#Next Generation Cloud Servers™ (compute_v2)
This document explains how to get started using Next Gneration Cloud Servers™ with Fog. It assumes you have read the [Getting Started with Fog and the Rackspace Open Cloud](/getting_started.md) document.
## Starting irb console
Start by executing the following command:
Once `irb` has launched you need to require the Fog library.
If using Ruby 1.8.x execute:
require 'rubygems'
require 'fog'
If using Ruby 1.9.x execute:
require 'fog'
## Create Service
Next, create a connection to the Next Gen Cloud Servers™:
service = Fog::Compute.new({
:provider => 'Rackspace', # Rackspace Fog provider
:rackspace_username => RACKSPACE_USER_NAME, # Your Rackspace Username
:rackspace_api_key => RACKSPACE_API, # Your Rackspace API key
:version => :v2, # Use Next Gen Cloud Servers
:rackspace_endpoint => Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::DFW_ENDPOINT, # Optional
:connection_options => {} # Optional
To learn more about obtaining cloud credentials visit the [Getting Started with Fog and the Rackspace Open Cloud](/getting_started.md) document.
By default `Fog::Compute` will connect to the DFW region. You can specify alternative regions using the key `:rackspace_endpoint ` with one of the following values:
Value |
Location |
Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::DFW_ENDPOINT |
Dallas Region |
Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::ORD_ENDPOINT |
Chicago Region |
Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::LON_ENDPOINT |
London Region |
**Note**: *A`Fog::Compute` instance is needed for desired region.*
### Optional Connection Parameters
Fog supports passing additional connection parameters to its underlying HTTP library (Excon) using `:connection_options`.
Key |
Description |
:connect_timeout |
Connection timeout (default: 60 seconds) |
:read_timeout |
Read timeout for connection (default: 60 seconds) |
:write_timeout |
Write timeout for connection (default: 60 seconds) |
:proxy |
Proxy for HTTP and HTTPS connections |
:ssl_ca_path |
Path to SSL certificate authorities |
:ssl_ca_file |
SSL certificate authority file |
:ssl_verify_peer |
SSL verify peer (default: true) |
## Fog Abstractions
Fog provides both a **model** and **request** abstraction. The request abstraction provides the most efficient interface and the model abstraction wraps the request abstraction to provide a convenient `ActiveModel` like interface.
### Request Layer
The request abstraction maps directly to the [Next Gen Cloud Servers™ API](http://docs.rackspace.com/servers/api/v2/cs-devguide/content/ch_preface.html). It provides the most efficient interface to the Rackspace Open Cloud.
To see a list of requests supported by the service:
This returns:
:list_servers, :get_server, :create_server, :update_server, :delete_server, :change_server_password, :reboot_server, :rebuild_server, :resize_server, :confirm_resize_server, :revert_resize_server, :list_images, :get_image, :list_flavors, :get_flavor, :attach_volume, :get_attachment, :list_attachments, :delete_attachment]
#### Example Request
To request a list of flavors:
response = service.list_flavors
This returns in the following `Excon::Response`:
[{"id"=>"2", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/2", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/2", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"512MB Standard Instance"}, {"id"=>"3", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/3", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/3", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"1GB Standard Instance"}, {"id"=>"4", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/4", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/4", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"2GB Standard Instance"}, {"id"=>"5", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/5", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/5", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"4GB Standard Instance"}, {"id"=>"6", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/6", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/6", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"8GB Standard Instance"}, {"id"=>"7", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/7", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/7", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"15GB Standard Instance"}, {"id"=>"8", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/8", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/8", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"30GB Standard Instance"}]}, @headers={"Date"=>"Mon, 21 Jan 2013 16:14:45 GMT", "Content-Length"=>"1697", "Content-Type"=>"application/json", "X-Compute-Request-Id"=>"req-0a1e8532-19b3-4993-8b48-cf2d9efe078c", "Server"=>"Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)"}, @status=200>
To view the status of the response:
**Note**: *Fog is aware valid HTTP response statuses for each request type. If an unexpected HTTP response status occurs, Fog will raise an exception.*
To view response body:
This will return:
{"flavors"=>[{"id"=>"2", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/2", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/2", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"512MB Standard Instance"}, {"id"=>"3", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/3", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/3", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"1GB Standard Instance"}, {"id"=>"4", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/4", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/4", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"2GB Standard Instance"}, {"id"=>"5", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/5", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/5", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"4GB Standard Instance"}, {"id"=>"6", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/6", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/6", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"8GB Standard Instance"}, {"id"=>"7", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/7", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/7", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"15GB Standard Instance"}, {"id"=>"8", "links"=>[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/8", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/8", "rel"=>"bookmark"}], "name"=>"30GB Standard Instance"}]}
To learn more about Compute request methods refer to [rdoc](http://rubydoc.info/gems/fog/Fog/Compute/Rackspace/Real#reboot_server-instance_method). To learn more about Excon refer to [Excon GitHub repo](https://github.com/geemus/excon).
### Model Layer
Fog models behave in a manner similar to `ActiveModel`. Models will generally respond to `create`, `save`, `persisted?`, `destroy`, `reload` and `attributes` methods. Additionally, fog will automatically create attribute accessors.
Here is a summary of common model methods:
Method |
Description |
create |
Accepts hash of attributes and creates object.
Note: creation is a non blocking call and you will be required to wait for a valid state before using resulting object.
save |
Saves object.
Note: not all objects support updating object. |
persisted? |
Returns true if the object has been persisted. |
destroy |
Destroys object.
Note: this is a non blocking call and object deletion might not be instantaneous.
reload |
Updates object with latest state from service. |
ready? |
Returns true if object is in a ready state and able to perform actions. This method will raise an exception if object is in an error state. |
attributes |
Returns a hash containing the list of model attributes and values. |
identity |
Returns the identity of the object.
Note: This might not always be equal to object.id.
wait_for |
This method periodically reloads model and then yields to specified block until block returns true or a timeout occurs. |
The remainder of this document details the model abstraction.
## List Images
To retrieve a list of available images:
This returns a collection of `Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::Image` models:
"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/images/8a3a9f96-b997-46fd-b7a8-a9e740796ffd", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/images/8a3a9f96-b997-46fd-b7a8-a9e740796ffd", "rel"=>"bookmark"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.images.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/images/8a3a9f96-b997-46fd-b7a8-a9e740796ffd", "type"=>"application/vnd.openstack.image", "rel"=>"alternate"}]
"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/images/992ba82c-083b-4eed-9c26-c54473686466", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/images/992ba82c-083b-4eed-9c26-c54473686466", "rel"=>"bookmark"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.images.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/images/992ba82c-083b-4eed-9c26-c54473686466", "type"=>"application/vnd.openstack.image", "rel"=>"alternate"}]
**Note**: *In order to speed up access `service.images` does not retrieve all attribute values. To retrieve additional details you will either need to `reload` each individual image or use the request abstraction.*
## Get Image
To retrieve individual image:
service.images.get "8a3a9f96-b997-46fd-b7a8-a9e740796ffd"
This returns an `Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::Image` instance:
"ubuntu", "com.rackspace__1__visible_core"=>"1", "com.rackspace__1__build_rackconnect"=>"1", "auto_disk_config"=>"True", "com.rackspace__1__options"=>"0", "image_type"=>"base", "org.openstack__1__os_version"=>"12.10", "os_version"=>"12.10", "rax_options"=>"0", "com.rackspace__1__visible_rackconnect"=>"1", "org.openstack__1__os_distro"=>"org.ubuntu", "com.rackspace__1__visible_managed"=>"1", "com.rackspace__1__build_core"=>"1", "arch"=>"x86-64", "os_type"=>"linux", "org.openstack__1__architecture"=>"x64", "com.rackspace__1__build_managed"=>"1"},
links=[{"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/images/8a3a9f96-b997-46fd-b7a8-a9e740796ffd", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/images/8a3a9f96-b997-46fd-b7a8-a9e740796ffd", "rel"=>"bookmark"}, {"href"=>"https://ord.images.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/images/8a3a9f96-b997-46fd-b7a8-a9e740796ffd", "type"=>"application/vnd.openstack.image", "rel"=>"alternate"}]
**Note**: *This request populates all Image attributes.*
## List Flavors
To retrieve a list of available flavors:
This returns a collection of `Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::Flavor` models:
"https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/2", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/2", "rel"=>"bookmark"}]
"https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/3", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/3", "rel"=>"bookmark"}]
**Note**: *In order to speed up access `service.flavors` does not retrieve all attribute values. To retrieve additional details you will either need to `reload` each individual flavor or use the request abstraction.*
## Get Flavor
To retrieve individual flavor:
service.flavor.get 2
This returns a `Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::Flavor` instance:
"https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/flavors/2", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/flavors/2", "rel"=>"bookmark"}]
**Note**: *This request populates all Flavor attributes.*
## List Servers
To retrieve a list of available servers:
This returns a collection of `Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::Servers` models:
"https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/servers/6a273531-8ee4-4bef-ad1a-baca963f8bbb", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/servers/6a273531-8ee4-4bef-ad1a-baca963f8bbb", "rel"=>"bookmark"}],
addresses={"public"=>[{"version"=>4, "addr"=>""}, {"version"=>6, "addr"=>"2001:4800:780e:0510:0fe1:75e8:ff04:c4a0"}], "private"=>[{"version"=>4, "addr"=>""}]},
## Get Server
To return an individual server:
service.servers.get "6a273531-8ee4-4bef-ad1a-baca963f8bbb"
This returns a `Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::Server` instance:
"https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/servers/6a273531-8ee4-4bef-ad1a-baca963f8bbb", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/servers/6a273531-8ee4-4bef-ad1a-baca963f8bbb", "rel"=>"bookmark"}],
addresses={"public"=>[{"version"=>4, "addr"=>""}, {"version"=>6, "addr"=>"2001:4800:780e:0510:0fe1:75e8:ff04:c4a0"}], "private"=>[{"version"=>4, "addr"=>""}]},
## Create Server
To create a server:
flavor = service.flavors.first
image = service.images.first
server = service.servers.create(:name => 'fog-doc', :flavor_id => flavor.id, :image_id => image.id)
This will return a `Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::Server` instance:
"https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/servers/8ff308a6-e04a-4602-b991-ed526ab3b6be", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/servers/8ff308a6-e04a-4602-b991-ed526ab3b6be", "rel"=>"bookmark"}],
Notice that your server contains several `nil` attributes. To see the latest status, reload the instance like so:
You can see that the server is currently 17% built:
links=[{"href"=>"https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2/772045/servers/8ff308a6-e04a-4602-b991-ed526ab3b6be", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"https://dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com/772045/servers/8ff308a6-e04a-4602-b991-ed526ab3b6be", "rel"=>"bookmark"}],
addresses={"public"=>[{"version"=>4, "addr"=>""}, {"version"=>6, "addr"=>"2001:4800:7810:0512:0fe1:75e8:ff04:94e4"}], "private"=>[{"version"=>4, "addr"=>""}]},
You will be unable to perform any actions to this server until it reaches an `ACTIVE` state. Since this is true for most server actions, Fog provides the convenience method `wait_for`.
Fog can wait for the server to become ready as follows:
server.wait_for { ready? }
**Note**: *The `Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::Server` instance returned from the create method contains a `password` attribute. The `password` attribute will NOT be present in subsequent retrievals either through `service.servers` or `server.servers.get my_server_id`*.
### Additional Parameters
The `create` method also supports the following key values:
Key |
Description |
:disk_config |
The disk configuration value (AUTO or MANUAL). Refer to Next Gen Server API documentation - Disk Configuration Extension. |
:metadata |
Hash containing server metadata. |
:personality |
File path and contents. Refer to Next Gen Server API documentation - Server Personality. |
## Update Server
Next Gen Cloud Servers™ support updating the following attributes `name`, `access_ipv4_address`, and `access_ipv6_address`.
To update these attributes:
server.name = "batman"
server.access_ipv4_address = ""
server.access_ipv6_address = "fdbb:1717:4533:7c89:0:0:0:1"
Additional information about server access addresses can be found [here](http://docs.rackspace.com/servers/api/v2/cs-devguide/content/Server_Primary_Addresses-d1e2558.html).
**Note**: *Updating the server name does not change the host name. Names are not guaranteed to be unique.*
## Delete Server
To delete a server:
**Note**: *The server is not immediately destroyed, but it does occur shortly there after.*
## Metadata
You can access metadata as an attribute on both `Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::Server` and `Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::Metadata::Image`. You can specify metadata during creation of a server or an image. Please refer to [Create Server](#create_server) or [Create Image](#create_image) sections for more information.
This example demonstrates how to iterate through a server's metadata:
server.metadata.each {|metadatum| puts "#{metadatum.key}: #{metadatum.value}" }
You can update and retrieve metadata in a manner similar to a hash:
server.metadata["installed_ruby"] = "MRI 1.9.3"
Metadata also responds to `save` and `reload` as follows:
## Change Admin Password
To change the administrator password:
server.change_admin_password "superSecure"
## Reboot
To perform a soft reboot:
To perform a hard reboot:
server.reboot 'HARD'
## Rebuild
Rebuild removes all data on the server and replaces it with the specified image. The id and all IP addresses remain the same.
To rebuild a server:
image = service.images.first
server.rebuild image.id
Additionally, the `rebuild` method will take a second parameter containing a hash with the following values:
Key |
Description |
name |
Name of Server |
flavorRef |
Flavor id |
accessIPv4 |
IPv4 access address |
accessIPv6 |
IPv6 access address |
metadata |
Hash containing server metadata |
personality |
File path and contents. Refer to Next Gen Server API documentation - Server Personality. |
disk_config |
The disk configuration value (AUTO or MANUAL). Refer to Next Gen Server API documentation - Disk Configuration Extension. |
## Resize
Resizing a server allows you to change the resources dedicated to the server.
To resize a server:
flavor_id = service.flavor[2].id
server.resize flavor_id #flavor_id should be your desired flavor
During the resize process the server will have a state of `RESIZE`. Once a server has completed resizing it will be in a `VERIFY_RESIZE` state.
You can use Fog's `wait_for` method to wait for this state as follows:
server.wait_for { ready?('VERIFY_RESIZE', ['ACTIVE', 'ERROR']) }
In this case, `wait_for` is waiting for the server to become `VERIFY_READY` and will raise an exception if we enter an `ACTIVE` or `ERROR` state.
Once a server enters the `VERIFY_RESIZE` we will need to call `confirm_resize` to confirm the server was properly resized or `revert_resize` to rollback to the old size/flavor.
**Note:** *A server will automatically confirm resize after 24 hours.*
To confirm resize:
To revert to previous size/flavor:
## Create Image
To create an image of your server:
image = server.create_image "back-image-#{server.name}", :metadata => { :environment => 'development' }
You can use the second parameter to specify image metadata. This is an optional parameter.
During the imaging process, the image state will be `SAVING`. The image is ready for use when when state `ACTIVE` is reached. Fog can use `wait_for` to wait for an active state as follows:
image.wait_for { ready? }
## List Attached Volumes
To list Cloud Block Volumes attached to server:
## Attach Volume
To attach volume using the volume id:
server.attach_volume "0e7a706c-340d-48b3-802d-192850387f93"
If the volume id is unknown you can look it up using the Cloud Block Storage service. Start by creating a `cbs_service` similar to our Compute Service:
cbs_service = Fog::Rackspace::BlockStorage.new({
:rackspace_username => RACKSPACE_USER_NAME, # Your Rackspace Username
:rackspace_api_key => RACKSPACE_API # Your Rackspace API key
volume = cbs_service.volumes.first
server.attach_volume volume, "/dev/xvdb" # name of device on server is optional
The `attach_volume` method accepts a volume id `String` or `Fog::Rackspace::BlockStorage::Volume` instance. This example also demonstrates passing in the optional device name. Valid device names are `/dev/xvd[a-p]`.
## Detach Volume
To detach a volume:
## Examples
Example code using Next Gen Cloud Servers™ can be found [here](https://github.com/fog/fog/tree/master/lib/fog/rackspace/examples).
## Additional Resources
* [fog.io](http://fog.io/)
* [Fog rdoc](http://rubydoc.info/gems/fog/)
* [Fog Github repo](https://github.com/fog/fog)
* [Fog Github Issues](https://github.com/fog/fog/issues)
* [Excon Github repo](https://github.com/geemus/excon)
* [Next Gen Cloud Servers™ API](http://docs.rackspace.com/servers/api/v2/cs-devguide/content/ch_preface.html)
## Support and Feedback
Your feedback is appreciated! If you have specific issues with the **fog** SDK, you should file an [issue via Github](https://github.com/fog/fog/issues).
For general feedback and support requests, send an email to: .