#Next Gen Cloud Servers™ (compute_v2) This document will explain how to get started using Next Gen Cloud Servers™ with Fog. Users should have read [Getting Started with Fog and the Rackspace Open Cloud](/getting_started.md) document. ## Starting irb console Start by executing the following command: irb Once `irb` has launched you will need to require the Fog library. If using Ruby 1.8.x execute: require 'rubygems' require 'fog' If using Ruby 1.9.x execute: require 'fog' ## Create Service Next, create a connection to the Next Gen Cloud Servers™: service = Fog::Compute.new({ :provider => 'Rackspace', # Rackspace Fog provider :rackspace_username => RACKSPACE_USER_NAME, # Your Rackspace Username :rackspace_api_key => RACKSPACE_API, # Your Rackspace API key :version => :v2, # Use Next Gen Cloud Servers :rackspace_endpoint => Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::DFW_ENDPOINT, # Optional :connection_options => {} # Optional }) To learn more about obtaining cloud credentials visit the [Getting Started with Fog and the Rackspace Open Cloud](/getting_started.md) document. By default `Fog::Compute` will connect to the DFW region. Alternative regions can be specified using the key `:rackspace_endpoint ` with one of the following values:
Value Location
Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::DFW_ENDPOINT Dallas Region
Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::ORD_ENDPOINT Chicago Region
Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::LON_ENDPOINT London Region
***Note**: A`Fog::Compute` instance is needed for desired region.* ### Optional Connection Parameters Fog supports passing additional connection parameters to its underlying HTTP library (Excon) using `:connection_options`.
Key Description
:connect_timeout Connection timeout (default: 60 seconds)
:read_timeout Read timeout for connection (default: 60 seconds)
:write_timeout Write timeout for connection (default: 60 seconds)
:proxy Proxy for HTTP and HTTPS connections
:ssl_ca_path Path to SSL certificate authorities
:ssl_ca_file SSL certificate authority file
:ssl_verify_peer SSL verify peer (default: true)
## Fog Abstractions Fog provides both a **model** and **request** abstraction. The request abstraction provides the most efficient interface and the model abstraction wraps the request abstraction to provide a convenient `ActiveModel` like interface. ### Request Layer The request abstraction maps directly to the [Next Gen Cloud Servers™ API](http://docs.rackspace.com/servers/api/v2/cs-devguide/content/ch_preface.html). It provides the most efficient interface to the Rackspace Open Cloud. To see a list of requests supported by the service: service.requests This returns: :list_servers, :get_server, :create_server, :update_server, :delete_server, :change_server_password, :reboot_server, :rebuild_server, :resize_server, :confirm_resize_server, :revert_resize_server, :list_images, :get_image, :list_flavors, :get_flavor, :attach_volume, :get_attachment, :list_attachments, :delete_attachment] #### Example Request To request a list of flavors: response = service.list_flavors This returns in the following `Excon::Response`: [{"id"=>"2", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/2", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/2", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"512MB Standard Instance"}, {"id"=>"3", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/3", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/3", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"1GB Standard Instance"}, {"id"=>"4", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/4", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/4", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"2GB Standard Instance"}, {"id"=>"5", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/5", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/5", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"4GB Standard Instance"}, {"id"=>"6", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/6", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/6", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"8GB Standard Instance"}, {"id"=>"7", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/7", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/7", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"15GB Standard Instance"}, {"id"=>"8", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/8", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/8", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"30GB Standard Instance"}]}, @headers={"Date"=>"Mon, 21 Jan 2013 16:14:45 GMT", "Content-Length"=>"1697", "Content-Type"=>"application/json", "X-Compute-Request-Id"=>"req-0a1e8532-19b3-4993-8b48-cf2d9efe078c", "Server"=>"Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)"}, @status=200> To view the status of the response: response.status ***Note**: Fog is aware valid HTTP response statuses for each request type. If an unexpected HTTP response status occurs, Fog will raise an exception.* To view response body: request.body This will return: {"flavors"=>[{"id"=>"2", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/2", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/2", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"512MB Standard Instance"}, {"id"=>"3", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/3", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/3", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"1GB Standard Instance"}, {"id"=>"4", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/4", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/4", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"2GB Standard Instance"}, {"id"=>"5", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/5", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/5", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"4GB Standard Instance"}, {"id"=>"6", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/6", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/6", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"8GB Standard Instance"}, {"id"=>"7", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/7", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/7", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"15GB Standard Instance"}, {"id"=>"8", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/8", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/8", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"30GB Standard Instance"}]} To learn more about Compute request methods refer to [rdoc](http://rubydoc.info/gems/fog/Fog/Compute/Rackspace/Real#reboot_server-instance_method). To learn more about Excon refer to [Excon GitHub repo](https://github.com/geemus/excon). ### Model Layer Fog models behave in a manner similar to `ActiveModel`. Models will generally respond to `create`, `save`, `persisted?`, `destroy`, `reload` and `attributes` methods. Additionally, fog will automatically create attribute accessors. Here is a summary of common model methods:
Method Description
create Accepts hash of attributes and creates object. Note: creation is a non blocking call and you will be required to wait for a valid state before using resulting object.
save Saves object. Note: not all objects support updating object.
persisted? Returns true if the object has been persisted.
destroy Destroys object. Note: this is a non blocking call and object deletion might not be instantaneous.
reload Updates object with latest state from service
ready? Returns true if object is in a ready state and able to perform actions. This method will raise an exception if object is in an error state.
attributes Returns a hash containing the list of model attributes and values.
identity Returns the identity of the object. Note: This might not always be equal to object.id.
wait_for This method periodically reloads model and then yields to specified block until block returns true or a timeout occurs.
The remainder of this document details the model abstraction. ## List Images To retrieve a list of available images: service.images This returns a collection of `Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::Image` models: "https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/images/8a3a9f96-b997-46fd-b7a8-a9e740796ffd", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/images/8a3a9f96-b997-46fd-b7a8-a9e740796ffd", "rel"=>"bookmark"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.images.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/images/8a3a9f96-b997-46fd-b7a8-a9e740796ffd", "type"=>"application/vnd.openstack.image", "rel"=>"alternate"}] >, "https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/images/992ba82c-083b-4eed-9c26-c54473686466", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/images/992ba82c-083b-4eed-9c26-c54473686466", "rel"=>"bookmark"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.images.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/images/992ba82c-083b-4eed-9c26-c54473686466", "type"=>"application/vnd.openstack.image", "rel"=>"alternate"}] >, … ***Note**: In order to speed up access `service.images` does not retrieve all attribute values. To retrieve additional details you will either need to `reload` each individual image or use the request abstraction.* ## Get Image To retrieve individual image: service.images.get "8a3a9f96-b997-46fd-b7a8-a9e740796ffd" This returns an `Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::Image` instance: "ubuntu", "com.rackspace__1__visible_core"=>"1", "com.rackspace__1__build_rackconnect"=>"1", "auto_disk_config"=>"True", "com.rackspace__1__options"=>"0", "image_type"=>"base", "org.openstack__1__os_version"=>"12.10", "os_version"=>"12.10", "rax_options"=>"0", "com.rackspace__1__visible_rackconnect"=>"1", "org.openstack__1__os_distro"=>"org.ubuntu", "com.rackspace__1__visible_managed"=>"1", "com.rackspace__1__build_core"=>"1", "arch"=>"x86-64", "os_type"=>"linux", "org.openstack__1__architecture"=>"x64", "com.rackspace__1__build_managed"=>"1"}, disk_config="AUTO", links=[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/images/8a3a9f96-b997-46fd-b7a8-a9e740796ffd", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/images/8a3a9f96-b997-46fd-b7a8-a9e740796ffd", "rel"=>"bookmark"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.images.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/images/8a3a9f96-b997-46fd-b7a8-a9e740796ffd", "type"=>"application/vnd.openstack.image", "rel"=>"alternate"}] > ***Note**: This request populates all Image attributes.* ## List Flavors To retrieve a list of available flavors: service.images This returns a collection of `Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::Flavor` models: "https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/2", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/2", "rel"=>"bookmark"}] >, "https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/3", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/3", "rel"=>"bookmark"}] >, … ***Note**: In order to speed up access `service.flavors` does not retrieve all attribute values. To retrieve additional details you will either need to `reload` each individual flavor or use the request abstraction.* ## Get Flavor To retrieve individual flavor: service.flavor.get 2 This returns a `Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::Flavor` instance: "https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/2", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/2", "rel"=>"bookmark"}] > ***Note**: This request populates all Flavor attributes.* ## List Servers To retrieve a list of available servers: service.servers This returns a collection of `Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::Servers` models: "https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/servers/6a273531-8ee4-4bef-ad1a-baca963f8bbb", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/servers/6a273531-8ee4-4bef-ad1a-baca963f8bbb", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], metadata={}, personality=nil, ipv4_address="", ipv6_address="2001:4800:780e:0510:0fe1:75e8:ff04:c4a0", disk_config="AUTO", bandwidth=[], addresses={"public"=>[{"version"=>4, "addr"=>""}, {"version"=>6, "addr"=>"2001:4800:780e:0510:0fe1:75e8:ff04:c4a0"}], "private"=>[{"version"=>4, "addr"=>""}]}, flavor_id="2", image_id="33e21646-43ed-407e-9dbf-7c7873fccd9a" >, … ## Get Server To return an individual server: service.servers.get "6a273531-8ee4-4bef-ad1a-baca963f8bbb" This returns a `Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::Server` instance: "https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/servers/6a273531-8ee4-4bef-ad1a-baca963f8bbb", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/servers/6a273531-8ee4-4bef-ad1a-baca963f8bbb", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], metadata={}, personality=nil, ipv4_address="", ipv6_address="2001:4800:780e:0510:0fe1:75e8:ff04:c4a0", disk_config="AUTO", bandwidth=[], addresses={"public"=>[{"version"=>4, "addr"=>""}, {"version"=>6, "addr"=>"2001:4800:780e:0510:0fe1:75e8:ff04:c4a0"}], "private"=>[{"version"=>4, "addr"=>""}]}, flavor_id="2", image_id="33e21646-43ed-407e-9dbf-7c7873fccd9a" >, ... ## [Create Server](id:create_server) To create a server: flavor = service.flavors.first image = service.images.first server = service.servers.create(:name => 'fog-doc', :flavor_id => flavor.id, :image_id => image.id) This will return a `Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::Server` instance: "https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/servers/8ff308a6-e04a-4602-b991-ed526ab3b6be", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/servers/8ff308a6-e04a-4602-b991-ed526ab3b6be", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], metadata=nil, personality=nil, ipv4_address=nil, ipv6_address=nil, disk_config="AUTO", bandwidth=nil, addresses=nil, flavor_id=2, image_id="3afe97b2-26dc-49c5-a2cc-a2fc8d80c001" > Notice that our server contains several `nil` attributes. To see the latest status of the server, reload the instance like so: server.reload You can see that the server is currently 17% built: Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::Server id="8ff308a6-e04a-4602-b991-ed526ab3b6be", name="fog-server", created="2013-01-18T16:15:41Z", updated="2013-01-18T16:16:14Z", host_id="775837108e45aa3f2a58527c9c3b6160838078e83148f07906c933ca", state="BUILD", progress=17, user_id="296063", tenant_id="772045", links=[{"href"=>"https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/servers/8ff308a6-e04a-4602-b991-ed526ab3b6be", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/servers/8ff308a6-e04a-4602-b991-ed526ab3b6be", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], metadata={}, personality=nil, ipv4_address="", ipv6_address="", disk_config="AUTO", bandwidth=[], addresses={"public"=>[{"version"=>4, "addr"=>""}, {"version"=>6, "addr"=>"2001:4800:7810:0512:0fe1:75e8:ff04:94e4"}], "private"=>[{"version"=>4, "addr"=>""}]}, flavor_id="2", image_id="3afe97b2-26dc-49c5-a2cc-a2fc8d80c001" > We will be unable to preform any actions to this server until it reaches an `ACTIVE` state. Since this is true for most server actions, Fog provides the convenience method `wait_for`. Fog can wait for the server to become ready like so: server.wait_for { ready? } ***Note:** The `Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::Server` instance returned from the create method contains a `password` attribute. The **`password` attribute will NOT be present in subsequent retrievals** either through `service.servers` or `server.servers.get my_server_id`*. ### Additional Parameters The `create` method also supports the following key values:
Key Description
:disk_config The disk configuration value (AUTO or MANUAL). Refer to Next Gen Server API documentation - Disk Configuration Extension.
:metadata Hash containing server metadata
:personality File path and contents. Refer to Next Gen Server API documentation - Server Personality.
## Update Server Next Gen Cloud Servers™ will support updating the following attributes `name`, `access_ipv4_address`, and `access_ipv6_address`. To update these attributes: server.name = "batman" server.access_ipv4_address = "" server.access_ipv6_address = "fdbb:1717:4533:7c89:0:0:0:1" server.save Additional information about server access addresses can be found [here](http://docs.rackspace.com/servers/api/v2/cs-devguide/content/Server_Primary_Addresses-d1e2558.html). ***Note**: Updating the server name does not change the host name. Names are not guaranteed to be unique.* ## Delete Server To delete a server: server.destroy ***Note**: The server is not immediately destroyed, but it does occur shortly there after.* ## Metadata Metadata is accessed as an attribute on both `Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::Server` and `Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::Metadata::Image`. Metadata can be specified during creation of a server or an image. Please refer to [Create Server](#create_server) or [Create Image](create_image) sections for more information. This example demonstrates how to iterate through a server's metadata: server.metadata.each {|metadatum| puts "#{metadatum.key}: #{metadatum.value}" } Metadata can be retrieved and updated in a manner similar to a hash: server.metadata["os_type"] server.metadata["installed_ruby"] = "MRI 1.9.3" Metadata will also respond to `save` and `reload` like so: server.metadata.save server.metadata.reload ## Change Admin Password To change the administrator password: server.change_admin_password "superSecure" ## Reboot To preform a soft reboot: server.reboot To preform a hard reboot: server.reboot 'HARD' ## Rebuild Rebuild removes all data on the server and replaces it with the specified image. The id and all IP addresses remain the same. To rebuild a server: image = service.images.first server.rebuild image.id Additionally, the `rebuild` method will take a second parameter containing a hash with the following values:
Key Description
name Name of Server
flavorRef Flavor id
accessIPv4 IPv4 access address
accessIPv6 IPv6 access address
metadata Hash containing server metadata
personality File path and contents. Refer to Next Gen Server API documentation - Server Personality.
disk_config The disk configuration value (AUTO or MANUAL). Refer to Next Gen Server API documentation - Disk Configuration Extension.
## Resize Resizing a server allows you to change the resources dedicated to the server. To resize server flavor_id = service.flavor[2].id server.resize flavor_id #flavor_id should be your desired flavor During the resize process the server will have a state of `RESIZE`. Once a server has completed resizing it will be in a `VERIFY_RESIZE` state. We can use Fog's `wait_for` method to wait for this state like so: server.wait_for { ready?('VERIFY_RESIZE', ['ACTIVE', 'ERROR']) } In this case, `wait_for` is waiting for the server to become `VERIFY_READY` and will raise an exception if we enter an `ACTIVE` or `ERROR` state. Once a server enters the `VERIFY_RESIZE` we will need to call `confirm_resize` to confirm the server was properly resized or `revert_resize` to rollback to the old size/flavor. ***Note:** A server will automatically confirm resize after 24 hours.* To confirm resize: server.confirm_resize To revert to previous size/flavor: server.revert_resize ## [Create Image](id:create_image) To create an image of your server: image = server.create_image "back-image-#{server.name}", :metadata => { :environment => 'development' } The second parameter can be used to specify image metadata. This is an optional parameter. During the imaging process, the image state will be `SAVING`. The image is ready for use when when state `ACTIVE` is reached. Fog can use `wait_for` to wait for an active state like so: image.wait_for { ready? } ## List Attached Volumes To list Cloud Block Volumes attached to server: server.attachments ## Attach Volume To attach volume using the volume id: server.attach_volume "0e7a706c-340d-48b3-802d-192850387f93" If the volume id is unknown we can look it up using the Cloud Block Storage service. We will start by creating a `cbs_service` similar to our Compute Service: cbs_service = Fog::Rackspace::BlockStorage.new({ :rackspace_username => RACKSPACE_USER_NAME, # Your Rackspace Username :rackspace_api_key => RACKSPACE_API # Your Rackspace API key }) volume = cbs_service.volumes.first server.attach_volume volume, "/dev/xvdb" # name of device on server is optional The `attach_volume` method accepts a volume id `String` or `Fog::Rackspace::BlockStorage::Volume` instance. This example also demonstrates passing in the optional device name. Valid device names are `/dev/xvd[a-p]`. ## Detach Volume To detach a volume: server.attachments.first.detach ## Examples Example code using Next Gen Cloud Servers™ can be found [here](https://github.com/fog/fog/tree/master/lib/fog/rackspace/examples). ## Additional Resources * [fog.io](http://fog.io/) * [Fog rdoc](http://rubydoc.info/gems/fog/) * [Fog Github repo](https://github.com/fog/fog) * [Fog Github Issues](https://github.com/fog/fog/issues) * [Excon Github repo](https://github.com/geemus/excon) * [Next Gen Cloud Servers™ API](http://docs.rackspace.com/servers/api/v2/cs-devguide/content/ch_preface.html) ## Support and Feedback Your feedback is appreciated! If you have specific issues with the **fog** SDK, developers should file an [issue via Github](https://github.com/fog/fog/issues). For general feedback and support requests, send an email to: .