router Operations](#model-router-operations) * [Model Security Group Operations](#model-security-group-operations) * [Model Security Group Rules](#model-security-group-rules-operations) * [Model Floating IPs](#model-floating-ips-operations) **Request Layer Examples** * [Request Network Operations](#request-network-operations) * [Request Subnet Operations](#request-subnet-operations) * [Request Port Operations](#request-port-operations) * [Request Router Operations](#request-router-operations) * [Request Security Group Operations](#request-security-group-operations) * [Request Security Group Rules Operations](#request-security-group-rules-operations) * [Request Floating IPs Operations](#request-floating-ips-operations) ## Model Network Operations 1. List networks: conn.networks 2. List network using a filter: conn.networks.all({"router:external"=>true}) 3. Obtain a network by ID: conn.networks.get("") 4. Create a network: conn.networks.create(:name => "My Slick Network") 5. Delete a network: conn.networks.get("").destroy ## Model Subnet Operations 1. List subnets: conn.subnets 2. List subnets using a filter: conn.subnets.all({:gateway_ip => ""}) 3. Create a subnet: conn.subnets.create( :network_id => "", :cidr => "", :ip_version => 4, :name => "My Subnet Model 1" ) 4. Obtain a subnet by ID: conn.subnets.get("") 5. Assign a DNS server to a subnet: subnet = conn.subnets.get("") subnet.dns_nameservers = ["dns_ip"] subnet.save 6. Delete a subnet: conn.subnets.get("").destroy ## Model Port Operations 1. List ports: conn.ports 2. List ports using a filter: conn.ports.all({:mac_address => ""}) 3. Obtain a port by ID: conn.ports.get("") 4. Create a port: conn.ports.create( :name => "Port Model 1", :network_id => "" ) 5. Delete a port: conn.ports.get("").destroy ## Model Router Operations 1. List routers: conn.routers 2. List routers using a filter: conn.routers.all({:name => "Router 1"}) 3. Obtain a router by ID: router = conn.routers.get("") 4. Create a router: router = conn.routers.create( :name => "Router Model 1", :admin_state_up => true ) 5. Add a router interface using a subnet: router.add_interface("", nil) conn.ports # If you look at the ports, note that a new port is auto. created, the device_id is assigned to the router id, and the device_owner is updated 6. Remove a router interface using a subnet: router.remove_interface("", nil) # Removing the interface also deletes the auto-created port 7. Add a router interface using a port: # Add a router interface using the port you created network = router.add_interface(nil, "") # Port is updated with device_id and device_owner conn.ports.get("") 8. Remove a router interface using a port: router.remove_interface(nil, "") # after removing the interface, the associated port is deleted 9. Delete a router: conn.routers.get("").destroy ## Model Security Group Operations 1. List security groups: conn.security_groups 2. List security groups using a filter: conn.security_groups.all({:name => "My Security Group"}) 3. Obtain a security group by ID: conn.security_groups.get("") 4. Create a security group: conn.security_groups.create( :name => 'MySecurityGroup', :description => 'my security group description' ) **Note:** Two security group rules are created by default for every new security group that is created: one 'ingress' and one 'egress' rule. 5. Delete a security group: conn.security_groups.get("").destroy ## Model Security Group Rules Operations 1. List security group rules: conn.security_group_rules 2. List security group rules using a filter: conn.security_group_rules.all({:direction => "ingress"}) 3. Obtain a security group by ID: conn.security_group_rules.get("") 4. Create a security group rule: conn.security_group_rules.create( :security_group_id => "", :direction => 'ingress', :protocol => 'tcp', :port_range_min => 22, :port_range_max => 22, :remote_ip_prefix => '' ) 5. Delete a security group rule: conn.security_group_rules.get("").destroy ## Model Floating IPs Operations 1. List floating IPs: conn.floating_ips 2. List floating IPs using a filter: conn.floating_ips.all("fixed_ip_address" => "") 3. Obtain a floating IP by ID: conn.floating_ips.get("") 4. Create a floating IP: conn.floating_ips.create( :floating_network_id => "" ) 5. Delete a floating IP: conn.floating_ips.get("").destroy ## Request Network Operations 1. List networks: conn.list_networks 2. List networks using a filter: conn.list_networks({"router:external" => true}) 3. Obtain a network by ID: conn.get_network("") 4. Create a network: conn.create_network({:name => "Network 1"}) 5. Update a network: conn.update_network("", {:name => "Network 1"}) 6. Delete a network: conn.delete_network("") ## Request Subnet Operations 1. List subnets: conn.list_subnets 2. List subnets using a filter: conn.list_subnets({"name"=>"My Subnet"}) 3. Create a subnet: conn.create_subnet("", "", 4, {:name => "My Subnet"}) 4. Obtain a subnet by ID: conn.get_subnet("") 5. Update a subnet: conn.update_subnet("", {:name => My Subnet Upd"}) 6. Assign a DNS server to a subnet: conn.update_subnet("", {:dns_nameservers => [""]}) 7. Delete a subnet: conn.delete_subnet("") ## Request Port Operations 1. List ports: conn.list_ports 2. List ports using a filter: conn.list_ports({"router_id" => ""}) 3. Obtain a port by ID: conn.get_port("") 4. Create a port: conn.create_port("", {:name => "myport"}) 5. Update a port: conn.update_port("", {:name => "My Port Upd"}) 6. Delete a port: conn.delete_port("") ## Request Router Operations 1. List routers: conn.list_routers 2. List routers using a filter: conn.list_routers({"name"=>"My Router"}) 3. Obtain a router: conn.get_router("") 4. Create a router: conn.create_router({:name => 'My Router'}) 5. Update a router: conn.update_router("" {:name => 'My Router Updates'}) 6. Add a router interface using a subnet: conn.add_router_interface("", "") 7. Remove a router interface using a subnet: conn.remove_router_interface("", "") # Removes a port with no name using the subnet_id 8. Add a router interface using a port: conn.add_router_interface("", nil, "") **Note:** Updates the router_id and device_owner for this port. 9. Remove a router interface using a port: conn.remove_router_interface("router_id", nil, "port_id") 10. Delete a router: conn.delete_router("") ## Request Security Group Operations 1. List security groups: conn.list_security_groups 2. List security groups using a filter: conn.list_security_groups({:name => "My Security Group"}) 3. Obtain a security group by ID: conn.get_security_group("") 4. Create a security group: conn.create_security_group( :name => "My Security Group", :description => "What my security group does." ) 5. Delete a security group: conn.delete_security_group("") ## Request Security Group Rules Operations 1. List security group rules: conn.list_security_group_rules 2. List security group rules using a filter: conn.list_security_group_rules({:direction => 'egress'}) 3. Obtain a security group rule by ID: conn.get_security_group_rule("") 4. Create a security group rule: conn.create_security_group_rule("", 'ingress',{ :remote_ip_prefix => """, :protocol => "tcp", :port_range_min => 22, :port_range_max => 22 }) 5. Delete a security group rule: conn.delete_security_group_rule("") ## Request Floating IPs Operations 1. List floating IPs: conn.list_floating_ips 2. List floating IPs using a filter: conn.list_floating_ips("fixed_ip_address" => "") 3. Obtain a floating IP by ID: conn.get_floating_ip("") 4. Create a floating IP: conn.create_floating_ip("") 5. Delete a floating IP: conn.delete_floating_IP("") --------- [Documentation Home](https://github.com/fog/fog/blob/master/lib/fog/hp/README.md) | [Examples](https://github.com/fog/fog/blob/master/lib/fog/hp/examples/getting_started_examples.md)