module Fog module Compute class HP class Real # Create a new server # # ==== Parameters # * name<~String> - Name of server # * flavor_id<~Integer> - Id of flavor for server # * image_id<~Integer> - Id of image for server. If block_device_mapping is passed, this is ignored. # * options<~Hash>: # * 'metadata'<~Hash> - Up to 5 key value pairs containing 255 bytes of info # * 'min_count'<~Integer> - Number of servers to create. Defaults to 1. # * 'max_count'<~Integer> - Max. number of servers to create. Defaults to being equal to min_count. # * 'key_name'<~String> - Name of keypair to be used # * 'security_groups'<~Array> - one or more security groups to be used # * 'personality'<~Array>: Up to 5 files to customize server # * 'file'<~Hash>: # * 'contents'<~String> - Contents of file (10kb total of contents) # * 'path'<~String> - Path to file (255 bytes total of path strings) # * 'accessIPv4'<~String> - IPv4 IP address # * 'accessIPv6'<~String> - IPv6 IP address # # ==== Returns # * response<~Excon::Response>: # * body<~Hash>: # * 'server'<~Hash>: # * 'addresses'<~Hash>: # * 'private'<~Array> - private and public fixed and floating ip addresses # * 'flavor'<~Hash> # * 'id'<~String> - id of the flavor # * 'links'<~Array> - array of flavor links # * 'id'<~Integer> - id of server # * 'image'<~Hash> - id of image used to boot server # * 'id'<~String> - id of the image # * 'links'<~Array> - array of image links # * 'links'<~Array> - array of server links # * 'hostId'<~String> # * 'metadata'<~Hash> - metadata # * 'name'<~String> - name of server # * 'accessIPv4'<~String> - IPv4 ip address # * 'accessIPv6'<~String> - IPv6 ip address # * 'progress'<~Integer> - progress through current status # * 'status'<~String> - current server status # * 'created'<~String> - created date time stamp # * 'updated'<~String> - updated date time stamp # * 'user_id'<~String> - user id # * 'tenant_id'<~String> - tenant id # * 'uuid'<~String> - uuid of the server # * 'config_drive'<~String> - config drive # * 'security_groups'<~Array of Hash> # * 'id'<~Integer> - id of the security group # * 'name'<~String> - name of the security group # * 'links'<~Array> - array of security group links # * 'key_name'<~String> - name of the keypair # * 'adminPass'<~String> - admin password for server def create_server(name, flavor_id, image_id, options = {}) data = { 'server' => { 'flavorRef' => flavor_id, 'imageRef' => image_id, 'name' => name } } l_options = ['metadata', 'accessIPv4', 'accessIPv6', 'key_name', 'config_drive', 'user_data']{|o| options[o]}.each do |key| data['server'][key] = options[key] end if options['personality'] data['server']['personality'] = [] for file in options['personality'] data['server']['personality'] << { 'contents' => Base64.encode64(file['contents']), 'path' => file['path'] } end end min_count = options['min_count'] || 1 max_count = options['max_count'] || min_count data['server']['min_count'] = min_count data['server']['max_count'] = max_count if options['security_groups'] data['server']['security_groups'] = [] for sg in options['security_groups'] data['server']['security_groups'] << { 'name' => sg } end end request( :body => Fog::JSON.encode(data), :expects => 202, :method => 'POST', :path => 'servers.json' ) end end class Mock def create_server(name, flavor_id, image_id, options = {}) response = response.status = 202 if options['security_groups'] sec_group_name = options['security_groups'][0] else sec_group_name = "default" end data = { 'addresses' => { "private"=>[{"version"=>4, "addr"=>Fog::HP::Mock.ip_address}] }, 'flavor' => {"id"=>"#{flavor_id}", "links"=>[{"href"=>"http://nova1:8774/admin/flavors/#{flavor_id}", "rel"=>"bookmark"}]}, 'id' => Fog::Mock.random_numbers(6).to_i, 'image' => {"id"=>"#{image_id}", "links"=>[{"href"=>"http://nova1:8774/admin/images/#{image_id}", "rel"=>"bookmark"}]}, 'links' => [{"href"=>"http://nova1:8774/v1.1/admin/servers/5", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"http://nova1:8774/admin/servers/5", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], 'hostId' => "123456789ABCDEF01234567890ABCDEF", 'metadata' => options['metadata'] || {}, 'name' => name || "server_#{rand(999)}", 'accessIPv4' => options['accessIPv4'] || "", 'accessIPv6' => options['accessIPv6'] || "", 'progress' => 0, 'status' => 'BUILD', 'created' => "2012-01-01T13:32:20Z", 'updated' => "2012-01-01T13:32:20Z", 'user_id' => Fog::HP::Mock.user_id.to_s, 'tenant_id' => Fog::HP::Mock.user_id.to_s, 'uuid' => "95253a45-9ead-43c6-90b3-65da2ef048b3", 'config_drive' => "", 'security_groups' => [{"name"=>"#{sec_group_name}", "links"=>[{"href"=>"http://nova1:8774/v1.1/admin//os-security-groups/111", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "id"=>111}], 'key_name' => options['key_name'] || "" }[:last_modified][:servers][data['id']] =[:servers][data['id']] = data response.body = { 'server' => data.merge({'adminPass' => 'password'}) } response end end end end end