module Fog module AWS class EC2 # Terminate specified instances # # ==== Parameters # * instance_id<~Array> - Ids of instances to terminates # # ==== Returns # # * response<~Fog::AWS::Response>: # * body<~Hash>: # * :request_id<~String> - Id of request # * :instances_set<~Array>: # * :instance_id<~String> - id of the terminated instance # * :previous_state<~Hash>: previous state of instance # * :code<~Integer> - previous status code # * :name<~String> - name of previous state # * :shutdown_state<~Hash>: shutdown state of instance # * :code<~Integer> - current status code # * :name<~String> - name of current state def terminate_instances(instance_id = []) params = indexed_params('InstanceId', instance_id) request({ 'Action' => 'TerminateInstances' }.merge!(params), end end end end